Honestly watch your actions, and you'll be liberated || Acharya Prashant,on Adhyatma Upanishad(2019)

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Video Information: Shastra Kaumudi Live, 15.07.2019, Advait BodhSthal, Greater Noida, India


"The destruction of actions leads to that of thought;
thence results the dwindling of innate impulse (to act).
The obliteration of innate impulse is liberation;
it is held to be freedom in life."

Adhayatma Upanishad (Verse 12)

~ What are the thoughts?
~ Are actions the manifestations of thought?
~ How to be free of restlessness?
~ What is the path of realization?
~ Who can understand the Upanishads?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00Adhyatma Upanishad, verse 12, Anisabhuta.
00:20The destruction of actions leads to that of thought, then results the dwindling of innate
00:27impulse to act, the obliteration of innate impulse is liberation, it is held to be freedom
00:36in life.
00:37Dear Acharyaji Pranam, I am not clear on the verse above.
00:44I am aware that I have innate impulses like anger, greed, pride, fear and attachments.
00:52Kindly help me understand what is this process of dwindling of innate impulses as mentioned
00:57in this verse.
01:04It is the path, the method, Anissa, that proceeds from the gross and goes towards the subtle.
01:15This method is for those who cannot begin from the subtle most.
01:24There is the path of realization.
01:31The path of realization says, begin from your center, begin from your heart, Atma, let that
01:48guide and dictate your mind, let that which comes from your heart shape your thoughts
02:02and then let your mind dictate your actions, let your thoughts seamlessly transform into
02:11your actions.
02:15Flow is from the center radially outwards.
02:21You start from the heart, you go to the mind and then you go to the gross actions.
02:29The movement is from the most subtle to the gross.
02:37And then contrasted to that is the path, the way, the method that is mentioned in this
02:48Why is a contrasting method needed?
02:52Because most people cannot start from the heart.
02:57Most people are so out of touch with their heart that they cannot listen to the heart.
03:03They are no more in sync.
03:05You tell them, please start from your heart.
03:13Do what God says.
03:14They will be perplexed because they have lost the faculty to listen to their heart.
03:23So if you just leave them with the instructions or the advice that they must do what their
03:32center says, they will not be able to do anything at all or they will mistakenly construe some
03:43random voice of the mind as the voice of the heart and proceed as per that random voice
03:53and harm themselves.
03:57So the way of the heart is not for everyone.
04:00It is only for those who are in touch with their heart.
04:06It is only for those who are in touch with the subtle most.
04:16And then there is the opposite way that this verse is talking of.
04:23It is the way of the gross.
04:26So you start from your actions.
04:30You look at your actions.
04:42You proceed backwards.
04:43You see where your actions are coming from.
04:46You come to your thoughts.
04:49Your thoughts then lead you to look at your deep tendencies.
04:55You negate the tendencies then.
04:58And when all these are gone, then you are left with nothing but pure truth.
05:05So the verse says the destruction of actions leads to that of thought.
05:09You look at your thoughts, you look at your actions to begin with, you look at that which
05:13is the most gross and what is that?
05:18You look at your actions and you find them horrible.
05:22You negate your actions.
05:26The verse says destruction of actions.
05:28You destroy your actions.
05:29You say no.
05:30The moment I pay attention to my actions, I see that I cannot continue with them.
05:40And if you can freeze your actions, then the thought that leads to those actions will
05:48start shrinking.
05:52Please understand the theory here.
06:06Thought feeds upon its manifestation into action.
06:13If you have a thought and you do not favor it, support it, energize it, you do not turn
06:22it into action, then that thought gets weakened.
06:28It loses its power because it is not gaining any sympathy from you.
06:38So the thought is arising and the thought is prompting you to act in a certain way.
06:44And you refuse to go by the demand of that thought.
06:49You refuse to act.
06:50You freeze the action.
06:51As the verse says, you destroy the action.
06:53You do not let the thought turn into action.
06:57The thought itself will die down because thought requires your support.
07:05How do you express your support to the thought?
07:09By turning it into action.
07:11When you do not turn the thought into action, what have you told the thought?
07:16I do not respect you.
07:19You have come to me and you are saying act this way and I have not gone by your advice.
07:23I do not respect you.
07:26I will not fuel you.
07:29I am not your ally.
07:33And the thought, humiliated and de-energized, falls down.
07:44Similar is the relationship between the latent tendency that gives rise to thoughts and thoughts.
07:53Thought demands action.
07:56Tendency demands thought.
07:58So the tendency comes to you, demanding that you think in a particular way.
08:05But if you do not support the tendency, if you do not let the tendency turn into active
08:11thoughts, then the tendency too will gradually shrivel.
08:23You are not energizing the tendency.
08:25From where will it continue?
08:31So action is destroyed and that destroys thoughts.
08:34Thought is destroyed and that destroys the tendency.
08:37And when false action, false thought, false tendencies are all gone, then you are left
08:44with nothing but the truth.
08:49This is the way in which you proceed from the gross to the subtle.
09:11Nisa is saying, I am aware that I have innate impulses like anger, pride, greed, fear, attachments.
09:18What is the process of dwindling of innate impulses as mentioned?
09:22The process of dwindling of innate impulses is the process of not letting the impulses
09:27turn into thought or action.
09:31How do you dwindle the innate impulses?
09:35By not letting them turn into thoughts and then actions.
09:45That's the highlighted portion.
09:53How do you enfeeble a thought?
09:56By not acting on it.
10:07Let the thought keep coming.
10:09You keep disregarding it.
10:13Then the thought will not find any traction with you.
10:18It will feel insulted and will retreat.
10:27Let your impulses keep raging.
10:32Do not let them occupy your mind.
10:35Do not start actively thinking on their lines.
10:42Then the impulses will gradually fall silent.
10:52You have the choice.
10:57Nothing happens to you without your consent.
11:00Impulses appeal to you.
11:03Thoughts appeal to you.
11:07You are the judge.
11:08You decide whether to accept their appeals.
11:11Do not say, oh, what do I do?
11:16I am a slave to my thoughts.
11:17You are not a slave to your thoughts.
11:19You are the one who decides that you will go by your thoughts.
11:25And if you have decided, you can also reverse the decision.
11:32That power is there.
11:35Exercise that power judiciously.
11:42That thought can be any good thought?
11:50Do you ever have bad thoughts?
11:53If you know that a thought is bad, it will not remain anymore.
11:58According to the thinker, all thoughts are good.
12:02We said thought requires your support to survive.
12:07So if there is any thought that is surviving in you, according to you it is a good thought.
12:13Otherwise how could it have survived?
12:19Survival of thought requires that you consider it beneficial for yourself.
12:24If you know that a thought is not beneficial for you, then you will not support it and
12:28then it cannot survive.
12:30If a bad thought is preserving in your mind, continuing in your mind, then it means that
12:38you are just calling it a bad thought, deeply you are supporting it.
12:44Deeply you think that it is a good thought.
12:47Maybe for reasons of moral necessity, you are superficially calling it bad.
12:59But deeply you are quite pleased with it.
13:05Had you really honestly thought that the thought is bad, then the thought would have gone.
13:14But our minds are all full of so-called bad thoughts.
13:18What does that mean?
13:20We call them bad.
13:23We actually do not consider them bad.
13:34And your minds are not at all full of good thoughts.
13:38What does that mean?
13:39You call them good, but you consider them very very bad.
13:43So even when those thoughts come to you, you do not support them.
13:49What do you support?
13:51All the so-called bad thoughts, because they are all quite nice, lovely, attractive.
14:00Then let us have a little honesty.
14:03Why call them bad at all?
14:33There was this Bengali story, so Bengali gentleman, Bhadralok, he was very fond of visiting brothels.
15:03And he was a Brahmin, a Brahmin II of the highest Gotra.
15:21So he will go to the prostitute and coil the sacred thread around his ear, do what
15:37he wanted to do and leave.
15:46One day when he was leaving, the woman saw that he was exhausted, all in sweat and huffing
15:57and panting, must have been quite intensely in the act.
16:10So the woman brought a glass of water for him.
16:18He must have been a regular patron, so just for client relationship management, she probably
16:25bought some water.
16:26Please take some water, you are sweating a lot sir and you are losing your breath.
16:33So the bugger says, I am a high caste Brahmin, will I drink water from your hands?
16:53The woman was a bad thought for her, such are our bad thoughts.
16:59We enjoy them and then we say, will I touch you?
17:03You low caste, low class prostitute, will I ever touch you, will I accept water from
17:16your hands?
17:19That is our relationship with our bad thoughts.
17:46We are able to see the thoughts, we can stop the thoughts turning into actions, but how
17:51to see tendencies, how to catch tendencies not becoming thoughts, because they are very
17:57No, tendencies are subtle, thoughts are not.
18:03Thoughts are not as imperceivable as tendencies, so they are not very subtle.
18:08Don't keep thinking.
18:10You know how to stop thoughts, right?
18:13You very well know how to fuel thought.
18:18You also know how to de-energize thought.
18:25Go, occupy yourself constructively, don't give yourself the time and the space to think
18:36so much.
18:39That is how you block the flow of thought.
18:43That is how you interrupt the momentum of thought, don't you?
18:48The moment you interrupt thought, you have weakened the tendency behind the thought.
18:54Tendency you cannot see, but thought you can.
18:57So work on the thought.
18:58By working on the thought, you are indirectly working on the tendency.
19:08And if you can work on your thought long enough and consistently enough, you will find
19:15that your tendency has weakened down a lot.
19:22While we sit in the satsang, usually we have a posture to take, so the actions are being
19:33dumbed down.
19:34So we are able to do that.
19:35But I think this is a very right time when we are able to see our tendencies as well
19:40So you are not moving your body because you are following some discipline, but then tendencies
19:45keep on pushing up.
19:47Something keeps on coming up.
19:48So like for example, the last question when you were talking about how to strangulate
19:53the maya, there were some film movie shots coming up like the Gangs of Wasseypur last
20:00He is pushing bullets again and again.
20:04And it kept on coming even when the second question came, that he is pushing bullets
20:08even when Ramadhin is dead.
20:11So that thing was coming up and some other thing.
20:15So at that point of time, listen to the next answer.
20:28The movie will stop.
20:36How do you stop a particular action?
20:38Man is forever acting, then how do you stop a particular action?
20:44Do something else.
20:45Not doing anything is anyway not possible.
20:47What does it mean then to destroy action as the Upanishad says?
20:52It means to do something else, go, get busy with something more fruitful, more sane.
