• 2 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02There's no sign of a Hep B vaccination.
00:04I could test you for androgens.
00:05It was Logan and I do not want anyone knowing about this.
00:08Haven't you gone out like every night this week already?
00:11This is Heath, Tess's second in charge.
00:13The Quill Group snapped up the experiences to her.
00:15There is absolutely no way she can find out that you tipped off the other hotel.
00:19I feel weird. I don't understand it.
00:22My relationship with Therese is completely different to you and me.
00:25I know.
00:26If you're up for it, I'd like to try again.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours.
00:38With a little understanding.
00:42You can find the perfect blend.
00:51Should be there for one another.
00:56That's when good neighbours become good friends.
01:17What's going on?
01:20Hey, um, I was just asking Melanie a favour.
01:23I had this idea that we park the drinks to the van at Irene Rising on Monday.
01:27We've got an 80th birthday party.
01:30Yeah, well I will check and get back to you.
01:38I think I'll put her on the spot.
01:41Oh, sure she'll do it if she can.
01:44Oh, hey, how was the divorcees?
01:47Yeah, the Bregwells.
01:48Weren't you wrangling them today?
01:50Yes, I was.
01:51Yeah, well, give me all the goss.
01:53I mean, it's not like I know them.
02:21Okay, look, I'm happy that you guys are happy.
02:24Okay, but do you know what would make me happy?
02:26Is if you just please focus on the meeting.
02:30Okay, the last item on the agenda is the set menu.
02:33Now, I'm thinking about switching to a la carte to get more people through the restaurant.
02:36Thumbs down.
02:37Boo that.
02:39But I think the set menu is putting people off coming into the restaurant.
02:42Well, it's such a hike to get here.
02:43I feel like people are just going to eat whatever we give them.
02:50Fine, okay?
02:51Meeting's over.
02:52Oh, don't you want to get back and see?
02:54Well, you've just agreed with Nick on every other item.
02:56You guys have outvoted me on everything.
02:58Well, I agree with Nick.
03:10Are we getting up on the floor, guys?
03:12Yeah, but unfortunately for him, you know, we're just so in sync we can't help it.
03:18We're totally blitzing this power couple thing, babe.
03:32Oh, we should get out of here.
03:34Yeah, maybe a quick visit at yours and then lunch at mine.
03:46We need to clean that up.
03:48Just leave.
03:49Come on.
04:02So, how long you work for Tess?
04:05Not long.
04:06But you worked for the Sinclairs in L.A.?
04:10She saw me working in the office one day.
04:13I've been closing a pretty big deal.
04:15I bet she said, I need him on my team.
04:19Something like that.
04:27Couple of things.
04:29One, I'm heading to an off-site meeting now.
04:32I'll be back late this afternoon.
04:33Got it.
04:34Two, when was the last time the hotel had a mystery shopper assessment?
04:39Oh, it's been a while, I think.
04:42This outfit's excellent.
04:44Pricy, but you'll get bang for your buck.
04:46Great, I'll book them.
04:48Thank you.
04:49It's impressive how you haven't let your recent setbacks get you down.
04:55You've got grit.
05:01When you said you were picking up a car.
05:04A run of the mill rental wouldn't do.
05:06Not when you're my passenger.
05:11I'm sorry.
05:25Are you alright?
05:27I just wish he hadn't said anything to Toadie.
05:30Oh, well, just try and keep it casual.
05:32And for the record, your realisation didn't seem to be an issue for him.
05:36Well, that's not the impression he gave me.
05:38Why? What did Toadie say to you?
05:40He went...
05:42Glad I caught both of you, actually.
05:45Toad, this is a really uncomfortable situation.
05:49I never meant to cause an argument.
05:52Yeah, I know.
05:54Yeah, I can't deny that I'm going through some stuff.
05:58And I am really sorry that I've dragged both of you into this.
06:02It's just some silly little thoughts that I am working my way through.
06:07Can we just keep this between ourselves?
06:13Thank you.
06:33You, my friend, have a date with three chicks tonight.
06:37Which may be words said to the excitement of no homosexual man ever,
06:41but we'll still have a gay old time.
06:44That was a colourful way of saying Kiri's coming over.
06:47Right, um, cool, thanks.
06:50You okay?
06:52Yeah, I'm a hundred percent. Why? I'm fine.
06:55Where's Miss Isla?
06:56She's just playing in her room.
06:59Did you have any drama getting our little dirt diver into the bath today?
07:03She hasn't had one.
07:05What do you mean?
07:06She was making mud pies all morning.
07:08Sadie sent me pics.
07:10She can't go to bed caked in mud.
07:12This just pushes her routine time back.
07:14Yeah, I know.
07:15And we know how important that is to her, especially right now.
07:17I know, I'm sorry.
07:18I just wasn't looking at the time, that's all.
07:22That's okay.
07:23I'll put her in the bath now.
07:24Can you just get started on the stir fry for dinner?
07:26Sure, will do.
07:36We could have written something bigger.
07:38We can't afford to attract attention.
07:40But we will be edible for it a lot more very soon.
07:46I feel like we've really turned a corner.
07:48Well, it's because Tess trusts you now.
07:50Yeah. Don't get me wrong, she's still a tough cookie, but...
07:54I don't know, maybe she really is on my side.
07:57How close are we to our target?
07:59I don't know.
08:01I don't know, maybe she really is on my side.
08:03How close are we to our target?
08:05We're getting there.
08:06I don't want to be greedy.
08:08Oh, no such thing.
08:11A few mishaps like the one we had today,
08:13and we should be able to triple our target.
08:18And how close is she looking at the books?
08:20Pretty closely.
08:21I don't know if she hasn't said, but I guess that's part of the reason he hates you.
08:25Hmm, well, you've got nothing to hide.
08:27If we play our cards right and everything goes to plan with our investments,
08:31we should be able to funnel ten million.
08:35Surely we can access a little of that now.
08:38We've just got a big chunk in the cattle station.
08:40I saw a transfer.
08:42You can't touch a penny of it.
08:44Not until I've given Reese my resignation and we've started our new life together.
08:49That'll teach her to banish you to the other side of the planet.
08:58I'm sorry.
09:23Melanie can't win the band.
09:25She's got an event down at the beach.
09:26Oh, well, never mind.
09:27We'll find another way to celebrate our octogenarian.
09:31Psst, Hugo.
09:33I've got a surprise I need your help with.
09:35Oh, what's the idea?
09:36No, shush.
09:37Nothing, it's none of your business.
09:38You'll find out.
09:40We need to grab Nell's art supplies.
09:42Don't tell Therese.
09:43She better not be cringe.
09:46Wait, why would she be?
09:50Is that a surprise for me?
09:52Oh, well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
09:56Oh, I meant to ask you at work.
09:58How's the situation with Nell?
10:00Ah, right, yes.
10:02Well, nothing's really changed.
10:04Toadie still doesn't know.
10:06It's obviously weighing on your mind.
10:09I mean, I think Nell's going to be fine, but I just hate not being able to tell Toadie.
10:15For Toad to be talking about Dee and Sonia, it was just so strange.
10:20Yeah, yeah.
10:23Well, you clearly know something that I don't.
10:26I don't know, I'm just trying to support him.
10:29And I can't get caught up in whatever issues Toadie may be going through.
10:33You know what, you don't have to.
10:34Because I'm checking in on him.
10:36Yeah, it might be a good time for me to step up my moving plans.
10:40Hey, feel like firing up the pizza oven?
10:45Yeah, yeah, I'm fine with whatever.
10:47Thanks, Susan.
10:51Is she alright?
10:52Yes, yeah, yeah, she's fine.
10:55She's just frustrated with the rental market, that's all.
10:58Did you pop in and see Therese?
11:01Yeah, yeah, just now.
11:03For Toadie too.
11:07How did they seem?
11:10Why do you ask?
11:11Oh, well, Toadie's putting in a lot of hours at the law office.
11:16Yes, and I'm sure Therese is being very supportive.
11:26She confided something in me, but she hasn't told Toadie.
11:32But I'm sure she will. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it.
11:36Yeah, well, there will be times when they tell us things they haven't told each other.
11:42I mean, no reason that we should compare notes, is there?
11:55A party?
11:57Yeah, our anniversary's worth celebrating, isn't it?
11:59Well, absolutely. It's just, um, what brought this on?
12:04Do we need to have a reason to celebrate us?
12:07So what, just out here?
12:09Yeah, I was thinking a good old-fashioned neighbourhood knees up.
12:13That's a swordfish and that's meant to be our barbie.
12:16Oh, wait, you're not planning on putting that swordfish on that barbie, are you?
12:20No, just shrimp.
12:21Just shrimp.
12:23Well, I can't believe you went to so much trouble. I really love it.
12:27Alright, mate, well, let's go and hit the photocopier, huh?
12:30What, you're going into the office now? The date's not for weeks.
12:32No, it won't be too long. We'll get some fish and chips on the way home, yeah?
12:55Earth to Aaron.
13:00What's going on in that head of yours? And don't I'm all good me this time.
13:05No, I'm just, um, I'm just having one of those days, I think.
13:09But that's the thing. You've been having so much fun.
13:12I've been having so much fun.
13:14I've been having so much fun.
13:16I've been having so much fun.
13:19But that's the thing. You've been having so many good days recently.
13:23I'm scared you're going backwards.
13:26I know you said that you're okay with the Logan situation, but if that's changed...
13:32Forget Logan and all the other sad losers of the world.
13:37You've got really good people in your corner. And also me.
13:42I'm always going to be there for you, yeah?
13:44Yeah, I know.
13:45It's, um...
13:49This is, uh...
13:52It's, um, it's just, it's nothing really. I'm just, I'm just feeling a little blah blah. That's all.
14:02Hey, that was really sweet, Nick.
14:04Oh, it was a fail.
14:05No, you let him know that you'll be there for him. He'll come back when he's ready to talk.
14:11I just need him to be okay.
14:13I just need him to be okay.
14:16And not just for him.
14:18It was so hard after David died.
14:21Being the one.
14:23Like, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide, but I had to be there for Isla.
14:28And Aaron.
14:29You got them through.
14:32I mean, I surprised myself.
14:34How I managed to hold it all together.
14:37You're full of surprises.
14:39You never know which Nick I'm going to get.
14:42That sounds ominous, babe.
14:43No, no. I mean, like, I mean, like today, for example, you know, I've seen business Nick.
14:49And mom Nick.
14:51And feisty Nick.
14:53And sexy Nick.
14:55And all these different yous inside this one gorgeous package.
15:00It's just one of the reasons I love you.
15:11I love you.
15:20Let me in.
15:39Got any plans?
15:40Got to cancel it.
15:41No, not at all.
15:43Can't believe it's been almost a year.
15:56Oh, that's called the walk of shame.
16:01I feel like I'm failing her as a friend.
16:04Why? Because you're not out there hitting the bars with her?
16:07I mean, I know she went through a lot with the Bowman thing and going out is her MO.
16:12But is it, is it healthy for her?
16:19Oh, you're kidding me.
16:21What are you doing now?
16:22That's called pretending you haven't been out all night. I'm just grabbing the newspaper.
16:27I don't think Carl and Susan have any idea what's going on.
16:31You should tell Carl.
16:34Yeah, he'd want to know.
16:43You heading into the city?
16:45I'll be a few hours. I want to make sure Justin is across everything that needs to happen at Warwi.
16:50Okay, before you go, alright, there's a house I want you to look at.
16:53I just got an alert from the broker. It's on Maui.
16:57We can't be buying property yet.
16:58That's a total steal.
16:59Heath, no.
17:02Maui is our special place. Where do I need to remind you?
17:08I remember.
17:10It's where you first realized there was a whole world out there besides the Sinclair family.
17:15It was a turning point for me. And I owe it all to you.
17:20Now picture it. A house on the beach where we can watch the sun go down every day.
17:27Not yet. Hawaii will still be there once our work here is done.
17:37I'll see you at the hotel around midday.
17:40Ah, Tess is off-site at a meeting today.
17:43Oh, see? She's already backing off.
17:45Yeah, let's hope so.
17:47Hey, I'm really worried about Holly too.
17:51Well then it's settled. We have to say something.
17:54Well, here's your chance.
17:56I like it.
17:58I'm not sure I want to say it.
18:00I'm not sure I want to say it.
18:02I'm not sure I want to say it.
18:04I'm not sure I want to say it.
18:06I'm not sure I want to say it.
18:07Well, here's your chance.
18:10Hey guys.
18:12Carl, I'm really glad you're here. We've all been a bit concerned about Holly.
18:19Yeah, haven't you noticed she's been going out a lot lately?
18:21I've noticed too.
18:23Really? Has it been affecting her work?
18:27I think Mackenzie's right to worry.
18:29Maybe she's not over what happened with Gavin Bowman.
18:32Darling, hi.
18:34Can we talk?
19:26Yeah, hi Logan. It's me, Aaron.
19:27Um, look, I know I said I'm fine, but I just think I really need to talk to someone about this whole Hep B situation.
19:39What the hell is going on?
19:46What is this, like an intervention?
19:49Your friends are worried about you.
19:51So this is an intervention?
19:53Sweetheart, maybe you should have got some counselling after the ordeal with Gavin.
19:57No, I didn't need it then and I don't need it now.
20:00There's no shame in it.
20:02And yet you're trying to shame me for what, having a social life?
20:05Then why are you sneaky about?
20:07I was doing it on the down low because I knew that you would worry and clearly I was right.
20:12Do you really think it's a good idea to be burning the candle at both ends?
20:15I'm young. That's what young people do.
20:19So there's nothing you need to talk about?
20:21No. God, this is so mortifying.
20:24Alright, but if you ever do need to talk, I am here. And there's always professional help.
20:35Guys, really?
20:50Oh, the Robwells have already RSVP'd.
20:52Oh, great.
20:54And I think the Barton Murphy's will be coming.
20:56Let's just hope that Nell, JJ and Dex don't think they're too cool to hang out with their oldies, eh?
21:03Everything alright?
21:05Um, yeah. I think it's more than alright.
21:08I'm just wondering what I should buy my husband for an anniversary present.
21:12You're all the present that I need.
21:25That's how poor Rihanna feels.
21:29Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.
21:32I saw you coming.
21:34You're always looking my way.
21:36Well, I could say the same thing about you.
21:40Don't you think that's a little bit inappropriate? Since we basically work together.
21:45Oh, I don't know what's appropriate and what's not in this country. Maybe you could teach me.
21:53Is that an invitation?
21:58If something tells me you've been laid to work before, hop in.
22:17Coming up on Neighbours.
22:19Can you not make an issue of this?
22:20Well, how can I not, given everything you've told me?
22:23Right now, I wish I hadn't told you anything.
22:25Wow, this place is epic. And you live here on your own?
22:30Nick, I am ashamed about this, okay?
22:33No, no, it's not okay.
