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[Eng Sub] 3 Aug 2024 BossNoeul at TROFI 1st Fashion Show #SiamCenterxTROFIPopUpStore

The Boy Next World series

#WorshipTheBoyNextWorld #TheBoyNextWorldSeries #differenttime


BossNoeul in LoveSea Episode 7 #LoveSeaEP7 #LoveSeaTheSeriesPresscon

BossNoeul Workshop TBNW #TBNW3rdWorkshop #HBDPROJECTBOSSCKM2024 #25YTheGrowthOfBossCKM

The Boy Next World 1st Workshop #TBNW1stWorkshop #TheBoyNextWorld #TheBoyNextWorldSeries #คนละกาลเวลา

#FortPeat #FortFts #Peatwasuthorn #BabyFeat #ThebeginningofLoveSeaXFortPeat


#TheBoyNextWorld #คนละกาลเวลา
#คนละกาลเวลาเดอะซีรีส์ #DifferentTimeTheSeries
#Diverse2023xBossNoeul #LoveSeaTheSeries
#MemindYOfficial #บวงสรวงซีรีส์MMY #MMY_MindDiary #MeMindY

#บอสโนอึล #ฟอร์ดพีท #คมชัดลึกบันเทิง #คมชัดลึกอวอร์ด #LoveinTheAir #LoveinTheAirFinale #loveintheairtheseries LOVE IN THE AIR 空气中的爱 #loveintheair #shorts #memindy #payurain #fortpeat #fortFTS #peatwasu #ComeFortZon #CaptainPeat #ฟอร์ดพีท #BoNoH @boss.ckm @noeullee_ @peatwasu @fortfts
บอสโนอึล #BossNoeul #Boss #บอสชัยกมล #บอสชัยกมล #bosschaikamon #shawtyboss #babbyboss #bossckm #บอสโนอึล #บรรยากาศรักเดอะซีรีส์ #บอสชัยกมล #บอส #โนอึล #노을 #noeul #noeulnuttarat #noeullee #magentaboy #magentababe #foryou #bl

BossNoeul Sweet Moments
BossNoeul Jealous
BossNoeul Kiss in Real Life
BossNoeul Cute Moments
BossNoeul Possessive
BossNoeul Obsession
BossNoeul Confessed
PayuRain Sweet Moments
PayuRain Kissing Scene
PayuRain Jealous
PayuRain Hot Scene
PayuRain Cute Scene
PayuRain Best Scene

Disclaimer: I do not own the clips, pictures, and song used in the video.

Credits to the rightful owner.

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00:00Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. This is BossNoel. Let's check out today's Sweet Visual Trophy 1st Fashion Show BossNoel.
00:08Mimani IG updates for BossNoel upcoming schedules.
00:13Mimani IG has updates for BossNoel.
00:18As you can see that they attended the Trophy 1st Fashion Show with 4th Pete.
00:26And yes, they are so cool. BossIG has updates for Invitation Card.
00:31And here, BossIG has updates for Fraser Talent.
00:36BossIG has updates. Wow! They look so handsome and so cool.
00:40BossIG has updates for 4th. BossIG has updates for Noel and Pete.
00:44BossIG has updates. Boss is so handsome over here.
00:47BossIG has updates. Wow!
00:50Noel IG has updates with 4th.
00:53Noel IG has updates. MamiyaRow1 took the glasses of Noel.
00:57And let's see.
00:59Noel IG has updates with Boss and Pete.
01:04Noel IG has updates. What's this? Let's watch later on in this video.
01:09Wow! Noel IG has updates with his new glasses.
01:13Noel IG has updates. As you can see that NoelX has updates.
01:18He took this photo of Boss.
01:22NoelX has updates with JamesNa.
01:24Marchan IG has updates.
01:26Wow! With 4th.
01:29Marchan IG has updates.
01:32As you can see that Marchan attended Trophy 1st Fashion Show too.
01:38And here, 4th and Pete. What's this? 4th and Noel.
01:43And here, as Trophy 1st Fashion Show.
01:50Siam Center Trophy pop-up store.
01:53And as you can see that.
01:57Purify and here.
02:01And Fashion Show of it of Trophy.
02:06Marchan IG has updates with Noel and MamiyaRow1.
02:09Marchan IG has updates with Boss and Noel.
02:12MarchanX updates Boss and Xiaowu.
02:16MarchanX updates MarchanX.
02:18How are you everyone?
02:19Pete says, I'm very happy to meet PS2.
02:22Noel says, Hello!
02:23Pete says, I'm a fan of your music.
02:25Noel says, You are Nong Pete, right?
02:27Noel says, The one from Love Sea, right?
02:31Keep it up!
02:33And as you can see that.
02:36So, Pete actually is a fan of Noel's music.
02:42Zatanna IG has updates for Noel.
02:46Trophy 1st Fashion Show.
02:48He is a makeup artist for Noel.
02:50And as you can see that.
02:57PomHairStylista IG updates for Noel.
02:59He is the hairstylist for Noel.
03:01Look at Noel's hair.
03:02It's so beautiful, isn't it?
03:04Fans likes Noel's hairstyle today so much.
03:07Thanks to PomHairStylista.
03:08MamiyaRow1 IG has updates for Ford.
03:12MamiyaRow1 IG has updates.
03:13She is invited to Trophy 1st Fashion Show.
03:17Here's the sweetness of Boss and Noel.
03:19Boss takes care of Noel.
03:21And look at it.
03:25Boss's hairstyle is so cool, isn't it?
03:27And Noel's hairstyle is so beautiful.
03:31And here.
03:33As you can see, PS2.
03:35And with his bling-bling sunglasses, earrings, necklace and ring.
03:43I like this side view so much of Noel.
03:45And here.
03:46Boss took Noel's ring and wears it.
03:48And what happened next?
03:50Noel actually took a photo of Boss with his ring over here.
03:56Notice this.
03:57And fans are saying they wanted to see Noel took the photo of Boss.
04:02And here.
04:03Noel's tweet is...
04:05Noel took the photo of Boss.
04:07Here it is.
04:08And here.
04:09Boss is the type of boyfriend who will stick into your phone when you're using it.
04:12Look at Noel.
04:13He's looking at his phone.
04:14And Boss peeped at it.
04:16And here.
04:17He was enjoying the view of Boss' necklace.
04:21And here.
04:22Boss performed for his uni friends though he is still recovering and can't talk.
04:28He's so humble and kind.
04:30Fans are asking why is Boss having surgery because of his arsehole in the mouth.
