How Ursa Tamed the Monster - Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender Gets Spanked

  • last month
By captfalconpunch
00:00How Ursa Tamed The Monster By Captain Falcon Punch
00:03Authors note, if you're familiar with the show Avatar, you might remember the episode Zuko Alone
00:07where Zuko has flashbacks to his childhood. When Ursa hears Azula telling her brother Zuko that
00:12their father Ozai is going to sacrifice him, Ursa grabs Azula by the wrist and says time for a talk.
00:17We don't see what this talk entails, but we do know that Ursa somehow gets the truth out
00:22of willful Azula. How did Ursa do this? Why did she have to have this talk in private?
00:26I'll bet anything that nasty little Azula got a good spanking from Ursa.
00:30Here's what might have happened.
00:32Grabbing Azula by the wrist, Ursa marched her protesting daughter to Azula's private chamber.
00:38Closing the door behind them, Ursa wasted no time.
00:42All right, young lady, I want you to tell me the truth, she demanded.
00:46Tell you the truth about what? Azula asked coyly.
00:50What did you tell Zuko about your father? What is Ozai going to do to your brother?
00:55Nothing, Azula assured her, holding her hands together demurely and effecting a sweet smile.
01:01She looked as if she had been caught stealing sweets and was trying to
01:04charm her way out of punishment. Ursa narrowed her eyes.
01:08Azula, this is no game. Why is Zuko afraid his father is going to do something to him?
01:14She warned as she lifted the princess and seated her on her bed.
01:18Azula actually started swinging her legs back and forth,
01:21still trying to maintain the illusion of innocence. But she couldn't hide the resentment in her eyes.
01:27It's not true. I was just making up a story to tease Zuko. I'm sorry for lying, mother.
01:33Please don't punish me, she begged, but she didn't look at all frightened.
01:37I think you're lying now, Azula, sighed Ursa as she seated herself next to her willful daughter.
01:43This is your last chance. Tell me what you told your older brother.
01:47Azula laughed cruelly.
01:49Oh, am I going to get a spanking? Please don't spank me, mommy. I'm telling you the truth,
01:55she pleaded, her voice full of irony. Ursa was afraid this would happen.
02:01As a member of the royal family, Azula practically got away with anything
02:06and had never once been whipped by her teachers at the Royal Firebending Academy for girls,
02:11with the exception of Master Zhang Zhang, and he had never been allowed to instruct her again.
02:17Once, she had taken private lessons with the sword master Piandao,
02:21and one day returned complaining that he had spanked her with the flat of his sword.
02:26However, she had shown such disrespect, even Ozai felt the punishment was fair.
02:32Shamed by her experience, Azula swore never to touch a sword again,
02:36and she was not forced to continue her lessons.
02:40Unlike those two bold men, the only time Ursa had tried to chastise Azula,
02:45she had failed to leave any impression. Resolved to extract the truth from Azula,
02:51Ursa silently took her daughter's arms and gently laid her over her lap.
02:56I have to give you a spanking, dear. Are you comfortable? Ursa asked without thinking.
03:02Azula turned to look over her shoulder, her eyes still sparkling as if this were only a game to her.
03:08Isn't the whole point of a spanking to make me uncomfortable, mother? She asked simply,
03:13her voice full of bitter irony. Ursa's only response was to raise her hand slowly,
03:19the sleeves of her red robe flowing gracefully down past her elbow.
03:23Suddenly, Ursa was reminded of the last time she had the princess in this position.
03:29Azula was only four, and Ursa had caught her tormenting a baby turtle duck.
03:34Furious, she had bent her over roughly and immediately started smacking,
03:38Azula giggling the whole time. This time had to be different.
03:43Ursa swung her hand down on Azula's thick pant seat.
03:47It was a solid swat, but Azula was tough and only emitted a quiet,
03:52not a very promising start, thought Ursa as she raised her hand higher for the next blow.
03:58Ursa carried on spanking Azula for a few moments, raising her hand higher each time.
04:03She was holding back only slightly, not wanting to be cruel even to Azula.
04:08After about six smacks, the palm of Ursa's hand was starting to sting,
04:13but Azula had gone quiet and was completely unresponsive.
04:18Furious with herself and with Azula, Ursa brought down her hand with her full strength,
04:23hoping to catch Azula off guard. Smack me, Azula squeaked, and she flinched slightly.
04:30That one had taken her by surprise, but Azula was still unimpressed.
04:35Ursa rained down five spanks of equal strength, and though each one earned a small cry from the
04:40resolute Azula, she lay quietly, obediently accepting her punishment without struggling or
04:46kicking. Ursa breathed a little harder as her hand rested on Azula's backside.
04:56Azula felt completely relaxed and wasn't even tempted to clench her legs.
05:01Looking back over her shoulder wickedly, Azula said,
05:04I'm sorry mother, but I can't tell a lie. Even if it means I get spanked for telling the truth.
05:11I told Zuko dad was going to kill him. It was a mean prank, and for that I apologize.
05:17Calming down her breathing, Ursa glanced at her stinging red palm.
05:21It was clear that Azula was lying and able to persist any punishment.
05:26Ursa had failed. Then she thought of her darling Zuko.
05:30If he was in danger, Ursa would need a confession from Azula in order to protect him.
05:35Haven't I been punished enough, mommy? crooned Azula, her voice like poison honey.
05:42Azula yelped, and before she had a moment to catch her breath,
05:47Azula saw her mother raise her hand and swing it down before shutting her eyes.
05:53No, Azula, you have not been punished enough.
05:57Smack. Yo, lady. Smack. I will have no more lies. Smack.
06:03Pinning Azula down, Ursa spoke her final sentence, punctuating each word with a stroke.
06:09I want the truth.
06:14And after uttering truth, Ursa struck a second time, and a third. Spank, spank, spank.
06:22Well? Ursa paused to let her daughter respond.
06:25Azula shot a venomous look over her shoulder. Go on, mother. You can't even firebend.
06:31You aren't hurting me at all. Do your worst.
06:35She sounded more annoyed than afraid, and there wasn't a hint of a tear in her eyes.
06:40Immediately, Ursa lifted Azula's skirt and rumpled it roughly against her back out of the way.
06:46Still steeling herself up for what she was about to do, Ursa slowly yanked down Azula's thick pants,
06:53leaving her upturned posterior protected only by a thin layer of cloth,
06:57white fire silk, the rarest of its kind.
07:01Ursa could tell immediately that her daughter's bottom was a cheerful shade of pink.
07:06Ursa raised her hand about to rain down blows, but she hesitated. Azula was right, after all.
07:12Ursa was not a particularly strong person, and she could not use firebending to intimidate her
07:18daughter. When Master Zhang Zhang had disciplined Azula, he had produced an intense ball of flame
07:24in his hand, and rained it down quickly. Fire Nation parents often reserved this punishment
07:30for their obstinate children when they had shown terrible disrespect. Each smack felt like having
07:36your backside held to a fire just long enough that it became uncomfortable. How could Ursa hope to
07:42frighten her daughter with such small, delicate hands? Even if she did possess great strength of
07:47arm, pain alone would not be sufficient to break Azula's spirit. The willful girl might lie across
07:54her knee and be spanked for hours out of spite for her brother. Ursa didn't know how much time
07:59she had to act. She needed to show her daughter that she meant business. Azula would not leave
08:05this position until she revealed the truth. Ursa brought down her hand with only half of her
08:10strength. Azula felt the pat, and was confused. Even though it was just more than a love tap,
08:18Azula's bottom stung ever so slightly. Her skirt and thick pants had made a difference, she realized.
08:26No matter, she thought. This wouldn't be pleasant, but she would weather it out.
08:31She might pretend to squirm and plead a little, but Azula would bite back her screams and her tears.
08:37Then she felt a chill. Without lifting her hand, Ursa undraped Azula's silk undergarments,
08:43leaving her rear end unclothed and completely unprotected.
08:47For an instant, Azula felt exposed, in more than one sense. Yes, her bare bum was pointed skyward.
08:55But Azula felt naked because she was at her mother's mercy. There was literally nothing
09:00between her and her mother's wrath. Instantly, Azula suppressed this feeling, but it was too late.
09:17Ursa began spanking at a brisk, steady pace. Indignant, Azula forgot not to show any sign
09:24that the punishment was affecting her, and began protesting angrily.
09:28You dare? You dare to punish me in this way? I am a princess. No one bears the royal behind.
09:36Not even you. If only father could see how you disgrace his daughter,
09:40the dishonor you subject me to. You would be the one being spanked then.
09:44I'll have you stripped and whipped before the whole royal family, in full sight of everyone
09:49at the palace. She kicked and punched, blue flames bursting from her fists and feet.
09:55Azula twisted around and aimed at her mother's face, but Azula deftly caught her daughter's arm,
10:00twisted it around into the small of her back, and continued paddling her daughter unperturbed.
10:06Azula's behind was just small enough that it fit nicely in the curve of her mother's hand,
10:11so Ursa did not have to alternate from cheek to cheek.
10:15Already Ursa had left an imprint, the shape of her hand, which was a deep shade of pink.
10:21When Ursa landed a resounding swat, Azula gasped, and as the stinging sensation faded,
10:26she forced a laugh. Not fooled, Ursa slowed the rhythm of her spanks.
10:32With each one, Azula laughed boldly.
10:46But after ten swats, her laughter grew more and more strained.
10:50After fifteen, it was impossible to tell whether she was laughing or crying.
11:04And after twenty swats, her laughter died, and she cried piteously with each stinging blow.
11:10All right. You win? I'll tell you the truth, spat Azula, and Ursa ceased wailing on her
11:17wailing daughter. Still fighting back tears and breathing hard, Azula started to tell all.
11:32Azula paused, which was a huge mistake. The moment she stopped, Ursa spanked her soundly.
11:41Azula was too frightened to think. Was her mother going to spank her again?
11:45She racked her mind, searching for the right words, but she was too late.
11:50Azula tensed every muscle in her body after feeling the second smack,
11:54straining to break her wrist from her mother's grip.
11:57Hold still, ordered Ursa, bringing down her hand a third time.
12:02Whimpering, Azula twisted her arm free and shielded her fanny with both hands.
12:07Azula, remove your hands or I'll spank you again.
12:10The very second Azula complied, she felt such a sharp sting on her buttocks,
12:14she covered her backside again, protesting.
12:17Ow! You said you wouldn't spank me if I put down my hands.
12:21I will spank you if you keep resisting. And the moment you stop telling me the truth,
12:26I will continue spanking until you begin again.
12:29Just, just give me a moment to catch my breath.
12:32I am going to start counting. For every second you do not obey me, I will give you one swat.
12:38One. Two. Three.
12:41Understanding her mother's intent, Azula dropped her hands and braced herself.
12:50After the third blow bounced off of Azula's clenched buttocks, words poured from her mouth.
12:56Father asked Sozin to revoke Iroh's birthright and choose him as successor to the throne.
13:01Grandfather was… furious.
13:04In the half-instant Azula took a breath before saying the word, furious, Ursa had raised her
13:10arm high. Catching this motion out of the corner of her eye, Azula quickly resumed her recount
13:16before her mother could resume her punishment. Ursa stopped mid-swing, and her hand hovered
13:22menacingly and unswervingly a foot above its target. Never taking her eyes of the terrible
13:29hand, Azula stuttered.
13:31Hisa struck father with his firebending, that was when Zuko ran away.
13:35Azula realized that the next sentence was the information her mother needed.
13:39And then this terrible ordeal would be over.
13:42Of course when this thought occurred to Azula, she momentarily stopped talking.
13:47And Ursa picked up right where she had left off mid-swing.
13:51Physically, the stroke was only half as hard as Ursa's strongest hit.
13:55But Azula was so intimidated, that psychologically it felt like a searing lash.
14:01Two dull red spots had appeared in the center of each buttock, and were spreading rapidly.
14:06Ah Azulon told father, you must learn the pain of losing a firstborn son by sacrificing your own.
14:12Ursa's eyes widened.
14:14Ozai is going to kill Zuko? He's going to sacrifice my son?
14:19I think, said Azula timidly. She was normally so confident,
14:23but she was afraid to say anything that might spur her mother.
14:27Unfortunately, Ursa could not be placated.
14:30When is this supposed to take place?
14:32I don't know.
14:34Slap! Slap! Slap!
14:35I swear I don't know, pleaded Azula.
14:38I left the chamber after that. I swear, it's the truth.
14:42Rage filling her eyes, Ursa whispered dangerously.
14:46The truth? I've heard you use those words before, Azula.
14:50You knew your brother was in danger, your only brother, and you said nothing?
14:54Rather than tell me the truth, you were ready to accept the spanking, and let your brother die.
14:59That's, that's evil. You wicked girl. You monster.
15:05Roaring, Ursa spanked Azula with every ounce of strength she could muster.
15:10Azula winced, and a single tear stained her cheek.
15:13Azula didn't even have time to scream before the next stroke landed.
15:17In an uncontrollable fury, Ursa started spanking as hard and as fast as she could.
15:23Azula started bawling, tears streaming down her chin.
15:27A bright red handprint stretched across her bottom, looking just like a flame.
15:33Azula kicked so hard, one of her boots actually flew off her foot,
15:37and she started slipping off her mother's lap.
15:40Her whole front torso was unsupported, and she held both her hands on the floor in front of her
15:45face. To keep her from falling off completely, Ursa caught her daughter's legs with the hand
15:50she had been using for spanking, but continued spanking her now upside-down butt end with her
15:56other hand. After giving her a few swats in this unusual position, Ursa lifted her daughter back
16:02onto her lap and continued disciplining her without missing a beat. Azula finally gave up
16:08struggling and lay silently across her mother's knees. Ursa spanked and spanked and spanked until
16:15her arm was worn out. She had lost count long ago, but she had probably given Azula over thirty good,
16:21hard spanks. Breathing hard, Ursa's breasts suddenly filled with guilt. She had lost her
16:28temper. The last time she had punished Azula this way, it had been for being cruel.
16:34Crying herself now, Ursa attempted to offer her daughter some comfort.
16:38Alright, Azula. We're finished. I, I want to give you a hug now.
16:44Once you put your pants back on, you can sit on my lap if you like.
16:48She gently lifted the small, still body off her lap and set her down on the floor in front of her.
16:53Azula's head was bowed. Lifting her eyes, Azula shot a hateful glance at her mother
16:59and with a roar lashed at her with firebending. Ursa instinctively shielded her eyes and ducked
17:05back, the burst of flame almost grazing her. Ursa grabbed both of Azula's wrists, lifted her into
17:13the air, and laid her right back into the spanking position across the bed.
17:18Azula's pants had dropped to the ground, and she kicked so hard her other boot went flying
17:23across the room. Don't. You. Dare use your fire. Bending. To try to hurt. People. Ursa shouted as
17:32she spanked her seven more times. Azula's entire rump was blushing scarlet. A few seconds after
17:39her mother had finished, Azula started to stand up, but her mother pinned her down and administered
17:44a warning swat. Hold it. This spanking is not over until I tell you it is over. You will remain in
17:51this position until I return you to your feet. Ursa waited a moment, to see if Azula would
17:56disobey her order. Satisfied, Ursa lifted her daughter into a standing position. The skirt fell
18:02back down, covering Azula's hindquarters. Furiously, Azula tried to rub away the sting,
18:08but she didn't dare attack her mother. Ursa got down on one knee and stared her defiant daughter
18:14in the eyes. I am going now, to see what I can do to save Zuko. If anything happens to your brother
18:21because of you, Azula, we're going to come right back here, and you will get the spanking you
18:25really deserve. So, pray for your brother's safety, young lady. Ursa stood and glided away.
18:33Cursing under her breath, Azula sat down on a hard wooden stool in front of her mirror,
18:38ignoring the stab of pain in her sore, smarting, well-spanked backside.
18:43Azula was furious with herself. She had lost the battle of wills with her mother.
18:49Never again would she let anyone see her like that. Crying, frightened, defeated.
18:56And next time, she wouldn't give her mother the chance to put her across her knee in the first
19:00place. She would fight back with all her fire-bending. But Azula never saw her mother
19:06again. She was told later that Sozin died that night, and Ozai was crowned Fire Lord.
19:14Exactly what Ursa had done that night, Azula never knew, but Zuko was not sacrificed,
19:19and the Queen had disappeared without a trace.
19:22The End
19:24Spanks for watching. If you enjoy my spanking story audiobooks,
19:28please like and subscribe. You may spank it, once.
