Claudia Sheinbaum and Namibian gov. called to respect democracy of Venezuela

  • last month
Mexican President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum called on Latin American countries to respect the democracy of the people of Venezuela and no to fall for interventionist roles. Meanwhile, the President of Namibia Nangolo Mbumba extended his congratulations to the reelected head of state of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, after his triumph in the July 28th elections. teleSUR
00:00In Mexico, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum called on Latin American countries to respect
00:05the democracy of the people of Venezuela and not to fall into interventionist roles.
00:15I said at the time, a few days ago, the result given by the Electoral Council of Venezuela,
00:20but it was very important that the result of the election be made transparent for the
00:24good of all, particularly Venezuelans, but the most important thing is the self-determination
00:30of the people of Venezuela.
00:37And now there is a previous opinion on all sides that does not even happen in other places,
00:42it should be asked why, and I think it is very good the President, as I always heard
00:46in the morning is, going to talk to Petro with Lula who also play a very important role
00:59and in any case support, but finally, it is democracy, because it is not who won, because
01:04it is already the interventionist opinion that says that the opposition won in Venezuela.
01:09Based on what?
01:14The President of Namibia, Mangolo Mumba, extended his congratulations to the re-elected
01:19head of state of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, after his recent triumph in the presidential
01:24elections held on July 28th.
01:26In a communiqué, the Namibian President stated, the willingness of the Venezuelan people to
01:30extend the mandate of His Excellency for a third term in office is a clear demonstration
01:36of their confidence in his leadership.
01:39He also stated, we continue to value the strong relationship and friendship that we
01:43share with the government and the great people of Venezuela.
01:48In this regard, I look forward to continuing to work with Your Excellency to strengthen
01:52and broaden the scope of our bilateral cooperation for the benefit of our peoples.
01:58Finally he expressed, as Your Excellency assumes a new mandate, I wish you health and strength
02:04to lead the Venezuelan people towards greater prosperity.
02:07Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and regard.
