• last year


00:00The City Council of Seniors' third term was established on November 25, 2015, by the City Council resolution.
00:11These terms are covered by the Presidents' terms.
00:14In this third term, we have already chosen a team, we have chosen a Presidium and we are starting our activities.
00:21On September 28, the first activity of the City Council of Seniors will be a senior party event, which will take place in Chalipopadki.
00:30Some of the people are really the same as they used to be in the Council of Seniors.
00:34Some of them are new. Mr. Henryk Kot was the Chairman, Ms. Danuta Wiśniewska was the Vice-Chair, and Ms. Ewa Bjorlund became the Secretary of the Council.
00:44You, who have been here so far, have already specified some of your golden thoughts.
00:48I know what tasks lie ahead of me.
00:51As a person, let's say, of this birthday, the youngest one, I would like to introduce a little bit of freshness, a fresh look at the world around us.
01:09I would like to look at the seniors more in terms of, maybe not what to organize, what to do, but more in terms of such feelings, heart, emotions.
01:21Let's be honest, the time of the pandemic was very difficult.
01:26I have been cooperating with seniors for several years now and I saw this postponement, this depressive stage and in general.
01:36I want to go out to people more, I want to go out to seniors who are not yet here in senior clubs, in various senior organizations.
01:46I also want to go out a little more modern.
01:49Why doesn't the Council of Seniors have a Facebook page?
01:53After all, we all live there now.
01:56First of all, parties.
01:58Of course, a lot of seniors want parties, because they want to breathe, to turn away from what is happening in everyday life.
02:05But also everyday matters, for example, the safety of seniors on the roads, on the crossings.