जब द्रौपदी ने श्री कृष्ण की कटी उंगली को बांधा और श्री कृष्ण ने द्रोपदी को वचन दिया आप भी जाने

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जब द्रौपदी ने श्री कृष्ण की कटी उंगली को बांधा और श्री कृष्ण ने द्रोपदी को वचन दिया आप भी जाने


00:00And I love it very much.
00:03I always narrate that incident in every story.
00:06I will narrate it here as well.
00:09It is about the time when Rajasuya Yuga was being celebrated by the Pandavas.
00:16And the question arose, who should be the first to be worshipped?
00:20Who should be the first to be worshipped?
00:23So everyone said, Krishna should be worshipped.
00:26Shishpal opposed it and started abusing Bhagwan.
00:30Then Bhagwan killed Shishpal with the Sudarshan Chakra.
00:34It is about that time.
00:37So Bhagwan's finger was cut.
00:40Sudarshan started.
00:42It was the divine play.
00:44And blood started flowing from Bhagwan's finger.
00:50It is said that at that time in that assembly,
00:54Bhagwan Krishna's wife Rukmini and Satyabhama were present.
01:02Devi Rukmini and Satyabhama saw that Bhagwan's finger was cut and blood was flowing.
01:09Do you know what happened?
01:11Devi Rukmini and Satyabhama saw that Bhagwan's finger was cut and blood was flowing.
01:28Devi Rukmini and Satyabhama were very sad that Bhagwan's finger was cut and blood was flowing.
01:34So Rukmini and Satyabhama ran to find some old clothes to tie on Bhagwan's finger.
01:42If they find any old clothes,
01:44the clothes which are wrapped around Bhagwan's finger,
01:48blood will stop flowing.
01:54Devi Rukmini and Satyabhama were running to find some old clothes to tie on Bhagwan's finger.
02:03But the miracle happened at that time.
02:05Panchali Devi Draupadi was present in that assembly.
02:33Devi Rukmini and Satyabhama were very sad that Bhagwan's finger was cut and blood was flowing.
02:44Panchali Devi Draupadi was present in that assembly.
02:47When Draupadi saw that Bhagwan's finger was cut and blood was flowing,
02:50she did not think for a moment.
02:52She took a silk sari and tied it around Bhagwan's finger.
03:03Tears came in Bhagwan's eyes.
03:07Bhagwan cried.
03:09Bhagwan said,
03:13my friend,
03:15what have you done?
03:18Such a precious, expensive sari and in that big assembly,
03:24you tore the sari and tied it around Bhagwan's finger.
03:28You have done such a big loss.
03:32And Rukmini and Satyabhama also went in search of old clothes.
03:37Why did you do this, Draupadi?
03:40Draupadi's eyes were filled with tears.
03:43Draupadi said,
03:45O Lord of Dwarka,
03:47O dear Lord Ganesha,
03:49if it is of any use to you,
03:51may I cut my nerves?
03:53These are just silk threads.
03:57If this body comes into use,
04:00may I dedicate this body also to your service?
04:04This sari is so big.
04:06There are countless types of threads.
04:09What is the value of these threads in front of you?
04:18What is their value?
04:23Still, you should not make such a loss.
04:27Devi Draupadi said,
04:29Who says that I tore this sari?
04:32Didn't you tear it?
04:35I did not tear the sari,
04:37the pain is unbearable.
04:39The Lord himself tore the sari and ran away.
04:57O Lord of Dwarka,
04:59these threads themselves grew.
05:02And I would say,
05:04this sari is so big.
05:06There are countless types of threads in it.
05:09But those threads are unfortunate
05:12that did not grow.
05:14Those threads are unfortunate
05:17that did not grow.
05:19Only those are fortunate
05:21who touch your finger.
05:27Only those are fortunate
05:29who touch your finger.
05:37Today, the Lord put that sari on her forehead and said,
05:42I will always remember this gift of yours.
05:49You have given me a great debt, Draupadi.
05:54Until I repay this debt,
05:57I will not be able to fly.
05:59I will not be at peace.
06:01And the Lord did not remove that thread from his finger.
06:05Until when?
06:07Until in the full court,
06:09when Devi Draupadi,
06:13to remove the sari,
06:16the evil ruler started pulling the sari.
06:20And to save the glory of Lord Draupadi,
06:24the Lord did not increase the sari.
06:27Until then, the Lord did not remove the sari from his finger.
06:33Instead of a little thread,
06:35the Lord increased the sari so much,
06:39that the evil ruler,
06:41who had the power of 10,000 elephants,
06:44was tired of the evil ruler.
06:46The thread did not reduce by an inch.
06:49The evil ruler was tired.
06:51But he could not remove the sari of Draupadi.
06:54He could not even touch it.
