film ölümlü dünya 2 Mortal World 2 (2024)

  • 2 months ago
Film Mortal World 2 (2024) مترجم
Film ölümlü dünya 2 (2024)
ölümlü dünya 2 Mortal World 2 (2024)


00:00:00Thank you very much.
00:00:30Amanecer dormido entre tus brazos
00:00:36Amanecer y ver que no es mentira
00:00:41El verme muerto entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:00:47Y el saber que estás conmigo para siempre
00:00:53Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:00:59Y el saber que estás conmigo para siempre
00:01:04Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:10Y el saber que estás conmigo para siempre
00:01:16Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:22Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:28Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:34Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:41Oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:01:48Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:01:57Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:02:06Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:02:14Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:02:36Ee, Zafer'i İstanbul'da dandik bir evde tutuyorlar. Başında da bir iki tane koruma var.
00:02:43Yani biz saldıracağız. Saldırınca onlar bizi paketleyecekler orada. Planları bu yani.
00:02:50Ee'si, yani Zafer'i kurtarmak esasen bizim işimizi görmüyor.
00:02:55Ayrıca kaçamıyoruz. Bir arada olamıyoruz.
00:02:58Dolayısıyla hem Zafer'i hem aileyi kurtarmak için bize daha köklü bir çözüm lazım.
00:03:03Sen de kalktın, beni acayip bir tehlikeye atarak buraya geldin.
00:03:08Çünkü, çünkü benim bu adamlarla masaya oturmam lazım.
00:03:14Küçük bir bilgi, ne bileyim bir ipucu, örgütü tedirgin edecek bir şey yani.
00:03:21Yıllardır bu adamların kuyruğunu tutuyorsun, ciğerlerini biliyorsun.
00:03:25Masada benim elimi kuvvetlendirecek bir koz lazım.
00:03:29Ha biz savaşır mıyız? Savaşırız.
00:03:31Tabii, tabii.
00:03:33Savaş, savaş. Biz de bunaldık yani.
00:03:36Ancak savaş da olacak şey değil yani.
00:03:39Masa şart.
00:03:40Masa varsa öyle bir ihtimal tercih ederiz. Çok iyi olur yani.
00:03:44Biz normalde aslında Ukrayna'ya bir kaçma planımız vardı.
00:03:49Helikopteri kaçırdık, o olmadı yani. Öyle bir tüm sistem değişti.
00:03:53Sonra sevilingimizi kaybettik. Allah rahmet eylesin mekanı cennet olsun.
00:03:58Allah rahmet eylesin.
00:04:01Dizanteri, sıkıntılı sancılı bir kayıp.
00:04:04Kanlı dizanteri.
00:04:06Çok bağırdı, çok bağırdı.
00:04:09Sonra efendim biz tabii ki hani hedefini küçültmek için dağıldık böyle.
00:04:13Etmezmiş gibi bir de yanımızda hamile bir kadın var.
00:04:17Anadolu eşim zaten hamile benim biliyorsunuz.
00:04:20Avlanmak zorunda kaldık.
00:04:22Ayı yedik.
00:04:24Biz ayı yedik efendim.
00:04:26En son ayı yedik yani.
00:04:32Savaşmakla olacak gibi değil biliyorsun.
00:04:35Benim masaya oturmam lazım.
00:04:37Masaya oturabiliyorsak çok iyi.
00:04:39Savaşmak olmuyor, kaçmak ol. Tam bir dilemma.
00:04:47Sen çocuklarına hiç benden bahsetmemişsin Gazanfer.
00:04:52Bahsetti mi?
00:04:54Hiç bahsetmedim.
00:04:55Nurgül abi var çok eski.
00:04:57Çocuklar ben babanızın en eski arkadaşıyım.
00:05:00Hatta bu dünyadaki tek arkadaşı da benim diyebilirim.
00:05:03En azından bir zamanlar öyleydi.
00:05:05Biz birlikte bir sürü zorlu eğitimden geçtik.
00:05:09Hatırlıyor musun?
00:05:11Aç susuz, uykusuz, ıssızlığım ortasında.
00:05:15Hiç uyumumuz geri dönemedi.
00:05:17Ama babanız her seferinde bizi evimize geri getirmeyi başardı.
00:05:24O yüzden sana hayatımızı borçluyduk.
00:05:28Sana hepimiz hayrandık.
00:05:32Estağfurullah, olur mu öyle şey?
00:05:34Allah aşkına ya, bak Allah'ın adını verdim.
00:05:36Geçmiş zaman şeyleri ya, üstünde durma artık haydi.
00:05:39Konuya dönelim yani biz.
00:05:43Tamam konuya dönelim, peki.
00:05:50Bana olan borcunu ödersen size yardım ederim.
00:05:56Baba, baba parayı alamadık.
00:05:58Ne borcu baba, halledemeyebiliriz.
00:06:00İmkansız bir şey olabilir.
00:06:02Muhtacım, muhtacım, müsaade.
00:06:06Ne borcu ya?
00:06:09Bir tango borcu.
00:06:1530 yıl evvelinden.
00:06:45Alnımın yazısıydın
00:06:51Ne yapsam silemem ki
00:06:56Sensiz saadet neymiş
00:07:03Tatmadım bilemem ki
00:07:09Alnımın yazısıydın
00:07:15Ne yapsam silemem ki
00:07:28Efendim aşkım.
00:07:29Biz ikimiz yarın annemlere gidelim.
00:07:31Peki, durma hoca, durumumuzu biliyorsun.
00:07:33Yapamayız öyle bir şey.
00:07:35Ya Allah Allah, bak Serhan benim karnım alnıma dayandı.
00:07:37Ben iyi değilim ya.
00:07:38Benim daha bir metre kıpırcak şeyim kalmadı.
00:07:40Rica ediyorum, git babanla konuş sabah diyeceksin ki
00:07:42Baba, benim karım hamile, bazı ihtiyaçları varmış diyeceksin.
00:07:45O kadar, anasını görmek istiyormuş diyeceksin.
00:07:47Bitti gitti.
00:07:48Meleğim, bir tanem bak.
00:07:50Senin ağzından çıkanı kulağın duyuyor mu?
00:07:52Bizim Zafer'i kurtarmamız lazım.
00:07:54Böyle bir şey olmaz ama babama gelip de
00:07:56Biz kayınvalideme gidiyoruz falan diyemem.
00:07:58Ben öyle mi söylerim engelle?
00:07:59Öyle mi söylerim?
00:08:00Diyeceksin ki babacım, benim artık bir ailem var diyeceksin.
00:08:03Ve ben onların yanında duracağım diyeceksin.
00:08:05O kadar ya.
00:08:06Ne sümsük sınıpe bir şey çıktın sen ya.
00:08:08Biraz adam ol.
00:08:09Erkek ol biraz.
00:08:10Erkek gibi şöyle.
00:08:11Babanın karşısında bir duruşun olsun be.
00:08:14O kadar zor değil.
00:08:15Bu kadar.
00:08:16Böyle böyle diyeceksin baba.
00:08:17Böyle böyle.
00:08:19Kalk bana, kalk.
00:08:20Kalk bana soda getir.
00:08:21Begüm bu kadar soda olmaz.
00:08:22Kaç tane içtin ya?
00:08:23Lan gazın var.
00:08:24Ya gazın falan yok.
00:08:25Sen hamilesin.
00:08:26İçinde çocuk var.
00:08:27Sen çocuğu mu eritmeye çalışıyorsun bu kadar sodayı?
00:08:28Ne yapıyorsun?
00:08:29Sen halmişmiş.
00:08:30Niye bana cevap veriyorsun?
00:08:31Ben sana soru mu sordum?
00:08:32Soda içebilir miyim diye sordum ben sana.
00:08:33Soda getir dedim bana.
00:08:38Bu kadar zor bir şey diye katacaksın.
00:08:39Soda getireceksin ya.
00:08:40Bir onu yapacaksın.
00:08:42Ne o?
00:08:43Ne hareketler?
00:08:44Yok bir şey yok.
00:08:46Bir şey yok.
00:08:47Bakış mı attın sen bana?
00:08:48Hayır bir şey yapmadım.
00:08:49Ay bakma öyle uzun uzun.
00:08:50Vallahi düşerim ha.
00:08:51Aşık olurum.
00:08:53Aman o kodumun fincabı.
00:08:54Ne ya?
00:08:55Ne ya?
00:08:56Serhan abi müsaade etmesin bir konuşalım.
00:08:57Müsaade değilim.
00:08:58Konuşalım seninle.
00:08:59Yok konuşmadım.
00:09:00Abi şimdi ben bir iki saattir düşünüyorum.
00:09:01Hani gideyim Serhan abimle bir konuşayım dedim.
00:09:02Şimdi bu operasyonlarımız var ya biliyorsun.
00:09:03Hani planlar yapıldı vesaire falan.
00:09:04Bir çok şey tabi yanlış yapıldı bence bana sorarsan.
00:09:05Ben bu işin sonunu hiç iyi görmüyorum tabi ama.
00:09:06Şimdi Zafer'i kaçırdılar abi biliyorsun.
00:09:08Zafer kurtarılacak tabi ki.
00:09:09Yani hani şimdi bizi de kaçırabilirler.
00:09:12Şimdi öyle bir sürecek.
00:09:13Ne anlatıyorsun sen bana?
00:09:14Ne anlatıyorsun?
00:09:17Akireyim ben.
00:09:18Ne yapayım?
00:09:19Ne yapayım ben sana şimdi ya?
00:09:20Yani bir yardımcı oluyorum.
00:09:21Yok olmayayım.
00:09:26Baksana şu.
00:09:27Şu son sekiz ay.
00:09:28Ben de.
00:09:29Ben de.
00:09:30Üst üste geldi abi.
00:09:31Çok geldi.
00:09:32Ben artık Serhan değilim.
00:09:33Ben Begüm.
00:09:34Ben Begüm oldum.
00:09:35Ben senin yengenim artık.
00:09:36Tamam mı?
00:09:37O yüzden sen git abilerine konuş.
00:09:38Bu abini hallet.
00:09:39Benim o dalga mı kalsın?
00:09:40Ben konuşacağım.
00:09:41Kimse olmadı ki.
00:09:42Bıraksana oğlum.
00:09:43Bıraksana oğlum.
00:09:45Ne yapıyorsun?
00:09:59Herkes burada.
00:10:00Sıkışan mısınız yardımcı olsan?
00:10:01Yok inşallah.
00:10:02İstanbul'da dört tane adam var.
00:10:03Bunların hepsi üst düzey.
00:10:04Bu adamların hepsi üzerlerinde bir USB bellek taşıyor.
00:10:05Ne var içinde?
00:10:06Türkiye ve Orta Doğu'nun bütün operasyon dataları.
00:10:07Yani her şey.
00:10:08Her şey.
00:10:09Aklına gelebilecek her şey.
00:10:10Ne işime yarayacak bu bilgiler?
00:10:11Bu USB'ler şifreli.
00:10:12Dördü bir araya gelince çalışıyor.
00:10:13Her şey.
00:10:14Her şey.
00:10:15Her şey.
00:10:16Her şey.
00:10:17Her şey.
00:10:18Her şey.
00:10:19Her şey.
00:10:20Her şey.
00:10:21Her şey.
00:10:22Her şey.
00:10:23Her şey.
00:10:24Her şey.
00:10:25Her şey.
00:10:26Her şey.
00:10:27This four men, at a certain time of the year,
00:10:30take the USBs to the headquarters.
00:10:33These four men may be your exit tickets.
00:10:38You have to capture these four men
00:10:42within the same day.
00:10:45The same day?
00:10:46The same day, and very quickly.
00:10:48If one of them wakes up,
00:10:51everything is over.
00:10:53Where are these guys?
00:10:55Their names, addresses, etc.
00:10:58Unfortunately, I don't have any of this information.
00:11:00But I know someone who does.
00:11:03His name is Şenol.
00:11:26Yes, brother?
00:11:28Thank you, thank you. How are you?
00:11:31May I come in?
00:11:34Yes, brother.
00:11:36What family?
00:11:39Okay, brother.
00:11:41Okay, how much?
00:11:45Let's make it half.
00:11:55Let's make it half.
00:12:25Don't be alone in this world.
00:12:34How do you leak information from inside?
00:12:36Brother, we have a very wide network inside.
00:12:39From there, we get a clean, refined flow of information.
00:12:41In exchange for the fee, of course.
00:12:42And we provide the leather jackets of the top managers of this organization.
00:12:45What do you do as a paravan, Cehennem?
00:12:47We are leather workers, brother.
00:12:49We have an atelier in Zeytinburnu.
00:12:50Fifty people work with us.
00:12:51The income is also very good.
00:12:53But the job itself is shit, brother.
00:12:55It's not like it can be done. I hate it.
00:12:57I don't just want to leave the organization.
00:12:59I want to get rid of my family.
00:13:00I also want to get rid of that son of a bitch leather atelier.
00:13:04How much money do you want?
00:13:06It's easy, brother. We'll talk about it.
00:13:07There's nothing in it.
00:13:08But I'll tell you something, Gazanfer.
00:13:10Brother, I'll come to these operations, too.
00:13:12Wait a minute.
00:13:13Why are you coming to those operations?
00:13:15Because I'm going to sit at the table with my brother's organization.
00:13:17I'm going to say, you're going to retire.
00:13:19I'm going to say, you're going to cut my contact with my family.
00:13:21Wait a minute.
00:13:22Do you have a family like us?
00:13:24I understood it because I was working alone, father.
00:13:27Now, Şenol...
00:13:29What do you mean, king?
00:13:30Of course I have a family.
00:13:31I mean, let's say I had.
00:13:32My father died in the last five years.
00:13:34I had two brothers.
00:13:35Both died.
00:13:36One of my brothers melted in acid.
00:13:37I poured my own brother into the grave like this.
00:13:40My grandfather.
00:13:41My grandfather died in a fight.
00:13:43He died of heart failure, but he died in a fight.
00:13:45My grandmother was shot by a tank, brother.
00:13:48How much money do you want now?
00:13:54Brother, it's five.
00:13:58One is less.
00:13:59One and a half.
00:14:00I'm fine.
00:14:01Brother, what did you do?
00:14:02Let me love your eyes.
00:14:03Four and a half.
00:14:06Now, Şenol.
00:14:07All our money is two million dollars.
00:14:09Neither less nor more.
00:14:10That's why I say one.
00:14:14Let me think like one, brother.
00:14:15Not like, one.
00:14:17No, that's not it.
00:14:20Have a good one, brother.
00:14:21Come on.
00:14:24Now, brother, I will tell you how many shelters there are in the top four of this organization,
00:14:28what they eat, what they drink,
00:14:29when they enter, when they exit.
00:14:31I'll tell you all of them.
00:14:32After that, we'll sleep at night.
00:14:33We will finish this job with a clear mind in the morning.
00:14:38Oh, I can't breathe.
00:15:10I need to find a job!
00:15:12You'll call my wife and say that she's fine,
00:15:14she's doing well.
00:15:19You don't know people,
00:15:20don't know her,
00:15:21what are you doing?
00:15:22Listen to me,
00:15:23don't worry about yourself,
00:15:24worry about me.
00:15:25You'll think about the baby.
00:15:26Don't worry,
00:15:27she'll be fine.
00:15:28If something happens to her,
00:15:29I'm going to be to blame.
00:15:31Get up.
00:15:32I will tell my daughter.
00:15:33I'll go talk.
00:15:34Get up and talk to her.
00:15:36Go talk to your mother.
00:15:37I'm going to pack up my things.
00:15:38Go on, go on, go on, talk!
00:15:42What are you doing?
00:15:51Oktay, brother.
00:15:53Oktay, brother.
00:15:55Oktay, brother.
00:15:56What happened?
00:15:57Oktay, brother.
00:15:59Oktay, brother.
00:16:01I didn't say anything.
00:16:02Just... just fire me.
00:16:04Fire me, curse me.
00:16:05Shout at me. Shout.
00:16:06You made me fight.
00:16:07Shout at me.
00:16:08What did I do?
00:16:09What are you saying?
00:16:10Shout at me.
00:16:11Fire me.
00:16:12Are you okay?
00:16:13I'm fine.
00:16:14I'm fine, thank you.
00:16:15Fire me.
00:16:16Curse me.
00:16:17Shout at me.
00:16:18What are you saying?
00:16:19Begüm says we can't go to the operation tomorrow.
00:16:21I don't know what I'm saying.
00:16:22I'm telling you, fire me.
00:16:23You started arguing a lot.
00:16:25Shout at me.
00:16:26Why couldn't she understand?
00:16:27Go to bed.
00:16:28There's an operation tomorrow.
00:16:29You're a maniac.
00:16:30I know, brother.
00:16:31Go to bed.
00:16:32It's not for me.
00:16:33Go to bed.
00:16:34Don't argue so much.
00:16:35I have work tomorrow.
00:16:36Don't fire me.
00:16:37You're going to fire me.
00:16:38You're going to fire me.
00:16:42Should I shout too?
00:16:46I understand you.
00:16:47Okay, Serbest.
00:16:51But you weren't like this.
00:16:52You really weren't like this.
00:16:54Thank you, brother.
00:16:55Thank you.
00:17:04What happened?
00:17:05What happened?
00:17:06What happened, Begüm?
00:17:07Didn't you hear me?
00:17:08I got fired because of you.
00:17:09I'm 40 years old.
00:17:10Even my brother got fired because of me.
00:17:11I got fired because of my brother.
00:17:12I'm going crazy at night.
00:17:15Look at my life.
00:17:20Are you okay?
00:17:27Open the door.
00:17:28Wait, I'm going out.
00:17:29Let me wash my hands.
00:17:32Why is it broken?
00:17:33Is it leaking?
00:17:34I'm going out.
00:17:35Let me wash my hands.
00:17:36Wait, for God's sake.
00:17:43It's not leaking.
00:17:50Saykan, how are you?
00:17:51I'm Serbest.
00:17:53I called you because you didn't see my messages.
00:17:56I wanted to hear your voice.
00:18:12The four photos behind me...
00:18:14...are four government managers of the organization.
00:18:17Now, they carry the data on a flash drive.
00:18:19They have namtags on their necks so that they don't ever get separated from their sides.
00:18:22What we are doing is, we are changing them with these fake flash drives.
00:18:28Now, this is our first target you saw at the beginning, okay?
00:18:32Memorize this face well, especially Serhan.
00:18:34You look very carefully.
00:18:36Zoom in a little bit.
00:18:50It's not clear.
00:18:52Can't we make it clearer?
00:18:53We can't. It's not resolvable.
00:18:55How? We can't see it now.
00:18:56We can't see it. We can see this much.
00:18:58Can we see our target, please?
00:19:00That's it.
00:19:01But I mean, nothing is visible.
00:19:02Something happened?
00:19:03It's not clear, brother.
00:19:04What do you mean, it's not clear?
00:19:05Do we kill anyone with a beard and a suit?
00:19:08Don't you recognize him if you see him?
00:19:09I don't understand.
00:19:10Shoot another photo.
00:19:11I mean, what's up?
00:19:13Let's see the guy we're going to shoot.
00:19:15Let's see and shoot.
00:19:16Don't you recognize him if you see him?
00:19:18How can I know who this is?
00:19:19If I shoot Ilhami, we're done.
00:19:21Let's not get out of here today.
00:19:22Our first target is Ilhami.
00:19:27Come on, let's go over there again.
00:19:29We got a terrible goal.
00:19:32Now, here's the thing.
00:19:33We arrive at the Plaza at 8.15.
00:19:35The guy gets a massage and a facial every morning between 8.30 and 9.
00:19:40We'll be on the roof at that time.
00:19:42We'll go down to the floor where the guy is with the glass cleaner.
00:19:44We have half an hour.
00:19:45In the meantime, we come and get the USB.
00:19:47Meanwhile, we are at the restaurant where Begüm and the second target regularly eat.
00:19:52When we find the right moment, we give our medicine to the drinker.
00:19:55When the man passes out, the Senegalese come as the first aid team and get the USB from the man's neck.
00:20:02Hello, sir. Welcome.
00:20:04Thank you.
00:20:05Did you make a decision?
00:20:07Give me 21.
00:20:0920. Yes.
00:20:11Give me 72.
00:20:13There is no such thing as 72 in our menu, sir.
00:20:16Okay, then give me 27.
00:20:1820. Yes.
00:20:22Give me 46.
00:20:24Give me 56.
00:20:26Give me 10.
00:20:27You said you'd get something to drink.
00:20:29Give me 13.
00:20:3013. Do you want anything else?
00:20:32Okay, uncle, that's enough.
00:20:38What is this?
00:20:39What is what, brother?
00:20:41Is this such a thing?
00:20:42We are on the fifth floor.
00:20:43The man is on the fifth floor.
00:20:44We have half an hour.
00:20:45What is this?
00:20:46There are two buttons, brother.
00:20:47Up and down.
00:20:48That's it, brother.
00:20:49Anything else?
00:20:50Why didn't we go up and down then?
00:20:51Why did we go up and down?
00:20:57One second.
00:20:58Would you like me to call for help?
00:20:59Oh, no.
00:21:00I've got a bad sprain.
00:21:01If you want to sit down, I'll call for help.
00:21:03Ma'am, are you okay?
00:21:04I'm not okay, but I don't know.
00:21:06I've got a sprain.
00:21:07You're okay, ma'am.
00:21:08If you want to sit down, please.
00:21:09I'll sit down, okay.
00:21:10I'll call for help.
00:21:11Get well soon.
00:21:12Thank you.
00:21:14If there's a problem, just let me know.
00:21:17It's already over.
00:21:18I panicked for a moment.
00:21:41You've broken your arm!
00:21:48No, no, no!
00:21:49Ah, ah, ah, ah!
00:22:21Open it up so he can breathe. Open it up, open it up.
00:22:24Guys, I need an urgent intervention. Open it up.
00:22:27How do we do it, boss?
00:22:28What do you mean, boss?
00:22:29Now, untie this tie around his neck.
00:22:32Let's check his values.
00:22:37The values are here.
00:22:38Here, let me get the values.
00:22:39Give me that tie.
00:22:42I've got hair. It's really bad.
00:22:45We need to open it like this.
00:22:48It's stuck.
00:22:50How do we do it?
00:22:51If you can, take it.
00:22:52If you can't, we'll get the values from the uniform.
00:22:55Do we have a tie?
00:22:56How are we going to get our patient to the uniform?
00:22:58Set a tie or something.
00:23:00You didn't take it.
00:23:01Didn't I tell you it wasn't necessary?
00:23:03You said you didn't want a tie.
00:23:04Didn't you say, what tie?
00:23:07Turn it around.
00:23:08Look at it.
00:23:09Turn around.
00:23:10Look at it.
00:23:11Put your hand in it.
00:23:13Let's take a shawl.
00:23:14Put it under it.
00:23:15Wouldn't it be better?
00:23:16We'll put the shawl under it.
00:23:17Turn it sideways.
00:23:18Turn it sideways.
00:23:19Take it from the back.
00:23:20Let me try it from the back.
00:23:23Take it from there.
00:23:24Take it.
00:23:25Take it.
00:23:26Take it.
00:23:27Take the values.
00:23:28Take the values of the man.
00:23:30Did you take it?
00:23:31I didn't take it.
00:23:32What's going on?
00:23:33Do you have a model knife, scissors, anything?
00:23:35I'll take the values.
00:23:37I have it.
00:23:38Wait a minute.
00:23:39You're coming to Mr. Erkin's own hospital, aren't you?
00:23:42Which hospital is this?
00:23:44Mr. Erden's own hospital.
00:23:46What's his name?
00:23:47Mr. Erden's own hospital.
00:23:48What's his name?
00:23:49His name is Nikemia.
00:23:52He's called Nikemia.
00:23:53I don't understand what you're saying.
00:23:59What's going on here?
00:24:00What are you doing?
00:24:01Take it.
00:24:02What are you doing?
00:24:03Take it.
00:24:04Hey, don't take it.
00:24:05It's mine.
00:24:06It's mine.
00:24:07It's not mine.
00:24:08Take it.
00:24:09It's mine.
00:24:10It's not mine.
00:24:11It's not mine.
00:24:12It's not mine.
00:24:13Lift him up.
00:24:14Take it.
00:24:15Brother, we are doing our intervention, is this how it's going to be?
00:24:22Brother, we started the first aid here!
00:24:25We started the first aid here!
00:24:27Let me go!
00:24:28He is sweating!
00:24:29He is sweating!
00:24:33Take him!
00:24:34Take him!
00:24:35Okay, brother, we are with you!
00:24:36Okay, I'm with you!
00:24:37I'm with you!
00:24:39Brother, let me go!
00:24:40Wait a minute, we started the first aid!
00:24:41Let me go!
00:24:42We started the first aid!
00:24:43Brother, I got him!
00:24:47Brother, I got him, I got him!
00:24:48Watch out, brother!
00:24:49He won't but me!
00:24:50Look, they took him!
00:24:55Be careful!
00:24:56I'm going, I'm going!
00:24:57He's gone!
00:25:00He's gone!
00:25:02He takes what he's given.
00:25:04We told him 50 times.
00:25:13Bobby Bobby
00:25:43What did you do?
00:25:46What can we do?
00:25:48Cevahir was going to take you to the meeting room.
00:25:50Did he take you here?
00:25:59Remzi, where is Remzi?
00:26:03Did he go to Morocco?
00:26:10How many pieces did he bring this time?
00:26:14Five? Isn't five too many?
00:26:17Too many
00:26:18Five containers is too much
00:26:20Too much
00:26:21Too much
00:26:26What did you do? You made connections with Shanghai, right?
00:26:28Of course
00:26:30Did you do it in the Netherlands?
00:26:34Very good
00:26:35The Netherlands is also very good. It happens in the Netherlands.
00:26:37It would be much better
00:26:39Isn't it?
00:26:40Of course
00:26:41We have a playground there
00:26:42You can see the difference
00:26:45Of course
00:26:46Xray labels
00:26:48Did you work without any problems?
00:26:51I worked without any problems immediately
00:26:53What color? What color was made?
00:26:55One color?
00:26:56One color
00:26:57What color?
00:26:58One color
00:27:06Did it come in the weight we talked about?
00:27:08It came in the weight we talked about
00:27:11How much?
00:27:13The weight we talked about
00:27:16How many kilos?
00:27:1820 kilos
00:27:1920 kilos?
00:27:2020 kilos
00:27:22Do we have any other fetish orders?
00:27:27No, no, no
00:27:28No, no
00:27:29Then what? 20 kilos of green? Is it Amcuk?
00:27:3520 kilos, green color, suni vagina
00:27:39Uncle, who am I going to sell it to?
00:27:42Who is going to fuck them?
00:27:44Is Hulk going to fuck them?
00:27:48If they were always talking at the beginning
00:27:52They wouldn't come here
00:27:54Sir, your car is ready
00:27:57Let's do it like this
00:27:58Of course
00:27:59Let's go to the port
00:28:01You follow me with your car
00:28:03Let's see what's coming
00:28:05What is 20 kilos?
00:28:06We are fucked, what are we going to do?
00:28:0820 kilos
00:28:09Why are you not listening?
00:28:10Tom is not coming
00:28:12I asked him
00:28:13I said I called him
00:28:14How did you call him?
00:28:15You didn't call him
00:28:16I said I called him
00:28:17You didn't?
00:28:18I didn't understand
00:28:19Did you say it?
00:28:20I didn't understand
00:28:22What are you talking about?
00:28:23I didn't
00:28:31Look at me man
00:28:35Open this
00:28:36Can you stay in that room for three days?
00:28:38Don't you have any manners?
00:28:42What kind of people are you?
00:28:45Do you tie a man to a deep freezer?
00:28:47To a deep freezer.
00:28:49The family is here to take the delivery. What are we doing?
00:28:51Okay, take it.
00:28:56Come on, get up. We're going.
00:28:58Did the family come?
00:28:59I came to deliver the family.
00:29:01Stop it, man.
00:29:03Don't stay in the same place.
00:29:07Don't stay in the same place. I'm sick of it.
00:29:11What the hell is this?
00:29:14Drop the gun.
00:29:15Drop the gun, I'll get out of here.
00:29:17I swear I'll kill him.
00:29:19He'll die.
00:29:21I'll kill him.
00:29:23I'll break his head like a chicken.
00:29:37What the hell is this?
00:29:39What are you doing?
00:29:41I took the guy. I'm on my way.
00:29:43I have to get out of here.
00:29:45I have to get out of here.
00:29:47This is universal acceptance.
00:29:49This is universal acceptance.
00:29:51We're from the same sector.
00:29:53I'm asking you, do you like it?
00:29:55You could have done it.
00:29:57Okay, don't extend it.
00:29:59Okay, go. It doesn't matter.
00:30:01It doesn't matter.
00:30:03It's not nice.
00:30:05You could have been shot.
00:30:07Your friend could have shot you.
00:30:09They took the guy.
00:30:11We're happy.
00:30:13You burned me.
00:30:15They saw me like a pig.
00:30:17You didn't give us the real clue.
00:30:19The guy had a hospital.
00:30:21The guy had a hospital.
00:30:23I'm sorry.
00:30:25I have to tell you where the stuff is.
00:30:27Go away.
00:30:29You gave me the location.
00:30:31We found the guy.
00:30:33We found the guy.
00:30:35Yes, dad.
00:30:39Okay, dad.
00:30:43My father called.
00:30:45They're getting him operated.
00:30:47He told me to come to the hospital.
00:30:49I have to send my location.
00:30:51What do we do in the hospital?
00:30:53What do we do in the hospital?
00:30:55There are a lot of civilians.
00:30:57The guy has protection all over the world.
00:30:59He's going there now.
00:31:01I don't know what to say to you. I don't know how this is going to turn out.
00:31:04I can't hear you. If you're saying something to me, say it to me.
00:31:06I can't say anything to you.
00:31:08Okay, stop it. Cut it out. That's enough.
00:31:10That's enough. What's going on, son?
00:31:12Ilhami is telling the truth. We're done.
00:31:15We just fucked in the second operation.
00:31:17Are you going to be quiet?
00:31:19There are three more people, son.
00:31:21Look, we're going to the hospital.
00:31:23I don't want the slightest scratch on my father's side.
00:31:26No scratch.
00:31:28Give me coke.
00:31:30Here you go, brother.
00:31:32Give me coke.
00:31:39I got the location.
00:31:42We're going to Tarik.
00:31:44Thank you.
00:31:46Brother, can you give me one?
00:31:48My mouth is sticky.
00:31:50We're going to continue on this road, brother.
00:31:52I can't go.
00:31:54Oh, my God.
00:31:56Do it from the right.
00:32:00Brother Ilhami, isn't it easier than the roundabout?
00:32:02Look, do you see the old man over there?
00:32:04We're going to the right from there.
00:32:06Is this the hospital?
00:32:08Is it such a ridiculous thing?
00:32:12How can the ambulance pass through here?
00:32:14Go, go, go, go.
00:32:16Where are we, son?
00:32:18Where are we?
00:32:20We came to the same place.
00:32:22No, no, it says offloader.
00:32:24Brother, we passed.
00:32:26Brother, I'm looking at the map.
00:32:28I'm looking at the map.
00:32:30Where are we?
00:32:32We've been here for half an hour.
00:32:34We're going to the right from there, brother.
00:32:36We've never turned right from here.
00:32:38For God's sake, turn right once.
00:32:40It's Oflömer.
00:32:42This is the first time I've seen Oflömer.
00:32:44We've been passing in front of Oflömer for four times.
00:32:46It's here, brother.
00:32:48Is that how I'm going to stand?
00:32:50Now turn left.
00:32:54Where is the hospital?
00:32:56Brother, one second.
00:32:58Stop the car, brother.
00:33:00I'm stopping.
00:33:02Go, go, go.
00:33:06What does it say?
00:33:08Are you free?
00:33:10Soykan, my brother.
00:33:14I'm free.
00:33:16Who are you?
00:33:18Are you going to do it here?
00:33:20Not here.
00:33:22I have a sister-in-law here.
00:33:24What do you pay her?
00:33:28What's going on?
00:33:30I'll tell you, brother.
00:33:32What's going on?
00:33:34I'll tell you, brother.
00:33:36Soykan, can we do this?
00:33:38Give me your money and I'll give it to you.
00:33:40We have cash.
00:33:42Okay, okay.
00:33:44Come, come, come.
00:33:46Soykan, come, brother.
00:33:48I have the money.
00:33:50I'll give you the money.
00:33:52Take it, take it.
00:33:54We'll make it up to you.
00:33:58Follow me.
00:34:00I'm coming in 15 minutes.
00:34:02I'm coming.
00:34:04Are you crazy?
00:34:06I'll tell you in 15 minutes.
00:34:08Where is the hospital?
00:34:10Where are you going?
00:34:12Where are you going?
00:34:14Who is this man?
00:34:16He arranged a lady for me.
00:34:18I'll be with her in 15 minutes.
00:34:20Did you bring us to a woman?
00:34:22Did you bring us to a woman in all this?
00:34:24Don't come, brother.
00:34:26I'll break your face.
00:34:28Go inside.
00:34:30What are you doing?
00:34:32I gave the money.
00:34:34Are you crazy?
00:34:36I gave 725 liras.
00:34:38What happened to you?
00:34:40Come here.
00:34:42I gave the money.
00:34:44I'll break your face.
00:34:46Where are you going?
00:34:48I'll break your face.
00:34:50You're crazy.
00:34:52Wait here.
00:34:54I didn't hit you.
00:34:56I'll break your face.
00:34:58I'll break your face.
00:35:00I didn't hear what you said.
00:35:02Why are you shouting?
00:35:04I'll break your face.
00:35:06Why are you shouting?
00:35:08Why am I shouting?
00:35:102 minutes.
00:35:12Calm down.
00:35:14Can it be like this?
00:35:16Calm down.
00:35:18What's the problem?
00:35:20I didn't hear what you said.
00:35:22Tell me what the problem is.
00:35:24I don't have a problem.
00:35:26You're nervous.
00:35:28I have a job in 15 minutes.
00:35:30We have time to go to the hospital.
00:35:32I don't want to risk our operations.
00:35:34You don't.
00:35:36Think about them.
00:35:38You put them in the middle of the operation.
00:35:40We don't understand.
00:35:42Why are you looking at them?
00:35:44I'm going to tell them my problem.
00:35:46Come on.
00:35:48I don't know what the operation is today.
00:35:50Maybe we'll die.
00:35:52They're after us.
00:35:54Why am I dying?
00:35:56Have they ever shown me a way?
00:35:58I don't know.
00:36:00I don't know.
00:36:02What am I going to do in there?
00:36:04I don't know.
00:36:06I don't have any idea.
00:36:08This is a closed subject for me.
00:36:10I can't explain this to my father.
00:36:12What am I going to do in there?
00:36:14Do you have a lock?
00:36:18Do you have a child lock?
00:36:20What lock?
00:36:22Do you have a bird cage?
00:36:24I don't have these.
00:36:26Do you have a tire?
00:36:28I have a condom.
00:36:30Of course not.
00:36:32I think he's looking at the navigation.
00:36:34Look at the place he brought us to.
00:36:36When you go in, don't make eye contact.
00:36:38Look at the space.
00:36:42Sometimes they can laugh.
00:36:44Why do they laugh?
00:36:46Sometimes it makes you angry.
00:36:48That's why you shouldn't make eye contact.
00:36:50Whatever you're doing, do it.
00:36:52I'm not looking.
00:36:54That's the thing.
00:36:56Keep your eyes on the distance.
00:36:58Okay, I won't look.
00:37:00Go straight to the lock.
00:37:06Is this a tool?
00:37:08I don't know.
00:37:10Do you have a hammer?
00:37:12What's that?
00:37:14Is it a head hammer?
00:37:16Don't you have one?
00:37:18I don't have one.
00:37:20What do you have?
00:37:22I have a stick.
00:37:24I can stick it in anywhere.
00:37:26Come on.
00:37:30Excuse me.
00:37:40They locked the sixth floor completely.
00:37:42They're preparing for surgery.
00:37:44They'll take it soon.
00:37:46It's a mess here.
00:37:48If you ask me, this is just a gun.
00:37:50We'll clean the blood with blood.
00:37:52We have no other choice.
00:37:54Bring us tea.
00:37:58Where is he?
00:38:02It's been 20 minutes.
00:38:04If you love God, you can do it later.
00:38:06Let's go.
00:38:08Let me call him.
00:38:16Call him.
00:38:24Yes, brother.
00:38:26He's a fraud.
00:38:28Let's go.
00:38:30Our money doesn't belong to anyone.
00:38:32Where are you?
00:38:34You made a mistake.
00:38:36I'll take that money from you.
00:38:38Get out.
00:38:40What are you yelling?
00:38:42Are you talking to me?
00:38:44I'm here.
00:38:46I'm talking to you.
00:38:48Don't talk to me.
00:38:50Who are you hitting?
00:38:54What are you doing?
00:38:56I'll kill you.
00:38:58Who are you hitting?
00:39:02Are you hitting me?
00:39:04I'll kill you.
00:39:06I'm here.
00:39:10I'll kill you.
00:39:12I'll kill you.
00:39:14I'll kill you.
00:39:16I'll kill you.
00:39:22Bring the CD.
00:39:26What happened?
00:39:28Help me.
00:39:30Bring the CD.
00:39:32Maybe he'll walk.
00:39:34What happened?
00:39:36What happened?
00:39:38Bring the CD.
00:39:40We have an emergency.
00:39:42I think my appendix is gone.
00:39:44He's burning my organs.
00:39:46We think it's appendicitis.
00:39:48Who is it?
00:39:50How many times have I called?
00:39:52We hit Kerhane.
00:39:54I can't look at him.
00:39:56Where are you hitting?
00:39:58Bring the CD.
00:40:00Can a patient come with me?
00:40:02Of course.
00:40:04Where is Kerhane?
00:40:06Let's go to the bathroom.
00:40:08Which way is the bathroom?
00:40:10I'm cold.
00:40:12Come here.
00:40:14What did I say?
00:40:16We need this man.
00:40:18He's in surgery.
00:40:20What is he doing?
00:40:22He's out of his mind.
00:40:24He can't control his appendix.
00:40:26He can't control his appendix.
00:40:28I don't know.
00:40:30What did you do?
00:40:32What appendix?
00:40:36We'll talk about this later.
00:40:38Let's talk about our plan.
00:40:40What plan?
00:40:42What plan?
00:40:46Let me tell you.
00:40:48The appendix is broken.
00:40:50It's good.
00:40:52They're in surgery.
00:40:54We have to pay 12,000 liras.
00:40:56We have to pay 12,000 liras.
00:40:5812,000 liras?
00:41:02Give me 15,000 liras.
00:41:04I have 6,000 liras left.
00:41:06Where is 9,000 liras?
00:41:08We sat at the restaurant.
00:41:10We sat at the restaurant.
00:41:12I ordered a few things.
00:41:149,000 liras.
00:41:16I have a lot of money.
00:41:18I have a lot of money.
00:41:20He ate swordfish.
00:41:22He ate minced meat.
00:41:26He ate cacik.
00:41:28He ate whiskey.
00:41:32He ate meat.
00:41:34He ate pigeon meat.
00:41:36He finished well.
00:41:38When I was studying, my stomach burned.
00:41:40I was thirsty.
00:41:42I didn't eat.
00:41:44I didn't eat.
00:41:46I just ordered.
00:41:48I didn't eat.
00:41:50Why did you pay the bill at the place where we went to kill my father?
00:41:53Were you afraid that I would commit a crime?
00:41:55Okay, take out whatever you have on you.
00:41:59Dad, by the way, I lost my money.
00:42:01Who did you lose it to?
00:42:03To Pezevenci, dad.
00:42:04Who is this Pezevenci?
00:42:05Dad, real Pezevenci.
00:42:07We went to the real life woman. She took us free.
00:42:10Did you go to a public hospital in the middle of an operation?
00:42:14No, let this family end, let me die. Why am I trying?
00:42:17Let's all go.
00:42:18God damn me.
00:42:19God damn you.
00:42:20God damn you.
00:42:21God damn you.
00:42:22So, did Pezevenci blow up the son of this thing?
00:42:26No, Soykan's dogs blew up.
00:42:28Who is Soykan?
00:42:29Pezevenci, dad.
00:42:31Give it to me.
00:42:32Give it to me.
00:42:33Dad, by the way, I had 900 liras at the beginning.
00:42:35I already lost his 725 liras.
00:42:37With the remaining 175 liras, I shopped for the ambulance.
00:42:40I bought coke, chocolate, biscuits, cookies.
00:42:42I bought chocolate for my aunt so that my aunt would chew it.
00:42:45Serhan, take this 6,023 liras.
00:42:48Let the child have surgery. We'll give you the rest later.
00:42:51Dad, how are we going to give you the rest later?
00:42:53My father was going to come and give me his ass.
00:42:55That's exactly what he said.
00:42:56Don't say such a thing.
00:42:59Now, you two.
00:43:01Clothes are available.
00:43:03Put on a doctor's mask right away.
00:43:05Stick it on Şenol's CD and go straight to the operating room.
00:43:08You go to the top of the man.
00:43:09You learn what he did to his personal belongings from Mr. Erkin.
00:43:12Did he give it to someone or entrust it to someone?
00:43:14Did he leave it in the room?
00:43:15Whatever it is.
00:43:16Dad, the man is in anesthesia.
00:43:17He's going to faint in 15 seconds.
00:43:18How are we going to get him?
00:43:19Then you have 15 seconds, son.
00:43:24Mr. Erkin.
00:43:25Hello, Mr. Erkin.
00:43:26How are you?
00:43:27Mr. Erkin.
00:43:28Mr. Erkin.
00:43:29Mr. Erkin.
00:43:30Mr. Erkin, are your personal belongings safe?
00:43:33We're late.
00:43:34We're late.
00:43:35We're really late.
00:43:37Mr. Erkin.
00:43:38Your personal belongings.
00:43:39Flashlight, wallet, USB.
00:43:41Where are they?
00:43:45Mr. Erkin.
00:43:46Are they in your room?
00:43:47Did you give them to someone?
00:43:48Where are they?
00:43:49I don't know.
00:43:50What are you saying?
00:43:51Wait a minute.
00:43:52I'm not ready.
00:43:53I'm not ready.
00:43:54I'm not ready.
00:43:55Okay, go back.
00:43:57I don't know.
00:44:01Wait a minute.
00:44:02Wait a minute.
00:44:03Don't lie.
00:44:04Wait a minute.
00:44:05It's hard.
00:44:06Wait a minute.
00:44:07Who was exactly Mr. Erkin had with him?
00:44:10Mr. Erkin, who was exactly Mr. Kubilay with that person?
00:44:13Mr. Kubilay was with whom?
00:44:26Do you know this?
00:44:27No, hodja.
00:44:29Mark the area between the hair.
00:44:30Mark the area between the hair.
00:44:32Mark the area between the hair?
00:44:38Do you have a pen or something?
00:44:39Brother, Mr. Yusuf is a guard named Kubilay.
00:44:43How many guards does this man have?
00:44:44I saw one, brother.
00:44:46Okay, Kubilay is that one. How did he end up there?
00:44:48Brother, he's a normal guy in a black suit.
00:44:52Serhat, go upstairs and find Mr. Erkin's room.
00:44:56See if there are any guards around.
00:44:58If there are, call your brother İlhami right away.
00:45:00İlhami, you go out and look around.
00:45:02If you see him, download the USB.
00:45:04We'll be here with Atakan.
00:45:05We'll be here. Let's go as soon as possible.
00:45:07Okay, brother.
00:45:12Are you Mr. Çenol's closest people?
00:45:14Yes, what is it?
00:45:15We need Airaş's negative blood for our patient.
00:45:20Okay, come with me.
00:45:22Atakan, Ati.
00:45:25God damn you.
00:45:27They opened a bag of something.
00:45:30Atakan loved it.
00:45:31Atakan loved it.
00:45:33Where is it?
00:45:34Atakan loved it.
00:45:36He fainted when he was giving blood.
00:45:38He said, where are you?
00:45:39Atakan, I can't breathe.
00:45:41Atakan, I'm so bad.
00:45:46Are you okay?
00:45:49I'm so scared.
00:45:50Yes, brother.
00:45:51Come on, come on.
00:45:52Get out of here.
00:45:57Brother, are you okay?
00:46:00Are you okay?
00:46:02He was throwing something in his stomach.
00:46:04Like a heart.
00:46:05It was a heart.
00:46:08Are you okay?
00:46:09Look, your knees are shaking.
00:46:11Oh, no.
00:46:13I'm out of blood pressure.
00:46:14Get me a glass of water.
00:46:16Come with me.
00:46:18Let's catch the man.
00:46:19We have operations, brother.
00:46:23Go away.
00:46:25Don't be a jerk.
00:47:01What are you looking at?
00:47:03Put it down, for God's sake.
00:47:06I won't run away. Put it down.
00:47:09Oh, grandma.
00:47:10Leave it.
00:47:11Leave the gun. He's not a stranger.
00:47:14He won't hurt you.
00:47:15He's our guest.
00:47:17I told you, he won't put it down.
00:47:20He will, brother. Don't worry.
00:47:22Come on, put it down. Have some tea.
00:47:25He's treating me badly.
00:47:26He's treating me badly.
00:47:28No, brother. Don't worry.
00:47:31Is he angry because I'm calling him grandma? What's his name?
00:47:42Should I call her Ertugrul?
00:47:45Yes, brother.
00:47:46Why did you name him that?
00:47:48We didn't name him that.
00:47:50Who did?
00:47:51My great-grandfather, I guess.
00:47:55He must have named him that.
00:47:57Ertugrul is a long name.
00:47:59There is a time when they can realize their mistakes and come back.
00:48:05You can call him Ertugrul.
00:48:11Grandma, have some tea.
00:48:14Leave it. Give him a break.
00:48:16Brother, I don't have cold tea.
00:48:18Grandma has some cold tea, but...
00:48:20Wait, I'll get it for you.
00:48:21If there is any, it's in the fridge.
00:48:24Give it to me.
00:48:26He's been sitting there for an hour.
00:48:28She's been staring at him.
00:48:29Is there anything else in the fridge?
00:48:31There is nothing else.
00:48:32You're kidnapping a person.
00:48:35You have no manners at all.
00:48:40Get well soon.
00:48:41Thank you, brother.
00:48:43God bless you.
00:48:47We went to grandma's. Are we going again?
00:48:51Did the surgery start?
00:48:53Yes, it did.
00:48:54Thank God. That's great.
00:48:56Give me a cigarette.
00:49:00Son Tekin, don't take it.
00:49:02Give it to me.
00:49:03There is a fire.
00:49:05Where are you going?
00:49:06Hello, sister.
00:49:08I'm telling you about İban.
00:49:10Do you have a summer bag for him?
00:49:1545 million, 336 thousand, 791.
00:49:1861 million, 246 thousand, 883.
00:49:22Let's not prolong this.
00:49:24Give me back my 725 liras.
00:49:28Why am I paying for the service I couldn't get?
00:49:33I kiss you a lot.
00:49:35You're precious.
00:49:39Ma'am, we'll write these down.
00:49:54I'll be waiting for you if you come back.
00:49:56I'm sure you'll come back.
00:50:24I'll be waiting for you if you come back.
00:50:55I'm not going.
00:51:07We're new. It's been two years.
00:51:08What's the point of being 80 years old?
00:51:10It happened like this.
00:51:12Two years ago, my brother and I found out we were infertile.
00:51:16Then Afiye, apart from you,
00:51:18we joined the organization like that.
00:51:20We made my aunt accept it under those conditions.
00:51:22What did you make him accept under the condition that you were black?
00:51:25Because he couldn't walk, because of my age.
00:51:28It's not about not being able to walk, he's an amateur.
00:51:30We're already looking at lower-class jobs.
00:51:32Kidnapping people, kidnapping.
00:51:35Never, never, never see anything you do as a lower-class job.
00:51:39Look, we didn't even start with headshot at this point, right?
00:51:44Everything has a taste, a reason.
00:51:47One by one, one by one, you're going to taste them all.
00:51:50Look, don't kidnap. Look.
00:51:52You have to be happy for what you're doing.
00:51:54A lot, bro.
00:51:55You have to be happy.
00:51:56I can't go anywhere right now.
00:51:57I mean...
00:51:58He's going to taste you, he's going to be happy.
00:52:00And it depends on the person you kidnap.
00:52:02Now, when you kidnap someone like you, bro, we're...
00:52:04Like this, like this.
00:52:05Between killing people by burning them and killing them by drowning them,
00:52:09believe me, there's a huge difference, auntie.
00:52:11I mean, between drowning and killing,
00:52:14between drowning in water and drowning with a rope,
00:52:16let me tell you, there's a cliff.
00:52:19I prefer the rope.
00:52:21Isn't the rope hard?
00:52:23It's easy.
00:52:25For example, my brother Oktay, my brother Oktay is a belt-weaver.
00:52:29My brother Oktay is a belt-weaver. He likes belts.
00:52:31He's a belt-weaver, but he breaks his neck.
00:52:35He doesn't expect to drown.
00:52:36He has a move, he breaks his neck,
00:52:39he breaks his neck and takes him straight away.
00:52:42We're going to have a short talk with you now, my dear.
00:52:46Where's Hüsbe? Hüsbe.
00:52:48What's that?
00:52:49Don't you have any sense?
00:52:52I don't have anything like that. I don't understand what you're saying.
00:52:54Don't you have Mr. Erkin's necklace?
00:52:56Kubilay, don't bother me.
00:52:58What Kubilay? Kubilay is the name of Mr. Erkin's driver.
00:53:01I'm his bodyguard. Zeynel is my name.
00:53:03Don't do that.
00:53:05Oh my God.
00:53:07What are we going to do now?
00:53:09So, the necklace is Kubilay's.
00:53:11Yes, it's Kubilay's, but it has nothing to do with me.
00:53:13How am I going to find Kubilay now?
00:53:18Aleyküm selam.
00:53:21But is it possible to get a serum like this?
00:53:24Is it from the surgery?
00:53:25No, it's nothing.
00:53:26It's a joke operation. It's nothing.
00:53:28What are people dealing with?
00:53:29Are we going to enjoy this here?
00:53:30Never mind.
00:53:32Hello, brother.
00:53:33Hello, come in.
00:53:35I have a very small request from you.
00:53:37Go ahead.
00:53:39I sent a message to my friend.
00:53:41I'm going to make a small announcement, then I'll go.
00:53:43Of course, go ahead, sir.
00:53:45Can I do it?
00:53:48I mean, can I do it?
00:53:51No, it's not possible, sir.
00:53:54Go ahead, tell me, we'll go.
00:53:55Well, here's the thing.
00:53:56It would be very good for both of us if I made the announcement.
00:54:00Sir, it's not possible, unfortunately.
00:54:02I beg you.
00:54:02If there is something, look, I'll tell you.
00:54:04If there is something, we'll go.
00:54:05I beg you.
00:54:06Sir, unfortunately, please.
00:54:07Please, don't insist.
00:54:09If you have something, we'll go.
00:54:11Look at me.
00:54:13I'll shoot you and fuck you.
00:54:19What else do we want?
00:54:21I don't understand this.
00:54:22May God not make us fall into the hands of the bad ones.
00:54:25I'm a voice actor, I'm normal.
00:54:27I'm a voice actor.
00:54:28I have a 112-octave voice.
00:54:29If I scream here, I'll fuck his mother.
00:54:30I won't leave my life in the sky.
00:54:31Can you do it?
00:54:32It's a blessing from God, but I can't use it.
00:54:34This is very bad.
00:54:35Now, since we're artists, of course, we get a lot of offers.
00:54:37I get a lot of offers.
00:54:38The last time I got an offer to change my gender.
00:54:40I said, wait a minute.
00:54:41Of course, somewhere in my career.
00:54:42But not now.
00:54:43I don't want it.
00:54:43Brother, you look good in ass.
00:54:44Do I have to wear ass?
00:54:46They want me to walk around with that ass.
00:54:47I won't walk around, brother.
00:54:48Everything will be when I want it.
00:54:49That's how it is.
00:54:50Mr. Kubilay.
00:54:52Mr. Kubilay.
00:54:53Come to the intensive care unit.
00:54:56Come to the intensive care unit.
00:54:58Brother, intensive care.
00:55:02Come to the intensive care unit.
00:55:05Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:07Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:08Come here.
00:55:10Please come.
00:55:11Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:13Oh, fuck me.
00:55:17Did you hear that?
00:55:18I heard, brother.
00:55:21Mr. Kubilay, the driver of Mr. Erdiç.
00:55:24It's not Erdiç, brother.
00:55:25It's Erkin.
00:55:26Oh, it's not Erkin?
00:55:28It's Mr. Erkin, brother.
00:55:30Then, should I call him Mr. Kubilay?
00:55:32It's a bit too much.
00:55:32It's too much, brother.
00:55:33Call him Kubilay directly.
00:55:36My dear, don't look at my face.
00:55:38Don't embarrass me.
00:55:40I'm excited.
00:55:43Mr. Kubilay, the driver of Mr. Erkin.
00:55:45With the help of our friends, we found ourselves here.
00:55:48It's a classic story.
00:55:49What did he say?
00:55:50Did he say the driver of Mr. Erkin?
00:55:52Did he say Kubilay?
00:55:54Are you Kubilay, the driver of Mr. Erkin?
00:55:56Mr. Kubilay, the driver of Mr. Erkin.
00:56:00Mr. Kubilay, the driver of Mr. Erkin.
00:56:03Oh, Kubilay.
00:56:04Mr. Kubilay, the driver of Mr. Erkin.
00:56:05What happened?
00:56:06Come here.
00:56:07Mr. Kubilay, the driver of Mr. Erkin.
00:56:08Don't embarrass me.
00:56:16We're running away with everyone in front of us.
00:56:18The organization knows we're here.
00:56:19Get up, son.
00:56:20Get up.
00:56:21Brother, brother.
00:56:30I announced him.
00:56:31He will come there now.
00:56:32I came when you said the coach came.
00:56:33Leave these now, İlhan.
00:56:34Okay, brother.
00:56:35Son, there is no Şenol.
00:56:38When you said, back the Atakan, I backed the Atakan, dad.
00:56:39Son, if someone had caught Şenol and brought him here, he would have been everywhere.
00:56:40Are you crazy?
00:56:46Is Şenol in his room, dad?
00:56:47I don't know where he is.
00:56:50What was that?
00:56:51A man fell on the ambulance, dad.
00:56:52Brother Kazanfer.
00:56:54I threw my friend.
00:56:56Take the necklace.
00:56:57Take the necklace.
00:56:58Take it.
00:56:59On your neck.
00:57:00Oh, very nice city, Istanbul and Kazanfer brother.
00:57:01We can't live.
00:57:02I swear we can't live.
00:57:03Can I kiss you?
00:57:04Thank you.
00:57:05Thank you.
00:57:06Thank you.
00:57:07Thank you.
00:57:08Thank you.
00:57:09Thank you.
00:57:10Thank you.
00:57:11Thank you.
00:57:12Thank you.
00:57:13Thank you.
00:57:14Thank you.
00:57:16Thank you.
00:57:17Brother, this is a very locked name.
00:57:18Where did the men run away?
00:57:19Brother, all the chicken you ate.
00:57:20Is this possible?
00:57:21Tell me where the men ran?
00:57:22We ate them and threw them away.
00:57:23We'll buy from here.
00:57:24Brother, the thing is that one of them was on the plane with a helicopter, the other
00:57:31was running from the airport with his own privacy.
00:57:36I ate it in a flash.
00:57:38He eats his color or something.
00:57:40We need to make a new plan.
00:57:41How can we do it now?
00:57:42Brother, what are you saying?
00:57:43What do we do?
00:57:44We'll catch them in a very short time.
00:57:46What are you talking about?
00:57:48You're right.
00:57:50Well done, İlhan.
00:57:51Let's do it this way, dad.
00:57:52Let's catch the guys.
00:57:53The goods.
00:57:54The general lines of this plan.
00:57:56Other than that, we'll go to the plaza.
00:57:59We'll catch the helicopter.
00:58:00We'll catch the helicopter.
00:58:01Yes, we'll catch it, brother.
00:58:02But I don't know how we'll do the airport.
00:58:06From now on, everyone will shut up and talk about guns.
00:58:09Not me.
00:58:10Son, how are you going to put a gun in the airport?
00:58:12It's possible.
00:58:18Do you think the same as me?
00:58:33Son, when I say you think the same as me, why are you shaking your head?
00:58:38No, brother, I'm not shaking my head.
00:58:39You've been shaking your head for a long time.
00:58:41No, I'm not shaking my head.
00:58:43I didn't shake my head.
00:58:44I swear, I didn't.
00:58:45You did.
00:58:47You did.
00:58:48I didn't shake.
00:58:49I don't care if it's mom and dad, I didn't.
00:58:51Brother, I didn't shake.
00:58:52I didn't shake.
00:58:55I said I didn't shake.
00:58:57Wait a minute.
00:59:00Do you remember Ambassador Süleyman?
00:59:02Yes, brother.
00:59:032007 in Antalya.
00:59:06You don't remember anything.
00:59:09Merzifon, 2007.
00:59:11Now you call Ambassador Suleyman.
00:59:13Okay, brother.
00:59:14You say,
00:59:15Gazanfer's job is done for you.
00:59:17He will definitely come and see you.
00:59:19You tie it up somehow.
00:59:20Okay, brother.
00:59:21Then you get the thing in Şenoğlu.
00:59:23You get it for free.
00:59:24You take care of the plaza.
00:59:25We're going to the ambassador.
00:59:27The man is not enough for the airport.
00:59:30Then when you finish the plaza,
00:59:32you meet the Loktays again.
00:59:34Me too, brother.
00:59:35Dad, we have a problem like this.
00:59:37We don't have the money to get these guys to work.
00:59:39No, of course.
00:59:41That's right.
00:59:42No, why?
00:59:43Because you gave the money to Pezevenk.
00:59:45What did you do?
00:59:46You bought Aburcubur.
00:59:48Aburcubur, when you say Pezevenk,
00:59:50there is no money.
00:59:51No money.
00:59:52The man went and ate a meal for 9,000 liras.
00:59:56No one opens his mouth.
00:59:57My account is 725 liras.
01:00:00Didn't you take us to Pezevenk?
01:00:02Where did you spend 725 liras?
01:00:04Dad, but where did you spend 725 liras?
01:00:06Did I take you to Pezevenk?
01:00:08I didn't take you to Pezevenk.
01:00:10I went alone, dad, to Pezevenk.
01:00:12I didn't eat you.
01:00:13You drank coke in the bus.
01:00:17Who is calling?
01:00:18No, I set up the time I thought we would start our operations.
01:00:22We're a little late.
01:00:23Serbest, do you know what your biggest flaw is?
01:00:25You live everything in front of your eyes.
01:00:28What is the need?
01:00:29You are so right, Emre.
01:00:30I don't know if everyone here has a point of view.
01:00:32Oktay has a twist.
01:00:33You must have heard of Sevil Yengem's deceased potato farmer Ibrahim.
01:00:38Zafer throws snowballs at the shop on weekends, dad.
01:00:40Brother İrhami has been with the same woman for 50 years.
01:00:43He got old with his friend.
01:00:44Did you meet at the age of 11?
01:00:45Mrs. Güzin.
01:00:46This kid did it.
01:00:47He has a kid now.
01:00:48Do I have to say anything else?
01:00:51Okay, dad.
01:00:52What a shift.
01:00:53We're collecting this from the saloons, dad.
01:00:54Because I'm paying the bill.
01:00:55This is constantly in Fuhuşbatağ.
01:00:56It will bring disease to our house.
01:00:58You and I are the only ones left, dad.
01:01:00Now we've seen you with Maestro.
01:01:03Don't make me talk.
01:01:04What kind of talk is that?
01:01:05What kind of talk is that?
01:01:06I'm the same.
01:01:07I'm the same.
01:01:08I built a family.
01:01:09A family.
01:01:10A family is not the same.
01:01:11I'm from Porto.
01:01:12Who are you talking to?
01:01:13Who are you talking to?
01:01:14I'm talking to my aunt.
01:01:15God damn you.
01:01:18You're taking these to the right plaza.
01:01:19The rest of you go to the embassy with me.
01:01:20We don't have time for anything.
01:01:21Get up.
01:01:23How do we split up?
01:01:24What did you say?
01:01:25Should we leave the freeloaders to the plaza when we go to the embassy?
01:01:26Should they throw us to the embassy when the freeloaders go to the plaza?
01:01:27What should we do, dad?
01:01:28Calm down.
01:01:33You get the passports.
01:01:34We'll go by taxi.
01:01:36Okay, brother.
01:01:37Dad, if you want, we can go by taxi.
01:01:38It will be more comfortable for you.
01:01:39If you want, let's not extend it.
01:01:40Brother, what does the embassy taxi say here?
01:01:41We don't know that now, İrhami.
01:01:42You put İrhami's driver's license and our passports in the taxi, okay?
01:01:43Should I get the M60, uncle?
01:01:44Do you have a taxi?
01:01:45I'll fit in.
01:01:46Then don't ask for nothing.
01:01:47Come on.
01:01:48You see, right?
01:01:49Otherwise, we're going to collapse the organization.
01:01:50Tell me.
01:01:51I'll take you to the plaza.
01:01:52I'll take you to the plaza.
01:01:53I'll take you to the plaza.
01:01:54So what?
01:01:55So what?
01:01:56So different?
01:01:57So what?
01:01:58So different.
01:01:59So different.
01:02:00In the opposite direction.
01:02:01You see, right?
01:02:02Otherwise, we're going to collapse the organization.
01:02:03Open this, I guarantee you!
01:02:04Brother, I don't want to be an bid.
01:02:05I need to look for this.
01:02:06If there's a suggestion, it's okay.
01:02:19Yes, driver.
01:02:19Yes, driver.
01:02:20Yes, driver.
01:02:20Yes, driver.
01:02:21Yes, driver.
01:02:21Yes, driver.
01:02:22Yes, driver.
01:02:22Yes, driver.
01:02:23Yes, driver.
01:02:29How are you, my love?
01:02:32Welcome, brother. We came to visit you.
01:02:35Suleyman, we came full.
01:02:36If there is anyone inside who wants to inform us about something,
01:02:39you can think about it.
01:02:41Come on, brother.
01:02:42My name is Suleyman.
01:02:46Come in, sit down, have a drink.
01:02:48Let's not drink anything, thanks. We are in a hurry.
01:02:50We need you. We are in a hurry.
01:02:52Of course, brother, of course.
01:02:54We need two-armed, two-legged friends.
01:03:00I understand.
01:03:01You know, brother, we are in full season.
01:03:03I mean, you know, teas.
01:03:05I beg them for two glasses a day.
01:03:07Now, if two of these guys don't show up on the signal,
01:03:11something happens to him.
01:03:12I mean, both his salary and my share.
01:03:15If you can handle it somehow,
01:03:17I mean, I understand, brother.
01:03:18It's not something that can't be solved.
01:03:19We'll take care of it, Suleyman.
01:03:21Was it Yasin, my brother?
01:03:23Yes, brother.
01:03:24Yasin, how did it happen that you and your brother
01:03:26became two-armed at the same time?
01:03:28It's a very historic event.
01:03:30Brother, actually, it's not like that.
01:03:32I mean, I'm the one who's two-armed, not my brother.
01:03:35He promised not to produce the organization.
01:03:37The promise not to produce?
01:03:38Yes, brother.
01:03:39Is that a promise?
01:03:40I mean, he made himself two-armed so that he could join the organization.
01:03:43Is that a promise?
01:03:44I mean, he made himself two-armed so that he could join the organization.
01:03:47And he promised not to die.
01:03:51he's not exactly two-armed.
01:03:52His sperm count is low.
01:03:54Sperm count?
01:03:55Look, now, if you say his sperm count is low,
01:03:57does that count exactly or is his sperm quality low?
01:04:02I don't know, brother.
01:04:03It depends on the quality.
01:04:06There's a number of living cells.
01:04:08There's a sperm quality.
01:04:10Could you look at it?
01:04:11I couldn't, brother.
01:04:12If you look at the quality, it's understandable.
01:04:14That's right.
01:04:15What's going on? He wanted to have a baby.
01:04:17Let's say you left the organization.
01:04:19Is he not going to have a baby?
01:04:20You're not going to have a baby, obviously.
01:04:21I'm not going to have a baby, brother.
01:04:22Is your nephew not going to have a baby?
01:04:23Is your brother not going to have a baby?
01:04:24I mean, there are ways to do that.
01:04:25Of course, you need a suitable wife.
01:04:28When the eggs of that woman are suitable...
01:04:31It's a baby, right?
01:04:32Long live.
01:04:33Long live.
01:04:35Baby, yes.
01:04:36They take you to a white room like this, brother, while they're doing it.
01:04:39They're opening a video.
01:04:41You're playing with yourself by watching it.
01:04:43So you hang out.
01:04:44No way, brother.
01:04:45Isn't that what you mean by playing with yourself?
01:04:48That's it, yes.
01:04:49It's not exploding, but it's exploding, right?
01:04:53How else are we going to get it out?
01:04:54How else are we going to get it out?
01:04:58Gentlemen, listen to me carefully.
01:05:00You're free.
01:05:01You're going to enter from the door of K Block C.
01:05:02You're going to go up to the 27th floor and reach the thing from the tunnel bridge.
01:05:05My thing?
01:05:07My thing?
01:05:08Do you really know this building?
01:05:10Are you sure?
01:05:11Brother, what does that mean?
01:05:13You and I will go down from the east entrance of the J building to the floor of the X9 bus station.
01:05:16From there, we will use the elevator gap and go up to U57.
01:05:19I'm going to go from K to C27.
01:05:21You're going to go down from J to X9 and meet at U57.
01:05:25That's exactly what we're going to do.
01:05:26But wait a minute.
01:05:27If I go up from Z8 to M21 now, and then you open the doors to C1 and C2 for me, wouldn't it be easier?
01:05:33Oh, wait a minute.
01:05:35It goes up to G43.
01:05:36It goes up to G43.
01:05:37That's what I'm saying.
01:05:38You definitely need to enter from K1 or K2 so that you can reach C27 directly.
01:05:42After you reach it, it's a complete thing.
01:05:44What the hell is this?
01:05:46What is this?
01:05:47What kind of a plan is this?
01:05:50Are these your personal notes?
01:05:51Yes, brother.
01:05:52If you want.
01:05:53I mean, I don't prefer it, but we can do this.
01:05:55Look, let's enter from L7.
01:05:56Let's leave the STM corridors.
01:05:58But we'll be separated from each other.
01:05:59It will be difficult for us to find each other later.
01:06:03This building is not such a building.
01:06:04How much is it like this?
01:06:06What is this?
01:06:09You didn't comment on this, did you?
01:06:10No, I'm telling what happened.
01:06:12Did you really understand anything?
01:06:13No, I didn't understand anything at all.
01:06:15Brother, then don't start the opposite thing.
01:06:18Take your guns and let's go through the front door.
01:06:20Let's do our job.
01:06:22Well, then.
01:06:24So we're saying it's either fate or technique.
01:06:26Then we'll go to the top floor.
01:06:27That's our duty.
01:06:28Is this the only thing we have to do?
01:06:29Okay, come on, brother.
01:06:31Okay, brother.
01:06:37Go, go, go, go.
01:06:39What happened?
01:06:40Gentlemen, it's very crowded inside.
01:06:41He's taking down what you threw.
01:06:42Forget it.
01:06:43You're taking it free first, then me.
01:06:44Şihano, you guard the back.
01:06:45Son, let's go.
01:06:47Forget it.
01:06:48You're taking it free first, then me.
01:06:49Şihano, you guard the back.
01:06:50Son, let's go.
01:06:52Forget it.
01:07:05Forget it, Şihano.
01:07:06Forget about the rocket.
01:07:07Brother, is it okay?
01:07:08What's happening?
01:07:09The rocket.
01:07:11There's no need for the rocket.
01:07:12There really isn't.
01:07:13We'll catch it.
01:07:14We'll take the men down.
01:07:15We press this much.
01:07:16Brother, is it okay?
01:07:17Really, never mind.
01:07:18There is no rocket situation.
01:07:19Really, there is no need for the rocket.
01:07:20Get this out.
01:07:21Hold this.
01:07:23We're ready.
01:07:25Do you have a lighter?
01:07:26I have a lighter.
01:07:27I have a lighter.
01:07:28I have a lighter.
01:07:29I have a lighter.
01:07:30I have a lighter.
01:07:31I have a lighter.
01:07:32Forget it.
01:07:33We're ready.
01:07:38What the hell is this rocket?
01:07:46Go, go!
01:07:51It's free.
01:07:55Wait, it's stuck. Something's stuck.
01:07:59Push, push, push.
01:08:00What are you doing?
01:08:01Push a little more, brother.
01:08:02Push, push. I can't see anything.
01:08:04Why did you come?
01:08:05It's not turning, brother.
01:08:06Push it one more time.
01:08:07Wait, wait. I'll take care of it.
01:08:10Put it down for a second.
01:08:12Okay, one second.
01:08:13Let go of the rocket.
01:08:16How? It's not opening.
01:08:17Push it like this.
01:08:18It's not opening.
01:08:19Push it a little more.
01:08:20It's not opening.
01:08:21Give it some room.
01:08:22Give it some room.
01:08:23Is it stuck?
01:08:24No, give it down.
01:08:26Turn it. I did it.
01:08:27It's not turning, it's not turning.
01:08:30We can't turn the rocket, brother.
01:08:33I don't believe it.
01:08:38Is it in place?
01:08:39It's stuck, brother.
01:08:41Fuck you, brother.
01:08:44Come here.
01:08:46It's a good thing you brought this rocket.
01:08:48It's out of the window.
01:08:49It's out of the window, brother.
01:08:50I'll fuck your rocket.
01:08:51I'll fuck the job you're going to do.
01:08:53I'll put you in the ass of the bags you brought.
01:08:56Does it come upside down?
01:08:58Okay, let's try it.
01:08:59Does it come upside down?
01:09:00Let's try it calmly.
01:09:01Right now...
01:09:02Oh, my God.
01:09:03Put it.
01:09:04Lift the rocket up.
01:09:06Open it.
01:09:07Brother, the rocket is out.
01:09:08Okay, okay.
01:09:09Good, okay.
01:09:10I want this anyway.
01:09:11Let's lock it up.
01:09:12Now load it.
01:09:13It looks like it's going to open.
01:09:14We could have loaded it while it was locked.
01:09:16Why did we remove it then?
01:09:17If you hadn't entered, there would have been no problem.
01:09:19Brother, can I go alone?
01:09:20I'm right in the middle.
01:09:21I'm not touching anywhere.
01:09:22Get out.
01:09:23Get out.
01:09:24Well done, service.
01:09:26What does it have to do with me?
01:09:27You couldn't get on the next one.
01:09:28You came to the place where I came with the gun with a rocket.
01:09:32I'm going to put it in my pocket.
01:09:33I'm going to add a second.
01:09:34It doesn't fit in the pocket.
01:09:35As long as it fits.
01:09:36The detonator of my damn code doesn't fit in the pocket.
01:09:38Where did it go?
01:09:39Try it, brother.
01:09:41What one?
01:09:42When I say one, it sticks.
01:09:43What one?
01:09:44Hang on.
01:09:45Hang on.
01:09:46Hang on.
01:09:47Hang on.
01:09:48Hang on.
01:09:49Hang on.
01:09:50Hang on.
01:09:51Hang on.
01:09:52Hang on.
01:09:53Hang on.
01:09:54Hang on.
01:09:55Hang on.
01:09:56Hang on.
01:09:57Hang on.
01:09:58Hang on.
01:09:59Hang on.
01:10:00Hang on.
01:10:01Hang on.
01:10:02Hang on.
01:10:03Hang on.
01:10:04Hang on.
01:10:05Hang on.
01:10:06Hang on.
01:10:07Hang on.
01:10:08Hang on.
01:10:09Hang on.
01:10:10Hang on.
01:10:11Hang on.
01:10:12Hang on.
01:10:13Hang on.
01:10:14Hang on.
01:10:15Hang on.
01:10:16Hang on.
01:10:17Hang on.
01:10:18Hang on.
01:10:19Hang on.
01:10:20Hang on.
01:10:21Hang on.
01:10:22Hang on.
01:10:23Hang on.
01:10:24Hang on.
01:10:25Hang on.
01:10:26Hang on.
01:10:27Hang on.
01:10:28Hang on.
01:10:29Hang on.
01:10:30Hang on.
01:10:31Hang on.
01:10:32Hang on.
01:10:33Hang on.
01:10:34Hang on.
01:10:35Hang on.
01:10:36Hang on.
01:10:37Hang on.
01:10:38Hang on.
01:10:39Hang on.
01:10:40Hang on.
01:10:41Hang on.
01:10:42Hang on.
01:10:43Hang on.
01:10:44Hang on.
01:10:45Hang on.
01:10:46Hang on.
01:10:47Hang on.
01:10:48Hang on.
01:10:49Hang on.
01:10:50Hang on.
01:10:51Hang on.
01:10:52Hang on.
01:10:53Hang on.
01:10:54Hang on.
01:10:55Hang on.
01:10:56Hang on.
01:10:57Hang on.
01:10:58Hang on.
01:10:59Hang on.
01:11:00Hang on.
01:11:01Hang on.
01:11:02Hang on.
01:11:03Hang on.
01:11:04Hang on.
01:11:05Hang on.
01:11:06Hang on.
01:11:07Hang on.
01:11:08Hang on.
01:11:09Hang on.
01:11:10Hang on.
01:11:11Hang on.
01:11:12Hang on.
01:11:13Hang on.
01:11:14Hang on.
01:11:15Hang on.
01:11:16Hang on.
01:11:17Hang on.
01:11:18Hang on.
01:11:19Hang on.
01:11:20Hang on.
01:11:21Hang on.
01:11:22Hang on.
01:11:23Hang on.
01:11:24Come on.
01:11:25Hang on.
01:11:26Hang on.
01:11:27Hang on.
01:11:35Hang on.
01:11:41Hang on.
01:11:52You son of a bitch!
01:11:55I'm coming, brother!
01:12:07You son of a bitch!
01:12:12You couldn't wait a step!
01:12:14You couldn't wait a step!
01:12:17Brother, let me put this here.
01:12:22Okay, Mirza.
01:12:23What is this?
01:12:24Arms and legs.
01:12:25But it doesn't look like a leg at all.
01:12:27Now, dad.
01:12:28They probably didn't put on a suit because they thought it would stay under the pants.
01:12:33Look, for example.
01:12:34You can make him wear shoes.
01:12:35Of course.
01:12:36Even socks if necessary.
01:12:37I understand.
01:12:39Very nice.
01:12:40Now, this is what we do.
01:12:42I'm going to the taxi station.
01:12:44We meet with your brother İlhami.
01:12:46We finish the preparations.
01:12:47You come to us after you take care of this place, okay?
01:12:54No, no, okay.
01:12:58Are these polyesters?
01:13:04Stop, stop, stop!
01:13:05You're throwing it on me.
01:13:06Stop, stop, stop!
01:13:07Where did you come from?
01:13:09Are you free?
01:13:10Are you here?
01:13:23Did you hug Çubuk?
01:13:24You couldn't wait a step.
01:13:26You couldn't wait a step.
01:13:27I hugged Çubuk.
01:13:29What happened?
01:13:30Take this!
01:13:32Take this necklace!
01:13:33My hand turned.
01:13:34Take the necklace!
01:13:35Take it!
01:13:36Take it!
01:13:41My hand turned.
01:13:42My hand.
01:13:43Son, hit him!
01:13:44Take the necklace now!
01:13:48What happened?
01:13:49What did you do?
01:13:50What should we do?
01:13:51What did you do?
01:13:52What was that?
01:13:53What did they do to İlhami?
01:13:58Don't take it.
01:13:59Don't take it.
01:14:00Take it.
01:14:06The man jumped.
01:14:07The man is gone.
01:14:08The man jumped.
01:14:09My heart is racing.
01:14:12My heart.
01:14:13My heart is racing, brother.
01:14:15My heart is racing.
01:14:16Take it, take it.
01:14:17It's nothing.
01:14:18It's nothing.
01:14:19Jump, jump.
01:14:22I can't jump.
01:14:24I'm down.
01:14:26I can't jump.
01:14:29I'm jumping.
01:14:30Son of a bitch, İlhami.
01:14:32Son of a bitch.
01:14:41How much money did you get from this thing?
01:14:43From the operation?
01:14:4517 thousand liras?
01:14:47Per person?
01:14:49No, brother.
01:14:50I mean the total amount of money you got here.
01:14:53That's all.
01:14:54Brother, 17 is too little.
01:14:5611 thousand 500 is the minimum wage.
01:14:59Is that all?
01:15:00That's all, of course.
01:15:01You have to think about everything.
01:15:03Brother, I can't talk about money.
01:15:06We can't face my brother because he doesn't have a resume.
01:15:10Don't do that, Furkan.
01:15:12Make a good figure.
01:15:13Keep it to yourself.
01:15:15Don't work day and night.
01:15:18Work day and night.
01:15:19Not in the whole organization.
01:15:20Let's say I stayed here for 10 days.
01:15:22Not including what I eat and drink.
01:15:24There's rent here.
01:15:25There's a deposit.
01:15:28There's electricity.
01:15:29There's water.
01:15:30You're going to make a deal at the beginning of the day.
01:15:32When you get a job.
01:15:33The beginning of the day is clear.
01:15:34How many days will I keep it, brother?
01:15:36This is the question.
01:15:38Right, brother.
01:15:39Now when you say the same number to the whole operation.
01:15:41The man left you for a month.
01:15:43What are you going to do?
01:15:46You're at a loss.
01:15:47Thank you.
01:15:48You hosted me well.
01:15:49There's nothing wrong with that.
01:15:50I'll tell you wherever I go.
01:15:51Thank you.
01:15:52I'll tell you everywhere.
01:15:53Thank you.
01:15:54God bless you.
01:15:55I mean, everything.
01:15:56Brother, if you need a bathroom or something.
01:15:59We have a bathroom like an animal inside.
01:16:02So you can see what you need.
01:16:05My brother stole a jacuzzi last week.
01:16:06We put it there.
01:16:07We got into that business.
01:16:08How many days has it been?
01:16:09It's good for me.
01:16:11There is, brother.
01:16:12Bathroom, toilet.
01:16:13Everything is brand new.
01:16:14Zero toilet?
01:16:16We're not used to the jacuzzi because we can't use it.
01:16:19Continued to the jacuzzi.
01:16:20He brought the master.
01:16:21I can't go to the foreign toilet.
01:16:22I've been holding it for five days.
01:16:23No, no.
01:16:24We said for the guest.
01:16:25Use it.
01:16:26Very nice.
01:16:28It's up to you.
01:16:29Okay, brother.
01:16:30Let me solve this too.
01:16:31Let me go to the bathroom.
01:16:32We can't solve it, brother.
01:16:34Because it's allowed.
01:16:35I mean, use it once.
01:16:36When it's cut, again.
01:16:37Son, this doesn't hold me.
01:16:38Let's get out of here, brother.
01:16:40Brother, if I run away, I'll run away.
01:16:41Let's get out of here.
01:16:42Let's get out of here.
01:16:45Brother, if I run away, I'll run away.
01:16:46It's not a big deal.
01:16:47Of course not.
01:16:48It's not for that.
01:16:49It's just a procedure.
01:16:50I understand.
01:16:51If I run away, I can't run away a hundred times right now.
01:16:52You can run away, brother.
01:16:53I'm waiting for my family here.
01:16:54This is my place.
01:16:57Honey, can you see from there?
01:16:58Where is the man?
01:16:59Where did he fall?
01:17:00Go ahead.
01:17:13Turn your back to your front.
01:17:16Your right...
01:17:18I'll explain as soon as I find you.
01:17:21I don't understand you.
01:17:22Where did he fall?
01:17:23Let me down.
01:17:24I saw the man.
01:17:25Let me down.
01:17:26No, you describe it properly.
01:17:27I'll take the flashback and drop you down.
01:17:28I got paralyzed.
01:17:34Is that the grass?
01:17:36Go to the back right.
01:17:37I see your foot from there.
01:17:38Is it this way?
01:17:39Is it downstairs?
01:17:41Your grass is that way.
01:17:42Yes, there he is. Go that way, from the back.
01:17:44Go straight that way.
01:17:46I found him! I found him!
01:17:47Brother Zafer.
01:17:49Now, you have brought yourself to a certain point.
01:17:51You have improved.
01:17:53You have caught your virginity.
01:17:54You are a brother, right?
01:17:55No, master.
01:17:57Now, let's be frank with you.
01:17:59I mean, let's be sweet.
01:18:01Let's talk sweetly.
01:18:02I mean, I'm saying this as an example.
01:18:04Now, let's say that you guys are dead.
01:18:06Before you came here.
01:18:08I mean, God forbid, of course.
01:18:10I mean, it's possible.
01:18:12This is possible.
01:18:14Including possibilities.
01:18:16If they die,
01:18:18in this case, you are out of the picture.
01:18:20It doesn't make any sense.
01:18:22I mean, therefore,
01:18:24if we have to hand you over,
01:18:26you have to resist us.
01:18:28Fuck me.
01:18:30Fuck me.
01:18:32No, I swear, at that point,
01:18:34you guys are my brothers.
01:18:36I loved you like a brother.
01:18:38Look, if I wanted to burn a person,
01:18:40I would want to burn you.
01:18:44I mean, such a personality was given to me.
01:18:46But brother...
01:18:47Never resist.
01:18:49You will be handed over.
01:18:50You will be comfortable.
01:18:51Your wife will be seen.
01:18:52You will receive your 17,000.
01:18:54I wasn't expecting this much.
01:18:56Let's be honest.
01:18:57You are a really suitable person.
01:18:59We heard about your family, but...
01:19:01At that moment,
01:19:03it depends on the person.
01:19:05At that moment,
01:19:06if there is a deep rage instead of anger,
01:19:08then I will kill you this time.
01:19:10I will kill you.
01:19:12Is that so?
01:19:14I have to.
01:19:20The man died very badly.
01:19:22The man's head came to his ass.
01:19:24Did you get the flash disk?
01:19:25Very good. Okay.
01:19:27Call our guys.
01:19:28Let them get me out of here.
01:19:30Call the car.
01:19:31Let them get me out of here.
01:19:32Get me off.
01:19:33Let's do it this way.
01:19:34I'll go to the airport right away.
01:19:35I'll tell my relatives.
01:19:36They will come and get you.
01:19:37Don't go.
01:19:38Take me.
01:19:39I'm paralyzed.
01:19:40Don't go.
01:19:42For God's sake.
01:19:43That way.
01:19:44I'll shit.
01:19:46Take me.
01:19:47Take me.
01:19:48Take me.
01:19:49Take me with a bucket knife.
01:19:50Take me with a rope.
01:19:51Take me.
01:19:52God damn you.
01:19:54God damn you.
01:19:56Get me out of here.
01:19:58Take me.
01:19:59Take me.
01:20:00I'll fuck your father's dead brothers.
01:20:07I think it's good.
01:20:08What do you say, İllami?
01:20:10I've set up the search watches.
01:20:12Can we go through X-ray?
01:20:13Brother, it's a double turbo.
01:20:15We can go through all kinds.
01:20:17Well, if we're ready, let's dive in then.
01:20:19No, we're crowded.
01:20:20That's why I'm bored.
01:20:21Come on.
01:20:22God forbid.
01:20:23God forbid.
01:20:26One corridor, one corridor.
01:20:28Is there?
01:20:29Is there?
01:20:30Is there?
01:20:31Is there?
01:20:32Is there?
01:20:33What is this?
01:20:34This is crazy.
01:20:35I've lost my budget.
01:20:36Where is the cash register?
01:20:37Where is my budget, Kemal?
01:20:38Where is the cash register?
01:20:39He doesn't have it.
01:20:40No, brother.
01:20:41I don't have my budget.
01:20:42Kemal is my.
01:20:43Hey, son, where is the cash register?
01:20:44Today is the day, İllami.
01:20:45My father is asking for the cash register.
01:20:47Brother, as I said, it's stuck.
01:20:50It's stuck.
01:20:51It's right there.
01:20:52Do you understand?
01:20:53Did I explain this to you, brother?
01:20:54We fell down from the plane.
01:20:55Well, when I was losing altitude, a phone flew by.
01:20:56I couldn't find my phone while I was looking for it.
01:20:58When I fell down, I couldn't find it.
01:21:01I thought he was going to run away.
01:21:04So I ran and hugged you.
01:21:06I'm glad you came at the right time.
01:21:09Son, I don't remember saying anything like that.
01:21:11Son, you came from the same way.
01:21:14Didn't you see your brother in the middle of the highway?
01:21:17No, I swear I didn't see him, dad.
01:21:19Where was he? Which direction did he go?
01:21:21We called you, but you didn't pick up.
01:21:22Is that why you didn't pick up?
01:21:23Okay, Kemal.
01:21:24We'll call you later.
01:21:26What happened?
01:21:27I told you.
01:21:29Let me give you the phone.
01:21:31I didn't want to run here right after I fell down.
01:21:34Because it's crowded here.
01:21:37I wanted to catch up.
01:21:38Unfortunately, he was paralyzed.
01:21:40We talked about it.
01:21:42We didn't talk about it.
01:21:54Now, look here.
01:21:57You left your brother here...
01:21:59...constantly paralyzed acting like having a convulsion.
01:22:03In the middle of the highway, like an idiot.
01:22:05He came here and you haven't told me anything ever.
01:22:09Be quick.
01:22:10Mr. Gazanfer, I really told you.
01:22:14Give me the weapon.
01:22:16Give him the weapon, brother, give it to me.
01:22:19We didn't bring the weapons because we'd come by airplane.
01:22:21Let me unbutton your shirts, guys.
01:22:23Dad! Dad!
01:22:25Let me go!
01:22:27Let me go!
01:22:29Let me go!
01:22:31Why are you playing with my mind?
01:22:33Come here!
01:22:35What did you do? You put our family in each other's hands!
01:22:39I told you, okay? I told you.
01:22:41I'm dealing with something here. I'm sorry.
01:22:43The news I got is not true.
01:22:45Dad! Dad!
01:22:47What is it, dad?
01:23:03As you know,
01:23:05we've been on the run for a long time.
01:23:07You know,
01:23:09there are people
01:23:11who want to kill our family.
01:23:13We're running away from them.
01:23:15And how did we get into this process?
01:23:17My father didn't want to give me to these guys.
01:23:19We ran away, we ran away.
01:23:21You left me behind every time.
01:23:23You got me beaten up
01:23:25on the coast.
01:23:27You left me hanging on the poles.
01:23:29I turned around in front of the men.
01:23:31I was abandoned
01:23:33many times.
01:23:35I was left to my fate
01:23:37by my own family.
01:23:39Is Serbest dead?
01:23:41Are they fucking Serbest?
01:23:43My family didn't care at all.
01:23:45What should I feel now?
01:23:47I met Cucu
01:23:49while I was thinking
01:23:51that I was alone.
01:23:53Cucu is a stranger
01:23:55who responds to my silent cries.
01:23:59he brought me down
01:24:01without even saying a word.
01:24:03He brought me water, we drank,
01:24:05we hugged, we kissed,
01:24:07we talked about each other while walking,
01:24:09we talked a lot,
01:24:11we got into trouble with Cucu, head to head.
01:24:13We loved each other very much.
01:24:15Because I said to myself
01:24:17that today everyone is doing something for their family.
01:24:19You shut up
01:24:21and watch this shit.
01:24:23I said to myself.
01:24:25Are you okay, son?
01:24:26I'm fine, dad. Thank you.
01:24:53I'm sorry.
01:24:54It's okay, son.
01:24:55It's okay.
01:25:17should we drink tea or something?
01:25:19Atakan, make tea for your sister-in-law.
01:25:21If we can get in without any problems,
01:25:23we take the arms and legs of the men on duty
01:25:25and do the assembly work in a toilet
01:25:27that we control.
01:25:29We are calm, careful,
01:25:31but we are very fast, gentlemen.
01:25:33Otherwise, the guy will run away.
01:25:42This guy is not the type of person
01:25:44who will pass through a corridor with his own private jet
01:25:46and the only place we have a connection to there
01:25:48is the place where Serhan was shot.
01:25:55Open the door.
01:25:59When the mechanism is ready,
01:26:01I will take it directly and deliver it to Serhan.
01:26:05Cemal, I'm ready. Where are you?
01:26:07Brother, we're coming.
01:26:09We're coming, we're not wandering. I'm coming.
01:26:12Now this is critical, Serhan.
01:26:14There is only a two-meter gap in between.
01:26:16You will lower the man just as he passes through there.
01:26:18After lowering the man,
01:26:20they will take him out for emergency intervention.
01:26:22At that time, we will go up to their heads and take the USB.
01:26:24We have no other chance, no second shot.
01:26:26Oh, my dear.
01:26:42No, no, no, no.
01:26:47Brother İlhami, did you do the wrong thing
01:26:49that Dürgün would give?
01:26:51Everything is too big.
01:26:53I can't see anything.
01:26:55How can I see and shoot this guy?
01:26:57Time is running out, Serhan.
01:26:59There is a striped jacket on the target.
01:27:01It breaks on its heels.
01:27:03Do you hear me, Serhan?
01:27:05It breaks on its heels.
01:27:07For God's sake, are you kidding me?
01:27:09Brother İlhami, can you come here?
01:27:11Serhan, I was under the left eye of the target in the photo.
01:27:13Look at me.
01:27:15Focus on me.
01:27:17Try to find me.
01:27:19Is it possible?
01:27:21I beg you.
01:27:23Someone come here quickly.
01:27:25Brother İlhami, come here quickly.
01:27:27I have one bullet.
01:27:29I have only one bullet.
01:27:33Okay, Serhan. I'm coming.
01:27:35Where are you going?
01:27:37Where are you going?
01:27:39Wait for me.
01:27:47What did he do?
01:27:49How can he do that?
01:27:57Uncle, Süleyman is gone.
01:27:59How can that be?
01:28:01He is gone.
01:28:03I saw him.
01:28:05He jumped into my luggage and left.
01:28:07How can that be?
01:28:09Who are you?
01:28:11I'm a taxi driver.
01:28:13I'm waiting for a fee.
01:28:15Atakan, go and find the biggest vehicle you can find.
01:28:17Come and load the material.
01:28:21Brother, is this fee open?
01:28:25How much was it?
01:28:29The target is coming.
01:28:31Okay. I'm ready.
01:28:33I'm ready.
01:28:35The target...
01:28:37The target is coming very fast.
01:28:39The target is coming very fast, Serhan.
01:28:41The target is flying.
01:28:45He got on the moving tire.
01:28:47He is coming very fast.
01:28:49Okay. I'm waiting.
01:28:51The target will pass in a second.
01:28:53Adjust accordingly.
01:28:55Adjust? How can I adjust?
01:28:57What do you mean?
01:28:59I can't do it.
01:29:01I can't do it.
01:29:03They'll get us down there.
01:29:05We'll go down then.
01:29:07I told you.
01:29:09I'll beat you.
01:29:11I can hear you.
01:29:13Shut up.
01:29:15Shut up.
01:29:57Saw a butch
01:31:05But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger for power became known to more and more people
01:31:12The demands to do something about this outrageous man
01:32:01What kind of money are you taking?
01:32:02Bro, it's a taxi. Here you go.
01:32:03For God's sake, leave it.
01:32:05Bro, normally it's 2,750.
01:32:06But I'm going to take 2,100 from you.
01:32:08Bro, what should we do now?
01:32:10Bro, we don't have any money.
01:32:12We don't have any money, bro.
01:32:12What should we do?
01:32:13Should we take this guy with us and go?
01:32:15Or should we leave him here?
01:32:16What should we do, bro?
01:32:16What does that mean, bro?
01:32:17Bro, we...
01:32:18Okay, okay, okay.
01:32:19Bro, enough!
01:32:20Enough, okay, I'll take care of it.
01:32:22Wait a minute, please.
01:32:22Don't make me nervous.
01:32:24Let's finish our meal, please!
01:32:27I'll take care of it.
01:32:28Bro, take this.
01:32:30It's 3,000-3,500. It's not a big deal.
01:32:32Thank you.
01:32:32Thank you.
01:32:33You're welcome.
01:32:34I'm really pissed off!
01:32:35Let's finish our meal, please!
01:32:38Oktay, it's okay.
01:32:38Enough, dad!
01:32:39It's okay, son.
01:32:41Süleyman ran away and sold us out.
01:32:42There you go!
01:32:43Wait, wait!
01:32:45I sent Atakan to find a car.
01:32:47I'm really pissed off.
01:32:49How neatly your T-shirt is torn.
01:32:52There was a guy with a tattoo.
01:32:53Are you talking about Sezgin?
01:32:54Is he Sezgin?
01:32:55Is he short like that?
01:32:56Is he short like that? Yes, he is.
01:32:57How did he tear his T-shirt like that?
01:32:58Look, he's dead.
01:33:00Is he dead?
01:33:02I heard the bad news.
01:33:03Did you hear the bad news?
01:33:03I'm dead.
01:33:08Go, go, go, go!
01:33:10Come on, come on, come on!
01:33:11Atakan, what are you doing?
01:33:12Son, turn off that music.
01:33:14What is this?
01:33:15Uncle, no, it's not turning off.
01:33:16I pressed all the buttons.
01:33:17It's a live show, it's a live show.
01:33:20Dündar Diç is coming!
01:33:22Come, citizen!
01:33:24Come, run with us!
01:33:27The land that holds the treasure!
01:33:30Everything is empty, everything!
01:33:33The flags, the landscape is ours!
01:33:36Our greening!
01:33:38Look, look!
01:33:40Look at this officer!
01:33:42Look at this officer!
01:33:43Look at the officers!
01:33:46No, master, this won't work.
01:33:49There are two Yusuf entrances.
01:33:51If we don't put all four of them at the same time, we can't copy them.
01:33:55What's going to happen then?
01:33:57There are no duplicators in Yunus Aga.
01:34:02Do you think there are four of them?
01:34:06It has to be.
01:34:08What do you mean, it has to be?
01:34:09Don't think about it.
01:34:11You have to think about it.
01:34:13I swear, you have to think about it.
01:34:14I'm sorry, everything happened so fast.
01:34:16I didn't think about it during the traffic.
01:34:18I'm sorry, I swear.
01:34:20Whatever, dear.
01:34:24Uncle, they're coming, uncle.
01:34:26Where are the guns?
01:34:29We took the M60 with us.
01:34:31Okay, but where is the M60?
01:34:33Where is the M60?
01:34:34Uncle, it's somewhere in the back.
01:34:35I don't know now.
01:34:37Guys, find that gun.
01:34:38Serhan, go upstairs and give it to them.
01:34:40Okay, dad, okay.
01:34:41Son, for God's sake, turn it off.
01:34:43What is this?
01:34:44Uncle, I told you, it doesn't work.
01:34:46I can't turn it off.
01:34:48Uncle, we can't copy the data of these USBs right now.
01:34:53They all have to be plugged in at the same time.
01:34:55That's why we need a USB amplifier.
01:34:58We can't just stop and get it, you know.
01:35:02That's our situation.
01:35:04Very good, thank you.
01:35:05That's our situation.
01:35:07That's our situation, brother.
01:35:09We can't copy it?
01:35:12I'm turning it off.
01:35:13Of course, turn it off.
01:35:15I'm turning it off.
01:35:18We're putting our arms around your neck.
01:35:20We're walking like this.
01:35:22We're becoming one arm.
01:35:24We're walking with one arm.
01:35:26It's coming straight.
01:35:28What do we say?
01:35:29We say nine.
01:35:33Yasir Ali, come here.
01:35:34Give me your gun.
01:35:37We say we can't.
01:35:39We say this man is straight.
01:35:41Straight, straight.
01:35:42This man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:35:45Garbage doesn't let it lie.
01:35:47Garbage doesn't let it lie.
01:35:49If you were a man, Fazil,
01:35:51if you were a man,
01:35:53you wouldn't have to think about those pregnant women.
01:35:55I wish.
01:35:56God, what have you done?
01:35:57This is the end of the story.
01:35:58I don't owe you anything.
01:36:00You're so young, man.
01:36:02You're so young.
01:36:04You don't even know me.
01:36:05I don't know you.
01:36:06I don't know you.
01:36:07This is the end of the story, guys.
01:36:08Yasir Ali.
01:36:09Give me your gun.
01:36:10Give me your gun.
01:36:11We say we can't.
01:36:13We say this man is straight.
01:36:15We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:17We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:19We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:21We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:23We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:25We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:27We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:29We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:31We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:33We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:35We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:37We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:39We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:41We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:43We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:45We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:47We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:49We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:51We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:53We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:55We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:57We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:36:59We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:01We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:03We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:05We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:07We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:09We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:11We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:13We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:15We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:17We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:19We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:21We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:23We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:25We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:27We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:29We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:31We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:33We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:35We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:37We say this man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:37:39Didn't you see? He got in.
01:37:41There is an order here.
01:37:43You see this. I'm behind.
01:37:45Didn't you see the end of the road?
01:37:47There is no other way.
01:37:49He got in.
01:37:51Who did you say?
01:37:53I can't understand.
01:37:55Then turn off the car.
01:37:57Turn it off.
01:37:59I got this man in trouble.
01:38:05Get Begüm to the station.
01:38:09It's over.
01:38:11They cut the fire.
01:38:13The men will infiltrate now.
01:38:15Begüm come.
01:38:17You have to get in here.
01:38:21Can you get in here?
01:38:23Can you get in here?
01:38:25The men came for us.
01:38:27They won't do anything to you.
01:38:29Get in here.
01:38:31You will give birth to our child.
01:38:33I want that child to be born.
01:38:35I want that child to be born.
01:38:37Can you get in here?
01:38:39For God's sake.
01:38:41Open the door.
01:38:45Get out.
01:38:47Get in here.
01:38:49Get in here.
01:38:51Get in here.
01:38:53Get in here.
01:38:55Get in here.
01:38:57Get in here.
01:38:59Don't move.
01:39:01Get in here.
01:39:05Get in here.
01:39:07May God bless you.
01:39:09I get in here.
01:39:11When you finish,
01:39:13Come out and get your child.
01:39:15Come out.
01:39:17Get in here.
01:39:19Get in here.
01:39:21Get in here.
01:39:23Get in here.
01:39:25Come out.
01:39:27Come out.
01:39:29Get in here.
01:39:31Open this.
01:39:33Who said close, who said far
01:39:37Where are you, find your place
01:40:03I have lost my mind
01:40:21I have not found myself
01:40:28I am not alone, stop at that moment
01:40:37I gave my word, stop
01:40:44I'm done, baby
01:40:59You betcha
01:41:03I'm done, baby
01:41:06You betcha
01:41:08You betcha
01:41:24You betcha
01:41:38You betcha
01:41:46You betcha
01:41:57Can we order some biscuits or something?
01:42:02What do you want?
01:42:03Sesame, wafer, dry cake, mixed
01:42:09Cold water, cold water would be nice
01:42:14What do you want?
01:42:16Cold water
01:42:18One, you will release Zafer Ederhan
01:42:23Two, you will stop trying to kill our family
01:42:27Three, we want all our money
01:42:30Four, all records about our family will be deleted
01:42:35In the future, including our new members, no one from the family will be held accountable
01:42:39That's all
01:42:44So how are we going to know that you won't leak copies of these USBs?
01:42:55Well, I don't think I explained it well
01:42:58We want to live a normal life
01:43:01We don't want to work in an organization
01:43:03You don't touch us, we don't touch the copies
01:43:06Otherwise, the copies will go to the media
01:43:09Okay, whatever you say
01:43:11But you can't take your money
01:43:17How can we take our money?
01:43:19Mr. Gazanfer, didn't we talk about this money issue?
01:43:21You said we should think of it as one
01:43:23What is this, am I going to start an organization for free?
01:43:26I'm so demoralized right now
01:43:28What is this?
01:43:30Why can't we take our money?
01:43:32You can't take your money because this family is leaking information
01:43:36We solved that issue, it's been a long time
01:43:39You're still saying the same thing
01:43:44My dear Gizem, how are you?
01:43:48We're fine, thank you
01:43:51We came to our brother named Maestro
01:43:54Thank you for welcoming us
01:43:55Thank you for welcoming us
01:43:57We're having fun
01:43:59We're fine
01:44:01Our brother Maestro is fine
01:44:03They're making a plan now
01:44:05We're going to start an organization
01:44:07Let's see, there are some goals
01:44:09When I think about them, my head is at ease
01:44:14I want to see you
01:44:16I'm so confused right now
01:44:18Oh my dear
01:44:20You're such a beautiful thing
01:44:22You're such a sweet thing
01:44:23You're such a sweet thing
01:44:25That's why we took your money
01:44:27Besides, some people will be held accountable
01:44:31About this issue
01:44:33We just made a deal that the family won't be affected
01:44:36That deal was only valid for your family
01:44:40What do you mean?
01:44:52Don't make me happy without you
01:44:58I can't feel you, I can't feel you
01:45:04You're half of my mind
01:45:10I can't erase you
01:45:13I can't forget you
01:45:17Loving you from a distance
01:45:23Is the most beautiful thing in love
01:45:29I'm used to your longing
01:45:34I can't come to you
01:45:36I can't forget you
01:45:39Loving you from a distance
01:45:45Is the most beautiful thing in love
01:45:50I'm used to your longing
01:45:55I can't come to you
01:45:59It didn't burn
01:46:04Serhan, give me a lighter
01:46:07Do you have a piece of wood over there?
01:46:12Can you cut it from somewhere?
01:46:15Now it's done
01:46:23Serhan, go inside and find a candle
01:46:26Let's light it up
01:46:28Are we going to burn him with a barbecue candle?
01:46:30I told you it's too tight
01:46:32Wood doesn't get air, it won't burn
01:46:33We're going to feed him with gas and food
01:46:37Serhan, go inside and get a candle
01:46:40How do you know I have a candle?
01:46:42Go and see if you're going to die
01:46:46What are you doing?
01:46:48What are you doing?
01:46:50Wood doesn't get air, it won't burn
01:46:53Be careful
01:46:55Be careful
01:46:57Uncle Gazanfer, let's light it up
01:46:59Wood doesn't get air, it won't burn
01:47:00Wood doesn't get air, it won't burn
01:47:02We need to find gas
01:47:04Go and find gas
01:47:06Go and find gas
01:47:08Go and find gas
01:47:10Wood doesn't get air, it won't burn
01:47:12We can do something like this
01:47:14We can make a fire
01:47:16We can put the dead on top of the fire
01:47:18We're not going to eat him
01:47:20Why are you trying to cook him?
01:47:22If you love God, bring the gas
01:47:24Oktay, I'll put you in the job you're going to do
01:47:27I'll put you in the job you're going to do
01:47:28You ruined it
01:47:30Is this your respect for the dead?
01:47:32Do something right
01:47:34This is the man's last wish
01:47:36We're burning, dad
01:47:38He put wood in the man's ass
01:47:40I didn't do anything
01:47:42I'm sorry, brother
01:47:44Brother, you pulled a very locked wood
01:47:46Don't make me talk now, I saw
01:47:48What happened to him after he died?
01:47:50I'll put you in the fire
01:47:52There was a beehive, go and pick it up
01:47:54Go, go
01:47:55Bring something to burn
01:47:57Isn't there a picnic tube?
01:47:59What is this man doing with a barbecue?
01:48:01Don't you have a torch?
01:48:03You want it so much, go and look
01:48:05It won't burn like this
01:48:07It's burning
01:48:09Dad, it looks like it's burning
01:48:11It's turning off
01:48:13He started burning with his fingertips
01:48:15It's on fire
01:48:17It's on fire
01:48:19It's on fire
01:48:21It's on fire
01:48:23Come on, come on
01:48:25Hey, mashallah
01:48:44Mr. Tabri, see you, thank you very much
01:48:47What's going on?
01:48:49Brother, we're finally...
01:48:50We're finally connected
01:48:52Life is between us
01:48:54Brother, they called from the organization
01:48:56They made a deal with you, brother
01:48:58We're letting you go
01:49:00We're saying goodbye to you, brother
01:49:02They gave us the internet cafe job
01:49:04As a business partner
01:49:06Brother, this job is over
01:49:08It's over
01:49:10Thank you very much
01:49:12Thank you very much
01:49:14Is there any news from the country?
01:49:17Or my dear tears
01:49:19I can't sleep
01:49:22I'm dying
01:49:24Is there any news from the country?
01:49:27Or my dear tears
01:49:30I'm dying
01:49:32I'm dying
01:49:34I'm about to die
01:49:36I'm about to die
01:49:38What do you need from me?
01:49:40Blue and green
01:49:42Blue and green
01:49:44I'm burning
01:49:46I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say
01:49:52I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say
01:49:57I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say
01:50:02I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say
01:50:07I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say
01:50:13I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say
01:50:20My friends say hello to my lover
01:50:25Our day of reunion is not near
01:50:31I'm afraid of the darkness
01:50:37I'm afraid of the darkness
01:50:41I want to stay in your arms
01:50:45I'm afraid of the darkness
01:50:49I'm afraid of the darkness
01:50:52I want to stay in your arms
01:50:56I'm not gonna shoot him.
01:50:57Bantlar tutar onu.
01:50:59Zaten öyle dursun ondan sonra.
01:51:01Ondan sonra ona bir daha.
01:51:09Aslan partisi be, aslan partisi.
01:51:12Esirlik nasıl gitti anlat bakayım bir ya.
01:51:15Abi esirlik iyi ya.
01:51:17Yedik içtik yattık pasta ne olacak.
01:51:20Kinoplu bir arkadaşı verilir ikinci gün.
01:51:22Çok efendi, çok kalite bir arkadaş.
01:51:23Aşı karşıtı.
01:51:24Aşırı iki bir yöntek vurdum demiş örgütü.
01:51:27Seyahatlerde sıkıntı olmasın.
01:51:29Yok işletmiş rapora.
01:51:30İşletmiş rapora işletmiş.
01:51:32Yeni bir aile abi.
01:51:33Sana nasıl davrandı?
01:51:34Çok iyi davrandı.
01:51:35Allah razı olsun.
01:51:36Hiçbir şeyim eksik etmediler.
01:51:37İlk işleri sen miydin?
01:51:38İlk işleri benim abi.
01:51:39İlk işleri benim.
01:51:41Çok gönülden, candan insanlardı.
01:51:44Onlar beni üzmedi ve Allah onlardan razı olsun.
01:51:46Ben onları üzmedim.
01:51:48Zaafları var.
01:51:49Sıfır aile olduğundan.
01:51:52Esir izolasyonu çok zayıf.
01:51:54Yani dışarı ile benim temasım vardı.
01:51:56Üç kere kaçacak gibi oldum.
01:51:58Siz beni arayacağınızdan dolayı.
01:52:00Size de ayıp olmasın diye kaçmadım.
01:52:02Kaçabilirdin kaçmadın.
01:52:04Sen kaçabilirdin de mi kaçmadın?
01:52:06Size ayıp olmasın diyerekten kaçmadım.
01:52:08Peki aile ne?
01:52:09Nasıl gelir elde ediliyor?
01:52:11Aylık ne alıyorum dedim.
01:52:12Şey on yedi bin dedi.
01:52:14Ne kişi başı.
01:52:15Yok rakam kişi başı aynen.
01:52:16Aile mi kişi başı?
01:52:17Aylık değil yok.
01:52:18Adam bir esir başı.
01:52:19Kaçırdın adam başına.
01:52:20Adam başı on yedi.
01:52:21Ayda üç kişi kaçırsa.
01:52:22Elli bir bin.
01:52:23Elli bir bin.
01:52:24Elli bin gayet iyi.
01:52:25Masraflar içinde mi?
01:52:26Masrafı yok abi.
01:52:27E tamam da yiyorsun içiyorsun.
01:52:28O zaman onları.
01:52:29Ha yok hepsi örgütte.
01:52:30Aldığı direkt cebek alıyor.
01:52:31Aldığı direkt cebek alıyor.
01:52:32Hayır yani parayı masrafın içinde fiş mi topluyor?
01:52:35Fiş alıyordur abi.
01:52:36Mansuplaşıyorlar bir şekilde.
01:52:37Fiş alamaz.
01:52:38Hani onu istiyorlar diye.
01:52:40Maliyeden de fiş alamaz ama.
01:52:42Demek ki güven esasına dayalı.
01:52:44Onu yine sormadım.
01:52:45İş işe girsin hesabı.
01:52:46İş işe girsin.
01:52:47Biz kumar edinebiliriz.
01:52:48Her ayda üç tane esirler de denk gelecek.
01:52:50Bir esir denk geldiği zaman.
01:52:51Bunun bir de bir arkadaşı var.
01:52:52Bayburtlu da ona da internet kafe.
01:52:53Baba geliyorum.
01:52:54Ona da bir internet kafe.
01:52:55Her işi bana yaptırıyor.
01:52:56Ben onu özlemişim ya.
01:52:57İnternet kafe kurdurmuşlar.
01:52:58Yeni nesil işler.
01:52:59Kötü bakma.
01:53:00İnternet kafe nedir abi?
01:53:01Bizimkilerin saçmalığı.
01:53:03Para kazanmaz abi.
01:53:04Aile de kurdurtmuyorlar.
01:53:05Bir ailenin içerisinde.
01:53:06Baba geldim.
01:54:05Dündar, Dündar Dinç, Dündar Dinç, Dündar Dinç
01:54:08Dengeli, değişik, duru, dialektik, Dündar Dinç
01:54:13Dündar Dinç geliyor
01:54:15Gel vatandaş
01:54:17Gel, sen de bizle koş
01:54:20İskan, tutanak
01:54:23Her şey boş, her şey
01:54:26Fırtlar, meyzaj bizim
01:54:29Yeşillerdir be bizim
01:54:32Görün bakın, bakın zabıta
01:54:35Bakın şu zabıta
01:54:37Bakın zabıta arasında ne kadar hoş
01:54:42Kolumuzu kolunuza sokuyoruz, öyle yürüyoruz, öyle
01:54:47Bir kol oluyoruz, tek kol oluyoruz
01:54:51Dimdik geliyor
01:54:53Ne diyoruz?
01:54:54Dokuz D diyoruz
01:54:57Dinamik diyoruz
01:54:59Bu adam dik diyoruz, dik, dik
01:55:02Bu adam çöpleri yattırmaz, çöpleri yattırmaz
01:55:07Dündar Dinç geliyor
01:55:10Yarın bu yoldaş oluyor, Dündar Dinç geliyor
01:55:13Başka hiçbir şey demiyorum
