Four Souls of Coyote - Trailer (English) HD

  • vor 2 Monaten
Amerikanische Ureinwohner protestieren in Four Souls of Coyote gegen eine Öl-Pipeline, die durch das Land ihrer Vorfahren führen soll. Sie stellen sich den Geschäftsleuten und Baggern in den Weg. Der weise Großvater des Stammes versucht allen durch einen Blick in die Vergangenheit zu verdeutlichen, wieso die Pipeline nicht gebaut werden sollte.

Mehr dazu:
00:09Get your men ready we need to start tomorrow morning
00:18At first we knew but darkness a pitch-black void there was nothing only a dream
00:30They could break through stones, but here they're cold it cuts too much
00:37Who are you for don't you know, it's your dream
00:41Coyote these are your creatures you made them
00:45You are responsible for these two
00:48Something's changed here. They don't need a creator anymore
00:52What he says
00:57What's going on with the cell service send it over right away, oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were living in the 21st century
01:05Was that the end of course it is not
01:11We cannot live without each other
01:13What could possibly be so important to justify drawing blood
01:28I really messed up
01:33Did you bring them here I fear something's on the horizon we will not run
01:43Nothing is eternal, but the earth and the mountains