
  • 2 months ago


00:00Where's Enrique? It's almost time to go!
00:03He'll be here. He won't want to miss seeing Zack and Wheezy play a song for Princess Cadoodle.
00:08Hola, Emi. Hola, Max. Your mom sent me up.
00:11Come on! We want to get to Dragon Land early so we can help Zack and Wheezy practice their song.
00:17Si, si. I'm the one who taught it to them.
00:20Nice hat! Can I try it on?
00:22No, don't!
00:24Why not? I'm the one who taught it to them.
00:27Can I try it on?
00:28No, don't!
00:29Why not?
00:30Come on, you two!
00:39I wish, I wish, with all my heart,
00:42that we'd fly with Dragon to the Land of Hearts!
00:57Look! There they are!
00:59Emi! Max! Enrique!
01:02I'm so glad you're here. We need your help.
01:05Why? Is something wrong?
01:07It's Zack and Wheezy! They won't come out of their cave!
01:11Right before their big concert? Que raro!
01:14Yes, really strange, right?
01:17Zack and Wheezy would never miss a concert.
01:20There must be something wrong. Let's go see if we can help.
01:23The knucker hole is right over... over... there!
01:31I really like your cap. Can I take a closer look?
01:35No, no, Aura. Not right now.
01:38Enrique's not taking off his hat for anybody today.
01:42Okay, everybody hop in!
01:45Next stop, Zack and Wheezy's cave!
01:54Whoa! I'm still not used to getting around this way.
01:59Zack? Wheezy? Where are you?
02:03Go away! Zack and Wheezy aren't home!
02:08You can't fool me, Wheezy. That's your voice!
02:12No, it's not!
02:14Yes, it is! Come out, come out, wherever you are!
02:18You heard Wheezy! We aren't here!
02:21Oops! I mean, Wheezy and I aren't...
02:24Oh, I give up.
02:27I had them fooled until you put our foot in your mouth.
02:32Your skin! What happened?
02:34We're shedding!
02:39That means their scales are falling off.
02:42It happens every day.
02:44That means their scales are falling off.
02:47It happens to dragons sometimes.
02:49It's not so bad. Your scales will grow back.
02:53But not for weeks!
02:55And we're supposed to play a song for Princess Kadoodle in just a few hours!
02:59We can't appear in front of the princess looking like this.
03:02We'll just have to cancel the show.
03:06But you two practice so hard.
03:08You can't let a few missing scales stop you from performing.
03:12That's easy for you to say.
03:14You're not the one shedding.
03:21Oh, there goes some more.
03:23I feel so silly looking without our scales.
03:27Hey, if we all start thinking, we should be able to figure out a way to fix this.
03:32You'll have to hurry. The curtain's going up really soon.
03:43Let's try to mix the colors so they match Zach and Wheezy's scales.
03:47And maybe it'll look like the scales are still there.
04:02Everybody, grab a brush!
04:06I feel like an art project.
04:10You have to stop giggling. It makes you all jiggly.
04:16Okay, can anybody see where the scales are missing?
04:19Nope. The berry juice blends in perfectly.
04:23Love it!
04:25Yeah, it looks good.
04:29It's perfect!
04:31It's perfect!
04:33It's perfect!
04:35It's perfect!
04:37Yeah, it looks good.
04:39Let's give it a whirl!
04:42Our song is called, El Coqui, The Frog.
04:47I taught them that song in Espanol and English.
04:53My coqui little frog, how I love you.
04:57For your song gives me comfort and peace.
05:01Every night I can go to sleep happy.
05:04When I hear lullabies from Coqui.
05:13I didn't teach you this part.
05:19The new scales are itchy.
05:23I think we better try something else.
05:27Maybe we could cover up the bald spots.
05:30With what?
05:34Oh, I feel like a garden in spring.
05:37And I feel like a parade float.
05:40But flowers are the perfect cover up for your missing scales.
05:44We're almost out of flowers. Where are Orda Max?
05:51I can't help it.
05:53Tiny lines make me sneeze.
05:55And big ones make me sneeze even bigger.
06:05There, all the bare spots are covered.
06:09At least flowers don't itch.
06:11Let's rock and roll!
06:17My coqui little frog, how I...
06:20Hey, where'd that bumblebee come from?
06:23Probably just likes flowers. Let's start over.
06:29My coqui little frog, how I...
06:33My coqui little frog, how I love you.
06:36For your song gives me comfort and peace.
06:43When I hear lullabies from Coqui.
06:46My coqui little frog, how I...
06:49My coqui little frog, how I love you.
06:52For your song gives me comfort and peace.
07:01Pretty good, huh?
07:03No one's gonna notice your missing scales when you're wearing all this stuff.
07:07Definitely. They'll be looking at all your clothes instead.
07:11And now for the finishing touch.
07:15Why didn't I ever think of wearing all my fancy clothes at the same time before?
07:21Because we look like someone dumped a laundry basket over our heads?
07:25This almost looks worse than shedding.
07:27No, you look like rock stars. Really. Play!
07:36My coqui little frog, how I love you.
07:40For your song gives me comfort and peace.
07:48Well, grab it before it falls off.
08:01Maybe if we tried a few less layers.
08:04It's hopeless. We'll just have to cancel the show.
08:08We'll go tell Princess Cadoodle.
08:11She'll be disappointed, but she should know.
08:14Come on, we better hurry.
08:16Everyone's probably already finding seats for the concert.
08:22I'll stay here with Zack and Wheezy.
08:27I'm sorry we're not gonna be able to sing for Princess Cadoodle.
08:31Well, there's still time to change your mind.
08:34You really don't look that bad.
08:37You wouldn't say that if you were us.
08:39You don't know what it's like to feel so silly.
08:43Actually, I know exactly how you feel.
08:49Oh, sorry. I can't help it.
08:53That is a B.A.D. haircut.
08:56My abuelita did it. I don't think she's cut hair in a long time.
09:01But, even looking like this, if I had a chance to play for Princess Cadoodle, I would do it.
09:07No, you wouldn't. You're just saying that.
09:10Si, si, I would, and I'll prove it.
09:13I'll get up on that stage if you will.
09:15Maybe we could help each other feel less embarrassed.
09:18Yeah, everyone will be so busy looking at our bald spots, they won't notice your haircut.
09:24Or they'll be so busy laughing at my haircut, they won't notice your missing scales.
09:36But I don't know what to say.
09:38We'll just have to tell the princess the truth.
09:41It's the only way.
09:43I'll do it.
09:57Look at Enrique's hair.
09:59No wonder he didn't want to take off his hat.
10:02My sister and I, along with our friend Enrique, would like to play a song for you.
10:08It's called, El Coqui, The Frog.
10:17My coqui little frog, how I love you.
10:21My little frog, how I love you.
10:24For your song gives me comfort and peace.
10:28Every night I could go to sleep happy.
10:32When I hear lullabies from Coqui.
10:35Coqui, Coqui, Coqui-ki-ki-ki.
10:39Coqui, Coqui, Coqui-ki-ki-ki.
10:51I don't think anyone in the audience even cared about how they looked.
10:58Thank you, your majesty.
11:04Gracias, your majesty.
11:14Hey, nice haircut.
11:22I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
11:31Enrique, you left your hat in Dragon Land.
11:34That's okay, I can get along without it until next time.
11:38And maybe your hair will grow out by then.
11:48Vroom, vroom!
11:52What's a house doing in the middle of my highway?
11:55I had to make room for my stable.
11:57Well, it's blocking my car.
11:59Vroom, vroom!
12:01Careful, you'll scare the ponies.
12:04You two are always arguing lately.
12:07What's gotten into you?
12:09It's Hans' fault.
12:12Look, the dragons are calling us to Dragon Land.
12:22Vroom, vroom!
12:25I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.
12:42Hooray, they're here.
12:44Come on, we're playing a fabulous new game the lord made up.
12:48You're gonna love it.
12:50You just love it because you're winning.
12:54How do you play?
12:56All you do is take a crystal ball and roll it toward Turtle Rock.
13:00The ball that comes closest wins.
13:03This is like playing marbles, las canicas, only bigger.
13:13Woohoo, I'm winning!
13:15Great job, little buddy. Now it's Emmy's turn.
13:24Yes, I win!
13:28Hey, you can't knock my ball away, that's cheating.
13:32No, it's not. Right, Ord?
13:34Gee, when I made up the game, I never really thought about it.
13:38You're supposed to try and get the closest, not knock my ball away.
13:42There's no rule against it, so it's okay.
13:46No need to argue, Max is right.
13:48No, Emmy's right.
13:50Too much arguing. I'll just practice until they're done.
13:58Oh no, vuelve aquí. Come back here.
14:05There you are, canica.
14:10Hello, young fella. Haven't you ever seen a wishing well before?
14:15I'm Wyatt the wishing well. Step right up. Any wish granted for a coin.
14:20Really? Well, yo sé, I know.
14:24I wish my friends Emmy and Max would stop arguing.
14:29Aren't you forgetting something?
14:31Huh? Oh, a coin.
14:34I wish Emmy and Max would stop arguing and become closer, like brothers and sisters should be.
14:46Your wish has been granted.
14:48Just like that?
14:49Just like that.
15:01One, two, three, pull! Pull!
15:11Buddy, stop! What are you doing?
15:16It's so strange. They were arguing, then suddenly their hands reached out and stuck together.
15:23And now they're trying to help pull us apart.
15:26Oh no, I think it is my fault.
15:29What do you mean?
15:31I found a wishing well, and since Max and Emmy have been arguing lately, I made a wish to make them closer.
15:38I didn't mean that close.
15:40We can't stay like this.
15:42We can't stay like this?
15:44Yes. Let's go back to Wyatt and unwish Enrique's wish.
15:51I wish Emmy and Max were back to the way they were.
16:00I'm so full of coins, I won't be able to grant any more wishes until I'm emptied out.
16:05Huh? We could empty the coins for you.
16:09Yeah, they have to be taken to the First Dragon Land Bank.
16:12We'll do it. We'll get those coins to the bank and be back in a jiffy.
16:17It'll take longer than that. The bank's far away.
16:20All right, make that two jiffies.
16:25Phew, that's the last of them.
16:28The bag's heavy. When we fly, it'll take two of us to carry it.
16:34When the coins are in the bank, I'll be all ready to grant more wishes.
16:38Then I can give Max and Emmy a hand with their problem.
16:42Get it? Give a hand?
16:50Those are rain clouds. We should go around them.
16:53That way.
16:55I think we should go this way.
16:57That way.
16:58No, this way.
16:59That's it!
17:01It's your fault!
17:05We'd better pick up these coins fast if we want to get to the bank before it closes for the day.
17:12Ow! Hey! Stop it!
17:17You know, when those two argue, they remind me of someone.
17:22Really? Who?
17:31You know, you two might move around more easily if you planned ahead.
17:37Yeah, you should talk about which way you want to go before you go.
17:41Planning ahead works for us.
17:43I guess it's worth a try.
17:45Okay, which way should we go first, Emmy?
17:49We'll start by picking up the coins over there, okay?
17:55Now, let's go around on my side, okay?
18:00Let's go.
18:21Wow! You two picked up more coins than any of us.
18:25Once we figured out how, it was easy.
18:28I'm exhausted. I have to rest for a little while.
18:32I'm tired, too. We have been flying for such a long time.
18:37Okay, but we can't stay for long.
18:42I think I'll go pick some dragonberries.
18:46Let's go with Orr. I'm hungry, too.
18:49But I want to go over there.
18:51I'm hot. I want to splash water on my face.
18:54Dragonberries! The stream!
18:59They do remind me of someone.
19:01But who do we know who argues like that?
19:04It's right on the tip of my tongue.
19:11You know, you could do what you both want to do if you take turns.
19:16Why don't you collect the berries first, then splash water on your face?
19:23I guess that would work.
19:26Why didn't we think of that ourselves?
19:29Now we can both have what we want.
19:33And without fighting.
19:35Come on. Now let's go to the stream.
19:43We should tell Zack and Wheezy to land.
19:46This fog's getting too thick.
19:48But where'd they go?
19:50Zack! Wheezy!
19:52Enrique! Where are you?
19:57I hope Zack and Wheezy can find us in all this fog.
20:01Maybe they'll find us if we build some kind of signal they can see.
20:05Great idea, Cassie!
20:07Yeah! We should dig a big arrow.
20:10A cool arrow would shine in the sunlight.
20:13Ami! Max! You're both busy talking and nobody's listening.
20:18If you want to figure out the best plan, you have to hear what each other has to say.
20:23You're right, Ord.
20:25I'm sorry, Max. I wasn't listening.
20:27What was your idea?
20:28To dig a big arrow in the ground.
20:30An arrow would make a good signal, but the ground's too hard to dig.
20:34I guess you're right. What was your idea?
20:37To use the coins to reflect sunlight and make a signal.
20:40A signal is a great idea.
20:42But there isn't enough sunshine in this fog.
20:46Probably not. So what do we do now?
20:50Look! Glitter bugs!
20:54They'd make a really bright light.
20:56But how do we get enough glitter bugs together so the light will be bright enough to see in the fog?
21:04Ord! Did you save any extra dragonberries?
21:08A whole pack's full.
21:10Glitter bugs love dragonberries.
21:13We can make a big arrow on the ground out of berries.
21:16And when the glitter bugs come to eat them, they'll make a bright signal.
21:26Ew! This fog is icky, sticky, thick.
21:30Ord, Cassie, Max and Ami can't be too far away.
21:33Well, if they are, I can't see them.
21:37Mire, mire! A signal! Maybe that's them!
21:46Oh! You found us!
21:50Thanks to your signal, what a great idea! Who thought of it?
21:54We both did!
21:57Look! The fog is going away!
22:00Hop on quick! We have to get these coins to the banks.
22:03Hop on quick! We have to get these coins to the banks before it's too late!
22:09All your coins are safe and sound in the First Dragonland Bank, Wyatt.
22:13Thanks! And that means I'm open for wishes!
22:17I wish my friends Ami and Max weren't stuck together anymore.
22:26Phew! It feels so good to wiggle my fingers again!
22:30As we say in the wish biz, all's well that ends well.
22:34Get it?
22:36We get it!
22:38Thank you, Wyatt.
22:40And thank you for your advice.
22:42But if you know so much about working together, how come you don't know how to make a wish?
22:47And thank you for your advice.
22:49But if you know so much about working together, how come you don't know how to make a wish?
22:53Huh? Us argue?
22:56So that's who they remind us of!
22:59Us! Maybe we should listen to our own advice!
23:04I wish, I wish to use this time to go back home until next time.
23:13There's still time to play cards!
23:15Bueno! You guys should be able to play without arguing now!
23:19Definitely! And thanks to your wish, we're closer than ever!
23:23Just not too close!