Abandoned as a child at the zoo, the young Zookeeper finds solace and family among the animals. But when a mysterious machine goes haywire, he and his animal friends undergo a shocking transformation into powerful mutants. Despite their new forms, their bond only grows stronger, and the Zookeeper emerges as their fierce protector against relentless threats. Don't miss this heart-pounding tale of courage, family, and survival!
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00:10Hurry up reload reload
00:15You kov fools continue to underestimate me and all of us
00:30I knew he was big but they didn't prepare us for this
00:37Please don't hurt me. I have a family the family, huh? Yes, my wife and son
00:45So you have a kid but you abandoned him to go on life-threatening missions to destroy us
00:52I check is a check. I don't want to leave him
01:01Geez you really freaked out when he started talking about his family fathers who abandoned their sons
01:07Must pay a hefty price
01:10Did that happen to you?
01:14Long ago when I was a child a normal human boy, my father brought me to the zoo
01:23Whatever kid my father was not a nice man, but he was all I had
01:30We gotta see at all, how about you just go by yourself? I'll wait here for you on this bench, okay
01:58Can't take this anymore. I'm done with this little brat. He's the animals problem now
02:03While he left I was blissfully unaware exploring the zoo to my heart's content I
02:13Wish me and my dad played like that and my excitement I didn't even notice the Sun setting
02:21Attention zoo visitors. The zoo will be closing in half an hour. Oh
02:26Well, I better find dad
02:36No, I gotta find him maybe in my heart I knew he left without me but I was in denial
02:49Maybe he'll walk through at the last minute
03:01Right, I'm sure there's the usual stragglers better take a look around
03:12Who said that I heard you I stopped breathing stopped moving stayed as quiet as I could
03:21But he had no intention of hurting me. In fact, you wanted to help
03:31Sorry kid, I can't reach your dad
03:36I think your father
03:39Abandoned you here
03:43But in my heart I knew it was true I'm gonna drop you off at the police station
03:51I'm going to jail. No. No, it's to keep you safe. Hey, I
03:58Ran away as fast as I could I would rather be alone in the zoo forever than thrown in jail
04:10I'll stay here for a little while. You'll never find me and sure enough you didn't I'll get you
04:25Wonder what that is
04:28It doesn't matter now. I can just hang out until my dad shows up tomorrow. He'll come back, right?
04:43Tiger please don't eat me
04:59For some reason the tiger didn't want to kill me at all. In fact, she decided to take me in
05:05Hey, you have a good sense of smell. Can you help me find my dad?
05:26Don't know why I expected them to respond I already knew the truth I was abandoned
05:39And so I did the animals became the best family I'd ever had they even taught me their ways I became closest with the tiger
05:48The monkey and
05:51Elephant, but I got too comfortable one day and I got us caught. Hey, what was that?
06:04Kid what are you doing here? You can't just live with the animals
06:12It's not safe here
06:18It's not just that it's it's
06:22You really have nowhere else to go, huh, then
06:26Fine live out your little wild child life, but whatever you do do not follow me at night
06:34Just don't
06:41Me and my animal family rejoice
06:44But I was curious about what the mechanic meant
06:48Don't follow him at night. Did he mean to that green room? I had to know
06:55One night I decided to find out what he was hiding
07:04This moment was going to change my life forever and I had no idea
07:15Was the craziest thing I'd ever seen I had no idea what it was. What are you doing here? I
07:23Told you never follow me
07:28What have you done
07:31You ruined it you stupid child I should have never let you stay here
07:38I didn't mean to
07:59Save me. Oh, I owe you my life
08:03But now there's no one here to take care of you guys
08:08I guess I'll do it if you'll have me
08:13The animals were all excited at the idea of me being their zookeeper
08:16I thought despite all the hardship we had all found our happy ending
08:24Unfortunately, the horrors of that night were just beginning
08:46No, no the machine it must have out functioned it's all my fault what have I done
08:57It's okay. We're just glad you're safe. You you could talk whatever that green light is
09:05It changed us, I'm sorry tiger it's because of me, but don't you see we forgive you
09:13You're a family
09:16You're my family, too
09:18Ever since then I've had to defend you all from the kobe forces
09:22They somehow found out about our mutations and will stop at nothing to put us down for good
09:27If my father hadn't abandoned me who knows how different our lives would have been but at the very least despite everything
09:35We still have each other