Pres. Maduro | “I can send evidence, testimonies of how they attack us”

  • 2 months ago
Venezuelan reelected President Nicolas Maduro offers statements from Miraflores Palace, in an international press conference.


00:00For I could present, I told that President, with the one I talked to,
00:06I could have sent you thousands of evidence, testimonies, thousands of videos of how they attacked us,
00:15schools, hospitals, CDI.
00:22Some people perhaps don't understand. CDI is just like a clinic,
00:27of a regular size, public clinics, health care centers, public, they're called centers of
00:34integral diagnosis, schools, bus unities, mayor, city halls, headquarters of a socialist unified
00:47party, radio stations, warehouse, club warehouse that supplies the markets for the homes of
00:58Venezuela, more than seven million homes, metro stations, bus stations that were recently recovered
01:08with the most beautiful technology,
01:10pedestrians, and leaders. Only in Caracas yesterday we counted 3,600 leaders of the
01:25socialist party that were attacked in their houses with their families, son, daughters, families,
01:34only yesterday, and Miranda we were counting like 4,000. How can you call this, it's not,
01:43it doesn't, don't you remember about the Nazis? They didn't come here, they didn't send here the
01:48SS, so I think everybody knows what the SS was, they didn't send the Gestapo here, they sent the
01:54delinquents funded that they paid with drugs and dollars, billions of dollars,
02:00the so-called comanditos.
