Love Island UK S11 EP 2

  • 2 months ago
Love Island UK S11 EP 2


00:00Previously, on Love Island, 12 sexy singles arrived in paradise, and first impressions.
00:17I now want you to rate each other. You've been selected. You two can just swap around
00:21for me. You're at the top. Thanks guys. Girls, from most to least, head over and join your
00:27boys. Thanks. Girls, go near the bar. Created the couple. The grafting began. If you would've
00:35had to couple up with someone, who would you? It'd be you. Was it? I'm saying, would you
00:39couple up with me? Your lips are crazy. And the way you're looking at me, it's like, what
00:45does she think? But a special delivery from Essex was sent in to shop. What are you saying,
01:08please? Out of the dark, into the light. Joey Essex has just walked into the villa. Genius
01:37left field booking, or embarrassing security breach. Put it this way, the front door guard
01:42has been placed on indefinite leave. Hello, Joey. Welcome to the Love Island villa. What
01:47are you doing here? Are you looking for love? I'm looking for love, Maya. No, this isn't
01:50happening. What? And yeah, this is the perfect place to be like. There's no other place but
01:57Love Island to find love, so I'm here. That's nice. So he's not a passing visit. He's actually
02:04So Joey, you have six gorgeous girls in front of you. Do you like what you see? I do like
02:16what I see. Yeah, quite a lot, actually. Anyone giving you a little twinkle in your eye yet?
02:21Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah, a little twinkle in someone's eye, for sure. Well, Joey, in
02:2724 hours, you will have the opportunity to steal one of these beautiful girls. Sick.
02:34But with great power comes great responsibility. Because the boy left single after your decision
02:55will be dumped from the island immediately. That's raw. Enjoy the next 24 hours in the
03:14villa, everyone. Because for one of you boys, it will be your last. Bye for now. Enjoy.
03:40Nice to meet you, man. What's your name? Joey. Lovely to meet you, man. Nice to meet you,
03:43man. Kieran. Kieran. Nice to meet you. Joey, bro. Nice to meet you. Nice to see you. You too.
03:48Nice to meet you. I'm Jess. Nice to meet you, Jess. Joey. Nice to meet you. I'm Nicole. Nicole,
03:53yeah. Hey. Nice to meet you, Nicole. What's that name, bro? That jacket's hard. I like that, man.
03:58Obviously, Joey coming in, the boys are scrambling. He ain't very good looking.
04:02That's a complete lie. We're all shitting ourselves, to be honest. Girls, what is going on?
04:10Hello. Nice to meet you. Me, me. Nice to meet you. Two kisses. Me, me. Joey Essex might be
04:15the biggest plot twist to happen on Love Island. The boys are definitely shaking a little bit. I
04:21could sense a little bit of tension, Joey. I could hear a little bit of, oh, no, oh, no. I was like,
04:27yeah, it's peak. Sorry, guys. I'm shocked. Come on, girls. Come on, darling. I did not expect
04:35that to do. Talk about a bombshell. Talk about a first bombshell. I'm just glad it's not a girl.
04:42It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy.
04:47We can chill now. Right, can we just say, yeah, who fancies me? Come on, guys. Put your hand.
04:53Hands up if you fancy Joey Essex. Do you still fancy him? No, I do, but I think there's got to be
04:59more to it. It comes across a bit. No, I don't like him. He's a proper Essex. He's got a nice,
05:05like, sexy, confident energy. You can tell he's a confident guy, so that is attractive. I'll tell
05:11you what, they're buzzing. Are they? Who are you feeling, Joey and Boyette? Obviously, I'm keeping
05:20my options open, ain't I? Do you know what I mean? I'm looking for someone. I'm looking for a
05:25future wife. I'm not looking for no sighting or just like a part-time thing. I can't believe I've
05:31got to break one of you boys up. When I heard that, I said, pardon? But on that note, I'm going to go
05:39talk to the girls, but don't get shook. I'll come with you. Joey Essex coming in is definitely a
05:46curveball. I think he's got eyes for a few girls, so I'm a bit nervous. I can't lie. Girls! Oh,
05:54hi! Did he say who he was vibing off for? He said your bed. Oh, my God, you smell. My God,
06:04it smells so nice here. It smells like flowers. That's just that aroma. So, how are you lot,
06:08then? So, what's going on? All right, yeah. Just been chatting about you. Have you? Yeah,
06:12you do it like you don't know. Positive things, good things. So, tell me, where are you all from?
06:20What are you saying? You're definitely a Scarcer, for sure. South Wales. Wait,
06:26South Wales, I'm terrible with geography. Is that Cardiff? Yeah, it's Cardiff and Swansea,
06:30it's in between. How are you boys feeling about that, though? It is what it is. I've enjoyed my
06:36time here already, so I'm ready to go. I'll just message you on the outside, boys. The main thing
06:43about it, the thing is, he can choose anyone. No question, bro. The thing is, as well, it's like,
06:48it's just his choice. It's like the girls can turn around and just go, no. I know he probably
06:52wouldn't, but... I mean, I'm 21, you can't just take my beard like that. I wanted to come here
06:58and just feel free and just enjoy myself and just to get to know everyone on a level. Also,
07:03I want people to get to know me on a level, as well, just for who I am as a person,
07:06do you know what I mean? So, what do you want to get out of it? Love. Yeah? I hope so, yeah. I mean,
07:11obviously, yeah. I mean, obviously, people have come out of here with a wife, do you know what I
07:14mean? Yeah. Kids and families, yeah. I have got to nick someone's girl. I'm not really going to feel
07:22that bad about doing it, you know? That's what I'm here for. The priority for me is to find a girl
07:27that I have a connection with and, yeah, and I'll get on with. I'm 33, so I'm actually ready,
07:33I'm in my prime. I'm ready for this, do you know what I mean? Yeah, I love kids. So, yeah,
07:40here I am. I love Ireland. Thank you. You're welcome. You know what I mean? Making dreams
07:45come true. Sick. Right, time for the first game of the series, and it's theirs with a twist,
07:56because in this one, the Islanders each have to pick a random phone out of a box. How it's
08:01a party in Mayfair where we did a bit of phone slopping. I ended up in a hotel room with a
08:06lovely chap called Gruber. Such soft hands. Nicole. No, I knew that was going to be me.
08:14Come on. Fake an orgasm for 30 seconds.
08:20Nicole, Nicole, Nicole, Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. I can't. I can't do any more.
08:33Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.
08:41That's mortifying.
08:51Snog the Islander you would rather be coupled up with.
09:02Morning, morning, it's just the two of us.
09:06Baby, what we could do it all.
09:14Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
09:21That was too silly, bro.
09:24How are you? Choose an Islander of the opposite sex to give a lap dance to.
09:32Oh, you're a dancer. This better be good.
09:43Stop, and then she turns around and she keeps going.
09:47And when I thought she was definitely done, she turns around and gives me a little peck.
10:06Snog two Islanders that you would most like to have a threesome with.
10:11Oh, my God.
10:13I feel bad now.
10:24I felt bad, but it was kind of good at the same time. So it's nice, refreshing.
10:29Yeah, Mimi, come here.
10:32We're up here burning me.
10:37It is fashionable. That's real life.
10:40We're watching something happen right here, right now.
10:43Oh, my God, it just got so real so quick.
10:46Yeah, I'll give him his accolades.
10:51Toby boy.
10:56Give it to me. Tell me.
10:58Give me the most juice.
11:01Snog the three Islanders you fancy the most for ten seconds each.
11:07Who wants to get snogged?
11:19Hey, Joey, that's ten seconds, boy.
11:22I had a little kiss with Joey, which was a lot of teeth.
11:32Oh, OK.
11:34Mr Essex is a very good kisser, and he's very attractive.
11:39That's all I'm going to say right now.
11:41And let's go, let's go.
11:47There's a good chance maybe one of us are going home come tomorrow,
11:50but we're going to have to wait and see.
11:52Right now there's a few nervous heads.
11:56Straight in. Straight in.
12:01Straight in.
12:10The dares game is well and truly under way.
12:12Don't be too much longer, guys.
12:14My toddler needs that pink potty back.
12:16It's nearly time for plopsies.
12:20Seductively suck the fingers or toes of the two Islanders
12:23you fancy the most.
12:25OK, cool, everyone can keep their shoes on
12:27because there are no toes going in my mouth tonight.
12:30Give me a finger.
12:36She's choking on it, are you?
12:41She left it a little bit soggy, I'm not going to lie.
12:43It looks like I've been in the bath for about ten hours.
12:53That was nice.
12:54He won't wash his hands for weeks now.
12:56Was that seductive? I think it was.
13:01Kiss the neck and nibble the ear of the Islander
13:04who you think is the most tasty.
13:18I'm so excited for this one.
13:22Snog two Islanders of the opposite sex
13:24that you'd most like to share a bed with.
13:39Right, I don't know where anyone sat, so I'm going to...
13:53Kissing Ciaran was the best kiss.
13:55Even though I kissed Joe Yesics,
13:57like, I kissed Joe Yesics,
13:59but I think Ciaran, like...
14:01But we won't tell him that.
14:12Snog the Islander who you had an instant connection with.
14:18You need to hide for this one.
14:20Come on, Samantha!
14:35My first kiss with Ronnie was cute.
14:37As soon as I met Ronnie, like, we just clicked straight away, so...
14:40Ronnie boy.
14:45Snog the two Islanders who you think have the best body.
14:51She's talented, she's good with kids...
14:57That's way too close to my liking.
14:59I know you love me
15:01And I know it's crazy
15:03But every time you call my name
15:05I think you mistake me for her
15:07He didn't pick me.
15:09Do you know what I mean?
15:19The game's over and the girls want to hear from me!
15:22Well, let's see, I thought it was a good game, it had its moments...
15:25Oh, you won't believe this.
15:27I've misread it again.
15:29They want to hear from Mimi.
15:31Let's start from...
15:33Your snogs.
15:35All I was seeing is, like, real love.
15:37Didn't want it to be so soon, but, do you know what I mean?
15:40Love, that's just a game.
15:42They looked cute, there was emotional, there was passionate...
15:45I was actually seeing fireworks, they were.
15:48I'm seeing, like, a start or something.
15:50Good icebreaker, right?
15:52Who did Joey kiss again?
15:54Nicole and Simone.
15:56Wait, are we all...?
16:02Oh, yikes.
16:04So, that's one of us.
16:06So, one of us is going home.
16:08I think it's been decided.
16:10For me, top two now is Ronnie and Sian.
16:12Well, just speak to them both.
16:14See what happens.
16:16They're both, like, ticking boxes at the minute,
16:18but I think Ronnie's wandering eye is probably something that...
16:21Really? You think?
16:23Who do you think he's got a wandering eye for?
16:25No, I mean, in general.
16:27Not now, he speaks to anyone, do you know what I mean?
16:29I think he'd be someone that potentially might have one.
16:32And you don't want one now?
16:34I don't think so.
16:36What about you?
16:38Kicking off strong, we had Ronnie.
16:40Also, as I said before, I did fancy him a little bit,
16:42so I was like, maybe you might throw me a chat or whatever,
16:44but then he just kissed me, so here we are.
16:46Anyway, then...
16:48Kieran was good. Obviously, I'm covered up with him,
16:50so it's like, he kind of had to kiss me.
16:52No, he didn't.
16:54No, he didn't. He didn't have to kiss you at all.
16:56Are you vibing with your partners, by the way?
16:58Yeah, I am, to be fair. I'm vibing quite well.
17:00I think it's early days, to be fair.
17:02Well, one of us are going in 20...
17:04Well, not you, your son.
17:06This is going to be one of the boys' last 24 hours,
17:08so you've got to make the most of it.
17:10That's true.
17:12That was an eye-opener. You coming in, I thought,
17:14I mean, something else coming along,
17:16but instead, 24 hours, one of you boys have gone.
17:20It was like, shit, you've got to get it done now.
17:22You've got to just enjoy everything now.
17:24Yeah, yeah.
17:26Like I say, if I was in your shoes, I'd do the exact same.
17:28It is what it is, innit?
17:30Go on, tell us about your one. What did you have?
17:32Oh, the first connection.
17:34I don't know, with Ronnie, like, on the first day,
17:36as soon as it was, like, bang, get it,
17:38it was like, oh, he's got her.
17:40How was yours?
17:42It was all right.
17:44How many snuggles did you have?
17:48That was good.
17:50Any of them give you any twinges?
17:52The main twinges.
17:58Do you?
18:00I do, yeah.
18:02I felt more passionate with Kieran.
18:04I was like, yeah.
18:06And, like, Joey's really nice. I'm just tomorrow going to see...
18:08We've got loads of boys to talk to.
18:14What did you think of the task?
18:20Joey rocking out, that was a bit mad, innit?
18:22Yeah, he's not my type, I don't think.
18:26No. Nice boy, but he's not my type.
18:28Good, cos you ain't never know.
18:30I'll let him know.
18:32Are you all right on that? You're looking all nice.
18:34Thank you.
18:36So, are you all sweet with everything?
18:38I'm happy with how things are going, yeah.
18:40First kiss. I'm not going to complain.
18:42First kiss done.
18:44We had a first kiss down there. What did you rate out of ten?
18:48What was the room for improvement?
18:50I don't know. Do you want to see now?
18:52It's only a kiss.
18:54Don't read anything.
18:56What it wants, what it wants, what it wants, what it wants,
18:58what it wants till it doesn't.
19:00A 9.7.
19:02A little...
19:04A little 9.7 there.
19:08What room is there for improvement there?
19:10There's always room for improvement, innit?
19:12Well, wait, you don't know what I'm going to rate you.
19:16A major room for improvement.
19:18Right, it's a good start, innit? I'm enjoying it.
19:20Yeah, I think we get on well, don't we?
19:22Yeah, we do.
19:30So, obviously, it's early days,
19:32but I think we get on well.
19:34There's definitely some kind of chemistry there.
19:36I think we balance off each other.
19:38It's nice to be coupled up with someone that you find good-looking
19:40and that you get on well with.
19:42I think Jaz likes him.
19:46Do you? Yeah.
19:50Jaz kissed a footballer and now she's going to spill the beans.
19:52Well, hold your horses, Jess.
19:54I've got a friend at a Sunday newspaper
19:56who'll bung you a grand for a story like that.
19:58Some goss.
20:00So, Ronnie just took me up to the terrace.
20:02Oh, my God, stop.
20:04Yeah, and he was just, like, chatting about the challenge
20:06and how we're getting on.
20:08And, obviously, it's so early days.
20:10And I was like, what would you rate the kiss?
20:12And he was like, 9.6.
20:14And I was like, 9.6?
20:16I was like, I'm sorry, but why 9.6?
20:18That's not good.
20:20So, we can have a kiss now.
20:24In the terrace?
20:26Yeah, so I kissed him on the terrace.
20:28But it's a kiss at the end of the day.
20:30That connection is a huge thing, isn't it?
20:32Do you feel that, though?
20:34Yeah, it was a good kiss.
20:36So, you were in the terrace.
20:38You were quiet.
20:42No-one suspected anything.
20:44We're not doing anything wrong,
20:46but it's probably the first kiss on the terrace.
20:48I think they're all a bit shocked, you know.
20:50I think they are.
20:52Get it in there before he might be dumped.
20:56I wasn't really expecting a kiss on the terrace.
20:58But the thing is, in the moment,
21:00if you feel like it, you go with it, don't you?
21:02Maybe we've set the bar now.
21:04Maybe everyone will be going up there, who knows?
21:06But I hope Ronnie is not expecting any more tonight.
21:08He's on his side, I'm on my side.
21:10Invisible pillow.
21:12I'm turning this way, he's turning that way.
21:14End of story, and good night.
21:16It's so nice to have Joey Essex on the show.
21:18You never really see him on the telly.
21:20Well, unless you watch Celebrity SAS,
21:22Celebs Go Dating, I'm a Celebrity,
21:24Celebrity X on the Beach, The Jump,
21:26Educating Joey Essex, Celebrity MasterChef,
21:28or Towie. But other than that,
21:30Joey's never really on the telly.
21:32In the couples you're in, are you happy?
21:34Do you know what, though? My one surprised me a bit.
21:36Who are you with?
21:40She's cool, man.
21:42We had a little snog up there earlier.
21:44Did you, yeah?
21:52How are we feeling with Ronnie?
21:54We had a little kiss then up there.
21:56Was it nice? It was a good kiss, yeah.
22:02Joey, how was your first night going?
22:04Kissing three girls
22:06in like 30 seconds.
22:0810 seconds each? I just did it.
22:10I was like, who's next?
22:12My mum's going to be looking back on this
22:14thinking my daughter's just kissed Joey Essex.
22:22Someone's going home tomorrow.
22:24Shit, yeah.
22:26It's sad, isn't it? Cos I like all the boys.
22:42Oh, look at everyone in their couples.
22:44It's so cute.
22:46Love your couple, Joey.
22:48I'm going to cuddle with my pillow all night.
22:50Night, everyone!
22:52Night, everyone!
23:12Night, everyone!
23:24It's the morning after
23:26Joey arrived at the villa.
23:28Funny how Joey's surname is where he's from.
23:30I was saying that to my mate,
23:32Brian 17 High Street Norwich.
23:34Oh, good old
23:36Brian 17 High Street Norwich.
23:44Morning, Islanders!
23:48How are we all feeling?
23:52Anyone have any cuddles?
23:54She tried touching me, but I said no.
23:56Give it a rest.
23:58I was like, no.
24:02Did I snore?
24:04You snored.
24:06Does she?
24:08OK, good.
24:10How are you feeling about your decision, Joey?
24:12You've got a mate tonight?
24:14Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, really.
24:16Obviously got to do a bit of grafting today.
24:18I'm shitting myself.
24:30Thank you, Ronnie.
24:32I kissed someone last night.
24:36Ronnie took me to the terrace last night.
24:38I'm a cheeky snog.
24:40Yeah, it's only snog, isn't it?
24:42What did you think about it, Joey?
24:44It was a go.
24:48Sweet salesman, Sean,
24:50aka the Candyman's up on the terrace
24:52with Nicole and Samantha,
24:54and there's something he wants to share.
24:56Oh, is it Quality Street?
24:58A family pack of Skittles?
25:00Oh, no, it's just gossip.
25:02They had a kiss up here last night, to be fair.
25:06A cheeky kiss.
25:08Who kisses on the first night?
25:10What are you feeling about Joey?
25:12Yeah, no, Joey's gorgeous.
25:14I like that he's in his 30s.
25:16I'd be mature and settled.
25:18He's got his stuff together.
25:20You can see he's in here for the right reasons.
25:22How are you feeling about today?
25:24What about?
25:26Are you feeling to chat to anyone?
25:28I'm just, yeah, chatting to everyone,
25:30but it's like...
25:32What about a week?
25:34One of it is very much friendly, do you know what I mean?
25:38Obviously, you know, you're the front-runner at the moment.
25:40You're a bit mysterious.
25:42I'm not.
25:44We haven't dug in deep yet.
25:46Oh, OK.
25:48But so far, so good.
25:50I owe.
25:54I don't know, maybe I feel a little giddy or whatever.
25:56At the moment,
25:58he's literally the top-runner for me.
26:00You look nice today.
26:02You are.
26:04What, sexy?
26:06You look like a 9.7.
26:08It's all right, you're like a 7.5.
26:10You've earned 5.5 points.
26:14I might even get a better one, what do you reckon?
26:16What, another kiss tonight?
26:18What do you reckon?
26:20We'll see.
26:22We'll see if you play your cards right.
26:24Yeah, one of them.
26:28You all right?
26:30Sorry to disturb you, but Jess, can we go for a chat?
26:32Of course we can. Where do you want to go?
26:34Is there anyone sat over there?
26:36We could go over there if you want.
26:38I mean, you don't have to stay, you're going to stay where you are.
26:40I'll stay here.
26:42Joey's come in here and he's got to pick a girl,
26:44so obviously he's going to have a chat with Jess
26:46because she's an attractive-looking girl,
26:48do you know what I mean?
26:50She probably ticks a few of these boxes.
26:52He's got to make a choice.
26:54And hopefully he doesn't choose Jess,
26:56but if he does, here's what it is, I'll give it a good crack.
26:58How's everything going with you, then, you and Ronnie?
27:00I'm very...
27:02I'm like an open book, me, I'm quite a loud person,
27:04quite a confident person,
27:06I just, if I feel something, I'll just go with it.
27:08I actually feel that from you, I look for confidence in girls.
27:10Yeah, but I hold their own, don't they?
27:12Yeah, I feel like, like I always say, yeah,
27:14I actually want a girl who's like quite...
27:16like a strong girl, do you know what I mean?
27:18Yeah, a strong woman.
27:20Yeah, of course.
27:22I was raised by a single mum, so...
27:24Was you? Yeah.
27:26She was like my best friend growing up.
27:28Really, yeah? Yeah, she still is now.
27:30My dad passed away a few years ago.
27:32I'm sorry to hear that. It's all right.
27:34But, like, it was me and my mum.
27:36She's like my best mate.
27:38So my mum passed away when I was ten, yeah.
27:40I'm sorry, that's awful.
27:42I always feel like when people say...
27:44it makes you feel more awkward, doesn't it?
27:46But I'm OK to talk, I don't mind talking about it.
27:48I've always been like, obviously it's not nice,
27:50do you know what I mean?
27:52It's never nice to grow up without a girlfriend.
27:54Since when you actually do speak about things,
27:56it's like, oh, it doesn't actually...
27:58you know, it's better to...
28:00Did you only find you spoke about it when you got older?
28:02Yeah, when I was 30, yeah.
28:04Was that what it was? Yeah, when I was 30, yeah.
28:06That's incredible. Yeah, strong woman.
28:08Strong woman. Confident. Confident.
28:10Yeah, I like that. This goes on.
28:12I actually do really like that, it's nice.
28:14But obviously, like I'm saying, I feel like...
28:16I do get a vibe that you quite like Ronnie, though, no?
28:18Yeah, I do like Ronnie.
28:20We had a little kiss yesterday, but it was just...
28:22It was just, like, a kiss, wasn't it?
28:24After the... Upstairs at the balcony.
28:26I've been dead open with him,
28:28and he's obviously the same with me,
28:30where, yeah, we're getting on, probably more than anyone else in here,
28:32however, I'm not going to close myself off,
28:34I'd be stupid to do that.
28:36Would you say you're fully open, though?
28:38100%, yeah.
28:40And I think he is as well.
28:42I need to be able to give everyone else that chance as well,
28:44to see if there's something else there with someone.
28:52People say Joey's not the sharpest tool in the box.
28:54I disagree!
28:56Although he did just mix up his sun cream
28:58with Samantha's double-shot caramel latte.
29:00I'm glad you're here.
29:02You've good vibes.
29:04I feel like it's, like, being, I don't know,
29:06Cockney and Scouse, they just get on well, don't they?
29:10So who's your... Who are you, er...
29:12Who have you got your eyes on, anyway?
29:14No-one. Really?
29:16There's not one person here at all?
29:18No, obviously you, yeah, but... Yeah.
29:20Other than that, no-one. Yeah.
29:22Well, I've definitely got my eyes on you.
29:24Have you? Thanks, Creed. Yeah, no, I just...
29:26You're a nice girl, I can tell.
29:28Dunno, it's, like, there's just no-one here my type.
29:30Yeah, well, it's early days as well, isn't it?
29:32Yeah, it's early days, but...
29:34Like, Sam, we're all coupled up with God love him.
29:36He's just... He's too cool for me.
29:38He's the one with all the tattoos. He's got a mullet.
29:40Oh, cool, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's too cool for me.
29:42You really don't like that mullet, do you? No, I hate it.
29:44You know they're in, the personality? No, he's a lovely boy.
29:46Lovely boy, yeah. Have you got all the boys?
29:51That was wild last night.
29:53I can't believe I was here for, like, literally under an hour
29:55and I snogged three girls.
29:57I was like, oh, my God. We had too much tea.
29:59We've got too much tea. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:01I'll eat your tooth, innit?
30:03Just had a chat with Samantha.
30:05She is such a lovely girl.
30:07We just get along. And she's a sort.
30:09So, Joey thinks Samantha's a sort,
30:11and it turns out Kieran and Sam think Nicole's a sort,
30:14while Candyman Sean thinks the girls are licorice all sorts.
30:18I've got loads of these.
30:20So, what it is, fucking Joey coming in and whatnot,
30:23it's like I actually really don't want to go.
30:25It's his decision, do you know what I'm saying?
30:27So it's like... That's the worst part.
30:30I know, that's the thing, it's not even like the girls
30:32can actually say anything about it.
30:34Do you know what I mean? But then I'm like, shit,
30:36because Samantha's, like, been talking to Joey loads.
30:39And I'm like, fuck!
30:41I think we've always got to keep our wits about us.
30:43There's only so much we can do as well, though. Yeah.
30:46I thought I'd be calm with it, you know what I mean?
30:48I haven't had too much of a good time, like,
30:50I just don't want to go yet.
30:52I think I'll, like, chat to Nicole tonight, maybe.
30:54I just think her vibe, her chat, like, everything about her is perfect.
30:57Oh, she's lovely. Yeah, she is lovely.
30:59You can tell, like, in her eyes, like, love and caring. Yeah, definitely.
31:03I still don't really know who, er...
31:06..who I like. Really?
31:08But, yeah, so, obviously you're coupled up with Kieran.
31:12Yeah, OK, Kieran, yeah.
31:14Who would you say, OK, top three?
31:16So you're saying Kieran would be your top, and who's number two?
31:20Probably you. Me? Yeah.
31:22Come on. Come on. All right, yeah, OK.
31:25Tell me about your...your kiss.
31:27Why did you pick me?
31:29Was it just, like, an in-the-moment, like...?
31:31It was an in-the-moment thing. Yeah.
31:33I felt like I did gravitate towards...
31:35I can't believe I'm using that word so much recently,
31:37I don't even really know what it means. Gravitate?
31:39Is that, like, a gravity? Yeah, like, pulls you in a little bit.
31:42Gravitate... What is it again? Gravitated. Gravitated.
31:45I was gravitating towards you,
31:47I was gravitating towards Nicole and Samantha. Yeah.
31:50Yeah, so I just sort of went for it,
31:52and, yeah, I feel like I picked the right girls, to be fair.
31:55Yeah, that's good. Yeah, I'm excited.
31:57Yeah, I know, that is exciting.
31:59There's no other island better than Love Island to fly and laugh, is there?
32:02True. You're a lot different to, like, what I expected.
32:05Really, yeah? Yeah, I'm pleasantly surprised.
32:07You're in a good way. Yeah, good way. Yeah, nice.
32:09Yeah. We're ticking a few boxes, Joe.
32:11Yeah, so are you, so are yourself, Harriet.
32:13Ticking a few boxes, you seem like a lovely girl.
32:24Tonight, Joie will choose a girl and her partner will lead the villa.
32:28I've written a poem to capture the gravitas of this moment.
32:32If your girl gets picked by the lad from Towie,
32:35pack your bags and bugger off nowie.
32:39Tired of all my mind games
32:41I play along with you
32:43It's been a pleasure, though, boys, isn't it, already?
32:45Who's excited for tonight, girls?
32:47I feel a bit nervous.
32:49And everybody knows
32:51When you're bulletin about to go
32:53Need a way out, ready to reload
32:56You know if I quickly show you my wallet off,
32:59do you think it's a man for war?
33:03One last go.
33:05You know what? One last go.
33:07One last go.
33:11Oh, bro, I love you to bits.
33:19Yeah, I'm going to be in bed with a girl tonight.
33:21I don't know whose girl, though.
33:24Who's on the card, bro?
33:26Give us a name.
33:28Who do you think?
33:30Honestly, I know you could be absolutely anyone.
33:32See that smirk on his face?
33:38The island is my oyster tonight, boys.
33:41We're going deep into the sea.
33:48Big night tonight.
33:52Let's turn it up.
33:57Obviously, someone's night is going to get cut short tonight.
34:00It's not what I wanted to do,
34:03but I'm going to do it.
34:06Yeah, cheers to that.
34:15As he prepares to make his decision,
34:17Joey's talking to Samantha.
34:19Now, I'm not saying Samantha's starstruck,
34:21but she's been trying to sneak a photo of him for the past 15 minutes.
34:24Obviously, the boys are a little bit on edge, I guess.
34:29I'm getting on with all the boys so well, do you know what I mean?
34:32Obviously, I'm going to have to send one of them home.
34:34That's intense.
34:35Do you know what I mean? All this build-up, coming here,
34:37wanting to find love, do you know what I mean?
34:39Do you want to find love? I want to find love, yeah.
34:41Do you? Of course, yeah.
34:44I mean, I don't think I can be any more ready to find love.
34:47Yeah, I know. I think so. Genuinely.
34:49Are you going grey yet? No.
34:51I felt it. I hope not. Am I? No, you're not.
34:53You're actually not. I know, it's mad, isn't it?
34:55Yeah. And you're not this evening either.
34:57I know. You've had to touch, haven't you?
34:59When I shaved it off, I thought to myself...
35:01I like the skin. Do you like it better than my long hair?
35:03Mm. Do you?
35:04Yeah. I like the skin, actually.
35:06This haircut's called a suede head. Oh. Genuinely.
35:08Like a suede. Yeah, because, look, feel it, it's like suede.
35:11It does feel like... Oh, my God, it does. Yeah.
35:13Is it like a two all over? Keeping it ream, innit?
35:17I didn't say it, either. My hair is looking...
35:22I would like for Joey to pick me tonight.
35:24I fancy him more now.
35:26It's the age thing I love, like, he's older than me
35:28and he's like a proper fella, a man.
35:30Do you know what I mean?
35:35Let it!
35:37Who's your top two B in the villa?
35:39You and Ronnie.
35:41Oh, you've just made this whole thing a whole lot harder, man.
35:44Just go with, like, who you fancy the most
35:46and whoever, like, you've had a good chat to. Yeah.
35:49When Ron heard Jess worked in M&S, he ran to the hideaway,
35:53grabbed a whip and a gift mask and handcuffed himself to the bed.
35:56You got the letters the wrong way round, you muppet.
35:59I had a conversation with Joey earlier.
36:01I don't want him to pick me.
36:03I know, but it's like, what do you do, like?
36:07It's a bit of a wheel, innit?
36:09There's nothing you can do, but obviously it wouldn't be ideal.
36:12No. Cos I don't, obviously, want you to go.
36:15No, of course.
36:16Obviously, after today, I feel like we're a bit clearer on, like,
36:19how we're feeling, do you know what I mean?
36:21I don't know, it's only that second day,
36:23but for me to have, like, the energy and the bounce off each other
36:26like we do, if I have that straightaway,
36:28obviously it means it's going somewhere.
36:30I think it's going down the right route.
36:32Obviously, the only thing that's going to stop it is obviously...
36:35Is tonight. I think he kind of knows where I'm at.
36:38Yeah, yeah, 100%.
36:40So we'll see, won't we, but fingers crossed he doesn't pick me.
36:43Yeah, if not, see you on the other side.
36:45See you in Rome. I'm not choosing that.
36:48Joey's talking to Nicole now, and I'm not saying she's starstruck,
36:52but she is secretly recording him for her new podcast series
36:55The Night I Met Joey Essex In Spain.
36:58I just feel like I'm ready to get it done now, do you know what I mean?
37:01I know, I know. You know?
37:03I've got to be ruthless, but I've got to be respectfully...
37:06Yeah, that's the difference. ...respectfully ruthless.
37:09That's the difference. That's the one.
37:11I think people are too scared to open up a bit in here,
37:14to, like, gander at everyone, cos they're a bit...
37:16Yeah, well, you mean because they want to play it safe?
37:18Safe, yeah, everything's a bit safe.
37:20Do you feel like you're playing it safe or not?
37:22On my way. Wait, do you fancy Kieran?
37:25Mm. Do you?
37:26He's all right. He's in the top, like, three. Is he, yeah?
37:29Yeah. There's a few people in here I like off.
37:31From one to three, what are you saying, though?
37:33If number one's your... I'm not telling you off.
37:35Number one's your favourite. No, I'm not telling you off.
37:37No. Nicole, you've got to tell me. No, I'm not telling you.
37:39Why not? No. Why?
37:41Cos I don't know myself, I'm so... Come on, mate, you've got to be open.
37:44I just know there's an area.
37:46So it's, like, not one, two, three, there's an area. Mm.
37:49And there's two or three in here, maybe.
37:53Am I in it? Yeah. Am I? Yeah.
37:55I'll find you fit. Am I one or two?
37:57Oh, shut up, I'm not telling you. You can say that.
37:59No, I'm not telling you. You can. I'm not telling you.
38:01You can just say, yeah, you're one or two. No, I'm not telling you.
38:03Well, if I'm three, that's sore. Yeah, all right, one or two.
38:06Oh, yeah, yeah. Shut up. Shut up.
38:09Joey is really good-looking, like, he's not my usual type,
38:13but, you know, the way he's so confident and the way he holds himself,
38:17I think it's just starting to change my mind a bit.
38:20Yes, Harriet? Hello, Joey.
38:22You all right?
38:25Do you want to go to the terrace? Go on, then. For a little chat?
38:30That's me fucked.
38:35There's a lot riding on Joey's decision,
38:37you know, the anticipation of waiting,
38:40so, you know, he's just got all the power today.
38:44I feel like a lot of people, including myself, are probably liking that.
38:50You OK? Yeah. How are you feeling?
38:53Good. How are you feeling? Good, good.
38:57Yeah, I'm just, er...
38:59I'm just ready to get this done now.
39:01Mm. Do you think you've made your decision?
39:03It's mad, because I feel like, as the night has just got closer and closer
39:07to this happening, my decision has just changed slightly.
39:11I know, yeah.
39:12Because, obviously, I've seen, like, people, like,
39:16getting closer to their couple, and I don't know whether that's because...
39:20They know what's coming. Maybe, yeah.
39:22But, listen, I'm going to be respectfully ruthless, for sure, but...
39:25Yeah, I love that. Yeah, do you know what I mean?
39:27You're giving mature vibes, so... Am I?
39:29Are you so mature now? Yeah.
39:31I do fancy the mature vibes. Do you?
39:33Aha. I fancy your little mature vibes as well.
39:35Do you? Really? OK, good.
39:37What's your mind saying now, then? I don't know.
39:39I don't want to give too much away, but I obviously...
39:41What? I'm already saying Kieran and Ye.
39:44No, because, like, yesterday, in the challenge,
39:46you can't really kiss someone properly, do you know what I mean? I know.
39:49I snogged you last, didn't I? No second!
39:51Are you sick of... Has it been forgot? Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
40:05HE GASPS I got a text!
40:07Oh, boy!
40:08Oh, shit!
40:10Oh, no, it's time.
40:12Can all islanders gather around the fire pit immediately?
40:15Let's go.
40:17Aw! Showtime! Let's go!
40:51Joey, it's now time to make your decision.
41:04Be hard.
41:22I've decided to couple up with this girl
41:25because I feel like my 24 hours in this villa with her
41:32has been the most flirtatious.
41:42It's obviously been tough because I have obviously got to know
41:45all you girls on a nice level
41:48and obviously got to know all you boys on a cool level.
41:52I feel like we're tight, we're getting on really well,
41:55but this is Love Island.
42:06I had to go with my heart
42:08and I feel like it's definitely the right decision.
42:18So the girl I would like to steal is...
42:57I had to do what I had to do.
43:03Sam, you are now single,
43:05therefore you have been dumped from the island.
43:11Please pack your bags and say your goodbyes.
43:22I feel so awful, honestly, I can't even tell you.
43:25Seriously, it's fucking hilarious.
43:27Oh, my God, bro.
43:31You can still blame me whenever you want, Tav.
43:34Just take care of yourself.
43:36Tav, mate, sorry, bro.
43:50OK, don't be upset. Yeah.
43:52I just feel like... No, no, no.
43:55You're fine. Don't even worry about it, OK?
43:57There's nothing you can... It's done now. Yeah, it's done.
44:00It's not on you. Obviously, like, it is sad.
44:02I feel like I get about quite quick
44:04and I just feel like me and Sam just didn't have that vibe, unfortunately.
44:09Does he feel that?
44:10After tonight, I think we all realised, like,
44:13at any moment, you lot could be gone,
44:15so fucking crack on, just have a laugh.
44:19On the money, man! On the money!
44:41All right, I'll see you all in a bit.
44:46I'm definitely feeling mixed emotions right now,
44:49but I kind of saw it coming.
44:51I think for Joey, I think it was the right decision for him.
44:54I think they had plenty in common and there's definitely something there.
44:57Obviously, a bit shit for me, but...
44:59You know what I mean? It can't help it.
45:09Tomorrow night...
45:11Go to the hideaway.
45:13..the Grafting...
45:14Well, I do fancy it. I think I've made it a bit obvious now.
45:17You're a dancer, innit? Go on, give us a dance, then.
45:19..gets serious...
45:21Paddy has just booked me.
45:22I'm going to take Joey to the hideaway.
45:25..and tensions...
45:26A bit spiteful, isn't it? A little petty.
45:28..begin to rise...
45:31I think that's massively out of the order.
45:43I'll see you at the same time tomorrow, then.
45:45That's 9pm here on ITV2 for brand-spanking-new Love Island.
45:48Make a note to stick around after.
45:50We've got an all-new series of the brilliant Tell Me Everything.
45:53That's at 5 past 10 here on ITV2 on Thursday.
45:56But strap yourselves in for a superhero...