Arteta on Arsenal preseason preparations after Liverpool defeat

  • 2 months ago
Arteta on Arsenal preseason preparations after Liverpool defeat

01/08/2024 BST

Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
00:00Hi everyone if you have a question sorry for this question can we yeah I'll take
00:17the top of it thank you thank you is that okay thank you
00:22raise your hands with a question and we'll come to you who's ready for a
00:27we'll start with the gentleman here in the front
00:31This is James Tatum with Sideline Sports. Mikel, I just want to know what have you learned from your previous seasons as the Arsenal manager that you can apply to this upcoming season?
00:41Well so many things very difficult to answer that questions quickly but that's the team has to be constantly evolving and improving because the level is higher and higher and that's what we are trying to do.
00:53How do you continue to develop yourself as a coach?
00:56Well in many different ways first of all being critical to yourself and analysing what you do there and what are the areas that you can improve and then having better people around you that's always the best.
01:08Okay we'll go to Nizar from the BBC.
01:11Hi Mikel, I just wanted to ask you're full of praise for Arnaud Slot before the game, do you think they'll be strong next season having seen them a bit closer now and what they're trying to do?
01:23Yes I think so obviously then we all have to start competing and then in our right to show how good we are but the team is looking good the games that I watch in pre-season is clear the idea that he want to implement and yeah it was a tough game for us.
01:40Okay one here.
01:43Hi Mikel, US pre-season tour is now over, in terms of the level you guys are at now where would you assess that and how much more is there to go before the season actually starts?
01:54Well I think we are in good condition, I think we played some really competitive matches, today was a really strong test, I think we started the game fantastically well I think after 6-7 minutes it should be 2-0 up for us and then we lost control especially for two things that we didn't do well enough and we allowed them to run in transitions which is a really dangerous thing to do against them and the second half we improved a lot and we deserve more I think.
02:21But yeah it was great, really difficult conditions to play, great crowd and we got a lot out of it so I'm really pleased.
02:30Of course pre-season is a time where you can give youngsters an opportunity before the actual season starts, what did you make of some of their performances, particularly Ethan Wineri, Marlon Scully, what did you think of those guys?
02:40I'm really pleased with all of them, unfortunately I wanted to give opportunities to all of them, we didn't have enough time to do so but especially the ones that they played I think they performed and responded incredibly well so that's something that we take from the tour as well, that we have a lot of talent there that we want to use and they showed that they have very much pushing to earn the right to play with us.
03:06Your analysis of the game that you just mentioned, earlier on you should have been maybe one or two up but it feels similar I guess to a lot of the big competitions we had after the game last season, is there any concern about that given that the season is coming up and it's going to be such a hectic start for you guys?
03:19Obviously we can improve, the game would have been very, very different, the first chance that they had to score but that's as well what makes the difference when you're in those areas, in those spaces, in the box, putting the ball in the back of the net and we created the situations, we had another two or three big open situations to convert them, we didn't, that's why we have to improve.
03:41What's going to be the difference going forward this season?
03:45Well to punish them especially with the aggression that we played and the amount of time that we were getting the ball in very dangerous areas and then not enough happened after what basically happened the other way around and that's something really to improve.
03:59I'm sure in the game you're very intense and focused on the action, what's going on out there on the field and for those of us who live in this town saw a record crowd for soccer in the city, tonight do you ever on these US tours take a moment to look up in the stands and see how this club and European football as a whole has all of a sudden become so big over here?
04:20Yes, well it's a beautiful stadium, I think it created a very good atmosphere, you can feel that it was something there to play for, it was just friendly and really thankful and grateful for all the people that turned up and hopefully they are happy with the show that they've seen.
04:40Can you talk about this whole experience playing this game in Philadelphia tonight?
04:50It was great, as I said great venue, unbelievable support I think for both teams and it was a really good match so hopefully very entertaining for the crowd.
05:03Is this the first time you've come up against a part of Slot Liverpool? Was there any major differences you saw from Liverpool that you used to come up against under Jürgen?
05:12Yes there are certain differences, every coach has his touch, there are certain individuals with very particular characteristics that make the team as well, one is the style of play and then it's the DNA of certain players that obviously put the stamp into a team and you can see that in what he's doing.
05:33Hi Mikel, we saw Ricardo Calafiuri come over and sign but he didn't make his appearance today, can we expect to see him make his home debut in the coming weeks?
05:43Yeah we had to manage him, he had very busy 48 hours before he took his flight and joined us here and then it was the jet lag, it's a lot of things he hasn't trained with the team yet and we want to build him out slowly to get to know him first and we'll have plenty of time to see him.
06:04Obviously we saw Kai Havertz a lot in midfield last season, were you impressed with his performance in the midfield today?
06:14Yes it was good, he scored a goal, again I think he's had only four training sessions and you play him to play in these conditions but he's come again in good shape, he prepared himself before he joined us and he looked good.
06:29We know his quality, the adaptability that he has to play in different positions and it's something that the team has to take a lot of value from.
