• last year


00:00Not the shrinking cat, Grandpa!
00:06Catch me if you can!
00:11Thanks, Grandpa!
00:30It was another sunny day in the sunny sands.
00:58Down at the mill on the marsh, there was great excitement because Mr Mentor had invented a new game called Binky Bonky Boo.
01:07Binky Bonky Boo, what do I have to do?
01:12One, two, three!
01:15We all wanted to know what Josh had to do.
01:18And Binky Bonky Boo told me I had to dance!
01:21He has to dance!
01:23Show us some cool moves, Josh!
01:25Come on, up you get!
01:27Just then, Aunt Jules came downstairs.
01:30I don't think I've ever had to change a bed so quickly.
01:32I'll be expecting a new guest then.
01:34Yes, last minute booking. Just one single lady, shouldn't be too much bother. I'm sure we'll barely know she's here.
01:40Sounds like her now.
01:44Uncle CJ opened the front door and in came...
01:47Miss Pansy Petunia, lovely to meet you. I'm Jules.
01:51I don't shake hands, you might have germs.
01:55Did you have a good journey?
01:57No, the flight was a disaster. I'm sure I sat next to a man with germs.
02:02Oh dear, sorry to hear that. Let me take your case to your room.
02:06Come and meet the rest of the family.
02:08There's Grandpa, my niece and nephew, Wolfie the dog.
02:12You have old people, children and animals here?
02:16I didn't realise that.
02:18I couldn't possibly meet them, they might have germs.
02:22So, Aunty Jules took Miss Pansy Petunia into the kitchen instead.
02:30And gave her tea and cake.
02:34There, that should make you feel better.
02:36Oh, not a bit of it. I'm feeling very poorly.
02:40My head is thumping, my tummy is gurgling and my water bottle has gone cold.
02:46Yes, this was what it was like looking after...
02:50Poorly, Pansy Petunia.
02:56Aunty Jules had an idea.
02:58If you're that poorly, perhaps you should see a doctor.
03:01Doctors? I've seen hundreds of doctors.
03:05They all say there is nothing the matter with me.
03:08Doctors are usually right.
03:10Not in my case, they are all fools.
03:13Look at me. You can see how I am very, very, very poorly.
03:21Just then, Mr Mentor came to say goodbye.
03:24I've come to say goodbye.
03:26When she saw him, Miss Pansy Petunia forgot all about feeling poorly.
03:30Is it? It can't be, surely.
03:33It is! It is Mr Mentor the Inventor.
03:39The most remarkable inventor in the universe.
03:43So they say. And you are, dear lady?
03:46Miss Pansy Petunia, one of your biggest fans.
03:51Oh, don't touch me. You might give me germs.
03:57Oh well, I must be off. Cheerio, sir.
04:02Oh, after all the excitement of meeting Mr Mentor, I'm feeling very poorly.
04:11I need to lie down now.
04:14I'll show you to your room.
04:16It must have a big window and a balcony so the germs can escape.
04:20Do you have a room like that?
04:22Only the sitting room.
04:25So soon, the sitting room looked like this.
04:31Anything else you need?
04:33Yes, I want you to disinfect everywhere in case there are any germs.
04:38I'll get my rubber gloves.
04:41This has gone cold. Leave it with me.
04:48We'd been sent down to the kitchen with our binky-bonky-boo game.
04:52I don't understand it. The mill on the marsh is perfectly clean.
04:56We don't have any germs, do we, Wolfie?
04:59Do you think that Miss Pansy Petunia is really poorly or is she just a terrible worrier?
05:05I think she's a terrible worrier. She seems perfectly fine to me.
05:08She's seen hundreds of doctors and they all say there's nothing the matter with her.
05:11Doctors are usually right.
05:13The only person she seems to like is Mr Mentor, the inventor.
05:16Well, if he can invent a machine that told her there's nothing the matter with her, it might put her mind at rest.
05:20CJ, that's a brilliant idea.
05:22I'll phone Mr Mentor now and ask him if he can invent one for us.
05:26Tell him I'll help him too. I'll pull my bike.
05:28See? I'm not just a pretty face.
05:31I think I'll come with you, Jason. This is a tricky job.
05:34And the more help Mr Mentor gets, the better.
05:37But Grandpa, you'll never make it up all the lighthouse stairs.
05:41I will if I'm in Jason's pocket.
05:43Not the shrinking cap, Grandpa!
05:46Catch me if you can!
05:51Do you know what happens when Grandpa shrinks?
05:54He runs and jumps about everywhere.
05:57And hides in funny places.
06:01He uses his magic to make our toys go.
06:04Like the car.
06:08And the plane.
06:15And the Sunny Sands train.
06:22He can even make Mrs Ostrich fly.
06:27But today he was going in Jason's pocket.
06:30In you go, Grandpa.
06:33Good luck! Bye!
06:36Mr Mentor was starting work straight away.
06:38Oh, I see Grandpa's gone for a little lie down. I don't blame him.
06:45And soon Jason and Grandpa were at Mr Mentor's lighthouse.
06:51Oh, this is such fun!
06:53I've never invented something that can tell you what the matter is.
06:56I really hope it works.
06:57If Miss Pansy Petunio can stop thinking she's poorly, she can get out and have a nice holiday.
07:01It'll work alright, and it'll be fab-idiculous!
07:04Mr Mentor doesn't just invent things, he invents words too.
07:09Grandpa jumped out of Jason's pocket and was watching.
07:15Back at the mill on the marsh...
07:17Feeling any better?
07:19No, it's just that there are germs everywhere.
07:24It's making me feel very poorly indeed.
07:27How long are you planning to stay?
07:30Until I feel better, and that could take a very long time.
07:37Back at the lighthouse, the invention was soon finished.
07:44I'm going to call it my whizzy-woodlesome, what's-the-matter chatterer.
07:48But will it work?
07:50It was time to find out.
07:52Oh, now we must test it, Jason.
07:54Now you stand in front of it, like so.
07:56So Jason stood ready, and Mr Mentor pressed the button.
08:01Grandpa was crossing fingers.
08:03Time we had a natter. Time we did some chatter.
08:06Time for you to tell us if something is the matter.
08:09Here's my bit of chatter.
08:11There's a lot the matter.
08:13You have blocked-up nosy-rosy-tosy-itis.
08:15Blocked-up nosy-rosy-tosy-itis?
08:17That sounds very serious. You poor thing.
08:19Oh, no, no, there's nothing the matter with me.
08:21That means the invention's not working properly.
08:23Oh, I see.
08:25Oh, well, that's a relief.
08:27Um, maybe you need some time to think about it.
08:30Why don't we, um, look out the window while we're waiting?
08:35Brillioso idea.
08:36My inventions often start working when I'm looking out of the window.
08:39This was Grandpa's chance to help.
08:43He ran across the floor,
08:45jumped onto the table,
08:47and climbed into the invention.
08:50After a few moments, Jason turned round to see if Grandpa was ready.
08:54And he was.
08:56I think we've waited long enough. Are you ready to try again?
09:00Grandpa got right inside so he couldn't be seen.
09:03And Mr Mentor pressed the button.
09:08Time we had a natter. Time we did some chatter.
09:11Time for you to tell us if something is the matter.
09:14Here's my bit of chatter.
09:16Nothing is the matter.
09:19Which is true.
09:20Oh, fabidiculous. It works.
09:22You were right. It just needed a bit of time to think about it.
09:25Thanks, Mr Mentor.
09:27But I better be getting back to Miss Pansy Petunia.
09:29Oh, yes, you must.
09:30Oh, best of luck. And do give her my love.
09:33So, Jason gave Miss Pansy Petunia the what's-the-matter chatterer.
09:39Mr Mentor invented this specially for me?
09:44Actually, it was my idea.
09:47You chat to it and it tells you what the matter is.
09:50If Mr Mentor invented it, it's bound to be correct.
09:53He's the most remarkable inventor in the universe.
09:57Yes, we know.
10:00Jason pressed the button.
10:03Time we had a natter. Time we did some chatter.
10:06Time we did some chatter.
10:07Time for you to tell us if something is the matter.
10:10Here's my bit of chatter.
10:13Nothing is the matter.
10:18Are you sure?
10:19Absolutely nothing is the matter with Miss Pansy Petunia.
10:25And there are no germs at the mill on the marsh.
10:30No germs?
10:32Well, I never!
10:35Isn't that fantastic news?
10:40You know what?
10:42Now that I know there's nothing the matter with me,
10:46I'm not feeling poorly anymore.
10:51In fact, I've never felt better in my life.
10:56I'm going to go to the lighthouse and thank Mr Mentor.
11:00And then I'm going to have the most wonderful holiday!
11:10I'll give you a lift in Campo.
11:13Oh dear, she's still wearing her nightie.
11:15I'd better tell her.
11:17So off rushed Aunty Jules.
11:19As soon as it was safe,
11:21Grandpa dumped out of the whizzy-woodison what's-the-matter chatterer.
11:26Cup off! Quick, Grandpa!
11:31We did it!
11:32We did! Just like old times, eh?
