Minetest Mod Review: Painting 3

  • last month
This mod lets you create your own masterpieces within Minetest. Canvases are available in three resolutions so you can create paintings with as much or little detail as you'd like.

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00:00Welcome back to another mind test mod review. Today we are looking at the
00:04painting 3 mod and as you can see this mod adds canvases that we can paint on.
00:11So let's take a quick look at some of the craft recipes because that's kind of
00:16important to know. So we have the painting easel. You're gonna need one of
00:19these to do a painting and just a couple pieces of wood and some sticks. Pretty
00:24simple and then of course you're going to need canvas to paint on which is just
00:27a sheet of paper and that'll give you a 16 by 16 resolution. Four sheets of paper
00:33will be 32 and nine sheets paper will be a 64 resolution. I have all of those set
00:39up here. 16, 32 and 64 and then of course you're gonna need a paintbrush and that
00:46is a couple sticks and a bit of cotton and then you're gonna need paint. Now
00:52there are oil colors and water colors. They are different. In my test game it
01:00doesn't look like we can create the oil colors so I'm assuming a mod that
01:05provides oil is required for that. However, I would imagine its recipes will
01:12all follow the same convention that the watercolor recipes do. So here you can
01:17see it's basically just dye, a bucket of water and an empty drinking glass and
01:22that'll give you a glass with green watercolor. I assume it returns the empty
01:26bucket. The oil I would assume is something similar with dye oil and the
01:32drinking glass. So once you have one of these then you're going to need to put
01:36the brush in it and that is done just by taking the glass with your paint and a
01:43brush and then you will combine them or the oil and it works the same way. So
01:49let's take a quick peek here at how we paint. Let me just do this so we can see
01:57a difference right off the bat. Actually let's put a new canvas down. So we're
02:01gonna put down the easel and then I do need a sheet of paper here to paint on
02:09and we are just going to punch the easel with the sheet of paper and our canvas
02:15is now on. You will see that the crosshair changes shape so we can paint and with
02:22the oil colors you can just hold the mouse button down and paint. You can do
02:27the same with the watercolors. I already used up all of my paint that is a little
02:31disappointing. The watercolor paint works a little differently in that it it
02:40doesn't go on quite as solid. So you can see here that I get some, I don't know if
02:47blending is the right term, but there is some fade along the edges whereas the
02:52oil color is just solid and then of course it's available in all of our
02:57different colors. That is in, is that an oil? No I think this is a water. Alright
03:06we have some gray, we have blue, we have a green. Okay this is the green watercolor.
03:13Yeah so you can definitely see the difference here. Now that lovely
03:17masterpiece I'm going to put on sale on my auction site. Oh no I just broke my
03:24painting that is quite sad. Oh well let me put my painted canvas back on the
03:28easel assuming we can do so. We can, excellent, stellar, beautiful, perfect.
03:33How do I break it? I'm so confused. I accidentally broke it and now that I
03:43want to break it I can't break it. What is going on here? Do I need to have an
03:48empty drinking glass in my hand? That wouldn't make any sense. I am really very
03:52confused at this moment. You have to punch it from the side to break it.
03:56Okay the more you know. We have a lovely painted canvas. I am curious will my next
04:05painted can, okay the painted canvas always shows the same picture so you
04:10don't really know which is which. But that's fine because you can go ahead and
04:15place this, place that. Now can I paint it when it's, I cannot. It is only
04:23paintable on the easel which makes sense because otherwise why would the easel
04:29have to exist right. Okay so we have that. Let's go. The sculpture mod has
04:40support for painting. So you can see here I have painted a lovely red line across
04:46the width of it and now I am curious. Okay so it would appear, let me just
04:58verify this, that we can only use the oil colors on sculptures. So here I have the
05:06green oil color and that paints perfectly as one would expect right. But
05:14if I take the green watercolor, which is this last one here, it will not paint at
05:19all. So you do have to use the oil colors to paint on your sculptures. Oh which is
05:29a bit unfortunate if you don't have the oil colors available to you, such as I
05:36don't for whatever reason. I'm not sure which mod provides the oil that I'm not
05:42using, but I'm sure that would be an easy enough matter to find out. Alright
05:51so we have that. Now I would assume, how do I break that, okay we break it like
05:56this. Then if I go ahead and place this, hey what do you know it still has my
06:01paint on it, which would be very sad if it didn't. And I'm going to imagine I
06:05can't paint it, nope. It is only paintable when it is on the pedestal to
06:14craft it. Is anything else paintable? I don't believe so. I don't even know what
06:21else I would try to paint. So I'm going to imagine that nothing else is
06:26paintable. Let's just punch a couple random things just to see. Yeah everything
06:34looks like it just wants to break the node. So going to have to imagine the
06:40only things paintable are the canvases, and then if you are using the sculpture
06:45mod, the sculptures, which I guess shouldn't come as a huge surprise to
06:51anyone. How far away we can paint from? It's like painting with a paintball gun.
06:56Oh that that seems to be the limit from way back here. And I'm guessing this is
07:05just based on the the interact distance. So that's just how far away the paint
07:14brush will reach the canvas. All right well there you have it.
07:24Okay that's peculiar. How did they both become the same thing? What? What has
07:39happened here? Okay that's still right. And no I want this one. No I want this
07:50one. I can't place it on an edge. Oh come on I have to place it into the hole. I am in
08:03creative so potentially that is making some things go amok. Oh hey what about
08:10this? No I can't paint that if it's on the backside. It has to be on the front side.
08:17Potentially that's what's making this go amok but there may be a small bug with
08:25canvases losing their information. Not sure. Um but that is going to do it. So if
08:36you are interested in downloading this mod I believe it's listed on the content
08:39database. Otherwise of course I'll have all the links on my website which will
08:42be linked in the video description below. Thanks for watching and I will see you
08:46next time.