mystery of Sinking Titanic

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00:00Titanic was the world's largest ship.
00:05The ship's full name was RMS Titanic.
00:09The ship was operated by Captain Edward Smith.
00:14The Titanic was registered from the Liverpool port of England.
00:18The ship's route was from England to New York.
00:22The Titanic was estimated to cost $7.5 million in 1912.
00:28If we look at it today, it costs $198 million.
00:35The Titanic was launched on May 31, 1911.
00:40It was completed on April 2, 1912.
00:45On April 14, the ship was launched into the sea.
00:50And on April 15, 1912, it went missing.
00:55Its length, which was registered, was 852 feet 6 inches.
01:00Accordingly, the Titanic was 269.8 meters long.
01:07The Titanic's height was 175 feet from keel to top funnel.
01:13Which is 53.3 meters.
01:16The speed of this ship is said to be at least 49 km and at most 43 km per hour.
01:25Which is a very fast speed in the world of the sea.
01:29What mistakes were made in the Titanic that made this ship sink in its first sea voyage?
01:36When the Titanic left for its voyage, it was said that the weather was very pleasant and beautiful that day.
01:44The sea was also quiet.
01:46And maybe he was waiting for this ship to come in peace.
01:51This ship had more than 1,500 passengers and a total of 224 people.
01:59The owner of this ship was so sure that he named it the never-sinking ship.
02:07This ship sank in the sea 72 hours after its voyage from England to New York for the rest of its life.
02:16Not just this ship, but all the workers and people who were on it,
02:22they all slowly drowned in the cold water of the sea.
02:26And this incident was a very sad news for the whole world.
02:31Dear friends, let me tell you that a Hollywood-like Titanic movie was also made on this ship.
02:38Which was released on December 19, 1997.
02:43This movie cost more than the real Titanic.
02:48This movie cost $ 200 million and was released in 1997.
02:54Which is now worth $ 295 million.
02:59This ship was prepared with hard work for about 5 years.
03:04But still this ship sank due to many mistakes.
03:08Due to these mistakes, not only the world's most expensive ship, but also more than 1,500 people sank.
03:16The world's largest Titanic was launched into the sea on April 10, 1912 with hundreds of people.
03:24The voyage of this ship was from England to New York.
03:28At the beginning of the journey, many mistakes began to happen in this ship.
03:33The captain who drove such a large and expensive ship was not an ordinary captain.
03:39In fact, the captain who operated it was Edward Smith.
03:43The target of this ship was New York.
03:47Which the Titanic had to complete in just 7 days.
03:52The speed of this ship was more than 43 km per hour.
03:57The speed of this ship was so fast that it could not be seen from the seaside after a while.
04:04The reason for such a fast speed was to reach New York in just 7 days and show a good first expression.
04:13This haste of his was one of the big mistakes.
04:17The big reason for the sinking of the Titanic was also that most of the sea part of this journey was covered with snow.
04:25The captain did not know about this at all.
04:28The ship had passed 72 hours on its journey.
04:33On the evening of April 14, 1912, the Titanic reached a place.
04:39Another expensive ship was going to New York from there for an hour.
04:46Who sent this news from the radar system of the Titanic that there are a lot of ice blocks ahead.
04:54So travel carefully.
04:56But the sad thing is that the captain of the Titanic ignored this message and left.
05:04According to a report, it was also found that the ship sent him a message about 6 times.
05:11But this captain welcomed the VIP people.
05:15And there was so much noise in the parties that they did not take this message at all.
05:21If the captain had taken this message seriously at that time, then perhaps the Titanic ship would have been safe in the world today.
05:30The big reason for the sinking of the Titanic was also that the captain of this ship, who sees the future, did not have a binocular.
05:41Let me tell you that the complete captain of this ship had a better experience and was highly educated.
05:50But the happiness of the VIP people and the happiness of the world's largest ship, the mistakes made by this action were left as a big mystery today.
06:00It was also difficult to see this journey with the naked eye and assess the conditions ahead because the weather was extremely cold and the conditions could not be clearly seen from a distance due to the cold wind.
06:13That's why the binoculars had to be there, which was not present with the action.
06:19By the time the action told the captain that there is a huge piece of ice in front of us, it was too late.
06:28After seeing this piece, Captain Edward Smith ordered to shut down the engine of the ship and also ordered to change the direction of the ship.
06:39But due to the fast speed, this ship reached so close to this piece of ice that it was impossible to escape.
06:48Captain Smith understood what could happen to such a big and strong ship.
06:53In fact, this piece of ice will crash into the ship and the way will be clear.
06:59But this was a very big misunderstanding of them.
07:02One of the major reasons for the sinking of this ship was that the rapids connecting the plates of the ship were not made of good quality iron.
07:11According to such a big ship, these rapids should have been made with good teeth.
07:17When the Titanic crashed into this mountainous piece of ice, there were holes in the ship, which started filling the ship with water.
07:27Even after this incident, according to the information given by Captain Smith Company, he was sure that the ship could not sink.
07:37The information issued by the company was that this ship was made in such a way that even if water enters the ship, it cannot come above the three floors below.
07:49This gave Captain Smith a little courage.
07:52But this was completely wrong information.
07:55The water was rising very fast, which led the people of the entire ship to the topmost portion.
08:02There was a state of fear and dismay that there was only water and death all around.
08:08Everyone just had to somehow save their lives.
08:13One of the major reasons why the passengers on board did not survive was that there were only 20 boards kept in case of emergency.
08:22The main reason for not keeping more live boards was to trust this ship blindly.
08:27As the water increased, Captain Smith issued this alert that all passengers should be shifted to live boards, which was extremely impossible.
08:37Everyone was pushing each other to get ahead and trying to save their lives.
08:43The ship was sinking slowly.
08:46Everyone was waiting for help.
08:49But this was impossible.
08:52After colliding with the rock of the ice, a sharp circuit occurred due to the filling of water in the Titanic ship and most of the lights of the entire ship went off.
09:02The Titanic ship was split in two in the middle of the sinking.
09:06The main reason for this was the use of stainless steel to make this ship.
09:10This ship sank with more than 1,500 people on the use of stainless steel to make the ship.
09:19The people who came out of the live board could not save their lives due to the severity of the cold and lost their lives.
09:28The Titanic ship could not be found for 73 years.
09:31Then a searching team found this ship in 1985, which was found broken in two parts.
09:38And this ship is still present at the bottom of the sea.
09:42This ship is still found at the bottom of the sea.