Capacity payment agreements with IPPs - Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain's Analysis

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Capacity payment agreements with IPPs - Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain's Analysis
00:00Today is the 7th day of the protest on Rawalpindi's Murree Road.
00:06I think we have met more than once with the government delegation.
00:13We have met Hafiz Ameer of the Islamic Jamaat, Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman.
00:20But the issue is still being discussed.
00:22Has Hafiz Sahib said anything about this?
00:26Until the issue of IPPs is resolved, this protest will not end.
00:30That era of negotiations is over.
00:32The next era of negotiations should be done in front of the media.
00:35Because the people of the government say that the proposals of the Islamic Jamaat are good,
00:39but they are not practical.
00:41So now we will tell them in front of the whole nation that the government has no answer to those things.
00:46If they do not correct things in two days, if they do not move the matter forward,
00:51then we will start taking all those actions.
00:54That we will raise protests, we will sit on the streets, we will protest.
00:59We will also use our political right.
01:01We will appeal to many people to bring their bills and come to the streets.
01:05If they do not agree, then this movement can turn into a movement to remove the government.
01:12The movement to remove the government can be made.
01:14Dr. Gohar Ejaz also gave a press conference today and said that
01:18how can IPPs be saved, how can the expenses be reduced?
01:48The government should not be a single-buyer government.
01:52The government should buy electricity from those who give cheap electricity.
01:55The government's job is not to do business.
01:59Mr. Ghulam Sain, you know that the Islamic Jamaat has a very strong organizational structure.
02:06Their workers are very trained.
02:10So they will not go like this.
02:11There are many dedicated people.
02:12They also have street power.
02:14So do you think they will succeed?
02:16Because electricity bills have started to rise.
02:18So people themselves have to participate in this protest.
02:23Mr. Khawar, a while ago, Governor Sindh, Kamran Tehsori,
02:31he said that he is giving good news about IPPs that their payment issue is going to be solved.
02:43So this means that the protest of the Islamic Jamaat,
02:46the death of the community,
02:48the care of the community,
02:49and the fear of the people of the community that we do not want such expensive electricity,
02:54that is going to bring color and some solution to this problem is possible.
03:00Because the governors cannot make statements like this.
03:04And today the MKM people met the Prime Minister.
03:09And because the Islamic Jamaat is sitting on the battlefield of a public issue,
03:16you will have to give public and political incentives to pick them up.
03:22Mr. Negri, time is up.
03:24Tomorrow we will talk more about this story.
03:26Viewers, one thing is very clear.
03:28Mr. Tehsori does not have the authority.
03:29It is Mr. Chaudhary's own opinion.
03:31But if this is to be taken up, then the federal government has to talk about it.
03:36The relevant ministers of the federal government are saying that it is difficult,
03:40what to do, there are sovereign guarantees,
03:42there are agreements, so we cannot let it go.
