• vor 4 Monaten
Stormgate ist seit dem 30. Juli 2024 für alle Backer und Käufer der Bezahlpakete spielbar. Erst am 13. August öffnet es dann auch seine Tore für die Free2Play-Spieler. Wir haben die Kampagne, den Koop-Modus und das 1v1 im Multiplayer schon gespielt und sind wie so viele andere auch ernüchtert.

Denn Stormgate hat sich selbst zu einem Next-Gen-Nachfolger von Starcraft 2 und Warcraft 3 hochgehyped, kann viele der Versprechen jedoch augenscheinlich (noch) nicht einhalten. Wie ihr am Ende des Gameplay-Videos seht und wie wir auch noch ausführlicher in unserem Early-Access-Test beschreiben , ist vor allem die Grafik alles andere als von der nächsten Generation.

Und weil Stormgate viel zu sehr am Rockzipfel seiner berühmten Vorbilder hängt, entwickelt es kaum eine eigene Identität. Gerade in der insgesamt uninspirierte Kampagne werdet ihr viele Versatzstücke aus Warcraft 3 und Starcraft 2 wiedererkennen. Zwar ist das Kerngameplay gar nicht schlecht, doch es kommt einfach immer wieder das Gefühl auf, das alles schon mal gesehen zu haben, nur besser ...
00:00Warum wartest du?
00:15Oh, verstanden.
00:17Here I come.
00:36Finding a path.
00:40Oh, I've been ready.
00:43Ready and willing.
00:45Game over.
00:48Making a beeline.
00:52I got you.
00:54Left right now.
00:56Heading there now.
00:57Hold up.
00:58Looks like scavenger's laid a trap.
01:00I'll take care of it.
01:03You don't know when to quit.
01:20Here I come.
01:21There's a split here. Multiple tracks break north. Heavy.
01:25That'd be your prisoners.
01:27Biter group went south.
01:29A few scavengers heading back to base camp?
01:31With so many of them gone, that base is probably not well defended.
01:36We need to rescue those villagers.
01:38Before we take out that base, cut the head off the snake.
01:42Make sure this doesn't happen again.
01:45Disagree. But it's not my call.
01:47Amara, what's the plan?
02:00Here I come.
02:02Finding a path.
02:04Making a beeline.
02:06Wish granted.
02:16Heading there now.
02:19Quick time.
02:20Why wait?
02:23I'll hold.
02:24We're saving those people.
02:27Oh, got it.
02:29Here I come.
02:33Give me the lowdown.
02:35Finding a path.
02:50Making a beeline.
02:53Game over.
03:08Heading there now.
03:14Time to pay.
03:20Go, go!
03:23Hurry! Hurry!
03:28Go, go, go!
03:33Give me the lowdown.
03:35Give me the lowdown.
03:38Quick time.
03:39Why wait?
03:41Oh, got it.
03:43Death wish granted.
03:46Give me the lowdown.
03:48Here I come.
03:49Finding a path.
03:53Making a beeline.
03:56Heading there now.
03:59Time to pay.
04:19Oh Gott.
04:21You're safe now.
04:23Stay away!
04:25It's okay.
04:26We're not gonna hurt you.
04:28What happened here?
04:30Scavengers have been snatching people across the range for days.
04:34They called for help.
04:37Why didn't anyone come?
04:39They... they took Pa.
04:43Took him where?
04:45I don't know.
04:48I don't know.
04:51Hey. Hey, easy.
04:53I'm cooperating.
04:57With the Infernals?
05:00You blind?
05:02They own this planet now.
05:05You say you own them.
05:07You die.
05:09I'm gonna give you the same deal.
05:11Ryker, find him a nice spot in the hole.
