Thelma (2024) Movie Review

  • 2 months ago
An old lady get scammed then goes looking for her money.


00:00Now we review the 2024 film Thelma. Shouldn't there be a Louise on the end
00:06of that? All right ladies and gentlemen I just ran across it is in theaters near
00:13me the film Thelma which is a 2024 film about an elderly woman she is in her
00:20mid 90s mid to early 90s as is the actress and what happens is she gets a
00:28phone call telling her that her grandson needs money for a lawyer he's
00:35in the hospital or in the in jail been in a car accident and the lawyer needs
00:42needs the money right away so she goes and does her little old lady thing and
00:49mails mails the money and loses the address she was gonna mail the money to
00:57and then cops are no help she finds the address she threw away and now little
01:06old lady is going on a quest to get her money back and because her family won't
01:13help her they enlist the aid of other old people this is a very bold film to
01:23make because you're dealing with actors that I mean when they're in their 90s
01:28may not make it to the end of filming so you know really this is a it's one of
01:36those films where where I mean you're dealing with the fact that people you
01:42have met people you have worked with and people you have enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed
01:47being around may not be around that much longer and this is a real thing
01:55that does happen you know there are these people that scam you I've gotten a
01:59number of texts recently and by recently I mean within the last six months of
02:05people being oh is this Kevin no it's not Kevin oh I'm you know Shawna from
02:12from New York there's a picture of me who are you what do you look like no
02:20sweetheart I mean I'm not gonna go to New York no matter how hot you are and
02:26you're not that hot and you know not really understanding why you would be so
02:33interested in random people I mean look I've tried a few old phone numbers
02:43because I used to have friends that own those numbers and those friends aren't
02:47around anymore so yeah it does happen before I get any further let me remind
02:54you that for every thousand subscribers I get I do purchase one of these
02:56bracelets from 4ocean 4ocean pulls a pound of trash out of the ocean every
03:03time I do it so if you'd be so kind as comment like and subscribe you'd be
03:06doing your part for a better world now essentially we have two stories here we
03:12have the a plot which is the elderly woman trying to track down her money and
03:18the B plot which is the family trying to track down the elderly woman because she
03:25knows they're going to stop her she knows that they're going to say hey
03:30look the money isn't worth it what's important is your safety and they're
03:35right but you know one of the things about this movie is that you're dealing
03:41with an elderly woman and you know she needs to stay alive she needs to just
03:46because you're old doesn't mean that you know you stop living and you know she's
03:52living on her own she has friends who live in a senior home and she's calling
03:58them all and she's calling a lot of her friends to see if anybody can help her
04:02find this money and just a lot of them are dead now so it's on the one hand
04:10it's this very dark sense of humor it's like oh she died of us she fell down oh
04:15oh yes okay oh I forgot she did that so oh dear you know very very macabre humor
04:22about aging in the elderly and that's very relevant to our society now the
04:28baby boomer generation is getting much older and a lot of them are dying out
04:33and you know we're going to be a society with a much larger older population soon
04:41so it's just one of those things we have to deal with so yes the macabre humor
04:48the dealing with the elderly people it's neither here nor there I mean you
04:55know one of the things is that this old man is supposed to play Daddy Warbucks
05:00in a production of Annie at his senior center so I think like the youngest
05:06person that could possibly be in this senior home is like 60 so you know
05:12that's that's probably Annie was played by a 65 year old and Daddy Warbucks was
05:17played by this you know 91 year old or whatever you have it and that's that's
05:23one of those things that you know if you live in a closed environment you get who
05:29you can you do do what you have to do to keep surviving to keep thriving just
05:35because you're old doesn't mean you're out you shouldn't stop living because
05:40you reach a certain age I know elderly I know an elderly woman from Ireland and
05:45because she had back pain she literally sat there dancing about because she
05:50couldn't sit still as I talked to her last and you know what there's nothing
05:55wrong with that you you live until you die and you make that sure either you
06:00you die straight out or you make the choice to start stop living and that's a
06:04beautiful part of this film now the family well I thought there was more
06:10that was going to develop with that plot I feel that something got pulled out of
06:14the movie there one of the things that happens is that the grandson has lost
06:18his driver's license and he hasn't gotten a new one and he's doing a lot of
06:23you know reckless driving to get to his grandmother and I thought that was going
06:27to come into play at some point there are other points with them that don't
06:32really come in come into play and then you know the last act of the movie takes
06:38place as an antique shop I felt it was really intense it was kind of a
06:44difficult difficult moment because you know it does keep you on pins and needles
06:51to the very last very last there but then it ends ends on a brighter note you
06:58know not the brightest note in the world but a brighter note and yeah so where
07:04does this leave us you know this is kind of a slice of life film it's very
07:09real these are very real characters with very real problems you have I mean
07:14literally after seeing this film I went to the grocery store and there was a
07:19little old lady that looked just like Thelma right behind me and I think she
07:24was even afraid of me she was like this doll so yeah but you know this film I
07:31believe it's getting something like a 70.3 on IMDb a 7.3 out of 10 on Rotten
07:39Tomatoes it is getting a 99 from critics and like an 83 from audiences
07:46scoring very high so so Thelma is a good little film it belongs at the very top
07:52of your watch list if you had the option of seeing this or Deadpool and Wolverine
07:57you should see Deadpool and Wolverine unless you want the PG-13 option which
08:04means you should see Thelma so it's right under I mean this film could not
08:09be better it's as good as can be done with this budget and this very tight
08:15cast and that's what makes it a wonderful film because this is really
08:20good filmmaking it's real people in real situations doing real things and being
08:25pushed and in reality that's what good filmmaking is so if you have the
08:32opportunity go see Thelma it is a great film and I'm Richard
08:38Greetings humans! It's your old pal Randall the Rat again and I'm taking a break from
08:43eating your delicious face to remind you to comment like and subscribe and why
08:49should you do that well for one thing see this bling here yeah that awesome
08:55isn't it yeah got a dragon on it this is what you get if you go to the
08:59Conqueror and start the Great Wall of China challenge yeah walk long enough
09:06bike long enough you can plant five trees and get this awesome necklace
09:11which the owner of this channel Richard has done for you because he wanted to
09:16plant five trees and get him awesome necklace and for every thousand
09:20subscribers he gets he also buys a bracelet from 4ocean and they pull a
09:26pound of trash out of the ocean so the more money he has the more of these
09:30challenges he buys from the Conqueror and the more trees he plants for you so
09:37if you comment you like it subscribe he can buy buy more bracelets pull more
09:43trash out of the ocean and plant more trees isn't that awesome
09:47shouldn't you be doing that then be smart click click that like button or
09:55I'll eat you might eat you anyway you look delicious
