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00:00Our Great High Priest Clothing expresses the character and purpose
00:06of the wearer.
00:07In Joshua 5 verse 13 to Joshua 6 verse 2, The commander of the army of the Lord comes,
00:14with the Lord dressed for the part.
00:17The dress declares the person.
00:19So Aaron wears the priestly garments the Lord designs for holiness, glory and beauty, to
00:24declare what the wearer should be.
00:27First, a priest is qualified to wear the ephod.
00:31The ephod does not seem to have any other significance than to be the distinctive priestly
00:37Secondly, the back and front of the ephod are joined by shoulder straps on which are
00:41the engraved stones, so that on his shoulders the priest carries the names of his people.
00:47A picture of the final reality of our priest living forever to make intercession for us.
00:53The third garment, the woven band, is loosely held to the front of the ephod by gold cords
00:58linking it to the shoulder stones and gold rings linking it to the woven band.
01:03The addition of gold in the priest's case marks him as divine.
01:07A requirement which, like all the others, was unfulfilled until Jesus came.
01:13The priest carrying of names on his heart before the Lord is another way of saying that
01:17he is responsible for their welfare.
01:20The stones put in the breastpiece and called Urim and Thumm and Stan for the ideal reality
01:25of the Lord's people as he sees them.
01:28Functionally, these stones were a mechanism of guidance whereby the Lord answered yes
01:32or no questions or refused to answer.
01:35These particular verses do not mention the stones but the reference to the ephod implies
01:40their use.
01:41In verses 29-30 the phrase breastplate of judgment has the basic meaning of decision
01:48The priest is the divinely intended decision maker of his people, responsible for bringing
01:53them safely to their homeland.
01:56The fifth priestly garment is the robe of the ephod, designed for the practical purpose
02:00of assuring hearers that the priest is alive and active.
02:04The sixth garment, the turban or headpiece, is only mentioned as the place where the seventh
02:09item, the beautiful medallion of holiness, is set, anticipating the holy perfection of
02:16And as the holy one our priest can indeed bear our iniquity, because he meets the requirement
02:21for the Lamb to be perfect.
02:24Reflection The Lord Jesus Christ is our wisdom.