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Season 3 | show | 2024| S3 | Official Trailer | dHNzXzZZWXJ3Uk04QUNB


00:00Which one says light, laughter, and love?
00:03Are we drinking or are we tasting?
00:05I don't know if we have to choose, do we?
00:09I was intrigued to see what the little vineyard that could was up to.
00:12William McCallum, co-owner.
00:13I've become something of a permanent, much-loved fixture.
00:16Neither of those things is true.
00:18This wedding will be everything that it needs to be.
00:20Okay, good to know.
00:22You're marrying the man that you love?
00:25Baby's on the way.
00:26Even my cankles have cankles.
00:28I don't think anyone wants you here.
00:29Feels like I've invited a vampire.
00:31The best way to deal with vampires?
00:33Holy water.
00:35Something going on with you and our lovely lady police officer?
00:38So that was a booty call.
00:39Why are you suddenly 75% more British?
00:42I'm sorry?
00:46There's only two reasons a man buys flowers.
00:48He's in love or he needs to do something.
00:51But he's not sure what.
00:52All of my weddings failed.
00:54Common denominator?
00:56No, it was the grooms that weren't right.
