ANM s 2015 [F-L] s Christmas s 2015 m-i-c-k-e-y-s Carol vidéo vidéo

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00:00Merry Christmas to one and all!
00:18Give a penny for the poor, Governor! Penny for the poor!
00:22My partner, Jacob Marley, dead seven years today.
00:31He was a good'un. He robbed from the widows and swindled the poor.
00:37In his will he left me enough money to pay for his tombstone.
00:40And I had him buried at sea.
00:46Good morning, Mr. Scrooge.
00:49Cratchit, what are you doing with that piece of coal?
00:52I was just trying to thaw out the ink.
00:56Bah! You used a piece last week?
01:00Now, get on with your work, Cratchit.
01:04Speaking of work, Mr. Scrooge, tomorrow is Christmas and I was wondering if I could have half a day off?
01:11Christmas, eh? Well, I suppose so.
01:16But I'll dock you half a day's pay.
01:19Now, let's see. I pay you two shillings a day.
01:22Two shillings and a hay penny, sir.
01:25Oh, yes. I gave you that raise three years ago.
01:28Yes, sir. When I started doing your laundry.
01:31All right, Cratchit. Get busy while I go over my books.
01:34Oh, and here. Here's another bundle of shirts for you.
01:38Yes, sir.
01:42Let's see now. Fifty pounds, ten shillings from Macduff.
01:46Plus his 80% interest, compounded daily.
01:51Money, money, money.
01:54Merry Christmas!
01:56And a Merry Christmas to you, Master Fred.
01:59Bah! Humbug.
02:01Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge!
02:03What's so merry about it?
02:05I'll tell you what Christmas is. It's just another work day.
02:08And any jack-and-apes who thinks else should be boiled in his own pudding.
02:12But, sir, Christmas is a time for giving.
02:16A time to be with one's family.
02:18I say bah! Humbug!
02:20I don't care. I say Merry Christmas.
02:23Merry Christmas!
02:25Well said, Master Fred.
02:27Cratchit, what are you doing?
02:29I was just trying to keep my hands warm, sir.
02:34And what are you doing here, nephew?
02:37I'm trying to give you a mousse and invite you for Christmas dinner.
02:41Well, I suppose you're going to have plump goose with chestnut dressing?
02:47And will you have plum pudding and lemon sauce?
02:49Yeah, boy, oh, boy.
02:51And candied fruits with spiced sugar cakes?
02:53Yeah, when you're calm.
02:55You daft man. You know I can't eat that stuff.
02:58Here's your wreath back. Now out, out, out.
03:02Bah! Humbug!
03:05Merry Christmas!
03:07And a bah humbug to you.
03:10That Fred, always so full of kindness.
03:13Aye, he always was a little peculiar.
03:16And stubborn.
03:20Customers, I'll handle this, Cratchit.
03:23Yes, what can I do for you two gentlemen?
03:26Sir, we're soliciting funds for the indigent and destitute.
03:30For the what?
03:31We're collecting for the poor.
03:33Oh, aha.
03:36Well, you realize if you give money to the poor, they won't be poor anymore, will they?
03:41Well, and if they're not poor anymore, then you won't have to raise money for them anymore.
03:46Well, I suppose.
03:47And if you don't have to raise money for them anymore, then you would be out of a job.
03:52Oh, please, gentlemen, don't ask me to put you out of a job, not on Christmas Eve.
03:57Oh, we wouldn't do that, Mr. Scrooge.
03:59Well, then, I suggest you give this to the poor and be gone.
04:07Why is this world coming to, Cratchit?
04:10You work all your life to get money, and people want you to give it away.
04:30Hmm, two minutes fast.
04:36Well, never mind those two minutes.
04:38You may go now.
04:39Oh, thank you, sir.
04:41You're so kind.
04:42Never mind the mushy stuff, just go.
04:44But be here all the earlier the next day.
04:47I will, I will, sir.
04:48And a bah humbug.
04:50I mean, a Merry Christmas to you, sir.
05:32Jacob Motley?
05:34No, that can't be.
05:38Oh, ow!
05:39Oh, oh!
05:40Oh, darn.
06:36Ebenezer Scrooge.
06:41Go away!
06:43Ebenezer Scrooge.
06:51Oh, harsh.
06:53Kind of slippery.
06:57Scrooge, don't you recognize me?
06:59I was your partner, Jacob Marley.
07:04Marley, it is you.
07:07Ebenezer, remember when I was alive,
07:09I robbed the widows and swindled the poor?
07:12Yes, and all in the same day.
07:14Oh, you had class, Jacob.
07:17No, no.
07:19I was wrong.
07:20And so as punishment, I'm forced to carry these heavy chains
07:24through eternity.
07:26Maybe even longer.
07:28There's no hope.
07:30I am doomed.
07:32And the same thing will happen to you, Ebenezer Scrooge.
07:38No, it can't.
07:39It mustn't.
07:40Help me, Jacob.
07:42Tonight, you will be visited by three spirits.
07:45Listen to them.
07:47Do what they say, or your chains will be heavier than mine.
07:51Farewell, Ebenezer.
08:02Marley, watch out for that first.
08:57Well, it's about time.
08:59Haven't got all night, you know.
09:01Who are you?
09:03Why, I'm the ghost of Christmas past.
09:08Oh, I thought you'd be taller.
09:10Listen, Scrooge, if men were measured by kindness,
09:13you'd be no bigger than a speck of dust.
09:18Kindness is of little use in this world.
09:20You didn't always think so.
09:22Come on, Scrooge, it's time to go.
09:24Then go.
09:30Spirit, what are you doing?
09:32We're going to visit your past.
09:34I'm not going out there.
09:36I'll fall.
09:38Just hold on.
09:40Not too tight now.
09:47Spirit, look out.
09:55What's wrong, Scrooge?
09:57I thought you enjoyed looking down on the world.
10:08Spirit, I believe I know this place.
10:12It's old Fezziwig's.
10:14I couldn't have worked for a kinder man.
10:24Why, it's old Fezziwig himself.
10:26And all of my very dearest friends.
10:33And that shy lad in the corner, that's me.
10:37Yes, that was before you became a miserable miser,
10:41consumed by greed.
10:42Well, nobody's perfect.
10:44And there, there's lovely Isabelle.
10:49Ebenezer! Ebenezer!
10:52Yes, Isabelle?
10:53So, my eyes are closed, my lips are puckered,
10:56and I'm standing under the mistletoe.
10:59You're also standing on my foot.
11:24I remember how much I was in love with her.
11:28In ten years time, you'll learn to love something else.
11:31Why, it's my counting house.
11:33Nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-two.
11:36Nine thousand...
11:38Yes, what is it?
11:40For years I've had this honeymoon cottage, Ebenezer.
11:44I've been waiting for you to keep your promise to marry me.
11:47Now I must know, have you made your decision?
11:50I have.
11:51Your last payment on the cottage was an hour late.
11:53I'm foreclosing the mortgage.
12:00You love your gold more than that precious creature,
12:03and you lost her forever.
12:05Nine thousand nine hundred and seventy...
12:12Please, spirit, what's this?
12:15Three, five, four, five.
12:19Oh, I smell.
12:21I mean, I smell...
12:25A stingy little Englishman.
12:28I think I do.
12:31Yeah, I do.
12:33Please, let me go.
12:35Don't eat me.
12:36Why would the ghost of Christmas present, that's me,
12:39want to eat a distasteful little miser like you?
12:43Especially when there are so many good things to enjoy in life.
12:47Oh, mince pies, turkeys, suckling pig.
12:53And don't forget the chocolate pot roast with pistachio.
12:56With pistachio.
13:00With yogurt.
13:01But where did all this come from?
13:03From the hut, Scrooge.
13:06It's the food of generosity,
13:08which you have long denied your fellow man.
13:11Generosity, ha!
13:14Nobody has ever shown me generosity.
13:17You've never given them reason to.
13:20And yet,
13:22there are some who still find enough warmth in their hearts,
13:26even for the likes of you.
13:28No acquaintance of mine.
13:30I assure you.
13:32You'll see.
13:43Tsk, tsk, tsk.
13:59Here we are.
14:03Why did you bring me to this old shack?
14:06This is the home of your overworked, underpaid employee, Bob Cratchit.
14:13What's she cooking, a canary?
14:15Surely they have more food than that.
14:17Look on the fire.
14:20That's your laundry.
14:24Not yet, children.
14:25We must wait for Tiny Tim.
14:27Coming, Father.
14:28I'm coming.
14:35Oh, my, look at all the wonderful things to eat.
14:40We must thank Mr. Scrooge.
14:43Tell me, Spirit, what's wrong with that kind lad?
14:47Much, I'm afraid.
14:49If these shadows remain unchanged,
14:51I see an empty chair where Tiny Tim once sat.
14:58Then that means...
15:00Tim will...
15:02Where did they go?
15:04Spirit, where are you?
15:06Don't go.
15:07You must tell me about Tim.
15:09Don't go.
15:14Oh, where did...
15:21Who are you?
15:24Are you the ghost of Christmas Future?
15:29Please, speak to me.
15:31Tell me, what will happen to Tiny Tim?
15:57Oh, no.
15:59Spirit, I didn't want this to happen.
16:01Tell me these events can yet be changed.
16:08I've never seen a funeral like this one.
16:11No mourners, no friends to bid him farewell.
16:14Oh, well, let's rest a minute before we fill it in.
16:17But he ain't going nowhere.
16:27Spirit, whose lonely grave is this?
16:35Why, yours, Ebenezer.
16:37The richest man in the cemetery.
16:47No, no, no.
16:56I'll change. I'll change.
17:01Spirit, let me out. Let me out.
17:07I'm back in my own room.
17:13It's Christmas morning.
17:15I haven't missed it.
17:16The spirits have given me another chance.
17:19Oh, I know just what I'll do.
17:21They'll be so surprised.
17:25Oh, what a wonderful day.
17:27Oh, there's so much to play.
17:29Oh, so much to do.
17:32I can't go out like this.
17:35There. That.
17:39Merry Christmas to one and all.
17:45Well, bless me.
17:46Good morning, gentlemen.
17:48I've something for you.
17:52Twenty gold sovereigns. Oh, no.
17:55Not enough? Well, all right.
17:57Fifty gold sovereigns.
17:59Really, Mr. Scrooge, it's still not enough?
18:02Aye. You drive a hard bargain.
18:04Here you are.
18:05One hundred gold pieces and not a penny more.
18:08Not a penny more.
18:09Oh, thank you, Mr. Scrooge.
18:11Thank you. And a merry Christmas to you.
18:16Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, merry Christmas.
18:23Ah, nephew.
18:25Uncle Scrooge.
18:27Ah, nephew.
18:28Uncle Scrooge.
18:30I'm looking forward to that wonderful meal of yours.
18:33But I'm a doggone.
18:35You mean you're coming?
18:36Of course I am.
18:37You know how much I like candy fruits with spiced sugar cakes.
18:41I'll be over probably at two.
18:43Keep it piping hot.
18:45But Uncle Scrooge, for real.
18:47And a very merry Christmas to you.
18:51Merry Christmas and keep the change.
18:55Wonderful, lads.
18:57And now for Cratchit.
19:06Why, Mr. Scrooge.
19:08Merry Christmas.
19:10Won't you come in?
19:11Merry Christmas.
19:13I have another bundle for you.
19:17But, sir, it's Christmas Day.
19:19Christmas Day indeed.
19:21Just another excuse for being lazy.
19:24And another thing, Cratchit.
19:26I've had enough of this half-day-off stuff.
19:28You leave me no alternative but to give you...
19:34Yes, toys.
19:35No, no, no.
19:36I'm giving you a raise and making you my partner.
19:40A partner?
19:43Oh, thank you, Mr. Scrooge.
19:45Merry Christmas, Bob.
19:47And God blesses everyone.
19:50Joy to the children far and near.
19:53What a wondrous time of year.
19:57Isn't it just grand to say...
20:00Merry, merry Christmas.
20:02Merry, merry Christmas.
20:04Merry, merry Christmas.
20:06Merry, merry Christmas.
