Uta vs. Steve, 1/73

  • 2 months ago


00:00From Television City in Hollywood, here's the game where knowledge is king and lady
00:23luck is queen.
00:25It's the Joker's Wild.
00:27Now here's the host of our show, Jack Berry.
00:32Thank you very much, you're very nice, and a very cordial welcome once again to the Joker's
00:41Wild, the program where players determine their own fate by spinning the category wheels
00:44and hoping to come up with doubles and triples and getting to $500 as quickly as they can.
00:49On our last program, we were right in the middle of a game, we didn't finish it, and
00:52we're going to finish that game in just a moment, but first, I'd like to say that during
00:55one of our recent programs, we had a category called fictional birds, some of you will recall
01:00a few days ago.
01:01And we used a question under that category that dealt with Noah's Ark, and the answer
01:05to that question was the dove.
01:07Well, the answer was correct, and it in no way affected the game.
01:11However, a number of our viewers did take exception, and rightly so, to the fact that
01:15we included that answer, dove, under the title of fictional birds since it came from the
01:21So, thank you for your oversight on our part, and we do sincerely and deeply apologize.
01:25Now we get on with our game of Joker's Wild as we find out who are the two players who
01:29were playing on our last program.
01:30Johnny, would you introduce them, please?
01:32I'll be glad to, Jack.
01:33Returning to our program with no score in her first game is a teacher from Flagstaff,
01:37Arizona, Uta Salisbury.
01:38And her opponent, with a score of $50, is an excellent skier, Steve Sax.
01:39Hi, players.
01:40Welcome back to the Joker's Wild.
01:41Nice to have you with us.
01:52How are you feeling, Uta?
01:53Oh, great.
01:54And Steve?
01:55Just wonderful, Jack.
01:56You feel about $50 better than she does, because that's the amount that you were ahead when
01:59our time ran out.
02:00And players, here are the categories which were in use when our time did run out.
02:04We were playing with male vocalists, Gary Cooper, newspapers, famous resorts, and prisoners.
02:11It was your turn to go, Uta.
02:12You have not scored yet.
02:13You're behind by $50.
02:14Try to get the $500 as quickly as you can.
02:16Spin, and good luck.
02:17Thank you.
02:19Male vocalist, Gary Cooper.
02:20How do you want to play it?
02:21Gary Cooper, please.
02:22You've made a pair with the Joker, so that's worth $100.
02:23The story of the most decorated soldier of World War I gave Coop another title role to
02:24his credit, and the Academy Award for Best Actor.
02:25For $100, name the film.
02:26Sergeant York.
02:27That's right.
02:28For $100.
02:30And for gingerly, Steve Socks.
02:31Your spin, good luck.
02:34Gary Cooper.
02:35How do you play it?
02:36I'll go with Newspapers for $100.
02:49You have a pair, too?
02:51It's worth $100.
02:54You have a pair, too? It's worth $100.
02:56Joseph Pulitzer, a giant of American journalism,
02:59published the newspaper, The Post-Dispatch.
03:02For $100, in what city is it published?
03:05New York.
03:06That is not so. That's not correct.
03:08If you can answer this one correctly, Uri,
03:10you'll pick up $100 more.
03:11What is the city?
03:12St. Louis.
03:13That's right. You go to $200.
03:15$200 to $50.
03:18We'll pick this game up and finish it right after these words.
03:21The score stands $200 to $50.
03:23Uta Salisbury is leading Steve Sachs.
03:25Neither of these players has won a game before.
03:27Uta, you came in from Flagstaff, Arizona, right?
03:29Yes. I just missed a giant snowstorm.
03:31Aren't you glad you're here in sunny Southern California?
03:35And Steve, you do any skiing recently?
03:37I was up about a week ago, up at Mammoth.
03:39It was quite nice.
03:40Glad to have you back intact.
03:42All right, players, $200 to $50 is the score.
03:44Uta, it's your next spin. Let's see what you come up with.
03:46Male vocalists, famous resorts, all different categories.
03:50I'll go with newspapers.
03:53$50 question, and here it is.
03:55The Daily Press is reputed to be the most powerful
03:57of all the political estates.
04:00What is the numerical designation
04:02given to the estate of the Daily Press?
04:05It's called something.
04:09I really don't know.
04:10$50 to $100 is the score.
04:12Uta, it's your next spin.
04:13Let's see what you come up with.
04:16$50 is yours. If you can give me the answer.
04:18I believe it's the fifth estate.
04:19The what?
04:20The fifth estate.
04:21You've got one wrong, one too many.
04:22The fourth estate. Fourth estate.
04:24You don't pick up a $50, but you do get a spin.
04:29Joker, new prisoners, famous resorts.
04:32I'll go with prisoners.
04:34Do you go with prisoners very often?
04:37Only when I'm in very bad places.
04:38Okay, $100 question.
04:40This English author of the 19th century
04:42was sentenced to prison on morals charges,
04:44and upon his release, he went to Paris
04:46and changed his name to Sebastian Melmoth.
04:49Name this imprisoned author of such works
04:51as the Ballad of Reading Jail.
04:56No, that's not right. $100 is yours.
04:58Uta, if you can tell me.
05:02Oh, I just...
05:05You're going to be wild when you hear the answer.
05:06Oscar Wilde.
05:08No scores. It's a 250, and it's your spin, Uta.
05:11Prisoners, prisoners, and newspapers.
05:14I'll take prisoners.
05:16Arrested by the Hungarian puppet government
05:18during the Second World War,
05:20and later by the communist government for treason,
05:22this Catholic cardinal finally took refuge
05:24in the United States Embassy,
05:25where he lived a virtual prisoner for many years.
05:28Name him.
05:32It starts with...
05:33Manchetti, or...
05:35No. Can you straighten it out a little?
05:40Manzetti, um...
05:42Manzetti, or...
05:43No, that's not...
05:45Manchetti, or...
05:46Not good enough.
05:47$100 for you, Steve, if you can tell me.
05:48Father Mazarin.
05:49No, she was close, but you're not even close.
05:52Father Minzenti.
05:53Father Minzenti.
05:55All right, your spin, Steve.
06:03See, that's your reward for missing the last question.
06:07You've gotten three jokers.
06:08Under the rules of our game,
06:09if you answer one question on any category of your choice,
06:11you automatically go to $500,
06:13and you will become the new champion.
06:14Pick a category, please.
06:15Let me try male vocalists.
06:18Here it is.
06:19For $500 and the championship.
06:21During the late 50s,
06:23Paul, Tommy, and Frankie were teenage idols.
06:26Paul was Paul Anka.
06:28Tommy was Tommy Shepard.
06:29Frankie was Frankie Shepard.
06:31Paul was Paul Anka.
06:32Tommy was Tommy Sands.
06:34Frankie later went on to star in many beach party movies.
06:37For $500 and the championship,
06:40what is his last name?
06:43Right, for $500.
06:51Congratulations, Steve.
06:54Lightning struck favorably for you.
06:56You've just won yourself $500,
06:57and in a moment, we'll give you a chance
06:58to spin for some prizes.
06:59Udi, you had some pretty bad luck here,
07:01especially after making that big trip from Flagstaff,
07:03but backstage will be some going-away presents for you.
07:06Let's all say goodbye to a very nice lady,
07:07Udi Salazar.
07:08Thank you, Jack.
07:09Thank you.
07:13Okay, Steve Sachs, you won $500,
07:16and now your chance to win some prizes.
07:18Every time you spin and three jokers come up,
07:20you get a prize.
07:21Every time you spin and a devil comes up,
07:23you lose the prizes.
07:24Let's tell him, Johnny, what is the first prize
07:26for which he'll be spinning?
07:28Well, Jack will fly Steve away for a weekend
07:31just for fun in the city by the bay.
07:33You'll spend three days and two nights
07:34in one of the world's truly great cities, San Francisco.
07:37Your stay will include hotel, food, and special tours.
07:42That's your first prize.
07:43Three jokers gets it.
07:44Spin, and good luck.
07:51Right off the bat, you got yourself a devil,
07:53and so no trip to San Francisco.
07:54However, it's not the end of the road.
07:56As you know, as you win games,
07:57you get chances to spin again,
07:59but now that brings us to the decision you have to make.
08:02You could quit right now, and you'd have $500.
08:04That's yours.
08:05If you decide to go on,
08:06and if you should lose the next game,
08:08you lose the $500,
08:09but if you win two more games,
08:10you break our jackpot.
08:12In our jackpot right now is $2,500 in cash.
08:16In addition, for breaking the jackpot,
08:18you would also ride home in this elegant gift.
08:21A carload of German precision, Buick's Opel Meta.
08:25The new sport coupe imported by General Motors,
08:27sold in service by 2,200 Buick dealers,
08:29featuring rack and pinion steering,
08:31front disc brakes, including bucket seats.
08:33He's taking his words to you, Sax.
08:38Do you quit with your $500, or risk it,
08:40and try to break the jackpot?
08:41What do you do?
08:42I think I'll take the bird in the hand and quit.
08:51You think you'll what?
08:52I think I'll take the bird in the hand.
08:53You'll take the $500?
08:57$500 is yours.
08:58I hope you have a good time spending it.
09:00You've been a nice champion.
09:01Thank you, and let's say goodbye to Steve Sax.
09:02Goodbye, Steve.
09:04We'll be back with two new players
09:05right after these words.
09:06Can I go?
09:08Here we go with two brand new players on the Jokers Wild.
09:10Johnny, would you tell us who they are, please?
09:12You bet, Jack.
09:13Our next player feels she's living on borrowed time.
09:15Let's meet Rochelle Ornatoff.
09:19And her opponent was a pianist for David Cassidy
09:22on his tour of the United States.
09:23Let's say hello to Ethan McElroy.
09:30Well, players, nice to have you with us on the Jokers Wild.
09:31I can't hardly wait to hear, Rochelle,
09:34why you feel you're living on borrowed time.
09:36Well, it was due to a streetcar accident
09:39back in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
09:40when I was three and a half years old,
09:42and they didn't expect me to pull through it.
09:44And I'm here.
09:47And I'm beyond three and a half.
09:50No kidding.
09:52Not much, though.
09:53Are you a married lady?
09:54Yes, I am, Jack.
09:55Any children?
09:56Yes, we have two lovely boys.
09:58Very nice.
09:59And Ethan McElroy, I don't know if our studio audience
10:01heard that you are a pianist for David Cassidy
10:04when he won one of his tours.
10:05Did you enjoy that tour with David Cassidy?
10:07I enjoyed that, yes, sir.
10:08I understand the kids used to mob you every day,
10:10or did they just mob David Cassidy?
10:12No, I think they'd mob everyone in the band.
10:15Did you enjoy being mobbed like that?
10:19Yes, I did.
10:20It was quite an experience.
10:24I understand you want to become a conductor, though.
10:25I'd like to become a conductor, yes.
10:27Are you a married man?
10:28Yes, I am.
10:30Yes, we have five children.
10:31Very good.
10:34Lots of people have five children.
10:37All right, nice to have you both with us.
10:39And in this game, here are the categories
10:40which we'll be using.
10:41They are railroading, famous Georges,
10:45Ireland, trades and occupations, and sidekicks.
10:49Rochelle, your spin first.
10:51Good luck.
10:54Joker, sidekicks, Ireland.
10:57How do you play it?
10:58I'll try sidekicks, please, Jack.
11:00$100 question.
11:01Here it is.
11:02This scruffy, bearded Western star
11:04played the sidekick of Hopalong Cassidy,
11:06John Wayne, and Roy Rogers.
11:08Name him.
11:09Gabby Hayes.
11:10That's it for $100.
11:13You can go away.
11:14Your spin.
11:15Good luck.
11:21Good luck.
11:25I'll take sidekicks.
11:26You don't want to play, Ireland?
11:27No, I don't.
11:28Okay, I should explain for any new people watching
11:30that you do have the right to go off the board with jokers,
11:32so you're taking a lesser amount.
11:34For $100, you're playing sidekicks
11:35with your two jokers, right?
11:36Here is the question.
11:37What was the name of the young Indian boy
11:39who was the sidekick of Red Rider?
11:43Little Beaver.
11:44That's it for $100.
11:46Go for a tie-up.
11:47100 to 100.
11:52Trades and occupations.
11:53And a triple.
11:56Are you going to play it all the way?
11:58I'll try it all the way, Jack.
11:59You'll go all the way for $200.
12:01Many medical doctors specialize
12:03in specific areas of the human body.
12:05For $200, with what part of the body
12:08is an ophthalmologist concerned?
12:10Concerned with the eyes.
12:12You go to $300.
12:23I'll take sidekicks.
12:24I guess I can figure out
12:25what you're going to do this time.
12:27If you answer correctly,
12:28we'll have a tied ballgame.
12:29300 to 300.
12:30Who played Ilya Kuryakin,
12:32Napoleon Solo's partner,
12:34on The Man from UNCLE?
12:36I mean his name.
12:37David McCallum.
12:38That's right.
12:39You go to $300.
12:41All tied up?
12:42All tied up.
12:47Trades, famous Georges,
12:49and a pear.
12:51I'll try the trades and occupations, Jack.
12:53$100 question.
12:54What does a cartographer make?
13:00I'm going to guess films.
13:02That is not correct.
13:03Chance for you to pick up $100 here, Ethan.
13:05What does a cartographer make?
13:08That's right.
13:09You go to $400.
13:10All right, Ethan, your spin.
13:14Railroading, Joker, Ireland.
13:17How do you do it?
13:18I'll take Ireland.
13:20It's a $100 question.
13:21You have $400.
13:22If you answer correctly,
13:23you will go to $500,
13:24and you will become the new champion
13:26on The Joker's Wild.
13:27The Republic of Ireland,
13:29in English, is called Ireland.
13:31For $100 and the championship,
13:33what is Ireland's name
13:35in the Gaelic language?
13:39I'm sorry, no answer.
13:41And you can pick up $100 here, Rochelle.
13:43What is Ireland's name
13:44in the Gaelic language?
13:47No, I cannot accept that either.
13:49It's Eire.
13:51I'm sorry.
13:52Score stands.
13:53Look at that smile on Ethan's face.
13:58That smile is almost as handsome
14:00as that jacket you have on, Ethan.
14:02Score stands $300 to $400,
14:03and it is your spin, Rochelle.
14:09I'll try Ireland, Jack.
14:10$100 question.
14:11A man who was probably
14:13the greatest Irish statesman
14:14and revolutionary,
14:15serving both as president
14:16and prime minister,
14:17was actually born in New York.
14:19For $100, tell us his last name.
14:25Can't think of it?
14:26No, I'm sorry.
14:32Can't think of it?
14:33No, I'm sorry, Jack.
14:34Chance for you to end this game right now.
14:36You'd go to $500, Ethan,
14:37if you can answer it,
14:38and you'd be the champion.
14:43I'm sorry.
14:45You started to say it,
14:46but you didn't.
14:47It's Eamon de Valera.
14:49De Valera.
14:50But it's still your spin,
14:51so go ahead.
14:52Let's see what you do.
14:58I'll try famous Georges.
15:00$50 question.
15:01Born into slavery,
15:02this famous Georges
15:03became a prominent botanist
15:05and the director
15:06of agricultural research
15:07at Tuskegee Institute.
15:08Name him.
15:09George Washington Carver.
15:11You go to $450.
15:12Score, $300 to $450.
15:15All right, Rochelle.
15:25Oh, Ireland, be there.
15:27Are you playing it that way?
15:28Yes, I am, yes.
15:29Oh, it's there all right.
15:31Okay, $200 question,
15:32which will bring you to $500.
15:33That's all you need
15:34to win the game,
15:35but you know Ethan gets
15:36his final turn.
15:37World famous glassware
15:38takes its name
15:39from a county town
15:40in Ireland
15:41where it was made
15:42until the mid-19th century.
15:44The making of this crystalware
15:45has recently been revived.
15:47For $500,
15:48name the glassware.
15:50Jack, I'm sorry.
15:51Could you possibly repeat
15:52that one more time?
15:53Yes, world famous glassware
15:54takes its name
15:55from a county town in Ireland
15:56where it was made
15:57until the mid-19th century.
15:58The making of this crystalware
15:59has recently been revived.
16:00Name this glassware.
16:04I can only think of Tiffany.
16:05That is not it.
16:06If you can answer this, Ethan,
16:07you'd go to $650
16:09and be the champion.
16:10Give me the answer.
16:19It's your spin, though.
16:20You still could go out
16:21with any one correct answer now,
16:23Give him a whirl.
16:25famous Georges,
16:26and a triple.
16:27And a triple.
16:33Famous Georges.
16:35It's a $200 question.
16:36Answer it right.
16:37You'll have $650
16:38and you'll be the champion.
16:39This famous actor named George
16:41has starred in such films
16:42as Johnny Allegro
16:44and Some Like It Hot.
16:45His own film biography
16:47was titled Spin of a Coin
16:49for $650
16:51and the championship.
16:52Name him.
16:54George M.
16:56George M.
16:57No, it is not right.
16:58And look what's happened here.
16:59You have given her $200.
17:01If she can answer this question,
17:03she goes to $500,
17:04she becomes the champion.
17:06Can you, Rochelle,
17:07tell me his name?
17:09George Raft.
17:10Right, for $500.
17:19You thought you were living
17:20on borrowed time again,
17:21didn't you?
17:22I may still not make it
17:23off the stage.
17:24In a moment,
17:25in addition to the $500,
17:26we'll give you a chance
17:27to spin for some prizes.
17:28Ethan, you had some bad luck
17:29that you ran into
17:30in that last moment.
17:31But backstage,
17:32there will be some
17:33going-away prizes for you.
17:34Let's say goodbye
17:35to a very nice fella,
17:36Ethan Nye.
17:37Thank you, Jack.
17:38We'll be back
17:39to spin for prizes
17:40after these words.
17:41The new champion
17:42is Rochelle Oratov,
17:43winning $500.
17:44And now, Rochelle,
17:45as you know,
17:46you get a chance
17:47to spin for some prizes.
17:48Every time Three Jokers
17:49comes up, you win a prize.
17:50If a devil comes up,
17:51you lose.
17:52Johnny, would you tell her
17:53what's the first prize
17:54of the automatic color
17:55table television
17:56with preset fine-tuning
17:57and automatic color system
17:58that locks in the picture?
17:59That's yours
18:00for Three Jokers.
18:01Spin, and good luck.
18:05Joker, Joker, Joker!
18:10All right,
18:11you've got one prize.
18:12Now you're gonna have
18:13to take some risks
18:14if you want to go
18:15for the next prize.
18:16What is the next prize, Johnny?
18:17It's our his-and-her package,
18:18starting with ladies first,
18:19the Sears Lady Kenmore dishwasher,
18:21the FreedomMaker.
18:22It means you're free
18:23from scraping,
18:24free from rinsing.
18:25Sears Lady Kenmore dishwasher,
18:26the FreedomMaker.
18:27And for him,
18:28we have this set
18:29of custom-fit golf clubs,
18:30four woods, eight irons,
18:31plus a pitching wedge
18:32and sand wedge.
18:33The club's designed
18:34with you in mind.
18:35You'll also receive
18:36a step-down vinyl bag
18:37and four matching head covers.
18:38And now it's up to you.
18:39Do you stop
18:40with your first prize
18:41or spin and take a risk
18:42for both of them?
18:43What do you do?
18:48What'll it be, Rachel?
18:50I'm going to spin
18:51because my husband
18:52needs the exercise
18:53if I win the golf clubs
18:54and he'll get up and play.
18:55Good enough reason.
18:56Spin and let's hope you get it.
18:57Here we go.
18:58We have...
18:59a joker,
19:00a joker,
19:01a joker!
19:02Okay, you have
19:03two lovely prizes.
19:04Three lovely prizes, actually.
19:05Now take a look
19:06at the big one coming up
19:07and see if you want
19:08to go ahead.
19:12A dream vacation
19:13in Jamaica.
19:14You'll stay
19:15at the fabulous
19:16Power Isle Hotel
19:17and enjoy a wonderful
19:18vacation in Jamaica.
19:19A dream vacation
19:20in Jamaica.
19:21You'll stay
19:22at the fabulous
19:23Power Isle Hotel
19:24overlooking Jamaica's
19:25white sandy beaches.
19:26You'll always cherish
19:27your Jamaican holiday
19:28at the Power Isle Hotel
19:29worth over $1,200.
19:32That's something
19:33to think about a little bit.
19:34Will you stop
19:35with the prizes you've won
19:36or take a risk
19:37and try to go to Jamaica?
19:38What's it going to be?
19:48You don't want to go
19:49to Jamaica, right?
19:50Very good.
19:51You have all those
19:52lovely prizes.
19:53As a matter of fact,
19:54your prizes at the moment
19:55are worth about $800,
19:57and in addition,
19:58you are faced
19:59with this decision.
20:00Do you quit now
20:01with your $500 in cash
20:02and your $700 or $800
20:03in prizes,
20:04or do you go ahead
20:05and try to win two more games?
20:06If you should win
20:07two more games,
20:08you'd break our jackpot.
20:09In the jackpot is $2,500
20:10in cash,
20:11and as you know,
20:12you would also win
20:13the beautiful automobile
20:14which is worth almost $2,700.
20:16What is it up to you now?
20:17It's do you quit
20:19or continue?
20:20What do you do?
20:27What do you say?
20:28I'm going to go on
20:29and play.
20:30She's going to go on
20:31and play.
20:32Very good.
20:33All right,
20:34we'll find out
20:35who your next opponent is,
20:36but first,
20:37we have these words.
20:38We asked a hundred...
20:40I'm afraid we're going
20:41to have to keep you
20:42in a little suspense
20:43about whether you're
20:44going to win this next game
20:45or not because I've been
20:46informed that our time
20:46is running out on another player.
20:48Are you able to return,
20:50to our next program?
20:51Yes, I am, Jack.
20:52Very good.
20:53When you return
20:54to the very next program,
20:55we will introduce you
20:56to the player you're going
20:57to compete against.
20:58We will show you
20:59the five categories
21:00you're going to play.
21:01Then you'll be on your own
21:02trying to go ahead.
21:04out in that front row,
21:05I see your husband out there.
21:06Yes, my husband.
21:08My two children
21:09and my father.
21:10And I heard them yelling,
21:11go, go, we want them.
21:12We want to ride home
21:13with that car.
21:14That's exactly it.
21:15I don't know whether they
21:16will return for a good game
21:17on our next program.
21:18So, we will look forward
21:19to seeing you on the next show.
21:20And for those of you
21:21who are watching,
21:22we do hope that you will
21:23rejoin us for what will
21:24undoubtedly be a very
21:25exciting program.
21:26Until then,
21:27for all of us here
21:28on the Joker's Wild,
21:29Jack Baer is saying
21:30thank you for watching
21:31and goodbye, everybody.
21:32Thank you.
21:45Purina Variety Menu.
21:46Twenty varieties
21:47with 95%
21:48of whatever the label says
21:49plus 5% vitamins
21:50and nutrients.
21:51No fillers added.
21:52Purina Variety Menu.
22:07All contestants
22:08are selected in advance
22:09and are advised
22:10on the rules of the game.
22:11Stay tuned for the new
22:12Prices Right next
22:13on most of these stations.
