Isle of Conquest No Mans Land Part 2

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Isle of Conquest No Mans Land Part 2
00:00Well, I'm sorry to say that this bitch won't have the honor of spending the night with me.
00:05Well, if you like her so much, I'll keep her alive and you torture her all night.
00:11Ow! You dare bite me, bitch? And I dare to beat you.
00:18No, don't worry. I will love her tonight, okay?
00:22Thank you, honorable lady, for letting me spend the night with this wonderful woman.
00:27Shut up, dickhead! She needs to die now!
00:30Enough of this nonsense!
00:32Oh, your hand! It's bleeding, and I have medicine, so you should come with me.
00:40It's not my hand now. You guys, wait until we get back and get some medicine.
00:45Thanks for saving me. Who gave you permission to leave, bitch?
00:49Watch your mouth!
00:51Aileen, I'm tired. I want to win the game tomorrow with you.
00:58Can we go now?
01:05Matthew's mine.
01:07What's that guy all about? And why is that rich woman so obsessed with him?
01:11And also, why do you keep wanting to fight her? You just asked him for trouble.
01:16Hey, it's okay. It's lucky it's not that deep.
01:21By the way, how do you know so much about Matt? Where does he come from?
01:25Everybody on this island seems like a pauper desperado, but not him.
01:29He's different.
01:31Hey, we've spent a lot of time together. What do you know about him?
01:35I... Matthew's mine.
01:38Don't get emotional. And don't move, otherwise you'll keep bleeding.
01:42It's lucky it's not that deep. Look, I can get some medicine, and I can go right now, but honestly, I think it's best...
01:55Don't look at me like that. I need to survive.
02:00There are things I still need to do. I'm sure you have things you need to do as well.
02:03Actually... Actually, no, I was forced here. I didn't have much of a choice. I...
02:09Hey, hey, are you okay? You look like you're... You're not sick, are you?
02:15Are you, uh... Are you hungry?
02:17No. You're... You're nothing like what you pretend to be.
02:22You're... You're just... You're just pretending. You're making that up.
02:28He's pretending too, isn't he?
02:32These last few days have been... Horrible. We all have to pretend we're alone.
02:39Well, we're gonna turn this around.
02:43Thank you. You are the most wonderful girl I have ever known.
03:03See? She can't even live without a man.
03:08Good thing we came back, Em. Otherwise, you wouldn't have seen this. She's really just a slut.
03:14Look, I came back to see if I left anything behind. Looks like I didn't. Let's go.
03:21Are you sure you want to go? Look at the bitchy way she stands next to him.
03:26I really want to kill her.
03:29Stop insulting me like that. I have nothing left.
03:34I wouldn't even mind killing you right now. Don't think everyone's afraid of you.
03:38You're way out of your depth. Tomorrow, you die.
03:43And there's nothing that this dickhead hero can do to save you. He really didn't have any manners, do you?
03:49Look, enough. I don't want to be here anymore. Do you?
03:53Yeah. Who would want to be in the same area as someone that might give you a disease?
03:58I said enough! Please, can we just go?
04:01You're the smartest one here. Remember, it's important to be alive right now.
04:05I really can't stay here for a moment longer. Can you take me back to your place?
04:15I know what you mean, Matt.
04:22He's doing this so you don't have to fight.
04:24I know it. Thank you, Walker Perez.
04:27Hey, get some rest. We're all going to need it to survive tomorrow's game. Okay?
04:32It's so cold. It's so cold.
04:58Luke? Luke? No! No, Luke! No, you can't die! Luke!
05:05Hey, it's okay. It's okay. What's wrong?
05:07Luke, grab my hand. I can save you! Luke! No!
05:12Hey, you're just having a nightmare. It's okay. God, are you sick? You're so cold!
05:18Can't you cure me?
05:20I can get some firewood and we can warm the place up a little bit. I'll go.
05:26Luke, don't go anywhere. Please don't leave me.
05:29It's just at the entrance. It's okay. I'll go and get some right now. It's fine.
05:32No, please. Please don't leave me. It's so cold. I love you.
05:44God, I wish I was him. I've never had thoughts like this.
05:50I'm so glad you're here, Matt.
05:54I'm glad I'm here, too. I will always, always be here for you.
06:05I'm so glad you're here.
06:17Quick, relax yourself!
06:19Get up! Let's go!
06:26Hey, um, look. It's the ring you helped me pick out.
06:29This has every kind of medicine. He's healing mentally.
06:35I admire your boldness. You're so observant in this situation.
06:39Okay, greeting time is up next. We're going to start the game in groups.
06:44I'm happy to inform you that this time it's still in pairs.
06:49Remember the sharks last time? That was too bloody for our beauty.
06:54So this time, our game is beachcombing. Do you like it?
07:00This can't be. It's not true. They had me draw the whole system.
07:04Look, Walker, don't worry. I'll be with you the whole time.
07:07You'll stay with me the whole time?
07:10Really? You'd do that for me?
07:13Look, Walker, I woke up last night and I saw that you were holding my head up.
07:20You make me sound like an angel.
07:22You are an angel. And I appreciate your bravery and your kindness.
07:27Without you, I wouldn't be alive.
07:29Stop it. You're going to make me risk my life by kissing you.
07:32I think our team will manage.
07:37Wow. Sincere affection. But it's not working, baby.
07:41In a team of two, you and your partner can only survive one.
07:46Here's the rules of the game I'm about to tell you.
07:50Our computer genius has already told you that he made a draw system before you became a player.
07:56It's okay, kid. It's nothing.
07:58Next, you work in pairs and cooperate in beachcombing, searching for murals.
08:04But before you go, the system draws straws to determine your identity as master or servant.
08:12What's that?
08:13I don't know.
08:21If you draw the master identity, congratulations.
08:25You have the option of exchanging the murexes you collected for money.
08:29Three million for one murex to be split equally with your partner.
08:35It can't be that easy.
08:36Bingo. Of course.
08:39The more exciting option is that the master can trade a murex for a bullet.
08:44Then give the order to kill your servant and keep all the rest of the winnings for yourself.
08:50Don't look at me like that, Matthew.
08:52It's fate's choice, quite fair.
08:55And I'm sure no one would choose to share their winnings even.
09:00Whatever it is, I will not choose to kill you.
09:03I promise you that. Okay?
09:05Don't trust anyone.
09:07No one knows who's the master and who's the servant next.
09:14I'll team up with this bitch.
09:20I'll team up with this bitch.
09:21Nonsense. What if something happens to you?
09:24The investor will be fine.
09:26Okay. Suppose I was worried about nothing.
09:30Darling, soon this will all be over and we can leave.
09:34So don't even worry about it.
09:35Now, go play with that loser.
09:37No, I think I'm gonna go with her.
09:39There seems to be no disagreement.
09:42Next, now I announce that Miss Eileen is in a group with our bikini girl.
09:49You, over there.
09:50Okay, okay.
09:51Ah, okay.
09:52Man, I'm sorry.
09:53Next, may I announce the results.
09:55Congratulations to Miss Eileen and young Matthew who drew the master's identity.
10:01I must say, have a good time.
10:06You're in my hands now.
10:09Maeve, are you okay?
10:10Why are you helping her?
10:11What the hell do you think you're doing?
10:13I want you to want me.
10:15You're so boring.
10:16Em, I want you.
10:19I've loved you since I was a little girl.
10:21And I've already told you so many times I don't love you.
10:25It's because of this bitch, isn't it?
10:28You will die, Mark Wilson.
10:32You will die, Mark my words.
10:39What are you guys doing?
10:40Letting this boy play the hero?
10:42Get him out of here.
10:44Okay, okay.
10:50You're nothing without me.
10:52And the only way to make him realize that is your death.
10:57Ha, bunch of idiots.
10:59Surely you can kill her.
11:03Fine, I'll do it myself.
11:05Cut me some fishing line.
11:08Can't you fucking understand me?
11:12My lady, don't be offended.
11:14Our crew is not allowed to communicate.
11:17I suggest you get someone else like our impugnable.
11:21Are you done?
11:22Get your ass over here.
11:23Something's wrong.
11:25Hold on, they're fighting.
11:28No, stop.
11:29Wow, this thin snow white neck is bleeding.
11:34I'm sure our audience loved it.
11:36I have to say, Miss Eileen, you're a genius.
11:41I said watch your mouth.
11:44I don't need a man to survive.
11:52Wow, this thin snow white neck is bleeding.
11:56I'm sure our audience loved it.
11:58I have to say, Miss Eileen, you're a genius.
12:02Eileen, stop. You're strangling her.
12:04If you do this, I will never forgive you.
12:08That's the first time you've said so much to me and talked about the future.
12:12Too bad your threats don't scare me.
12:15Exciting fight.
12:16It's just not erotic enough and a waste of the bikini girl's great shape.
12:26Did you hear that?
12:28Turn around.
12:30Did you hear me?
12:31Turn around.
12:33My dear audience, look at the sight of those snow white breasts rising and falling.
12:39She's the sexy star of the island.
12:43What the hell?
12:48Look at that.
12:50I want my reward.
12:55Hey, Matt.
12:56What is that? Is that a bullet?
12:58It's all right, Walker. There's no wrong choice.
13:00Are you even listening to yourself right now?
13:02Are you going to kill me?
13:03Walker, you need to calm down.
13:05You know what? Fine.
13:06Fine, I'll die today.
13:08But first, Maeve.
13:10I've always been talking to myself.
13:13I've always been talking to myself.
13:15But first, Maeve.
13:16I've always been told I was pretty young.
13:19Walker, be quiet.
13:20I will be quiet forever in a minute.
13:22Maeve, you've got to listen to me right now.
13:24I met you yesterday and I love you.
13:26Walker, you don't stop talking.
13:28I can't promise you that I won't kill you.
13:30You misunderstand me.
13:31I just need some added security.
13:32After all, who knows what's in the game.
13:34So you're not going to kill me?
13:39We need to catch up, Miss Eileen.
13:41Miss Eileen, and I have to remind you to finish your beachcombing game.
13:49Go and get those conch shells for me.
13:54Go and get those conch shells for me.
13:56For what?
13:58So I can find them and you can kill me?
14:00You're a servant now.
14:01Servants do what they're told.
14:06It's not the rules of the game.
14:09On behalf of the family, we pledge an additional 20 million
14:13under the condition that this bitch
14:16goes and finds me conch shells.
14:19As you wish.
14:21So, so it's about money.
14:23I, I have money.
14:25Just take my winnings and give me my freedom.
14:28Oh, Maeve.
14:31You don't have a dime to your name.
14:34Unfortunately, she's right, my bikini baby.
14:38Even if you sold yourself, you wouldn't have that much money.
14:42Now be a good servant and collect those conches for me.
14:47And then wait for me to grab your death.
14:50Dude, your family's rich.
14:52Come on, you gotta do something.
14:53But hey, I can give her my winnings.
14:55After all, I was the winner of the last game.
14:57And if that's not enough, maybe you have some?
15:00Yeah, that's right.
15:01You have some?
15:02Yeah, that's right, but you never pay me.
15:10You have some?
15:11Yeah, that's right, but you never pay me.
15:14You think you're still the rich son of the high and mighty.
15:17Right now, you have nothing.
15:20And I'm sorry about that.
15:21Just tell me what I need to do.
15:24Well, if you've changed your mind,
15:26I can still rescue you from this island.
15:29And marry you.
15:30But I have nothing.
15:32The blood ties are still there.
15:35Even though you can't be the heir,
15:37our families still desire our union.
15:40Well, I'm glad to hear my family's fine.
15:43Seems they're all going great except me.
15:46You'll be fine soon.
15:48Give me your hand.
15:50I don't want to be with you.
15:52I don't like you.
15:54It's because of that bitch.
15:57Even if I didn't find anybody,
15:59I still wouldn't be with you.
16:02Because you're evil at heart.
16:06Go fuck yourself.
16:09I pledge 30 million.
16:11If this bitch can't find a conch shell,
16:13shoot her down immediately.
16:24No problem.
16:25Do what Miss Eileen says.
16:31I'll be your good little servant.
16:33I'll find you shells for you.
16:35But you are a poor woman.
16:39Money can't buy love.
16:46Thank you.
16:49After hearing what you said,
16:51I can die.
16:56Congratulations, Miss Eileen.
16:59Your servant has collected the murals.
17:06Any last words?
17:08Well, the schedule is alive.
17:11Our masters can now confirm
17:13that shooting targets with the armed men at their side...
17:16Are you sure you want to do this?
17:18If you kill her, it won't make me love you.
17:21Shoot that slut!
17:23Eileen, I'm warning you.
17:25You're going to regret this.
17:27Shoot the bikini slut!
17:28Eileen, I'm warning you.
17:29Shoot the slut!
17:35Target confirmed.
17:38You okay?
17:40Do as I said.
17:41Shoot her.
17:44Thank you, Matt.
17:47I can die happy
17:49after hearing what you just said.
17:52Goodbye, Matt.
17:55Goodbye, my love.
18:09Maeve, no!
18:13Am I dead?
18:15Are you hurting?
18:16Is something...
18:17Where do you feel pain at?
18:18Are you hurt?
18:19She's not hurting.
18:20Can't you tell?
18:22You are not playing by the rules.
18:26Why follow the rules when you have money?
18:28Is that what you taught us?
18:30It's okay, Maeve.
18:31You're safe now.
18:33I'm alive.
18:36I didn't die.
18:40How dare you!
18:46What happened?
18:48Your man is a genius.
18:49I can't believe he thought to save two people with one bullet.
18:51God, he's good.
19:02You're doing pretty good.
19:03You had a very quick response just now.
19:05What can I say?
19:06I love working with smart people.
19:07What are you guys even talking about?
19:09I thought I just died.
19:11No, you didn't die.
19:12But the girl who did is lying right there.
19:14She's struggling to breathe in a pool of blood.
19:16Her eyes are malignant.
19:17And God, her lips are blue.
19:23How did you do that?
19:24I promised the shooter I'd give them my whole winnings.
19:28You don't have to worry about her bothering you anymore.
19:33It's not that simple.
19:34That's Aileen.
19:35We can't touch her.
19:36You remember the Stewarts?
19:38Yeah, like the mega rich tycoon family.
19:42You're Matthew Stewart.
19:45Oh my God, you're like rich, rich.
19:50Today has been a day.
19:54Let's find somewhere to go.
19:55Yeah, come on.
19:56All right.
20:04Oh God.
20:05What a horrible day.
20:08What a horrible day.
20:10What the fuck did you do?
20:14Seems like the base was thrown into disarray.
20:16You did well.
20:17Not only saved me, but you diverted the island parties.
20:22Good job.
20:23She's a spoiled brat.
20:25I know her all too well.
20:27And I know her family too.
20:28And as soon as they hear about this,
20:30they're going to exact their revenge.
20:32You've told me time and time again.
20:35This isn't just about earning money.
20:37It's about earning the audience's attention.
20:40We can use that.
20:42Whoever is running this,
20:44they loved the show we gave them today.
20:46And with all the CCTV cameras,
20:50they'll know exactly what we're up to.
20:53Like, they would never have dared to kill Aileen.
20:56They'd certainly shoot her for dramatic effect.
21:00Hey, guys.
21:02I'm still here.
21:04The three of us are still alive.
21:06That's what counts, right?
21:08You know what?
21:10It just got awfully quiet all of a sudden,
21:12don't you think?
21:17Sorry, I'm just really hungry.
21:20I have some freshly caught food.
21:24Try it.
21:25It's at its freshest.
21:27I can't eat that.
21:29You want some?
21:31Listen, do you guys not understand?
21:33They're going to put you two in a group for money.
21:36Come on, do you not see what they're trying to do?
21:39They're trying to get you to kill each other.
21:41To have you two kill each other
21:43demonstrates the depravity and betrayal of human nature.
21:46And it's exactly what the deep web wants to see.
21:49Try some. It tastes good.
21:51Come on, you're not even listening to me.
21:53What do you think is going to happen next with you two, huh?
21:55They got a master and a servant together.
21:57Parker, that's why we need to eat.
21:59We need to keep our strength up.
22:01Look, it's getting dark outside, right?
22:04The game must be over for the day.
22:06Let's just take a break.
22:08You're right, danger doesn't seem to be too close, so...
22:11let's go find some food.
22:34Don't talk.
22:36You need to preserve your strength.
22:41You've lost a lot of blood,
22:43but don't worry,
22:45you're going to be fine.
22:47You're going to be fine.
22:49You're going to be fine.
22:51You're going to be fine.
22:53You've lost a lot of blood,
22:55but don't worry, I'll cure you.
22:58Are you hungry?
23:01I found you some food.
23:05You need to eat.
23:07Do you need me to help feed it to you?
23:11need water.
23:37I got you some water.
23:40Drink slowly.
23:42Be careful of opening up your wounds.
23:51Are you feeling okay?
23:54I'm... I'm fine.
23:56You don't have to pretend.
23:58In front of me, I can see that you're bleeding.
24:01I'm sorry.
24:03It's okay.
24:05I sent Walker out to get you some more medication.
24:08You're going to be all right.
24:10You're going to be fine.
24:15Thank you.
24:41I'm sorry.
24:51I'm kind of hungry.
24:53Your eyes...
24:55they remind me of a blue sky.
25:02This will make you more comfortable.
25:11I know it's out of place, but I have to ask.
25:15Go ahead. What's on your mind?
25:19We just kissed and...
25:23Look, if my behavior was not right, I'm sorry.
25:28But if it was, I would like to go on a date with you.
25:32Because I have a crush on you.
25:37Will you give me an answer?
25:41I mean, I think we both have a crush on each other.
25:48Aren't you engaged?
26:08Look, if you don't want to tell me, that's fine.
26:12But you know I was engaged once, too.
26:18It was actually my fiancé who sold me here.
26:26He wanted me dead.
26:28I don't think he thought I'd survive this long.
26:31He would have asked for more money.
26:33It's not that I didn't want to tell you.
26:36I wasn't hiding anything.
26:40It bothers me to think about it.
26:44You told me your story, so I'll tell you mine.
26:51I am the youngest child of the Stewart family.
26:55My parents care for me a lot.
26:57But they're also really good friends with Aileen's parents.
27:02And so to cement their friendship,
27:05they've bonded me through marriage with Aileen.
27:11I found out about it when she did a social media post.
27:18Cool! A Stewart family tale!
27:23I got the medicine off one of the guards.
27:25Here, take it.
27:27You take this, Mayf. You'll feel better by tomorrow.
27:29Hey, you were just talking about your family.
27:31Come on, keep it going.
27:33It's all right. It's going to be okay.
27:39You do seem professional.
27:41But I've never heard of a surgeon from the Stewart family.
27:46I have heard of the Stewart heir family battle.
27:49That was like a surprisingly big TV series.
27:52That's why I'm here.
27:54Because you failed.
27:56Seriously, that's why I'm here.
27:58Because you failed.
27:59More that I didn't participate.
28:02I don't understand.
28:07It was my refusal to care about being heir
28:11that ended up impressing my father the most.
28:14That led to me being framed,
28:16and ultimately it's why I'm on this island.
28:20Someone is luring me to kill.
28:23They're making me experience pain and betrayal
28:26just to destroy me.
28:34Oh my god, your hand is bleeding.
28:36Let me see.
28:39It looks like a deep cut.
28:41It must be from the fishing line.
28:43I'm going to need to disinfect this.
28:45We can't let that get infected.
28:49All right.
28:52I need you to sit still.
28:54Would it distract you if I told you stories
28:56from my family's past?
28:58Walker says they're just as good as a TV series.
29:03All right, good. We're almost there.
29:05Oh, it hurts.
29:07You're very brave.
29:12Okay, how do we get started with the stories, huh?
29:15Starting with when you were framed, right?
29:17All right.
29:18You know, I never cared about my inheritance.
29:20I always wanted to be a surgeon,
29:22a doctor.
29:25So I got an internship at a hospital.
29:27Well, as your patient,
29:29you're a great doctor.
29:31Thank you.
29:32Well, I got an internship at that hospital
29:34and while I was there,
29:36I rented a flat,
29:37and when I came home one day,
29:39I just got kidnapped.
29:41I didn't even see it coming.
29:43Don't rich kids like you have bodyguards?
29:47I'm not that kind of rich kid.
29:50But you see, I got kidnapped,
29:52and normally the kidnappers want money, right?
29:55So I said,
29:56this is my family.
29:58They have heaps of money.
29:59I told them my parents' names.
30:03And they just didn't seem interested at all.
30:05They didn't care for the money at all.
30:08And then I wound up on this island,
30:10and I keep hearing this voice
30:11coming out of those loudspeakers.
30:13It's like the voice is,
30:15it's luring me to kill.
30:20I can't shake the feeling that
30:22whoever is behind the loudspeaker knows me.
30:28That person is my family.
30:30One of my siblings.
30:38Turns out the rich have troubles too.
30:40Don't worry, I cut the cameras to the cave.
30:43Nobody can see us here.
30:46Hey, can I tell you something?
30:48I have never met a girl as incredible,
30:51brave, and as beautiful as Maeve.
30:54She looked at it all on her own.
30:56When she dived in that ocean for Luke,
30:58I just had a sense of justice stir inside me, you know?
31:04I was forced onto the island too,
31:06with anger and resentment
31:08coming to the forefront
31:09as soon as I stepped foot on this island.
31:12As soon as I stepped foot on this island.
31:15Then I met Maeve.
31:18She is just a beacon of pure joy.
31:21She radiates beauty.
31:24You know, so many people come here for money.
31:27And the three of us are stuck here
31:30just to try and survive on the island
31:32for one more day.
31:35While we're at it, I was thinking.
31:38What say we find a way to break up the game
31:41and get out of here?
31:44You know what?
31:45Everyone came here for money.
31:47That they just want survival.
31:49That's it.
31:50So many people tried to leave.
31:52They're all dead.
31:53All of them?
31:54What did they do?
31:56You didn't see it.
31:57There was even a boat ready for them at the dock.
32:00And they just brought them all back.
32:03I closed my eyes.
32:05I just see it.
32:06The water was blood red.
32:08And so many people killed on the island.
32:11Sounds like you carry that trauma with you.
32:14You didn't see those scenes.
32:16To have those living people fall in front of you.
32:19One by one.
32:20It was horrible.
32:24We saw those scenes.
32:27I still remember Scarface's severed head
32:31rolling at my feet
32:33and his blood spraying in my face.
32:35It was awful.
32:40We might die here.
32:42But we can't let that get in the way of our plan.
32:45We're not dead yet.
32:47We need to be brave.
32:50I haven't lied about one thing.
32:53Trust me when I say that you are
32:55the smartest, most beautiful person
32:57that I've ever met.
32:59These livestreams, they're illegal, right?
33:03I mean, they've got me on one condition
33:05so that the government can't see what they're doing,
33:07they keep me running the deep web
33:09so that they can see it on the sensors.
33:11But you created the deep web.
33:13We can use that.
33:18What can I do?
33:20Destroy the encrypted firewall.
33:22Even if I do that, I mean, the deep web,
33:24it's rarely known.
33:26Well, maybe we can...
33:29I think that was the wind.
33:32That scared the shit out of me.
33:33I thought it was a person.
33:35The weather on this island changes quickly.
33:37It might rain soon.
33:39Well, it's a good thing we're in a cave.
33:41Otherwise we'd be covered in rain and soaked.
33:44Hey, what's wrong?
33:46I don't know, but...
33:48I think we're on low ground.
33:50If it rains, we're gonna be stuck in here.
33:53What, you think the rain might flood the cave?
33:56Or cause a landslide.
33:59These are signs of heavy rain.
34:01You sound like a meteorologist.
34:03This isn't funny, we need to go.
34:04If we don't go soon, we're gonna get trapped in here.
34:17Wow, you're a prophet.
34:19This rock wall isn't big enough to shelter all three of us.
34:22We can't see anything now, but...
34:25when the rain stops, hopefully we can.
34:29Be careful.
34:30Never get wet.
34:31Hey, hey, look at that cave over there.
34:34What are those?
34:36It's moving, like the trees.
34:39Come on, trees don't move.
34:41It's more like...
34:42God, am I seeing a ghost or what?
34:44It's the water.
34:46It's moving like a river in the cave now.
34:49Wow, it's amazing we have you here.
34:51Otherwise I'd be swept up like those trees over there.
34:54She's the reason I'm still alive.
35:03I will never sacrifice my love.
35:06Uh, you know what?
35:08I think I got a better idea how to get out of the rain.
35:10Come on, follow me.