Imran Khan

  • last month
Imran Khan


00:00We are standing here today. Do you have any idea how much we are harming our country?
00:12Because the nations die later in terms of economy.
00:17First there is a moral destruction of the nation.
00:20First when a nation moves away from Amar-Bil-Maroof, then destruction starts from there.
00:25And when the foundations of great nations are laid,
00:30they were laid on two things in the state of Madinah.
00:34Justice and justice.
00:36And humanity.
00:38And with humanity, Amar-Bil-Maroof,
00:42with truth, stand with truth,
00:44stand against evil.
00:46The foundation of the nation was laid on morality.
00:50And that is why I remind people
00:53that it was the biggest revolution in the history of the world.
00:59Two superpowers migrated in 15 years.
01:02When they migrated in 622 A.D.
01:04My prophet, peace be upon him.
01:06After that, in 636 A.D. and 637 A.D. two superpowers kneeled in front of them.
01:12So what was this revolution about?
01:14It was a revolutionary revolution.
01:16It was not about weapons.
01:18People had changed.
01:20And today, if we look at it,
01:23Pakistan was the only country in the world that was made in the name of Islam.
01:27No other country was made in the name of Islam.
01:31Our foundation was laid on Islam.
01:33And our founding fathers,
01:36in their resolutions,
01:41they said that we will be Muslims.