Danganronpa Staffel 1 Folge 1 HD Deutsch

  • 2 months ago
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01:14These authentic pompous school overrides all surrounding buildings
01:19hopes peak private academy
01:21man can
01:22Wissenschaft sport kunst und event management studieren die schule versammelt spitzenschüler aus allen bereichen und hilft ihnen noch besser zu werden
01:30Es ist eine staatlich anerkannte private akademie. Ich bin nur ein einfacher junge
01:36ob ich da mithalten kann
01:40Ich glaube ich hatte einfach nur glück
01:48Was soll's mein high school leben beginnt jetzt ich sollte mir nicht so viele gedanken machen
02:04Überall finsternis so hat alles begonnen und mein friedliches leben war auf einmal vorbei
02:13Ich hätte es eigentlich merken müssen
02:17Es war nicht gerade der glückspilz der hauptei ehrlich gesagt hatte ich sogar unglaubliches pech
02:38Ein klassenzimmer aber warum überwachungskamera eine steinplatte
02:46Es bewegt sich nicht
02:50Zum teufel bin ich hier
03:30Hallo du bist genauso neu hier wie alle anderen auch
03:38Diese schule hier macht echten komischen eindruck jetzt sind wir schon 15
03:45Das sind hoffentlich endlich alle
03:49Du hättest hier bereits um 8 uhr blicken lassen sollen
03:55Kalt wird hier groß geschrieben aber nicht so ein scheiß
04:01Wen interessiert schon ob jemand mündlich ist keiner hat den schimmer warum wir hier sind
04:07Bist du zufällig auch in einem klassenraum aufgewacht ja bin ich und ich habe keine ahnung wieso habe ich mir gedacht
04:14Genau das gleiche ist uns auch passiert. Wir waren alle bewusstlos und dann kam einer nach dem anderen in die aula
04:24Ist doch ein komischer zufall irgendwas stimmt nicht mit diesem ort
04:31Das erinnert mich an meine zeit im knast ja mit dem unterschied dass wir verkidnappt wurden
04:39Vielleicht wollen sie ja unsere organe veröffentlichen
04:44Verkaufen ich denke ja dass wir in einer ganz besonderen klasse sind
04:50Es ist ja auch eine besondere schule oder leute wir sollten uns da nicht fest
04:57Meiner meinung nach sollten wir rausfinden was hier vor sich geht
05:05Das sind alles eliteschüler die von der haupei ausgewählt wurden
05:14Ich bin hässlich was guckt er denn so blöde
05:23Macht doch ein foto
05:31Ja was willst du
05:33Ist gut
05:39Du bist mal kurze oder wir waren auf der gleichen grundschule
05:47Wie schön endlich jemand den ich kenne was also ich meine du kannst dich an mich erinnern
05:57Wir haben drei jahre lang dieselbe schule besucht das vergesse ich doch nicht ich erinnere mich natürlich auch
06:02Es ist nur du warst so sehr beliebt und ich war genau das gegenteil davon verstehst du
06:12Nein so war das doch überhaupt nicht gemeint entschuldige
06:18Klar wusste ich doch
06:23Wollt ihr zwei den ganzen tag rum turteln oder kümmern wir uns endlich um die wichtigen sachen wichtige sachen warum sind wir alle hier versammelt
06:32Wir sollten herausfinden wer hinter dem ganzen steckt
06:37Was so was mich interessiert wo ist eigentlich mein handy
06:44Ich kann mein telefon auch nicht finden sie haben wohl alle eingesagt jetzt schiebt man nicht alle so eine para
06:50Wir kriegen unser zeug schon wieder wenn wir mit dem einführungskurs durch sind zumindest sagt dass meine kristallkugel im ernst
06:57Der kristallkugel in 30 prozent der fälle liegt sie richtig ist ja jetzt nicht so der brüller
07:08Ich weiß genau dass ihr mich hören könnt
07:12Ich heiße alle neu ankündigen
07:15Ich denke wir können damit der öffnungszeremonie beginnen nicht wahr
07:20Habe ich doch gesagt das ist die ganz normale aufnahmezeremonie naja du hast es fast
07:27Ich habe es fast
07:32Ich habe es fast
07:43Ein Teddybär
07:45Da muss ich dich leider enttäuschen denn ich bin kein teddybär. Ich bin der direktor dieser ehrenwerten einrichtung und mein name ist monokuma
07:53Young man, a little more respect, if I may ask.
07:56My name is Monokuma, and I am the director here.
07:59What's that supposed to mean?
08:01Well, well, get used to it.
08:03And now that the ice has broken, we can start.
08:06Stand up straight and bow.
08:08Then show me a nice good morning.
08:11I wish you a nice good morning.
08:13Don't do what he says!
08:15You are the promising young students
08:17who carry the hope of this world on their shoulders.
08:22And to protect and maintain the wonderful values of the academy,
08:26I have decided not to allow you to leave the school building.
08:32What? Wait a minute.
08:33I see that differently.
08:34If you are wondering how long you will stay here,
08:38well, the time frame is unlimited.
08:41Basically, you will stay here for the rest of your life.
08:45That can't be possible. Are you serious?
08:47We'll stay here? Forever?
08:50Don't worry.
08:51We have a generous budget, so you won't be short of anything.
08:55Nobody talks about that. What about our families?
08:58Yes, I won't go with you.
09:00Excuse me, what about the steel plates in the classrooms?
09:03Are they there to lock us in?
09:05Exactly. You can scream as loud as you want all day.
09:08Nobody will hear you.
09:10Excuse me, but if what you say is true, we have a problem.
09:13We can't stay in school until the end of our days.
09:17Until the end of our days? What kind of irony is that?
09:20Anyone who wants to leave the school has to follow a simple rule.
09:24And that would be?
09:25You have to commit a murder.
09:27I don't care how you do it,
09:29but only students who have killed someone are allowed to leave this place.
09:34It's that simple.
09:35You can use blunt weapons, stab, beat to death,
09:38pierce someone with a sword,
09:40torch someone, beat someone,
09:43or just shoot them.
09:46Do you know what you have in common with rats?
09:49None of you have a clue what kind of pleasure it is for me
09:52to watch you kill each other.
09:55A desperate situation in which the hopes of the world are extinguished.
10:00Man, I'm so excited.
10:02Are you serious?
10:03What's that supposed to mean? Why should we want to kill each other?
10:06Yes, she's right.
10:08Stop talking nonsense and let us out of here.
10:12What's the point of talking to a principal like that?
10:15Listen to me very carefully.
10:17From now on, this high school is your home.
10:20It's your society.
10:22Your world.
10:23Look at it this way.
10:25You can do absolutely anything you want.
10:28So let it crack.
10:30You want to see us die, teddy bear?
10:32Keep it up and I swear you'll be my first victim.
10:35You threaten me?
10:36But not with this hairstyle, right?
10:39That's enough!
10:41I don't give a shit if you're a shitty teddy bear or an alien.
10:44I'm going to cut you into a thousand pieces.
10:46The school regulations prohibit the principal from wearing a light shoe.
10:52Hey guys, what's that noise?
10:55Throw him away! Hurry up!
10:57Come on, do it!
11:07I don't believe it.
11:09He could have blown me up.
11:11So the teddy bear died?
11:13I'm not a teddy bear!
11:15I'm Monokuma!
11:18That's impossible!
11:20I'll let you get away with a warning this time.
11:23But the next time I see someone breaking the school rules,
11:27I'll use one of my methods of punishment,
11:30as you just saw.
11:33Very well.
11:34This concludes the opening ceremony.
11:37Don't get too familiar with each other.
11:39This friendship would only last for a short time.
11:44Oh no!
11:47So the only way to leave the school is if we kill someone?
11:52That can't be true!
11:55That's a joke!
11:57The problem isn't whether it's a joke,
12:00but whether someone takes the first step and kills one of us,
12:03because he takes the whole story too seriously.
12:05And so began our life at Hope High,
12:08if you can even call it life.
12:10The school we came to with such high expectations
12:13didn't give us the slightest hope,
12:15but pure despair.
12:17The name of the school was pure irony.
12:19You're dead.
12:30You're dead.
13:00You're dead.
13:01You're dead.
13:02You're dead.
13:03YOU DIE
13:05YOU DIE
13:06YOU DIE
13:08YOU DIE
13:10YOU DIE
13:12YOU DIE
13:14YOU DIE
13:15YOU DIE
13:28Can you do it, Sakura?
13:33Unfortunately, I'm not strong enough for this steel.
13:42These tablets are really awesome. I checked all the menus.
13:46No chance!
13:47No chance either. Damn it!
13:50Hey, we can't give up. I'm sure if we all work together, we'll find a way out of here.
13:56I'll join the captain. It's never helped to push debris.
13:59I agree.
14:01All right, let's investigate the area.
14:04I'll go alone.
14:06What's so smart about that?
14:08I think it's very smart if you consider that someone is probably already planning a murder right now.
14:13But that can't be...
14:15Can't be? No one knows that.
14:17Stay here. You won't get away with this.
14:20Get out of the way, you Leningrad cowboy.
14:22What was that? Looks like you can handle a lot of trash.
14:26Now wait a minute. What's the point of fighting each other?
14:30What do you think you are? Are you giving me instructions?
14:34Do you want to explain to me what teamwork is?
14:36No, I...
14:38Do you want that?
14:50Where am I?
14:56Are you okay?
14:58Where are we?
15:00We're in your room.
15:03Everyone has their own room. Sakura and the others brought you here.
15:07You were completely out.
15:10Where are the others?
15:12They split up and are looking for clues at school.
15:15I was... Well, I was worried about you.
15:19That's nice of you. Well, thank you very much.
15:23Sayaka was one of the most popular girls at high school.
15:27I never expected her to remember someone like me.
15:31Of course I can remember.
15:33What? You heard that?
15:35Yes, I can read minds.
15:38You're kidding again. Female intuition.
15:42She has pretty sensitive antennas.
15:44I... I'm very glad you're here. It would be really stupid if I didn't know anyone.
15:51All right.
15:53Are you feeling better?
15:55I'm fine. Besides, I can't just put my feet up while everyone else is trying to find a way out.
16:02That's right. You're right.
16:05If you want to help, you need someone to support you, because you're not completely fit yet.
16:10I'm like your assistant.
16:12Come on, this is going to be fun. We can be detectives.
16:20Oh, there's our boxer. Are you okay?
16:23Of course. It was never better.
16:25Let's just forget about the story, okay?
16:27Yeah, I think it's a good idea.
16:29We were pretty excited. You can go through with me.
16:32Well, since we're all here in this room, I can assume that no one will commit a murder in the presence of witnesses.
16:39So let's get started. With this, the first Hope High Enlightenment and Liberation Meeting is open.
16:44Let's exchange what we found out. Everyone plays with open cards.
16:50I tried to enter the entrance for an hour. It was impossible.
16:55This thing is as hard as steel.
16:57It's made of steel, so you're right.
17:00At the end of the big corridor, we found a staircase to the second floor.
17:04But a fence blocked our way. We couldn't get through.
17:07I understand. Interesting that only a certain part of the building is accessible at this time.
17:13The rooms are pretty nicely furnished and have comfortable beds.
17:17As long as you can ignore the cameras, I'll give the whole five stars.
17:23I looked around in the kitchen. The fridge was full.
17:26That's a little less of a worry.
17:29But who knows how long the stock is enough for 15 people.
17:33That's not a problem. The fridge is filled with as much food every day as we used the day before.
17:39At least, said the monokuma.
17:41What? You saw him?
17:43You saw him?
17:44He suddenly appeared when I was in the kitchen.
17:47And then he disappeared right after that.
17:51Is there anything else?
17:53What else? We haven't found the perpetrator or an exit.
17:57Your investigations are all useless.
17:59No. Our investigations have proven one important thing.
18:03We know that we're locked in a cage without a door.
18:06And that we're going to stay here for a while.
18:08No! That can't be! I'm going to die in here!
18:12The monokuma said it clearly. If we want to get out of here, we have to kill someone.
18:16That's not funny!
18:18There has to be something we can do!
18:20We can adapt.
18:23That's not a bad idea, is it?
18:25We'll make sure we stay here forever?
18:28If we want to survive, neither the strong nor the intelligent can do it,
18:32but those who can best adapt.
18:35Do you understand that?
18:37Yes, and that's exactly why I'd like to offer you all a small offer.
18:42Yes? And that would be?
18:44The school regulations deal with one paragraph with the curfew.
18:47Why don't we add a rule to the so-called night rest?
18:50And what kind of rule would that be?
18:52That each of us stays in the room. Very simple.
18:55Huh? What kind of sense is that supposed to make?
18:58Don't you understand?
18:59Without this rule, we would have to live in fear all the time
19:02and we would worry about every sound of someone trying to kill us.
19:05And I don't have to mention that we created this rule ourselves.
19:09And one thing is clear, it only works if everyone sticks to it.
19:13What do you think, have you all understood so far?
19:22The next day, we all looked for a way out.
19:26Just like the day after.
19:29But as you can easily imagine, we didn't do well.
19:35That sucks.
19:36It's no use looking for the same places over and over again.
19:43That's it. We're trapped here forever.
19:45No one will come and save us.
19:47Don't worry, Chihiro.
19:50It won't be long before someone comes and saves us.
19:53Yes, exactly.
19:54Are you sure?
19:56We've been gone long enough for them to worry.
19:59It's already been three days.
20:00So the police must have done something by now.
20:06The police?
20:07You don't rely on the law, do you?
20:10If you really want to go,
20:13you just have to kill someone.
20:16Show some commitment.
20:18I have to say, when it comes to authority,
20:21you're pretty brave for your generation.
20:24On the other hand, you haven't done much so far
20:27and bore me to death.
20:29If you think we're killing each other,
20:31you're crazier than I thought.
20:34Now I get it.
20:35I've asked myself why no one has committed a murder so far,
20:38even though the place, the people and the mood are just perfect.
20:42But now I know what's missing.
20:46Stop telling such bullshit!
20:48Simply put, you're missing a motive.
20:50All students gather in the computer room.
20:54I've prepared a little presentation.
20:58We're supposed to be in the computer room?
21:13Hello, Makoto.
21:14We're so happy that you were accepted to the Hōpai
21:17and that you're enjoying the best education.
21:19We're so proud of you.
21:20It's the best school you can go to.
21:22But don't overwork yourself.
21:24Have fun, big brother.
21:26But I'm a little jealous, too.
21:39They're insane.
21:41I have to get out of here.
21:43I have to get out of here right now.
21:50That can't be.
21:52I have to get out of here right now before it's too late.
21:55What did you see?
21:57Why does it have to be either killed or killed?
22:01Why is this happening?
22:03I don't want to make this decision.
22:05Oh my god.
22:10So who are you?
22:12Why are you doing this to us?
22:14Is it your perversion that you want to satisfy?
22:17What do I want from you?
22:19Well, I want to see you all...
22:24That's all.
22:28Sayaka, wait!
22:32No! Let me go!
22:34We'll get out of here together.
22:36We're detectives. We're partners.
22:38We can do it. If we stick together, we can do it.
22:40No one will make it. We're all going to die.
22:43No, I won't let that happen. I swear.
22:46No matter what I have to do.
22:48I promise.
23:31I don't want to make this decision.
23:33I don't want to make this decision.
23:35I don't want to make this decision.
23:37I don't want to make this decision.
23:39I don't want to make this decision.
23:41I don't want to make this decision.
23:43I don't want to make this decision.
23:45I don't want to make this decision.
23:47I don't want to make this decision.
23:49I don't want to make this decision.
23:51I don't want to make this decision.
23:53I don't want to make this decision.
23:55I don't want to make this decision.
23:57I don't want to make this decision.
23:59I don't want to make this decision.
24:01I don't want to make this decision.
24:03I don't want to make this decision.
24:05I don't want to make this decision.
24:07I don't want to make this decision.
24:09I don't want to make this decision.
24:11I don't want to make this decision.
24:13I don't want to make this decision.
24:15I don't want to make this decision.
24:17I don't want to make this decision.
24:19I don't want to make this decision.
24:21I don't want to make this decision.
24:23I don't want to make this decision.
24:25I don't want to make this decision.
24:27I don't want to make this decision.