EP 2 And you thought there is never a girl online [Eng Dub]

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00:00I can hardly believe it. Our master's the student council president.
00:04Oh yeah, as I recall, the student council president's father is an important figure at the school.
00:09That's right. He's a member of the board.
00:11For real? Your folks must be loaded.
00:14No, I wouldn't say that. At most, we only own a couple companies and private academies.
00:20That only makes me more envious.
00:22It all makes sense now. You spend so much on premium crap, because you've got your wealthy parents to foot the bill.
00:28Not quite. The cash I spend in-game is all money I earn for myself.
00:32My parents loaned the seed money, and I've already reimbursed what they were owed.
00:36People born with silver spoons in their mouths are the absolute worst.
00:39They can all die screaming.
00:45Take it easy, Akko.
00:48Sorry, I lost my head.
00:50Don't worry, I feel the same way. In a less extreme version.
00:56Things are pretty strict at home.
00:58My parents even control who I socialize with.
01:01But somehow, I managed to convince them to let me play multiplayer games online.
01:05And as a result, I came to know all of you through the game.
01:10But I was missing one thing.
01:12Real life friends.
01:16Noble master, the bard shall sing the tale of our stand against the normies.
01:21Akko, it's as if you know my heart.
01:23So this is what happens when social rejects unite.
01:26PvP isn't something to emotionally clasp your hands over.
01:52Every time I think of you, I automatically laugh
01:59So that you won't notice, I hid behind my bangs
02:05I've always longed for this
02:11The throbbing in my chest
02:16It's always so noisy
02:20The warmth of your hand
02:24That voice will echo forever
02:28Whether I'm asleep or awake
02:31It's like I'm in a dream
02:35Please don't disappear
02:38Walk by my side
02:42I want you to protect me
02:45Always, at any time, darling
02:49Eternity, beyond that, hope
02:53It will continue, a fast love story
03:19Many times has that gotten the whole party wiped little Miss Bad-Mama-Jama?
03:22You can't call me that in public, you big nerd!
03:25I will call you that in public, cause you're a nerd!
03:28Okay, hold on a sec. There has to be a simpler, more elegant way to approach this situation.
03:32You stay out of this, wallet warrior!
03:34Such a disrespectful tone to take with your guild master.
03:36Know what? If I were to use real money in-game, I'd spend it on my appearance.
03:41And then I can just sit back and leave all the killing to the rest of you guys.
03:44Yeah? Deals off, screw you.
03:46You wanna swallow an eye?
03:48You're our healer, remember? Spending cash on defensive gear would be the right move.
03:52Which could end up pretty useful, since our tank keeps pulling aggro faster than I can heal him.
03:56That's funny, cause this tank never ran into any problems when he was playing solo.
04:00Or it could be our healer totally sucks at her job, and so I have to boost my armor.
04:04There's no rebuttal for that argument.
04:06True. No need to debate that further.
04:09No! I'm not listening!
04:13So, uh, hey. I'm sorry.
04:19What are you saying sorry for?
04:21Well, you know, to tell you the truth, I thought you'd all be dudes.
04:26Okay, is that all?
04:28I already told you online that I was a high school girl in real life, but I guess seeing is believing, isn't it?
04:34And just so you know, you made one hell of a stupid face when we showed up.
04:38Just so you know, it was because of you.
04:40Anyway, I always assumed games and reality were two separate things.
04:44But I enjoyed meeting you in real life as much as in the game.
04:47I just feel very fortunate that the people I pal around with in L.A. are cool in the real world, too.
04:52You gonna start misting up now?
04:54That was mean!
04:56My reactions are the same. It doesn't matter if it's in the game or in real life.
05:00Yeah, I'm in no position to tease.
05:03Part of me was afraid that Rucian was gonna be a weird smelly guy that spent the whole time ogling.
05:07So we're even.
05:09One thing.
05:11Never try to act all buddy-buddy with me while we're at school.
05:14I will show you no mercy.
05:16You got that?
05:19Good to hear it.
05:28No need to get jealous, silly girl. I promise I'm not trying to steal your husband away.
05:32I'd never want him.
05:33That's just plain rude!
05:36See you later.
05:38So, Rucian, you really thought that I was a guy playing the game as a girl?
05:42I did. In all honesty, I thought you might be an older man.
05:45Why'd you think that?
05:47I know I told you I was a girl a long time ago, but I guess my word isn't good enough.
05:51Hey, I'm sorry.
05:52It's okay!
05:53But still, if you actually thought that, why'd you agree to marry me?
05:57Well, I guess your gender didn't matter.
06:01No, I didn't mean it like that!
06:03The game and reality are completely different things!
06:08Real life didn't matter! Akko in the game is who I liked.
06:12In the end, I said why not.
06:14So, um, I think I get what you're saying.
06:17Age, looks, gender, none of that mattered.
06:20We just got along, and you started to like me for me.
06:25That is what happened, right?
06:28Yeah, that's right.
06:34I felt the same!
06:35I wanted to be with you because Rusian seemed like a kindred spirit.
06:38Even if Rusian wasn't a boy the same age as me,
06:41it didn't matter who you really were.
06:43Because after playing the game together, I grew to love you.
06:47I mean it.
06:48Oh, yeah?
06:49Thank you, Akko.
06:54Reign it in! The game is not reality, and reality is not the game!
06:57What was that?
06:58Nothing. It's getting late. Let's go home.
07:01All right, Rusian!
07:04I'll see you real soon! Bye!
07:31Dread! I unfound my hotkey!
07:33Quite an impressive display, Rusian.
07:35Leave some for this bad mama-jamma, okay?
07:39Sure, playing together is still the same as always.
07:41But then, this happens.
07:44Your healing could be a little on the slow side, but it doesn't affect me that much.
07:49Well, sometimes you end up spinning your wheels, but don't worry about it, Akko.
07:55Yeah, don't worry about it,
07:57even though I just lost a buttload of XP in death penalties due to your constant screw-ups.
08:02I'm so sorry, Rusian!
08:06There's no need for that. I'm just kidding.
08:10All right, guess it's just about time that I logged off.
08:13I have business to attend to in the morning.
08:15Up at school?
08:17That's right. Being president is usually a pretty easy job,
08:20but there are times when it gets kind of busy.
08:22Oh, and you can all feel free to call me Master if we ever bump into each other while we're at school.
08:26Please, as if!
08:27Hey, Shu, you're out of character.
08:30Oh, worse.
08:31Well, I'm off, too. I'm going to take a bath.
08:34Then bedtime.
08:36A bath?
08:42What are you thinking about, tough guy?
08:44Oh, nothing! Nothing at all! I wasn't!
08:48See you later.
08:49Go on. Have a soak in the tub and wash that sweat off.
08:52As if she's worked up a sweat.
08:54Neither did you, because pigs don't sweat, swordsman Shvine.
08:57Stop calling me!
09:00A pig, you mega-nerd!
09:02You can be a real pain in the butt, dork bug!
09:04And yet here you are, hanging out with me.
09:06Now that you know my secret identity, this banner's a lot harder to do.
09:09Is that not something pigs excel at?
09:13Listen, if you ever try to pile around with me at school, I'll cut you till you squeal like a pig.
09:19Okay, I hear you. I'll keep my mouth shut and I won't act differently towards you.
09:23Do you really mean it?
09:25You swear you'll keep quiet?
09:27The game and reality are separate as far as I see things.
09:30Also, I don't think it's a good idea if you get too familiar with Akko either.
09:34It would be bad if any funny rumors got started.
09:37Yeah, I get it.
09:38Well, this bad-bamba-jamba's long enough.
09:40Could you pick a character and stick with it?
09:42Oh, shut up, geek!
09:46Ah, hi there. Morning.
09:48Yeah, morning.
09:52Wait, what gave you the idea that you could talk to me all of a sudden?
09:55Whoa, aren't you being kind of irrational?
09:57It's nice to see you guys getting along.
09:59How could you think I could get along with someone so gross?
10:02Okay, I'm sorry, Segawa. My bad.
10:07Wait up, Akane.
10:09Did you crash and burn too?
10:10It's more complicated than that.
10:12Yeah, why would you care about real life anyway?
10:14You're perfectly happy with your online 2D waifu.
10:18Yeah, well, my online wife is surprisingly cute, I'll have you know, and she's-
10:22Hi there, Arusian!
10:25Hi, Arusian!
10:27What's Arusian?
10:28No idea.
10:30Dude, she's coming over.
10:32Good morning, Arusian!
10:34Nishimura, you know her?
10:36Uh, no.
10:38My class is just down the hall, Arusian.
10:40Uh, Arusian, is that you?
10:46Is something bothering you, Arusian?
10:48I hope you're not coming down with some kind of bug.
10:51Are you alright, Arusian?
10:55Arusian this, and Arusian that.
10:58Stop saying that name!
11:00Why won't you just tell me what you want?
11:02I wish we had gotten to be together even longer last night.
11:07Whoa, Akko. What are you talking about?
11:09Don't make me say it, Arusian.
11:10This isn't what it sounds like!
11:11She doesn't mean it that way, really! I swear!
11:14Sure, alright.
11:15So what kind of relationship do you have with her?
11:18Wait! Don't answer that!
11:21Oh, Arusian?
11:23He means the world to me, because he's my husband.
11:36Excuse me, Mr. Tamaki?
11:39I don't know what all this Arusian stuff is about,
11:41but if it's Otaku-related, could you take it outside?
11:45She's right. We should take this conversation elsewhere.
11:47Shoo! Hiya!
11:49Wow, I envy you, Shoo.
11:51You get to be in the same class as my Arusian.
11:54No, I, uh...
11:55Yes, Shoo?
11:57I still don't know what you're talking about,
11:59but perhaps we should take it outside.
12:01What? You know the game.
12:03Listen, I'm saying let's step outside.
12:07Huh? Is something upsetting you, Shoo?
12:10I didn't call you by your full name!
12:12Live long and proper, or get rekt, schwein!
12:14Shouldn't we be saying something like,
12:15I'm a bad mama-jama, right about now?
12:22Calm down, Shoo! I mean, Segawa!
12:24You keep your trap shut, too!
12:26What's this?
12:27Do the three of you know each other?
12:30Now, will you just come outside with me?
12:33Stop calling me that!
12:34Okay, schwein.
12:35That's not what I meant!
12:41That's not what I meant!
12:45Did I do something wrong?
12:47Did I do something wrong, she asks me?
12:49Only everything!
12:51I'm confused.
12:52How have I upset you, Shoo?
12:54It's because you keep referring to Akane as Shoo.
12:58I shouldn't?
12:59No, you definitely shouldn't!
13:00Listen, Ako.
13:01Rusien and schwein are only the names of our characters in the game,
13:04you understand?
13:05Consider the TPO next time.
13:08But the only way I really know you guys is as Rusien and Shoo.
13:12We aren't playing the game right now, are we?
13:14The game and reality are separate, alright?
13:18Why would they be?
13:22I'm not even sure what you're asking.
13:25Did I say something strange?
13:27I apologize, Shoo.
13:29I assumed you and I were friends.
13:31We've played together long enough.
13:33I thought chatting every day meant you liked me.
13:36No, I didn't mean that!
13:38Ako, it isn't...
13:40Are you and I nothing more than strangers, Rusien?
13:43I mean nothing to you?
13:44But I still love you, Rusien.
13:46Were you lying when you said you loved me back?
13:49You even married me!
13:54Hey, she's your wife, right?
13:56You've gotta fix this.
13:57Let's just play along with her for now.
14:02What a laugh!
14:03Ako, you're an important part of our guild!
14:05Right, friend?
14:06Oh, yeah!
14:07That's not true!
14:08Now you're just setting me up to be mean to me!
14:10It's my game!
14:11You're trying to destroy me from the inside!
14:13No, we aren't.
14:14You mean it?
14:15Yeah, we were just pulling your chain, Ako.
14:18As far as things in Legendary Age are concerned, you're still my lovely wife.
14:22We're still friends!
14:23We just want you to stop using our game names in real life, okay?
14:26Okay, nailed it.
14:27Shut your face, Stringbean!
14:28We're talking about my school rep!
14:30I work hard not to come across as an otaku, but online gaming seals it!
14:33So what should I call you?
14:35You can call me Segawa or even Akane if you want.
14:38Oh, Segawa, right!
14:42Yes, thanks, Tamaki.
14:44So then, are you still one of my friends?
14:47You said so, didn't I?
14:49That's a relief.
14:51Since we're ironing everything out, you can call me Nishimura.
14:55Oh, Nishimura, huh?
14:57That's right, Ako.
14:58I mean, Tamaki.
15:00You can call me Ako.
15:01Wait, are you sure?
15:03Yes, please!
15:04I like to hear you say it.
15:05I don't know, it all seems too familiar for school grounds.
15:08Fine, then I guess I'll just keep calling you Rusian.
15:11I beg your pardon, Miss Ako!
15:14Or you can call me Mrs. Rusian!
15:16It's Nishimura, actually.
15:18Quiet, you!
15:20Could I ask you a question, Shu?
15:22I mean, Segawa, it's still okay to talk to you here at school, right?
15:26Sure, but nothing about net games, got it?
15:29Oh, I can't do that.
15:30What do you mean?
15:31It's just, there's nothing else for me to talk about.
15:34That sounds heartbreakingly sad.
15:37Well, we can always talk about whatever you want when we're out questing.
15:40Just make your husband pick up the slack in the meantime.
15:42Is that okay with you, Rusian?
15:44I really wish you'd pump the brakes with this whole Rusian and husband business.
15:47But other than that, fine.
15:50You're a Rusian!
15:51You really are!
15:52Did you hear a word I just said?
15:54Hey there!
15:55Homeroom's about to get started, so let's get moving!
15:58It's morning and I'm already drained.
16:00Guess what, Rusian!
16:01I made a bento box for you so we can eat our lunch together!
16:05Why would you do something like that?
16:06Oh, please!
16:07You are my husband, Rusian!
16:08It's my pleasure!
16:09Yeah, but remember what we talked about?
16:11That's just in the game.
16:14We got married, didn't we?
16:16Nishimura, I think I've just figured something out.
16:20We might be on the same page.
16:22I'm starting to think that Ako can't differentiate between us.
16:26Ako can't differentiate between the game and reality.
16:31Yes, I see.
16:33That's hilarious!
16:34No, it isn't!
16:35The stress shaved years off my life!
16:37I'm so sorry!
16:38No, you don't have to apologize for anything!
16:40She even packed a little lunchbox for him.
16:43As far as Ako's concerned, she and Rusian have been married for a while.
16:47It's only natural to make lunch for your beloved husband.
16:50Is that unusual?
16:51Well, it's true you and Rusian have known each other for a long time,
16:54long enough to fall in love, and at last you were married.
16:57However, that only happened within the game.
17:00I doubt you found real love with a person whose face and name you never knew.
17:04But that isn't true!
17:05It's because he was unknown!
17:07When I was chatting with Rusian, I started to care for him
17:10because it felt like his heart was in the right place.
17:12Our love is one of purity and tenderness.
17:14You can't change that, and it burned you normies up!
17:18You know, when you put it that way...
17:20Come on, Master, stand your ground!
17:22Isn't there a part of you that wants to believe what she's been saying?
17:25In my opinion, Ako genuinely likes you for who you are.
17:29But isn't that really all just jumbled up with the appearance and stats of my character?
17:33Not to mention I always take care of her in dungeons,
17:35so naturally that's going to affect how she thinks.
17:37That isn't it at all!
17:39I've played the game with other people before, Rusian, not just you.
17:43And they all left me behind.
17:45But you stuck with me the whole way.
17:49Didn't matter how many times I goofed up,
17:51how many times I forgot, you name it.
17:54That's why...
17:56I fell in love with you.
17:59Yeah, okay, sounds great, best wishes and all.
18:02I'm out before I puke.
18:04Wait, Segawa, don't! If you leave now, it won't be pretty!
18:07Blow it out your ears, you stinking hook-up troll!
18:10Hook-up troll? Is that what you think I am?
18:12You're wrong! Completely wrong!
18:15Doesn't look that way from here!
18:17What's a hook-up troll, Master?
18:20Okay, fine!
18:22So be it. Let's do this, Akko.
18:25What are we going to do?
18:28Time to change your mentality!
18:30It needs to be changed?
18:32It does. The game and reality are separate.
18:34It's our job to make sure you understand that.
18:36Why would you do something so terrifying?
18:38It sounds positively fiendish!
18:40Easier said than done, right, big shot?
18:43Let me think.
18:45We just have to get across that Rusian in the game
18:47and me in real life are two completely different things.
18:50We need to find a way to illustrate that the game is not reality.
18:54What are you thinking, Master?
18:56Yes, just leave everything to me.
19:01Modern Communication...
19:03Electronic Game Club?
19:05Sounds like a club for online gaming.
19:07Hey, you guys!
19:09Sorry to keep you waiting.
19:11I got bogged down filling out application forms.
19:17Take a peek and you'll understand.
19:21Feast your eyes! The ModCon Electronic Game Club!
19:24Too long.
19:26Welcome to the Net Game Club!
19:28I am the founder of the group, President Goshoin.
19:31Fellow club members, let's say we put these new computers through their paces
19:35and get the fun started!
19:37A net game club?
19:39Our club's activities will consist of after-school legendary age sessions
19:43and partying on days off.
19:45No way, this has to be a joke.
19:47In what way?
19:48What do you mean, in what way?
19:50We talked about things at lunch and now there's computers and a club enrollment?
19:53If this is a joke, I don't get it.
19:55Well, Akko?
19:57Huh? I was just admiring the fine work she did,
19:59which I don't see as a laughing matter.
20:01And that's what I get for asking your opinion.
20:03That's me!
20:04So you're telling me you formed a net game club
20:06to play a game we all play at home already?
20:09We'll be together!
20:10Yes! Isn't it grand?
20:12Literally amazing.
20:13Well, I'll just be going then.
20:15Hold, Schwein. What's wrong?
20:17Don't call me that!
20:19Now look, I'm fine playing the occasional net game as a fun distraction, but this?
20:23Weren't you the one who said she didn't want a boyfriend
20:26because it would cut into her log-in time?
20:29If you extended your play time by two hours,
20:31just think of how much more you could earn in a day.
20:34I can play the game at home.
20:35I just wanted a normal high school girl's life here.
20:38It won't be long till we've completely out-leveled you,
20:40moved on to newer grinding pastures,
20:42and poor Schwein will be left behind,
20:44which would truly be a shame.
20:46Your words can't freeze me, all right?
20:48Whoa, check out this rig!
20:50These specs are stupid high!
20:52Between the graphics processor and the RAM,
20:54this computer could eat any net game for breakfast.
20:57That reminds me, Schwein.
20:59Didn't you once say your PC was an underpowered pile of crap?
21:02That's true! Don't hand me down!
21:05You're free to play on these uber-powerful rigs,
21:07if that's something that interests you.
21:09As appealing as that is, it just isn't enough!
21:12That's brutal! Master likes to fight dirty!
21:16Time to give up, Schwein.
21:20All right, fine! I'm in already! Let it go!
21:23But in return, I get to do whatever I like with this pretty lady.
21:27Very well. We can now meet as a net game club for the first time.
21:31But Master, why even go through the trouble of forming a new club?
21:34What? You don't know? For you and Akko, of course.
21:37For us?
21:39We have to demonstrate to Akko the difference between the game and real life.
21:42That is what you said.
21:44Yeah, I did.
21:45The characters we play in the game and the people in here exist simultaneously.
21:49If we plan to show Akko the difference between L.A. and real life,
21:52isn't this the best way?
21:54I get it.
21:55Um, I don't think this is going to change anything.
21:59It will! I'm a pathetic jerk, Akko,
22:01and I'll make sure to shatter your illusion of me into pieces!
22:04There must be a way to say that that doesn't come off so aggressive.
22:07Wrong, darling!
22:08I'll prove that my love for you runs as deep and powerfully as the crashing seas!
22:11I'd expect no less!
22:13I am a total loser, BTW.
22:15Oh, be quiet, silly.
22:20I guess the others still haven't logged in yet.
22:22No way!
22:26Long time no see!
22:28Hey there!
