A mean cowboy finds his true love, But it was too late-Recapped BL

  • 2 months ago
00:00a masculine cowboy, falls in love with an effeminate young man he meets at the horse stable.
00:05Hi, back again at Aloe Recaps. Today we will recap a story from a 2021 movie,
00:11The Power of the Dog. Before we get into the story, I hope you and your family are
00:16healthy and happy always, and without further ado, let's play the story.
00:21In the mountains of Montana, two brothers named Phil and George live together in a big house
00:26not far from their cattle ranch. They have lived together for 25 years since their parents decided
00:32to move to another area. In 1925, Phil decided to herd all his cattle into a place with all his
00:39employees. Phil also took George with him. Phil and George had very different characters. Phil
00:46was known as charismatic, dominant and often cruel. While George was the opposite. He tended
00:51to be quiet and yielding. Phil often called George fatso because of his rather fat stature.
00:57Even so, George never felt offended or retaliated against his brother.
01:02On the other hand, a young man named Peter was making flowers from pieces of paper.
01:08His mother named Rose liked his paper flowers and was interested in putting them on the dining
01:13table of their restaurant. Rose happened to be the owner of a simple restaurant and inn.
01:18She asked Peter to remove all his belongings from his room because his room would be occupied by
01:23guests who would come. Peter never refused to do what his mother asked. He promised to always look
01:29after and make his mother happy since his father died. It is known that Peter's father died by
01:35suicide four years ago. Peter also often visited his father's grave and placed his flowers there.
01:42From the top of the cemetery hill, he saw a herd of cows passing through town.
01:47It turned out that Phil and his employees had just arrived in the small town,
01:51and they decided to stay there. Phil invited all his employees to have a drink at a bar.
01:57At the bar, two women tried to flirt with them. However, Phil immediately averted his eyes and
02:03didn't like the sight of the women. He even asked all his employees to hurry up and not linger at
02:08the bar. Soon, George arrived and invited them to dinner at the restaurant and inn owned by Rose.
02:15Before leaving, Phil invited his employees to make a toast in memory of his past colleague
02:20named Bronco Henry. Besides them, the restaurant was also attended by other guests. Phil didn't
02:26like seeing the other guests. However, he was interested in the flowers on the table and praised
02:31their beauty. Peter also helped his mother entertain the guests. Phil was surprised and
02:37confused when he saw Peter with the flower still in his hand. Phil was curious to know who the
02:42woman who made the flower was. Peter confidently told him that he was the one who made the flowers.
02:49Phil was surprised to hear it and ignored Peter's response. Phil mocked Peter when he saw the way
02:55the young man carried the handkerchief in his hand. All his employees laughed at that, except George.
03:01Peter, embarrassed, went straight back into the kitchen. Phil's insults did not end there.
03:07When Peter brought food to their table, Phil arbitrarily burned the flowers Peter made to light
03:12his cigarette and threw the flowers away. Of course it hurt Peter's heart even more who witnessed it
03:17firsthand. His mother immediately took the flowers back from the table. Phil admired a figure from
03:24his past named Bronco Henry. He often told his employees about him. It could be said that Bronco
03:30Henry was a figure who inspired Phil so that he looked charismatic. But that figure had died 25
03:36years ago. Even so, George was never interested in listening to Phil's stories. When Phil asked
03:42him what he thought of the figure, George replied that he didn't know what he was talking about.
03:47His staff laughed at that, and Phil was annoyed at George's response.
03:52His anger grew when he heard that the other guests were listening to someone playing the piano.
03:57He did not hesitate to yell at the piano player to stop. The other guests immediately left the
04:03restaurant. George was just silent watching his brother's behavior. But Peter still dared to bring
04:08food to Phil, even though he saw him angry. After entertaining them, Peter almost cried in the
04:14kitchen, and his mother asked if he was okay. But Peter did not answer his mother, and he immediately
04:20went outside to relieve his frustration while playing hula-hop. After dinner, instead of paying
04:26the bill, Phil took his employees out of the restaurant. But George stayed in his seat because
04:31he was going to finish the payment by himself. Phil asked to pay tomorrow, but George said he
04:37would catch up with them. Shortly after Phil left, George heard Rose crying in her kitchen.
04:43George tried to call her, but Rose was still crying. George ventured into her kitchen and
04:48saw Rose unable to hold back her crying. George tried to comfort Rose by touching her back.
04:55Knowing that his brother would not pay the bill for their dinner, George asked Rose to send him
04:59the bill, and he would pay it by check. Meanwhile, Phil and his employees were still having fun at a bar.
05:06However, Phil seemed less interested in asking the barwoman to dance with him, as his employees did.
05:12Phil left the bar early and went to the restaurant where he would be staying.
05:17And unbeknownst to anyone, Phil wrote his own name on the bill book of the restaurant.
05:22When he went upstairs to his room, he didn't see George there and tried to call out to him,
05:27but he didn't find George at all. George appeared just as Phil was about to fall asleep.
05:32George told him that Rose was very hurt by what Phil had said to her son. It turns out that when
05:38Peter left his mother at the restaurant, Phil kept insulting Peter's stature. Phil didn't realize that
05:44his words were also heard by Rose from the kitchen, which made Rose unable to hold back her tears.
05:50Even though George told him about it, Phil still ignored him.
05:54After they returned to the ranch, Phil walked towards the mountains and gazed up at them.
06:00His men followed him and were curious about what Phil saw up there. But Phil never gave an answer.
06:06Just then, Phil began to see George leaving the ranch site in his car.
06:10George went into town to meet Rose at her restaurant and inn. Rose was surprised to see him.
06:16George was frank that his only purpose was to meet Rose. Although Rose admitted that she was busy,
06:22Rose did not mind accompanying him in the kitchen. At that time, Peter wasn't there.
06:28Rose complained that Peter was supposed to help her serve the guests at the restaurant.
06:33George didn't mind taking Peter's place and went to bring the food.
06:37Rose was astonished to see him, and she was surprised that George and the customers knew
06:41each other. When George returned in the evening, Phil, who was still awake, immediately asked
06:47where George had been. George didn't deny that he had gone into town to see Rose. Phil warned
06:54George to be careful of Rose, because she was only after his money to pay for her effeminate son's
06:59schooling. While coming down from the attic of his room, Phil did not stop badmouthing Rose.
07:05But George remained silent and did not respond at all to anything said by Phil.
07:10He hurried up the stairs of the attic of his room. At that time, Phil said that George could
07:15get a woman without having to marry her. Even so, George did not care about what Phil said.
07:21After a few days, he went back to see Rose without telling anyone.
07:26Phil saw him leave and was furious with him. He wrote a letter to their parents,
07:30complaining that George had a relationship with a widow whose husband committed suicide
07:35and had an effeminate son. After George returned from his visit, Phil immediately approached him.
07:41Although George knew that Phil had told their mother about his relationship,
07:45he didn't care what would happen. Especially when Phil said that his mother's blood vessels
07:49would burst if she found out that George was in a relationship with Rose.
07:54George also wasn't afraid to tell him that he was going to marry Rose on the next Sunday.
07:59He said that Rose had sold all her properties and would be living with them in the house.
08:04Phil was shocked to hear this. But he didn't seem to have the right to stop his brother.
08:09He went to the stables and vented his anger there by beating his own horse.
08:14George finally married Rose, and it seemed that their wedding was carried out as simply as
08:19possible without having to be attended by their families. Before bringing Rose to live with him
08:24at the ranch, they both sent Peter to live in his school dormitory. After that, George continued to
08:30take Rose to the ranch area. On the way, George thought of inviting the governor to have dinner
08:35with them, as well as introducing Rose to his two in-laws. Rose, who was not used to meeting
08:42important people, objected a little. But George persuaded her and asked her to play the piano.
08:48Although Rose said that she was not very good at playing the piano, but George still urged her.
08:54Rose then asked to stop at a beautiful spot. While Rose was gazing at the beauty of the
08:59surroundings, George instead focused on Rose's face and praised her beauty.
09:04There Rose also taught George to dance. After a while, George moved away from Rose a little and
09:09he cried. He said how wonderful it was not to be alone. It could be said that even though George
09:15had lived with Phil for 25 years, he still felt alone. Rose approached him and they embraced
09:21amidst the beauty of the mountains. After arriving, Rose was a little reluctant to
09:26enter George's huge house. George led her inside and they immediately saw Phil there.
09:32But Phil didn't welcome them very well. He seemed to have deliberately not lit the fireplace that
09:37usually warmed the whole house. In a loud tone, Phil said that he had been waiting all day for
09:43George to sign a deed. But at that time, George chose to check the tidiness first.
09:50Phil didn't even offer Rose to sit down while Rose was still waiting for George who was checking the
09:55fireplace. He instead casually sat back in his chair and let Rose remain standing. At that time,
10:02Rose tried to greet Phil and call him brother-in-law. But Phil cruelly replied that he
10:07was not his brother and accused Rose of being a cheap cheater. But Rose tried to calm down at that
10:13time. Later that night when Phil was in his room, he saw George locking his room from the outside.
10:20After a while, he started listening to the sound of Rose making love. Feeling disgusted, Phil
10:26immediately went out through his bedroom window. He went to the barn and there he cleaned the
10:30saddle that used to belong to Bronco Henry. He cleaned it with all his heart. In the morning,
10:36Phil went alone to his secret place in the forest by the river. There he took off all his clothes
10:42and smeared his body with mud. Then he swam in the river while imagining his time with Bronco Henry.
10:49Meanwhile, even though Rose had become the mistress of the house, she still did her usual
10:54work in the kitchen and helped the servants. The servants were surprised to see her and they became
10:59close. Coming back from town, George brought Rose a surprise, which was a big piano. Rose,
11:06seeing it, said that it was too good for her and that she wasn't used to that kind of piano,
11:11but George assured her that she could play it. Rose tried to practice her piano skills again,
11:16a few days before the dinner planned by George. She closed all the doors and windows of her room
11:22so that no one would know she was practicing. Without realizing it, Phil returned home and
11:27climbed into the attic of his room. Using a banjo device in his room, Phil followed the same tune as
11:34the tune Rose was learning. He even knew the tune better than Rose, and it seemed to disturb her
11:39concentration. Eventually, Rose stopped practicing. She was annoyed by Phil's behavior. She chose to
11:47go outside to get some fresh air to quell her frustration. That day, George came to see Phil
11:53at his warehouse. Not to discuss Phil's behavior towards Rose, but he came to tell him that the
11:58governor and his wife were coming to dinner with their family. Of course, George also invited his
12:03brother. But he reluctantly reminded Phil to take a shower first before attending the dinner.
12:09Phil was very offended to hear that. It was true that Phil rarely took a bath at home,
12:14except at the river. The next day, George went to pick up his parents at a train station,
12:20and he brought Rose with him. At that time, George's mother was not very interested in
12:25meeting Rose. Rose was awkward when she greeted the governor and his wife. She was even more
12:31nervous when George told the governor that Rose was good at playing the piano. The governor's
12:36wife was also more interested in seeing Phil than talking to Rose. Since Phil hadn't shown up yet,
12:42George decided to take off to call him. Rose was getting more and more awkward standing in front
12:48of the governor. Soon, her mother-in-law appeared to greet the governor and his wife.
12:53They seemed to ignore Rose. Her mother-in-law's nature was not much different from Phil's.
12:59She was more focused on refusing drinks from Rose's hand, rather than responding to questions
13:04from the governor. When discussing a curse, Rose's mother-in-law said that she believed
13:09that curses existed. And her words seemed to be directed at Rose. Rose was really hurt listening
13:15to her. Meanwhile, George saw Phil still in the warehouse casually and still not getting ready to
13:21attend the dinner. He refused to attend, even though George told him that the governor's wife
13:26was curious to see him. George tries to persuade him and apologize for his remarks yesterday.
13:32But Phil doesn't accept his apology. He asks George to tell the governor's wife the truth,
13:37that he hasn't bathed and stinks. After dinner, Rose was asked to play the piano.
13:43But Rose refused and said that she lacked practice. She also denied George's words that
13:48she was good at playing the piano. But the governor and his in-laws immediately rushed
13:53to let her play the piano and couldn't wait to hear it. George persuaded Rose at that time.
13:59Rose tried to play, but she couldn't at all. She apologized at that time. Of course,
14:04it disappointed everyone there. The governor immediately rushed to go home. Before they left,
14:10Phil finally appeared. When the governor approached him, he refused because he was
14:15still smelly. Phil was surprised to see the show end so quickly. He blamed Rose for not playing the
14:21piano for them. He really embarrassed Rose in front of all of them. As the others escorted
14:26the governor and his wife home, Phil whistled in front of Rose to the tune of the song Rose had
14:32learned. Rose still tried to hold back her emotions, seeing the behavior of her brother-in-law.
14:38Until one day, Rose went to take Peter to the city to spend his summer vacation at the ranch.
14:43When they arrived at the ranch, Phil again demeaned Peter by calling him a sissy. Since then,
14:49Rose secretly started drinking alcohol in order to escape the pressure of Phil's behavior.
14:55When Phil sees his dog playing with Peter, he calls out to his dog so that the dog moves away
15:00from Peter. Phil asked his men to scare Peter with their horses. Peter was scared and went
15:07back inside his house. Finally, Peter decided to go hunting alone and managed to get a rabbit.
15:13He showed the rabbit to his mother. At that time, Peter saw a drink under his mother's pillow
15:18and realized that his mother had started drinking. At that time, his mother told him that George was
15:24in town for a week. Soon, Phil's footsteps were heard. Rose asked Peter not to worry about him.
15:31She let Peter stay in her room. One day, the maid at Rose's house named Lola asked to give
15:36the rabbit carrots in her room. Rose didn't mind and let her servant go there. But the servant saw
15:42that Peter had killed the rabbit and made it the object of his surgical practice. Coincidentally,
15:48Peter majored in some kind of biology and aspired to be a surgeon. Meanwhile, Rose began to drink
15:54alcohol frequently and became addicted to it. She kept many bottles of alcohol in several places.
16:01Besides under her pillow and the small cupboard in her room, she also kept her drinks in a pile
16:06of scrap materials at the back of her house. One day, Phil saw her drinking there and whistled
16:12again to scare her. One day, when all of Phil's men were having fun bathing in the river,
16:17Phil accidentally passed by and noticed them. But he was reluctant to join and he chose to
16:23go to his secret place. There he again performed some kind of ritual, took out some kind of cloth
16:29that he still kept from Bronco Henry and kissed it. He also inserted the cloth into his crotch
16:34and made fun of it. While Peter was also about to go hunting in the forest,
16:39he accidentally saw the access to Phil's secret place. Peter, who was curious, finally crawled
16:45to follow it. Peter finally saw a small hut there, where Phil often took shelter.
16:51There he saw a box containing several magazines owned by Bronco Henry. The magazines also show
16:57the male body. Soon, Peter heard sounds from the river. He approached the river and saw Phil
17:03swimming there. Phil swam while tying the cloth from Bronco Henry around his neck.
17:08When he turned around, he was surprised to see Peter was staring at him. He immediately got out
17:14of there and chased Peter. One day, Peter and his mom went camping with Phil and all of his members.
17:20Upon arriving at the campsite, he was interested to see a crow in a tree.
17:25Despite being mocked as a faggot, Peter continued his steps to see the bird
17:29and didn't care about the mockery. Phil was surprised at Peter's attitude and called out
17:34to him. Peter was not reluctant to approach him. At that time, he seemed a little friendly and
17:40invited Peter to chat. He intended to teach Peter to make rope from cowhide that he dried.
17:46But because Rose was always watching them, Phil said that he would teach Peter another time.
17:51Rose was a little worried to see Phil so close to her son.
17:56After returning from camp, Phil took Peter into his barn.
17:59Rose watches them and grows anxious when she sees Phil close the barn door.
18:04In the barn, Phil asks Peter to sit in the saddle that belongs to Bronco Henry.
18:10Phil asked Peter to change his shoes because they were not fit to ride a horse.
18:15He offended Peter again because he blamed Rose for making Peter a coward.
18:20Phil also told him that the saddle Peter was sitting on was Bronco Henry's or the best
18:25horseman's saddle. He said that Peter would absorb all his riding knowledge if he sat on that saddle.
18:31At that moment, Phil invited Peter to go together to explore the hills that lay there
18:36to find something valuable. But Peter did not respond to his invitation,
18:40and instead he asked if any of his cows had died from being attacked by wolves.
18:45Phil said that many of his cows had also died from anthrax.
18:50Peter changed the subject again and asked if Phil had learned to ride from Bronco Henry.
18:55Phil said yes and he said that Bronco Henry taught him in a unique way.
19:00He invited Peter to look at the mountains that lay there.
19:03He told him that Bronco Henry used to see things there that other people couldn't see.
19:08Phil asked Peter to guess what Bronco Henry saw from the mountains.
19:12Peter said that he saw a barking dog. Phil was surprised to hear that
19:17and asked if Peter had just seen it. Peter replied that he had seen it
19:21since he first arrived there. Phil was surprised that Peter could
19:25see what he didn't see. Seeing Peter getting closer to Phil,
19:29Rose was getting worried and asked about their closeness.
19:32But Peter replied that Phil just wanted to make a rope for him.
19:36From the story told by Rose, it could be said that she was starting to fear that something
19:40was happening between them. Phil finally taught Peter to ride a horse.
19:45He trained him a little hard and quickly released Peter to ride his horse in the open.
19:50Peter was finally able to ride his horse in such a short time.
19:55After he was able to ride a horse, Peter secretly went alone on a horse into the mountains to hunt.
20:01Although he was overwhelmed by the steep path, he was able to get through it.
20:05He also saw a cow carcass there. He found out that the cow died of anthrax.
20:10Because he didn't get any game, he also took the cow's skin and didn't forget to put on his gloves.
20:16The next day, Phil asked Peter to go out with him.
20:20Before they left, Rose saw them from her bedroom window and rushed down to stop them.
20:25But Phil and Peter had already left and couldn't be stopped.
20:28Rose asked George to go with them. But George said that they were already good friends
20:33and Phil had also taught Peter to ride his horse.
20:37Rose gave up at that moment. Phil took Peter to a place.
20:41There, Phil tried to attract Peter's attention. But Peter seemed to ignore Phil who was working.
20:47Phil then called Peter to help him. He again discussed Bronco Henry,
20:51and told him that Bronco Henry was also late to play horses just like Peter.
20:56He said that Bronco Henry could ride his horse when he was Peter's age.
21:01Suddenly, Phil saw a rabbit and tried to catch it. But the rabbit hid behind a pile of wood.
21:06Phil asked Peter to remove the wood to catch the rabbit. But his hand was scratched at that time.
21:12Peter picked up the rabbit that had been wedged between the logs.
21:16He stroked the rabbit gently. Seeing the wound on the rabbit's leg,
21:20Phil asked Peter to kill it. In an instant,
21:23Peter ended the rabbit's suffering without causing it pain.
21:27Phil was astonished at the way he did it. Peter then saw the blood oozing from Phil's hand,
21:32which was injured while moving the wood. But Phil was indifferent to it.
21:36When they rested, Phil talked about Peter's skin that was starting to tan like a cowboy.
21:42After that, he returned to discussing Bronco Henry. He remembered a message from Bronco Henry,
21:47who said that patience in the face of adversity would shape a person into a real man.
21:52But Peter replied that the obstacles faced were the ones that had to be removed.
21:57Phil said that Peter was facing an obstacle, namely his mother's drunken behavior.
22:03Phil was surprised to hear that Phil had found out about his mother's bad behavior.
22:07But Peter didn't deny it. He replied that his mother only likes to drink these days.
22:13Phil also asked how Peter's father was in the past.
22:16Peter admitted that his father was a drinker until his death.
22:19Peter said that he found his father hanging himself and lowered his body alone.
22:24He also said that his father was worried about him because he saw him too strong.
22:29Phil laughed and said that Peter's father had mistaken him for a strong man.
22:34He seemed to still look down on Peter's weak stature and said Peter was a poor boy.
22:39Peter was silent. While they were still there, Rose saw her servant talking to an Indian
22:44who asked for the cowhide that Phil had dried. But the servant refused to give it,
22:49even though he knew that Phil would burn the cowhide.
22:53Rose heard it and asked why Phil would burn it. The servant replied that he didn't like
22:57his cowhide being taken or touched by people. Hearing that, Rose, who was semi-conscious due
23:03to her alcohol addiction, immediately ran out and called the Indian back.
23:08She begged the Indian to take her cowhide. Although Rose did not expect anything in return,
23:13the Indian gave her a pair of leather gloves in return.
23:17Rose happily accepted the gloves. Shortly after that, Rose suddenly collapsed in her yard.
23:23George came to lift her onto the bed, and he saw wine there. George picked up the liquor
23:28and threw it away. When Phil and Peter returned, Phil was furious that the cowhide he had been
23:34drying had disappeared. In the barn, he swore at Rose regardless of Peter's feelings.
23:40Peter begged Phil not to scold his mother. Phil replied that he would only scold his brother.
23:46George arrived at that moment, and Peter immediately left the barn.
23:50George came to say that Rose was sick. But Phil retorted that George should have known
23:55Rose was sick a long time ago. From behind the door, Peter was still listening to Phil scolding
24:01George and cursing his mother. Phil even mocked George's looks and said that Rose married him for
24:07his wealth. But George didn't care what Phil said. He said that the leathers would also be burned.
24:13But Phil shouted that he really needed the leathers. George finally apologized and left.
24:19Overhearing all their conversations, Peter finally came back in and offered the rawhide he had taken
24:25from a cow carcass in the mountains. But he didn't tell Phil that the hide was from a cow carcass
24:30that had died of anthrax. Phil was astonished to hear that. Peter also said that he wanted
24:36to be like Phil and persuaded him to take his skin. Phil praised Peter's kindness. At that
24:42moment, he touched Peter's neck and said that everything would go well for Peter. Phil said
24:47that he would finish the ropes for Peter. Peter finally gave him the rawhide that he had cut into
24:52thin strips. Phil then soaked or washed the ropes without using gloves, while the wound on his hand
24:58had not yet healed. Peter just watched Phil soak the skins. Seeing Bronco Henry's memories there,
25:05Peter asked how old Phil met Bronco Henry. While giving his cigarette, Phil replied that he met
25:11Bronco Henry when he was Peter's age. He also said that their closeness was more than just
25:16close friends. He recounted his past with Bronco Henry, when they hunted in the mountains and
25:22were cold. They constricted each other's bodies and slept together. When Peter asked if they
25:28slept together naked, Phil laughed a little at that. To answer the question, Phil simply
25:33showed him how he inserted one rope between the others while weaving. Peter watched him and knew
25:39what he meant. Phil was also sure that Peter knew what he meant. Peter started to smoke his cigarette
25:44then. And after a while, he put the cigarette in Phil's mouth. Phil was surprised but he didn't
25:50refuse. Several times Peter put the cigarette in Phil's mouth using his own hand, because both
25:56hands were still working. After a few days, Phil couldn't get up. All the staff and servants in his
26:02house were looking for him. George came to wake Phil up in his room. Phil was sweating and the
26:08wound on his hand was getting worse. Even so, Phil still said he was fine. That day, they decided to
26:15go see a doctor. Phil was seen staggering down the stairs. While Rose was still avoiding or hiding
26:21when she saw Phil. Before leaving, Phil went into the warehouse. He took the rope made for Peter
26:27and looked around for Peter. Even though George urged him to get into the car,
26:32Phil still wanted to see Peter and give him the rope. Phil still didn't see Peter around him.
26:37George said he would give the rope to Peter later. Meanwhile, Peter looks restless in his room.
26:43From his bedroom window, he sees Phil and George have left for the city.
26:48The scene immediately changes, showing George choosing a coffin for Phil.
26:53It turns out that Phil has died in town. At the funeral, the doctor tells George that Phil died
26:58of anthrax, a rare but deadly bacterial disease. George says that Phil never took care of sick
27:05animals, and he was very strict about it. It's safe to say that the disease came from the cowhide
27:10that Peter gave Phil. Meanwhile, Peter did not attend the funeral. At home, he opened a verse
27:17from the Bible that read, deliver my soul from the sword, my darling from the power of the dog.
27:23Then Peter took the rope that Phil had made for him and did not forget to put on his gloves.
27:28He kept the rope under his bed. Soon, Rose and George returned from town.
27:33Peter saw them kissing passionately in the courtyard before entering his house.
27:38Seeing his mother happy, Peter was happy too, and the movie was over.
27:42The Power of the Dog is a powerful and haunting movie that will have you thinking about it long
27:46after you've finished watching it. The movie is a reminder that appearances can be deceiving,
27:51and that sometimes the people we fear the most are the ones closest to us.
27:56It is also a powerful exploration of the dangers of repression and the importance of being yourself.
28:01The movie has beautiful and stunning cinematography, with vast Montana landscapes
28:06and dramatic skies. The story is slow and filled with suspense,
28:10building a sense of anticipation and curiosity until the surprise ending.
28:15The movie explores complex themes such as masculinity,
28:18toxicity, and family relationships in a provocative and thoughtful way.
28:23So what do you think about this movie? If you like it please click like and leave a comment
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