【百格大事纪】奥运摘金奖励比一比 大马其实很“大手笔”?| 1.8.2024

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8月1日 #百格大事纪,带你关注今日重点要事。

临时换党 能吉里土团候选人惹跳槽争议
丹巫统见缝插针 游说土团党员跳船
海军新兵命案列他杀 高庭:海军拒绝当事人就医
经营非法货币服务者强制入狱 即起生效
网络留言辱王室 泰学运领袖“冒犯君主”罪成
甘榜布洛凌晨火灾 2男1女被烧成焦尸
柏鲁湖干涸 水底村庄、坟墓重现人间
忧影响海洋生态 刁曼岛轻快铁珊瑚礁恐成唯


00:00The Nongkiri National Alliance candidate has revealed that he has been persuaded by the first-party leader many times to join the grassroots movement.
00:08For more information, please watch the 100th Anniversary of August 1.
00:13Good evening, I am Jia Xuan.
00:15This Saturday is the nomination day of Nongkiri's Zhou Yixi.
00:19Both camps have announced their candidates.
00:22However, the Nongkiri National Alliance's Mohamed Liswadi was involved in the grassroots movement because he joined the grassroots movement before the nomination.
00:30The 41-year-old Liswadi used to be the head of the Yixin Group in the Yidang Huawangsheng District.
00:36According to the Yidang Houshe Haraka, Liswadi was not willing to join the grassroots movement at first because he realized that he had to take on a huge responsibility.
00:45However, after many requests from the first-party leader, he finally agreed to join.
00:50In fact, before the first-party leader, he often said that he would take back Zhou Yixi from the Nongkiri National Alliance.
00:56However, in the end, he took the seat in such a way that it was a bit unreasonable.
01:01However, the chairman of the Yidang Houshe Haraka, Duan Ibrahim, said without hesitation that this was one of the National Alliance's campaign strategies.
01:09On the other hand, according to the freedom of the press today,
01:13the Nongkiri National Alliance has mixed feelings about this paratrooper.
01:17However, it cannot be denied that, compared with the first-party, the Nongkiri National Alliance's influence or political strength in the whole of Jilandan is indeed very weak.
01:25The news pointed out that the Nongkiri National Alliance must send a candidate who has won the trust of the first-party to regain the support of the first-party and Nongkiri voters.
01:33So even at this stage, there is dissatisfaction in the party, but I believe that the party will soon be able to provoke and assist Liswadi in the election.
01:41However, Zha Wawei, the head of the pro-democracy Danzhou pro-democracy campaign, took this opportunity to persuade the grassroots party members of the Tupou Party's Huawangsheng District.
01:49If they are not satisfied with the decision of the Tupou Party's top leadership, they are welcome to re-invest in the Tupou Party and support the candidate of the National Alliance in the Nongkiri National Alliance.
01:59In Zha Wawei's view, the chairman of the Danzhou Tupou Party, Kamaludin, claimed that choosing the former first-party party member Liswadi as the candidate of the National Alliance was to meet the wishes of the voters.
02:10This is already an insult to the leaders and party members of the Huawangsheng District.
02:15Next, let's pay attention to the case of Su Saimani, a new soldier of the Danish Royal Navy in 2018.
02:23But before we follow up on the events, let me quickly tell you about the background of the news.
02:2827-year-old Su Saimani joined the Navy seven days later.
02:32On May 19, 2018, after receiving training at the Hongtoukan Naval Base, he was sent to the city of Buxi to die.
02:40The cause of death was a concussion of the spiral body and infection. He died in the water.
02:44Yibao Yanshiting was sentenced to death in the morning, but his family was dissatisfied with the sentence and filed a lawsuit with Yibao High Court.
02:51This Monday, Yibao High Court overturned Yanshiting's previous decision to replace him with a murder charge.
02:57Because the Navy refused Su Saimani's request for treatment, he was sentenced to death.
03:03After the sentence, the victim's father, Zuo Se, was wearing a photo of his son at 10.30 a.m.
03:09and wearing a shirt that said,
03:12For Su Saimani, justice is written in English.
03:16Accompanied by a representative lawyer, Zaiyin Malie and Su Rendeng.
03:21I am so, so regret to send my son to TLDF.
03:27And so careless, negligent.
03:31Because of that, my son Su Saimani come dead.
03:35The Navy officers who are in charge of his training should have foreseen
03:41that if you do not take someone who is so sick to the hospital, then he will die. He may die.
03:49Now that is why the High Court judge said that this is a homicide.
03:54What does homicide mean?
03:56Homicide means unlawful killing of a person.
04:00Joseph has asked that PDRM immediately launch a murder investigation into the death of his son.
04:09The 2024 Paris Olympic Games is in full swing.
04:13In order to encourage their athletes to perform well on the field,
04:17almost every country will set various forms of rewards, including generous bonuses.
04:22Forbes has contacted all 206 countries and regions' National Olympic Committee or the country's sports department
04:29and confirmed that at least 33 countries and regions have provided cash rewards for winning medalists.
04:36But which country is the most generous?
04:39And which is the most generous?
04:41According to Forbes' statistics, Hong Kong ranks first with $768,000.
04:46Israel ranks second with $275,000.
04:49As for the third and fourth countries, the total amounts are not far apart.
04:53That is $218,000 for Serbia and $214,000 for Malaysia.
05:00Italy ranks fifth with $196,000.
05:05Let's focus on the Malaysian rewards system.
05:08According to Malaysia's National Sports Rewards Program,
05:11the winner of this year's Olympic gold medal will receive $1 million,
05:14$300,000 in silver and $100,000 in bronze.
05:17However, in addition to the $1 million official bonus,
05:21athletes who become the first Olympic gold medalists
05:24can also receive bonuses and material rewards from other companies,
05:28such as cars, luxury apartments, etc.
05:30For example, as long as the gold medalists win, the total bonus will reach $7 million,
05:35and non-athletes will receive $6 million.
05:39But in fact, from the top bonus rankings,
05:42it can be seen that the top 10 countries are not medal-winning countries.
05:46Medal-winning countries, such as Australia,
05:49give $13,340 to donors,
05:52while the U.S. gives $37,500.
05:55As for China, there is no clear bonus standard,
05:58and there will be different bonuses for different provinces and sports associations.
06:02Please note that the National Bank issued a statement today
06:05to announce that the 2024 Monetary Service Act, which has been amended,
06:09will take effect in a few days.
06:11Businesses that operate illegal monetary service businesses
06:14will be forced to go to jail for no more than 10 years,
06:17and will be fined at least $50,000.
06:19The statement emphasizes that unauthorized activities
06:22may pose a risk to customers and undermine the integrity of the monetary service industry.
06:26In addition to being forced to go to jail,
06:28the law also punishes illegal business owners,
06:31and makes clearer definitions in the scope of evidence for accusing illegal business owners.
06:35In addition, the amendment also allows the authorities
06:38to confiscate the property of illegal business owners after the prosecution,
06:41in order to intimidate the perpetrator.
06:43And the last point is,
06:45it allows the National Bank to take administrative measures
06:48against the illegal operation of the monetary service industry,
06:51rather than criminal punishment,
06:53in order to take appropriate action
06:55according to the severity of illegal behavior.
06:58Then there is international news.
07:00Thailand's well-known military leader,
07:02Bali, posted an insulting comment
07:04under a photo of the king of Thailand
07:06in the social media,
07:08which caused a stir.
07:10Yesterday, he was sentenced to two years in prison
07:12for offending the monarch.
07:14The Thai Human Rights Lawyers' Organization
07:16said that Bali is expected to face another 24 charges
07:18of slander against the king.
07:20The 26-year-old Bali, nicknamed the Goat,
07:22was one of the key figures in anti-monarchic demonstrations.
07:25He led tens of thousands of people to take to the streets
07:27to protest and demand a reform of monarchism.
07:29He is now in prison for violating the right
07:31to offend the monarch
07:33during protests led by young Thai leaders
07:35in 2020 and 2021.
07:37Offending the monarch is a felony in Thailand.
07:39According to Article 112 of the Thai Penal Code,
07:41no one is allowed to slander,
07:43humiliate, threaten the king of Thailand,
07:45the queen of Thailand,
07:47or its legal heir or regent.
07:49Those who break the law
07:51may be sentenced to three to 15 years in prison.
07:53Today, in addition to these headlines,
07:55before the end of the century,
07:57there are other hot news to share with you.
08:01A fire broke out in the early morning of August 1
08:03in a residential area in the north of Sabah,
08:05Bida City, in Sabah.
08:07Three people were killed and three injured.
08:09One of them was a 11-year-old girl.
08:11Sabah Police Department spokeswoman said
08:13the other two victims were the girl's father
08:15and a man named Shaleh.
08:17They are between 50 and 60 years old.
08:19As for the three injured women,
08:21their injuries are not serious.
08:23They are currently in the intensive care unit
08:25for treatment in the hospital.
08:27The suspect said
08:29the authorities received a tip-off
08:31at about 2.15 a.m.
08:33and dispatched nine police officers
08:35to the scene of the fire.
08:37The fire was put out at 3.25 a.m.,
08:39but the rescue operation
08:41ended at 6.36 a.m.
08:45Due to the recent downpour,
08:47several lagoons are severely dry
08:49and large areas of lagoon beds
08:51are beginning to show up.
08:53Villages and tombs that used to be submerged
08:55are also showing up.
08:57Such a miracle
08:59attracted villagers to take pictures.
09:01One of the villagers was shocked
09:03because he had seen lakes before.
09:05Now he can drive into the lake
09:07and sit directly on the lake bed.
09:09Although it is a very novel experience,
09:11this villager is also worried
09:13that if this phenomenon continues,
09:15it will affect crops and the source of water.
09:17According to the Malaysian News Agency,
09:19on July 30,
09:21the Malaysian government has sent a plane
09:23to the local area for artificial irrigation
09:25to improve the water taste of
09:27Bulu River and Mudah Waterfall
09:29and ensure that the agricultural use
09:31and the source of water are not affected.
09:33Last month,
09:35the first artificial coral reef
09:37was built on the Qingkuai Railway.
09:39It became the first island in Malaysia
09:41to have a reef with Qingkuai Railway
09:43and successfully entered the Malaysian Record.
09:45Although this project further promoted
09:47the island to become a top diving destination,
09:49this type of artificial coral reef
09:51has the risk of affecting the marine ecosystem.
09:53Therefore, this may be the first
09:55and also the last artificial coral reef
09:57on the Diaoman Island.
09:59The Director of the Department of Ecological Protection
10:01and Biodiversity of the Malaysian Fisheries Bureau,
10:03Azlan, told Mr. Ma
10:05that in order to evaluate the impact of
10:07Qingkuai Railway's coral reef
10:09on fisheries resources and marine ecology,
10:11the Department of Ecological Protection
10:13and Biodiversity of the Malaysian Fisheries Bureau
10:15will monitor and inspect the coral reef
10:17in the next few months.
