"Humein Kuch Karnay Ki Zarorat Nahi, Awam Nay Humein...", Meher Bano

  • last month
"Humein Kuch Karnay Ki Zarorat Nahi, Awam Nay Humein...", Meher Bano
00:00I will start with you Mr. Rahman.
00:02The dialogues that Mr. Mehmood Khan Achagzai is about to have with the political party
00:07and my sources are telling me that he has already reached out.
00:10He has already reached out to Mr. Nawaz Sharif and the Pakistan People's Party through backdoor channels.
00:16Is this going to be a futile effort?
00:19When initially statements were made that he wanted to have a dialogue, that is why he was given the go-ahead.
00:24In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
00:27Assalam-o-Alaikum. Thank you so much.
00:29Look, if Mr. Imran Khan has empowered Mr. Mehmood Khan Achagzai
00:34that he should guard him and have a dialogue with the political parties,
00:39then it has been heard for a long time that there should be a dialogue in the political parties.
00:45So we should all be grateful that Mr. Khan has entrusted this responsibility to Mr. Achagzai.
00:52And as you are saying that contacts have already been established through backdoor channels,
00:57this is a good thing.
00:59We want the democracy of Pakistan to be stronger and things should move forward.
01:04And we should move away from corruption.
01:07The corruption that is seen in the institutions right now, we have to resolve it somehow.
01:12And the best way is to have a dialogue with the political parties.
01:17And our position is clear.
01:19Even if there is a dialogue with the political parties,
01:22our first agenda is the restoration of the stolen mandate.
01:27The votes of the people of Pakistan were stolen.
01:33The opinion of the people of Pakistan was rejected.
01:36That will be accounted for first.
01:38And then things will move forward from there.
01:40So, in other words, you are saying that this is a good thing.
01:43There should be a dialogue.
01:44If there should be a dialogue here, then try to have a dialogue on the other side.
01:47Yes, there should be a dialogue everywhere.
01:49On the other hand, we believe that we cannot have no connection with the politics of Pakistan.
01:56And the power dynamic in Pakistan has existed for centuries.
02:03So, keeping that power dynamic in mind,
02:06we should also have a dialogue with those who have power.
02:11And we have made it clear to them what should be the dialogue.
02:15The dialogue should be that the mirror of Pakistan shows the limits of everyone.
02:20The limits of every institution, whether it is Judiciary, Parliament or Army.
02:26The limits of every institution are the mirror of Pakistan.
02:30But you don't have to tell this.
02:32Everyone already knows this.
02:33Everybody has a copy of the constitution.
02:35I have it, you have it.
02:36There is no practical improvement in this.
02:38If there was a practical improvement in this country,
02:40and there was no interference in each other's domain,
02:43then what we are facing today,
02:45and what we have seen in the last one and a half years,
02:48one constitutional clash to another,
02:50none of this would have happened.
02:52I will come back to you, Mr. Meherbano.
02:55I will come back to you, Mr. Meherbano.
02:59There is an issue of audio connection.
03:01Mr. Sen, he is ready to have a dialogue.
03:04Mr. Mehmood Khan Achakzai is a respectable personality for you.
03:08He is also a part of PDM.
03:10He is one person with whom you had good relations in the past.
03:14It is a different matter now.
03:16If he comes up with any suggestion,
03:20do you think that suggestion will be honoured from the other side?
03:24What will you do about the trust deficit?
03:27Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
03:29See, this is an issue.
03:31Who will trust Imran Khan's words?
03:34Because he himself has said that he is the master of U-turn.
03:37I will take U-turn and become the Prime Minister.
03:39So, it will always remain in your mind that
03:42whatever is happening will be implemented later.
03:47I am sorry, I am cutting you short.
03:49He has agreed, you have not agreed, but everyone does the same thing.
03:52No, no.
03:53Give respect to the vote.
03:56And now Imran Khan is saying, give respect to the vote.
03:58Listen to my request.
04:00To commit a sin once is one thing
04:02and to commit it 10,000 times is 10,000 times more.
04:05We cannot call one as 10,000.
04:07Sometimes you do it, sometimes you do it wrong.
04:11But a person says that this is my strategy and I employ it all the time.
04:15These are two different things.
04:17Now, the thing is that there is no one in the whole world
04:21who can guarantee their existence.
04:25There is no one.
04:27Then what to do?
04:28Leave it.
04:29If he has contacted you.
04:30Nawaz Sharif has contacted you.
04:31For this, you will have to take confidence building measures.
04:34With which this will be established that in the country there is a law.
04:38What could be the confidence building measures?
04:40What should they do?
04:41What should they do, Mr. Achak Zahid?
04:42Because now there is no Nawabzada Nasrullah.
04:44And now he is not in the same establishment
04:46who can tell both to sit down and talk.
04:48One way forward for this is that you sign a charter of democracy agreement
04:54and honour it.
04:55But the problem is that on one hand you say that we want to do it
04:58and there is compliance with the constitution.
05:00On the other hand, you say that we will talk to the government.
05:02Basically, you do not give much importance to the constitution and the law.
05:06You are doing power politics in which you are trying that
05:09if we do not get it from here, then we get it from there.
05:11We come back to power from somewhere.
05:13This seems to be your objective.
05:14According to that, you are doing this maneuvering.
05:17Before I...
05:18Ms. Mehrbano, you are smiling.
05:20The image is going that the problem is only of power.
05:24Both here and there.
05:26No, I just smiled for a sentence because I just want to tell Afnan
05:31that we do not need to do such things to come to power.
05:34The people of Pakistan have given us so much vote that
05:37the power is ours.
05:39So, you did such things.
05:41You made Form 47.
05:43You have come to power from theft and robbery.
05:47No, this complaint is made of PTI.
05:50The government of RTS, which was the finger of the empire...
05:54You talk about today.
05:55You used to say that the judges of our will will come to the court.
06:00Then we will see.
06:01Two wrong, one right.
06:02When Mr. Bosa said, listen to my story,
06:04why do you go out on the roads, come to me.
06:07I will solve your problem.
06:09It was all according to the law.
06:11Imran Khan is the one who brought this country to this stage.
06:14The election of 2013 was not like that.
06:16There was an inquiry of the Supreme Court.
06:18And they said that there was no systematic rigging.
06:21The case of 2018...
06:22You tell me.
06:23Imran Khan...
06:24This is a public speech.
06:25The case of 2018 will go to them.
06:27They forget.
06:28You take their answer.
06:29You have lost your unique voice, my brother.
06:32In front of you is the audit report of Patan,
06:35of NA-130.
06:36It is a very detailed audit report.
06:38In it, the head of your community, Mr. Mian,
06:42who after four years,
06:43after cutting the district,
06:44by making sacrifices,
06:45has come to Pakistan.
06:46In whose name you ran your entire campaign
06:50to bless Pakistan.
06:52He himself could not win his own election.
06:55And this is what Patan has put in front of you.
06:59You have told me about 2018.
07:01They say that they have forgotten.
07:04The issue is of 2024.
07:06You have told me about 2018.
07:08The issue is that you have created a system
07:11to steal elections in this country,
07:13whose founder is Imran Khan.
07:15You forget that.
07:16You conveniently say that RTS was good.
07:20And the rest is...
07:22Listen with a little courage.
07:24I agree with you that in 2018,
07:27RTS was sitting.
07:28So when RTS was sitting,
07:30look at the results of that time.
07:32Pakistan was in the lead.
07:34You can say that it was in the lead.
07:36You have screenshots.
07:38Otherwise, RTS would not have to be put.
07:41Presume it.
07:42Mr. Mehrabad, Mr. Afnan,
07:43presume it.
07:44It has been discussed every time.
07:46Mr. Mehrabad, I am sorry,
07:47I am cutting short.
07:48We presume it.
07:49It has been discussed all the time.
07:51But now what?
07:53what happened in 2024 is not an example.
07:56You have changed form 45s.
07:59Made new forms.
08:01Fake form 47s.
08:02It happened in 2018 too.
08:03It did not happen on two seats.
08:05This is more than 150.
08:07If you add the seats of the Subahi Assembly,
08:11it has happened on more than 200 seats.
08:14We have never seen such a wave of votes
08:16in the history of Pakistan.
08:18Okay, Mr. Mehrabad.
08:19Mr. Mehrabad, give me a minute.
08:21You have given a clue
08:23that this happened in 2018 too.
08:25Is this still a crime?
08:27There is a report by FAFN
08:29in which it is said that
08:31the rejected votes
08:33and the victory margin
08:35was less than the rejected votes.
08:37On 53 seats.
08:39The PTI won.
08:40Don't you believe that report by FAFN?
08:42I am not allowing you to change your statement.
08:44You said that this happened in 2018 too.
08:47I am saying that
08:49the system that was ruined in 2018
08:53will take time to fix.
08:55I am saying this.
08:57The problem is that
08:59if their government comes
09:01and sets up RTS
09:03and points fingers at the Empire,
09:05all of this is fine.
09:06All of this is legal.
09:08Nothing was wrong.
09:10But if something happens against them,
09:12then it is very bad.
09:14You have brought this system.
09:16You have won because of this system.
09:18Otherwise, you would not have won.
09:20You have brought this system.
