Robert Space - Letter to God

  • last month
Emotional Piano
00:30And therefore, class after class is taught, and sermon after sermon is given, and seminar
00:55after seminar is held where he is just assumed, not here.
01:07When I read 22 years ago what fired up that sermon, namely an article about Albert Einstein,
01:18I trembled.
01:19As a young pastor, I dreaded this indictment.
01:20I'll read it to you.
01:21Charles Weiser, writing about Einstein.
01:22Einstein must have looked at what the preacher said about God, what the preacher said about
01:42God, and felt they were blaspheming.
01:48He had seen much more majesty than they had ever imagined, and they were just not talking
01:58about the real thing.
02:02He simply felt that religions he had run into did not have a proper respect for the author
02:13of the universe.
02:14I read that as a pastor, and I bowed my head, and I said, and I say it today, I fear this
02:25today, I feared for us, I feared for me, oh God, never, never, never, never let me speak
02:34of you in such a way so that if Albert Einstein were listening, he would say he doesn't know
02:41the real thing, he's never seen the majesty I've seen, protect me from that, oh God, I
02:53pray 22 years ago.
02:56If you've been around here and you hear words like God word, God center, God besotted, there's
03:10God center, God besotted, there's God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:18God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:22God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:24God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:26God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:28God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:30God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:32God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center,
03:34God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center, God center
