GO HOME~警視庁身元不明人相談室~ #4 2024年8月3日

  • last month
03:23えっ、今これ どういう意味ですか?
03:26I just happened to pass by.
03:28Of course you did.
03:29Is that where you live?
03:30No, I just happened to pass by.
03:33Let's go together.
03:47Hurry up and tell me.
03:50Are you worried about something?
03:54I'm here to ask you about Mako.
03:57About me?
03:59About that amulet.
04:02What happened to it?
04:05I'm sorry.
04:06If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine.
04:15I took a bath last night.
04:17A bath?
04:18I reset a lot of things in the bath.
04:22Like when I was pissed off at my teacher.
04:25Or when I was tired because of you.
04:28Sakura, don't mess with me.
04:30You yelled at me in the bath.
04:34You yelled at me in the bath last night too.
04:36Did I do something that horrible?
04:38About Shinichi.
04:41Forget it.
04:42Just forget it.
04:45And then what?
04:47And then what?
04:58I bought it in Fukushima too.
05:00With Shinichi.
05:02I see.
05:06Do you want to hear about him?
05:09You want to talk about him, right?
05:11I'll listen to you.
05:13I don't want to talk to you.
05:14No, I want to hear it.
05:15I want to hear it.
05:19What kind of person was Shinichi?
05:22I met him when I joined the publishing company.
05:28He was a very serious, responsible, and kind person.
05:34He said he wanted to make the world a better place with his articles.
05:37Was he a good reporter?
05:39No, not at all.
05:41He wasn't just good because he was serious and responsible.
05:44Sometimes, the articles he wrote hurt the other person.
05:49Even so, as a reporter, you have to tell the truth.
05:54He wasn't suited to be a reporter.
05:58One day, because of the article he wrote,
06:01the daughter of the publisher committed suicide.
06:06Fortunately, he survived.
06:08But his heart was broken.
06:12He quit the publishing company and went back to his family in Fukushima.
06:18I don't have confidence.
06:23I can't help anyone anymore.
06:32No one can make me happy.
06:39He told me not to come back.
06:41He told me not to come back.
06:43He told me not to come back.
06:46Then the quake happened.
06:49Since then, I haven't seen him.
06:56I don't know if he's alive or dead.
07:03I know I won't see him again.
07:06I know that.
07:09But I'm afraid that...
07:16I can't move forward.
07:22I think it's okay.
07:24I don't have to force myself.
07:27Besides, we can't decide that we won't see him again.
07:32We can't.
07:33Maybe Satoshi got that amulet from Shinichi.
07:38If we look into Satoshi, Shinichi...
07:40Stop it.
07:42I don't want to expect anything anymore.
07:45I don't want to get hurt.
07:49I'm sorry.
07:51Thank you.
08:04Thanks for talking to me.
08:06I'm going to tell you everything about me.
08:11I'm bound by the past.
08:17I've been looking for someone.
08:22I don't know his name or age.
08:26I met him while I was sleeping.
08:45I know how you feel.
08:47I'm sorry.
08:52Excuse me.
08:55Who are you?
08:57I'm Hayama.
08:59I found out where Satoshi lived.
09:02So I went there.
09:03How did you find out?
09:05You must be his parents.
09:07He wanted to show us something.
09:09Okay, let's go.
09:10I turned him down.
09:13I found out where Satoshi lived and gave it to his family.
09:17Our job is done.
09:19I didn't ask the manager.
09:21If we don't do anything, no one will be happy.
09:24Satoshi and his family...
09:27And Makocchan...
09:31You care about that amulet, don't you?
09:39If you really want to go, tell me.
09:42I don't want to talk about the past.
09:45Oh, right!
09:46I forgot to tell you that I need your help.
09:53It's near Satoshi's apartment.
09:55What a coincidence!
09:56I'm going.
09:57Makocchan, let's go.
09:59Hurry up!
10:03I'm going.
10:07Are you sure?
10:09It's a traffic safety exercise week.
10:12Right, Haru-san?
10:14It was until yesterday.
10:18Please do the work they're doing.
10:25I'm sorry.
10:26I'm counting on you two.
10:27Don't worry about it.
10:29What do you want to show us?
10:48A host?
10:49Satoshi can't drink.
10:52And he can't afford to buy such an expensive thing.
10:55He must have been involved in something bad.
11:00Can I look around the room?
11:22I don't know.
11:24Can I borrow this?
11:40Let's go.
11:46Did I cause you any trouble?
11:49Hey, do you want something to drink?
11:51I'm on duty.
11:53We have soft drinks too.
11:55It's on the house.
11:56No, thank you.
11:57Can you answer my question?
12:01We came to a host club.
12:05There are some customers who are suspicious at first.
12:08So we're not playing, we're on duty.
12:11We recommend soft drinks to those customers.
12:15Did you hear that?
12:16I taught you how to be a good host.
12:19But Shunki can't do it.
12:21You mean he's not good for this job?
12:23He wants to make money.
12:26He thinks he can get a lot of money if he becomes a host.
12:30He's underestimated us.
12:38I needed a lot of money.
12:42Shunki, Shunki, Shunki.
12:44Did you notice anything different about Satoshi?
12:48He didn't come to the seminar for three months.
12:51But he didn't seem to be in a good mood when I last saw him.
12:55He was talking to someone on the phone all the time.
12:58He apologized many times.
13:02I'm sorry.
13:03Did you see Daichi?
13:05I was worried about him.
13:07I haven't been able to reach him lately.
13:10He's Satoshi's childhood friend.
13:12I see.
13:13You should have told me if you were in trouble.
13:17Satoshi, was it an accident?
13:20Was he involved in a crime?
13:22We're police officers, but we're not in charge of investigating cases.
13:26I see.
13:28Thank you for your cooperation.
13:30Wait a minute.
13:31Are you Satoshi's childhood friend?
13:35Are you from Fukushima?
13:37Yes, I am.
13:40I see.
13:47Is that Satoshi's?
13:49Mr. Satoshi, someone gave me the same amulet as this.
13:53Do you know who it is?
13:55I'm sorry.
13:56I don't know anything about it.
13:58I see.
14:04It's a postcard.
14:06Was he in trouble with money?
14:08I'm curious why he apologized so much over the phone.
14:11For example, was he being chased by his debtor?
14:14Or was he hanging out with bad guys?
14:17If he stole the bike,
14:20I can't say he has a good impression.
14:23Satoshi must have had his own worries.
14:26If someone had noticed it...
14:30His parents must have had a hard time, too.
14:34So, did you find out anything about the amulet?
14:38What is it?
14:39You seem to be curious, too.
14:42Of course I'm curious.
14:44Where is the boss who doesn't worry about his subordinates?
14:47You should have been honest from the beginning.
14:49I have a position as a boss.
14:54If Satoshi Hayama was involved in some kind of trouble...
14:58If he and Tsukimoto's fiance were involved...
15:03Is it possible that Satoshi Hayama's client is Tsukimoto's fiance?
15:08Wait a minute.
15:11Is it possible that Satoshi Hayama's fiance is involved in some kind of trouble?
15:16I don't think it's possible.
15:19You know why he didn't go back to Tsukimoto after the quake, right?
15:25It's just a family matter.
15:30If you want to move forward, you have to be prepared.
15:35It's not up to us to decide.
15:38It's up to Tsukimoto himself.
15:43I asked a friend of mine at the Operation Support Analysis Center.
15:46I was able to analyze the password immediately.
15:49It's Fukushima.
15:53There were countless files and documents about Fukushima in it.
15:57It seems that he was trying to do various activities to support the reconstruction.
16:01That's why he needed money.
16:04He might have been a serious guy.
16:07I hope so.
16:08For your parents.
16:12And for Makoto.
16:15If he was involved with Shinichi Odagiri...
16:22I hope we can find out something about Shinichi this time.
16:28Thank you.
16:40Mr. Hayama, what happened?
16:45I'll check right away.
16:47What's wrong?
16:53Goto Group?
16:57Goto Group?
17:02Why is there such an article?
17:05There are photos and videos of Satoshi on the Internet.
17:09Even our address and phone number are exposed.
17:13Mita-san, Tsukimoto-san.
17:16You don't have to worry about Satoshi anymore.
17:19I'm afraid to know more about Satoshi.
17:24I understand.
17:27Then we'll leave now.
17:30Wait a minute.
17:32Is it really okay?
17:35This article is useless.
17:37Mr. Satoshi.
17:39It seems that he was trying to support the reconstruction of Fukushima.
17:43We'll look into Mr. Satoshi.
17:47Please give me a little more time.
17:51Please believe in Mr. Satoshi.
17:55I want to do that, too.
18:06After that...
18:08I found the key to the coin locker in Satoshi's bag.
18:14This was in it.
18:21I found the key to the coin locker in Satoshi's bag.
18:26I was going to dispose of it without showing it to anyone.
18:32I know it's not normal for an amateur to see it.
18:36We can't trust Satoshi anymore.
18:43I can't do this anymore.
18:46I understand.
18:48But I'll keep this case.
18:52Go ahead.
18:54Excuse me.
18:57Let's go.
19:00There may have been a reason.
19:03Please let us investigate a little more.
19:07Please don't...
19:10Please don't abandon Mr. Satoshi.
19:12Sakura, that's enough.
19:13It's too late to abandon him.
19:17Mr. Satoshi is already dead.
19:22I can't scold him now.
19:26I can't protect him.
19:30We are...
19:33disqualified as parents.
19:43Welcome home.
19:46Thank you.
19:47It's hot.
19:49It's hot.
19:50Yes, it is.
19:51No, it's summer.
19:53It's ice cream.
19:55I don't care if it's hot or cold.
19:58I don't care if it's hot or cold.
20:01If you're so stubborn, you'll make your parents suffer.
20:06You didn't want them to know that you were involved in a crime.
20:11It's too early to decide.
20:15I can't just...
20:27It's hot.
20:32He's a well-known criminal.
20:36They contact the target in advance.
20:42They use a lot of SIM cards.
20:46What about this burner and spray?
20:47They use it when they break in.
20:49It's a good start.
20:52Mr. Satoshi is...
20:54Unfortunately, he was involved in a crime.
20:59There have been many robberies in the Kanto area.
21:03The weekly newspaper has been following the case.
21:06I think they got information about Mr. Satoshi.
21:09We're going to take action.
21:13Excuse me.
21:19You did a good job.
21:22If we catch the robbers, we'll be able to help the family.
21:27You did a good job.
21:29I was against it.
21:31Then let us investigate Mr. Satoshi.
21:37We can't do anything more.
21:40The family said it was enough.
21:44Our job is done.
21:50If you don't like it, we'll let you go.
21:53I'll go to the police.
21:55It's over.
21:58Don't worry about it.
22:01You're the only one left.
22:05That's right.
22:09I'm going to cool my head.
22:15I'll write the report.
22:17You're an adult.
22:20She's different from Sakura.
22:23She has a strong feeling for the deceased.
22:26I don't know what happened.
22:28You're right.
22:30But it's not just this time.
22:35Mr. Satoshi has feelings for her.
22:38But he's doing it for something more important.
22:57One more time.
23:00One more time.
23:02I'm not done yet.
23:04Why are you cooling your head?
23:07You're bleeding.
23:16Hang in there.
23:18Don't give up.
23:20Be strong.
23:22Don't give up.
23:24You're an idiot.
23:29Don't give up.
23:31Hang in there.
23:34Be quiet.
23:54I fell and hit my head last night.
23:57I don't remember what happened.
24:00That's bad.
24:02But the doctor said...
24:04if I go to the same place again...
24:06and talk to the same person...
24:08I'll be able to remember.
24:11So I'd like to re-examine Mr. Satoshi Hayama's case.
24:15Is that okay?
24:17That's your personal business.
24:19I remember his name.
24:21You can't?
24:25Please tell me the name of the deceased.
24:28His name is Shinichi Odagiri.
24:31He's my fiancé.
24:35He went missing 13 years ago...
24:37right after the quake.
24:40His age, height, weight...
24:42and physical characteristics are listed there.
24:45He may have had...
24:47some kind of relationship with Mr. Satoshi Hayama.
24:51So I'd like to ask...
24:53for an official investigation.
25:02Please help me.
25:04Thank you.
25:06Thank you.
25:08Why are you asking?
25:10I don't know.
25:12Chief, please.
25:14We can't investigate Mr. Satoshi...
25:16just to find Mr. Odagiri.
25:18Then I'll explain.
25:20I understand.
25:22Are you sure?
25:26I'll tell Haru and Horiguchi...
25:28about this amulet.
25:30It was released in 2010...
25:32as a limited edition.
25:35It was around that time.
25:37That means...
25:39not many people know about it.
25:42Mako's fiancé could be the one...
25:44who gave the amulet to Mr. Satoshi.
25:50I just sent you a list of hotels...
25:52near where Mr. Satoshi Hayama died.
25:55In my case...
25:57there were a lot of amulets.
26:00Most of the thieves...
26:02used hotels as a base...
26:04to commit crimes.
26:06But it was a common amulet...
26:08so I couldn't squeeze it in.
26:10I'm sure they're using a fake name.
26:13we can only use a roller.
26:15That's why I sent you a list.
26:18You guys...
26:19have been preparing...
26:21for a long time.
26:23I'm just saying...
26:25I'm free.
26:30thank you.
26:32We'll talk about the results later.
26:34Okay, let's go!
26:36Let's go, Chief!
26:37Me too?
26:38Of course!
26:40It's better to have more than one.
26:44You passed, right?
26:50Do you recognize this man?
26:52No, I don't.
26:54Thank you.
26:58His hair is a little longer than this picture...
27:01but I don't remember his face.
27:10You don't know him, do you?
27:12Excuse me!
27:15Can you show me again?
27:22I don't remember him.
27:24If you remember anything...
27:27please let me know.
27:29Thank you.
27:30Thank you.
27:33You're wearing it.
27:37It's a nice hobby.
27:42Do you know him?
27:44I remember him because he was in charge of the mail at night.
27:47The mail?
27:48He was staying with a few people.
27:50Please don't tell anyone about this.
27:54Can you show me the security camera footage?
28:04This envelope...
28:06It's a charm.
28:08How did he get it?
28:10If they were staying together...
28:12it's highly likely that they were in the same group.
28:51That's all.
29:05Daichi Yokota.
29:06You're under arrest for trespassing.
29:14We're looking for you.
29:17This is what you're looking for, isn't it?
29:21There was a list of members of the gang in this envelope.
29:26You noticed when we told you about the charm, didn't you?
29:31You were in the hotel security camera with Satoshi.
29:36You were a member of the gang, weren't you?
29:53I asked Satoshi to join us.
29:56I posted it on social media.
29:58I got involved in a dark part-time job.
30:01The executives told me to invite a friend.
30:05Why did you do that?
30:08You two were friends, weren't you?
30:12Satoshi needed money, too.
30:15I had to carry things to the designated places.
30:18It was a simple job.
30:21That wasn't enough?
30:25I started to get in trouble.
30:28I got scared.
30:31I tried to run away.
30:36You're a bastard.
30:39Please let me out.
30:45You can't run away.
30:49If you run away, your whole family...
30:52Shut up!
30:54If you run away, your whole family will be killed.
30:58He threatened me.
31:00But Satoshi told me not to give up.
31:04He stole the list from my computer.
31:09I hid it.
31:12I sent it to you two.
31:20He found out.
31:27Hurry up!
31:29This way!
31:34I'll distract him with this bike.
31:36You run away.
31:38Let's go.
31:45Don't let him get away!
31:54The next day...
31:56I found out that Satoshi died in an accident.
32:02I told you not to do that.
32:05Your name wasn't on the group list.
32:15Maybe Satoshi deleted it.
32:19So you wouldn't get arrested.
32:23Satoshi tried to protect you.
32:47He was threatened.
32:49But he committed a crime as a member of the group.
32:53I'm sure he regretted it.
32:58So he risked his life to confess.
33:05Thanks to him, we were able to get rid of the group.
33:12You did a good job.
33:16Please praise him.
33:21Thank you.
33:28is my son.
34:08Good job.
34:10It's hot!
34:12You're like a kid.
34:18I didn't know about Shinichi.
34:23After the quake, I went to look for him many times.
34:29I walked around the disaster area every day.
34:34But I couldn't find any clues.
34:39At that time...
34:42I met a family member who was looking for a loved one.
34:48Just like me, I met a family member who was looking for a loved one.
34:54By chance...
34:56I found the body of the family member.
35:03It was very painful to see the death of a loved one.
35:10But the family member...
35:14said thank you to me.
35:18I'm glad I found you.
35:20He said, welcome home.
35:24Everyone had a kind face.
35:29That's why I'm doing this job.
35:35I'm here because of Shinichi.
35:41I see.
35:44You said you saw a dead person before.
35:50I'm sorry.
35:53It's good.
35:56I want to see him.
36:03I'm sure he's still somewhere.
36:14I looked through all the files on Satoshi Hayama's computer.
36:21From Fukushima?
36:23Yes, there's a video I want you to see.
36:26It's a video from right after the quake.
36:29A man is helping a victim.
36:38Can I play it?
36:44I'll wait outside.
37:03Let me see it.
37:13I'll play it.
37:52Thank you!
37:55Thank you!
37:59You can do it!
38:02You can do it!
38:11What's going on?
38:26Can you zoom in?
38:41Thank you!
38:44Thank you!
38:47Please stop.
39:10Daichi Yokota was there with Satoshi Hayama.
39:15Shinichi Odagiri was trying to save the victims.
39:24Satoshi Hayama was still crying.
39:28Shinichi Odagiri was the one who saved him.
39:31Are you okay?
39:33This is my most precious treasure.
39:38I want you to return it to me.
39:42You can do it!
39:57You were trying to live.
41:34I'm going home.
41:38I'm going home.
41:54Mr. Tsukimoto, are you okay?
41:57I'm sure you're shocked.
41:59It's better to be natural than to be pitied.
42:03Be natural.
42:06I'm sure he's there.
42:08That's your delusion.
42:10Good morning.
42:13What are you doing?
42:14It's the most unnatural.
42:16Listen to me.
42:18Mako doesn't admit it.
42:20I've never seen it.
42:22What are you talking about?
42:23It's a ghost.
42:25What do you think?
42:26I'm sure he's there.
42:28I don't know.
42:29Mako said she felt like he was there.
42:32I just felt like it.
42:33Even if he's there, he's not a ghost.
42:37Because he's not scary.
42:38What are you talking about?
42:41It's the same as always.
42:44It's the same as always.
42:47I don't want to talk to you anymore.
42:49I'm going to return the computer to Mr. Hayama.
42:52I'll tell Sakura.
42:53I'll tell Sakura.
42:54Do you want me to do the desk work alone?
42:58I told Mr. Hayama about the situation.
43:00I told him that this was originally Mr. Shinichi's.
43:02I told him that this was originally Mr. Shinichi's.
43:03But I can't help it even if I have two of the same.
43:06I'll give it to Sakura.
43:09Can I?
43:10You're a good girl.
43:11It's perfect.
43:12I'm going.
43:15Thank you, Mako.
43:21I'll take this.
43:23I was deceived.
43:29It doesn't matter.
43:43All right.
43:51All right.
43:56All right.
44:01All right.
44:06All right.
44:11All right.
