Doremon Swapping machine Old ep

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00:00🎶 Music 🎶
00:30🎶 Music 🎶
01:00🎶 Music 🎶
01:13Family Sporting Machine
01:21Nobita, you have brought zero again in your test.
01:23I don't understand what you will do next.
01:25When your dad and I were kids,
01:27we never scored zero in our tests.
01:30What? What do you mean?
01:32I am not your son.
01:34Maybe you found me lying somewhere
01:36and you brought me home.
01:38Yes. Yes.
01:40By the way, it is possible.
01:47He must have brought me from somewhere else.
01:52No, Nobita, it is not like that.
01:54Maybe mom said this to you in anger.
01:56You don't feel bad at all.
01:59I don't think he has brought me from somewhere else.
02:06Now I will run away from here.
02:09Now I can't stay in this house anymore.
02:11Don't say such weird things.
02:13Come to your senses.
02:14Now don't try to stop me.
02:20I don't know what will happen to him.
02:23Now I can't bear it anymore.
02:25Now I will never go back to that house.
02:27What happened?
02:28Nobita, what should I tell you now?
02:35whenever something goes wrong, she starts hitting me.
02:38Jiyan, it is very difficult to live with your family.
02:41You are right, Nobita.
02:43Jiyan, listen.
02:44You don't worry at all.
02:46Yes, we both are the saddest kids in this world.
03:00Listen, have you also left your house?
03:05Listen, take this and eat it quickly, son.
03:08I don't want to eat this.
03:11Are you alright?
03:16They have also called a doctor there.
03:18Maybe she cares for me a lot.
03:20I have decided that I will not go back to that house.
03:23Your family has spoiled you.
03:25No, it's nothing like that.
03:27If you don't like your family,
03:29then you can change them.
03:33Family Swapping Machine
03:37Come on, let's find a perfect family for you.
03:41This is going to be fun.
03:42Come on, get ready.
03:43As soon as I give you a signal, press that button.
03:46This button?
03:48Yes, exactly.
03:49And the color on which you will stop,
03:50that will be your family.
03:52But there is one condition.
03:53You will not insist on going home.
03:57So, I ask everyone,
03:58do you accept my condition?
03:59Yes, of course.
04:00We will not insist.
04:01We don't want to go back home.
04:03There is no place worse than my house.
04:05I will not go back.
04:07Then it's okay.
04:08Now, let's start.
04:11Steady, go!
04:25I think,
04:26they will start missing their families soon.
05:08Oh, it slipped!
05:11Listen, listen to me.
05:18What are you doing here?
05:20This is my shop.
05:21Change your clothes quickly and then eat your food.
05:24Okay, I understood.
05:26You are standing here?
05:28But listen, my mom always makes me wear clothes.
05:31Mom makes you wear?
05:34I am not going to change your clothes.
05:36You go and change your clothes.
05:39I have a lot of important work in the day.
05:43This is very good to hear.
05:46Leave all this, I want to eat and play.
05:50Wow, I always wanted a radio control car.
05:54Living in Suniyo's house means that all his toys are mine.
05:58Wow, it was fun, now I will play a lot.
06:03Yes, there is nothing better than this here.
06:07No, son.
06:08What happened, tell me.
06:13Why are your marks so low?
06:15Sorry, please forgive me.
06:17It's not your fault.
06:20The fault is of the tutor.
06:22We will remove it and bring a good tutor.
06:24Did you understand?
06:25And don't worry at all.
06:26We will take care of you.
06:29Don't be sad because of this test.
06:31Eat cake after a while and don't worry, okay?
06:36Yes, this is like magic.
06:38No one scolded me even after failing.
06:41Suniyo's mom is so nice, she doesn't scold me.
06:49I am Jiyan and very powerful.
06:52I am keeping your towel here.
06:59Hey Jiyan, can I ask you something?
07:01Answer me honestly.
07:02Don't you miss home?
07:04Tell me the truth.
07:05No, not at all.
07:07The bathroom in our house is very small and dirty.
07:09My mom doesn't care what I do.
07:11Nobita's mom is better than her.
07:13I like it here.
07:18It's strange.
07:19He should have remembered his family by now.
07:21Listen, come, come.
07:23You also come.
07:24Ma'am, special prizes.
07:25Come, you can take your favorite things from here.
07:28Come, come.
07:39What should I eat first?
07:41Let me eat this.
07:43Everyone eats this food here.
07:45This is really good.
07:48This is very strange.
07:54Invisible Wheel.
07:56Invisible Wheel.
08:04Doraemon, is something broken?
08:07Yes, he should have remembered his family by now.
08:10But the timer is broken.
08:12What should I do now?
08:13Doraemon, really?
08:14Yes, now I think he doesn't want to go back to his family.
08:17If this happens, it will be very difficult.
08:19What should I do?
08:23I can't eat anymore.
08:25You haven't eaten anything yet.
08:27Eat some more.
08:29Should I eat some more?
08:30No, no.
08:32What happened to you?
08:33Are you okay?
08:34Go, call the doctor quickly.
08:36What did you say, doctor?
08:38Doctor, see what has happened to Nobita.
08:40Please cure him.
08:41You leave all this to me.
08:45Not anymore.
08:46My stomach is full.
08:48Then you take this.
08:51Now I will be stuck here till bedtime.
08:55Nobita, he is your new teacher.
08:58And he will teach you from today.
09:01He will teach you from today, Nobita.
09:04Nice to meet you.
09:05Nice to meet you.
09:19What should I tell you, Jiyan?
09:21I am very worried about him.
09:24Now I understand.
09:25And how do you feel?
09:28Jiyan's mother doesn't bother me at all.
09:30She lets me do whatever I want.
09:32She is really very nice.
09:34Earlier I used to like all this.
09:36But now she hits me for everything.
09:39I don't like it at all.
09:41I am worried.
09:43And me too.
09:44She found out my test result.
09:48Maybe I can live with my mom properly.
09:51No one can live with her except me.
09:53But I don't have any problem.
09:55She just scolds me.
09:56Will you tell me why you got only 10 marks in the test?
10:00What has happened to you, Jiyan?
10:03Nothing, mom. Nothing.
10:06I think I can't do well until I get beaten up.
10:10Are you telling the truth?
10:12Yes. And Doraemon doesn't give me any gadget
10:14with which I can complete my homework.
10:18Shizuka, don't you feel that he is missing his family?
10:22Yes. I also feel that everything will be fine now.
10:26But you know we can't tell this to Doraemon.
10:30Yes. We can't tell Doraemon
10:32that we all want to go back.
10:34We had promised him that we won't complain.
10:37I think we can't do anything now.
10:39We have to stay like this.
10:44No. No. Stop.
10:49I will meet you later.
10:52Look there, Doraemon.
10:54Yes, I am watching.
10:55They are going to their homes.
10:57And they didn't even think about it.
11:00Jiyan, stop.
11:01My house is not like this.
11:05And your house?
11:06I was going back to my house.
11:08You are absolutely right.
11:09Actually, I was also going to go back to my house.
11:14Listen to me.
11:16What happened, Doraemon?
11:17Actually, we...
11:18Now listen. Forget your promise.
11:27Okay, bye.
11:29Everyone is so happy, Doraemon.
11:31Yes. Everything is fine now.
11:36What does this mean? Tell me.
11:40Are you listening to me or not?
11:42Please let me play.
11:44Please, mom.
11:47I think...
11:49Nobita and his mom are made for each other.
11:54Tell me.
11:55You won't be able to forget this.
11:59Good time machine.
12:04You all are going to have an exam on Saturday.
12:07All of you inform your parents.
12:09And prepare for the upcoming exams.
12:11Yes, sir.
12:15It was so much fun.
12:17Now I should go home quickly.
12:20Now you read and tell me.
12:23The answer to the next question is...
12:254 into 2 is equal to...
12:26Nobita, what are you doing?
12:27We are studying the language right now.
12:29Where is your language book?
12:30Yes. I forgot it.
12:34This is one of my bad classes.
12:39Doraemon got so upset after that...
12:42I think I should keep it a secret.
12:46Tell me. What happened after that, Nobita?
12:48Nothing, Doraemon.
12:49You shouldn't care about this.
12:53But I haven't seen any such notice yet.
12:56Tell me one thing.
12:57Who was in a bad mood?
12:59Nobita, come here.
13:02Shizuka's mom has told me everything.
13:04How can you forget to tell me...
13:06about such an important notice?
13:08You have to work hard this time.
13:09And try not to embarrass me like last time.
13:12Did you understand, Nobita?
13:15Please, Doraemon.
13:16Don't you have any gadget...
13:18to make me a good student?
13:19Look, Nobita.
13:20I want to help you.
13:22Only you can help me, Doraemon.
13:25But if you become a good student...
13:27without studying...
13:28then you will be at a loss.
13:30Do you understand, Nobita?
13:31Not much.
13:32Just help me for these exams, Doraemon.
13:37No. Not at all.
13:38You are very lazy.
13:39You always use my gadget...
13:41to solve your problems.
13:42I won't help you.
13:44Do you understand?
13:45I always tell you the same thing.
13:49Why am I so bad?
13:51In this way, mom will never get to know...
13:53about my good qualities.
13:55What should I do?
13:57You shouldn't say that.
13:59Do you remember how sad mom was...
14:01after the last exams?
14:03We didn't even get Dora cakes to eat.
14:06Do you remember?
14:07Yes, I remember.
14:08We didn't get Dora cakes.
14:10I can do anything for Dora cakes.
14:13Good Time Machine.
14:16With the help of this machine...
14:17you will be lucky for a week...
14:19and lucky for a month, Nobita.
14:23This machine will collect your luck...
14:24from the future for you.
14:26This is amazing.
14:27If I use all my luck during the exams...
14:29then I will be able to become...
14:31a good student.
14:34But remember one thing.
14:35This will collect all your luck at once.
14:38After using it once...
14:39nothing good will happen to you.
14:42No problem.
14:43I will bear it.
14:45Let's test it now.
14:47Are you ready, Nobita?
14:48Yes, Nobita.
14:49Tell me.
15:06I don't know...
15:07how powerful this machine is.
15:09But one thing is for sure.
15:11It will be good for you.
15:14Nobita, come here.
15:19Look, it has started working.
15:21Nobita, the soya sauce is over.
15:23Go to the market and get some soya sauce.
15:25And buy something for yourself...
15:27from the leftover money.
15:32What's new in this?
15:33Mom always does this.
15:35Wait for a while.
15:36You will know.
15:37But first...
15:39I am very thirsty.
15:41Let me go and drink some juice.
15:47You are a winner.
15:48And you have won a juice can.
15:51This is amazing!
15:56Here are your things.
15:59And here is your lottery ticket.
16:01Here you go.
16:04You can test your luck at that place.
16:07You will get only one chance.
16:09Show me your ticket.
16:11Let's see what's in it for you.
16:15This is very strange.
16:17Good luck, Nobita.
16:36You have won a lottery ticket.
16:40You have won a remote control card.
16:43This is amazing!
16:56You should have told me...
16:58about this amazing gadget, Doraemon.
17:01You might not be very lucky.
17:03What do you mean?
17:05You know that you are not very lucky.
17:08Your luck won't be with you for long.
17:11It will end very soon.
17:33Nobita, tell me how did this happen?
17:36I got hurt because of you.
17:38Please forgive me.
17:40Nobita, what do you have?
17:42Give it to me. It's my turn now.
17:44It's nothing, Jian.
17:45I think Nobita's luck is over.
17:54Wow, Jian!
17:55You did a great job.
17:57Give it back to me, Jian.
17:59Nobita, go away from here.
18:01I want to play with it.
18:04She is going towards the road.
18:08Turn around!
18:09Hurry up!
18:14My remote control car!
18:24What happened to my remote control car?
18:27It's not my fault.
18:29You were disturbing me, Nobita.
18:31Yes, he is right.
18:33I saw it.
18:34Let's go from here.
18:36Let's go.
18:37Hurry up.
18:38Hurry up.
18:40Nobita, you have used up all your luck.
18:43So, nothing good will happen to you for the next three days.
18:46So, get ready for it, Nobita.
18:49Just three days, Nobita.
18:51Just three days.
18:53Three days?
18:58What did you say?
18:59You fell in the river today?
19:03Yesterday, you slipped from the stairs of the house.
19:06And the day before yesterday, you sat on the school pins.
19:10It's just three days now.
19:12But, I never thought that everything will be so bad.
19:15Look, Nobita.
19:16If you keep using this gadget like this,
19:19you might get lucky in the exam tomorrow.
19:21But, you will be unlucky for the next one month.
19:24Do you understand, Nobita?
19:26What did you say?
19:27For the next one month?
19:31I can understand how you are feeling.
19:34But, if you don't perform well in the exam tomorrow,
19:37mom will get very angry and you won't be able to do anything.
19:41I know, Doraemon.
19:42Let's see tomorrow's exam first.
19:45We will think about the rest later.
19:53So, the subject of today's exam is Language.
19:55Page number 30.
19:56Open it.
20:00This is very good.
20:01I have brought the right book.
20:03Now, tell me.
20:04Who will do the reading?
20:06Nobita, what am I seeing?
20:08Did you raise your hand?
20:09What is happening?
20:12Very good, Nobita.
20:13You are a very good girl.
20:14Now, start the exam.
20:15Come on.
20:18What is this?
20:19Meeroj looks very tired.
20:21I made a big mistake by trusting you.
20:24I sent Meeroj with you without talking to him.
20:27Henceforth, I won't send Meeroj with you.
20:30You made a big mistake.
20:32This story is very boring.
20:34But, at least you are reading with feelings.
20:37I still have time.
20:38Someone is waiting for me before the sun sets.
20:41He has full hope that I will reach there.
20:47I know him very well.
20:48He trusts me a lot.
20:50I can't die like this.
20:52I have to live for him.
20:54No matter what happens, I have to reach him.
20:57Run! Run, Meeroj!
20:59Meeroj is known for his strength.
21:02I don't have to think about getting tired.
21:05I have to go.
21:06I have to go to him.
21:10Very good, Nobita.
21:12Very good.
21:15You did a great job, Nobita.
21:19Duryodhan, I can't believe this.
21:22This was very good.
21:29Nobita, I am very happy with you today.
21:31You did all this without the good time machine.
21:33Yes, I know.
21:35That machine is really amazing.
21:39But, can I tell you something?
21:40Yes, tell me.
21:41I still can't believe that I did such a good reading.
21:44But, why are you saying this, Nobita?
21:46You did good because you practiced a lot last night.
21:59Doraemon, how will you read this?
22:01I will tell him the truth.
22:03This is the story of Meeroj.
22:06Meeroj is really very brave.
22:09He is tired.
22:11He is tired now.
22:13And he won't move.
22:15He can't move.
22:17But, he has to reach somewhere by tomorrow morning.
22:24Doraemon, Meeroj is really very brave.
22:31Nobita, you are very good.
22:33As soon as the morning comes, Meeroj gets ready to go.
22:37He is very tired.
22:39But, he is still running.
22:41He doesn't stop.
22:59Thank you for watching it.
