Funny animals video

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Funny animals video# comedy


00:30Can you estimate this dog's excitement just for his jump
00:49Please scratch my belly to get the running engine ready
01:00When you know you've grown out of your favorite jeans, but it's your best jeans ever
01:15Doggo has never managed such a huge branch before please go easy on him
01:27Drop it. Yes
01:30He's sometimes my lip it gets stuck on my tips
01:47He knows that the door will open when you ring the bell
02:18Anyone claiming the gift recipient is the most excited clearly hasn't met this dog
02:28How to measure the floor without a ruler
02:31How to measure the floor without a ruler
02:37When you want to play but end up being played
02:53Remember to make sure you and your loved one always stay hydrated
03:05This furry speaker has its volume button hidden on its neck
03:26The backyard wwe fight seems pretty intense
03:35What it's like when a canine machine loses control
03:45Angel oh my gosh woman relax
03:52Having a dog scared of the elevator means you become the elevator
04:06Know you're not little no more
04:10You shouldn't have gone under there, you know, you're not little no more
04:15Try to be like the little kids you better fix your eye try to be like the little kids
04:25If your dog acts like this that is a sign he's about to become a philosopher
04:41The relationship between me and the swimming pool every summer inseparable
05:01This pt dog be like my owner has been exercising. What about you?
05:13Looks like nobody gave the dog proper instructions on playing with snow
05:33Yep right now
05:36Me running away from my responsibilities be like
05:59The fence design is so tricky
06:01The doggo gotta get used to being the mountain goat technique to climb over it
06:12Sit down try it
06:21The best part of a road trip is the nap, isn't it?
06:30How to know if your furry baby has a talent for imitation
07:00The amount of sand is so insane the doggo has no idea where to start digging
07:13So this email says do you wanna go
07:17In the office on tuesday or wednesday, there will be lots of treats there
07:22Hopefully we can have breakfast and dinner at the office because breakfast and dinner will be available
07:29When your human small talk seems like forever you gotta head home solo
07:39One benefit of sharing a bed is the free petting
08:02One should learn how to chase from an expert
08:13Everything can be a mud bath if you want it enough
08:38When your dog mistakes the water ball for a wash basin
08:51La la la
09:00Doggo's trying to figure the right key. Just let me try to figure out my life
09:24This looks like the best assistant one could have while working from home
09:35I gave him a french fry for later. He hasn't noticed yet
09:48Thanks for tuning in today before you go don't forget to hit that like button share with your friends and subscribe for more hilarious
09:57Goodbye, and we'll see you around