SAY ni DOK | Ano ang Conn's Syndrome at sino-sino ng pwedeng tamaan nito?

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SAY ni DOK | Ano ang Conn's Syndrome at sino-sino ng pwedeng tamaan nito?

00:00At this time, there are a lot of diseases that are suddenly appearing in our body.
00:06That's why we should really be careful, just like this condition called Kohn's Syndrome.
00:13And this morning, we will interview the endocrinologist, Dr. Antonio Pescador, Jr.
00:19to give us information about this rare condition.
00:23But before that, let's watch this.
00:27It is important for us to take care of our health.
00:31Because this is the most important wealth that we can bring up to our old age.
00:37But sometimes, we have a feeling that we cannot avoid.
00:42One of this is the occurrence of Primary Aldosteronism or called Kohn's Syndrome.
00:49According to studies, 5-10% of adults have Kohn's Syndrome
00:56which is caused by high blood pressure.
00:58This was a rare condition back then.
01:00But now, a lot of people are experiencing this disease.
01:03Let's find out the other causes of Kohn's Syndrome
01:07and how to avoid it.
01:09Here in Sineadoc.
01:14Good morning, Doc. Welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
01:18This is Meiji.
01:20I'm here with Patrick.
01:25Good morning, Ma'am Meiji.
01:27Good morning, Sir Patrick.
01:29Good morning to all of you.
01:33Yes, Doc.
01:35For those who don't know,
01:37what is Kohn's Syndrome?
01:39How rare is this condition or case?
01:52Sorry, we're waiting for the audio.
01:55This is Kohn's Syndrome.
01:57What is this?
01:59How rare is this case?
02:01Because a lot of us are not familiar with this disease or condition.
02:11So, Kohn's Syndrome,
02:13according to the VTR earlier,
02:15it is Primary Aldosteronism.
02:19It means that the adrenal gland
02:22is like a small gland above the kidneys
02:26that produces a lot of aldosterone.
02:28What is aldosterone?
02:30Aldosterone has something to do with water,
02:34the balance of water in our body,
02:36the volume of blood,
02:38because it controls sodium and potassium.
02:42Sodium, when you have Primary Aldosteronism
02:46or a lot of aldosterone produced by your adrenal gland,
02:51you retain a lot of sodium
02:53or like salt in your blood.
02:55If you expect sodium,
02:57that's where the water goes.
02:59Where sodium goes, water follows.
03:01So, the blood volume increases.
03:03That's why BP increases
03:05or hypertension occurs
03:07in a patient with Primary Aldosteronism
03:09or what is called Kohn's Syndrome.
03:13Doc. Antonio, is there a specific trigger
03:15for having Kohn's Syndrome?
03:21As I said in the video earlier,
03:23before, Kohn's Syndrome is a rare condition.
03:27Maybe because it is not diagnosed
03:29left and right.
03:31What we know is that
03:33if there is hypertension,
03:35the BP increases,
03:37the patient gets older.
03:39But now, our awareness about
03:41different diseases is increasing,
03:43so there is screaming.
03:45When it comes to the condition or risk
03:47to increase the chance
03:50of having Kohn's Syndrome,
03:52actually, there is nothing specific.
03:54But if you have a family member
03:56who has been diagnosed
03:58with Primary Aldosteronism,
04:00they say that your risk factor is high
04:02because there is genetics involved.
04:04But, for example,
04:06you are a patient who has sustained
04:08high BP, more than 150,
04:10over 100,
04:12or you need 4 drugs
04:14for hypertension
04:16to control your BP
04:19or you have 3 drugs
04:21for hypertension
04:23but your BP is still not controlled
04:25or incidentally,
04:27for example,
04:29there are imaging done on your chest,
04:31on your kidneys, or on your adrenals
04:33that you have Incidentaloma
04:35or there is a small tumor
04:37in the adrenal gland.
04:39We call it Incidentaloma.
04:41Or you have hypertension
04:43and in the family history,
04:45you have Primary Aldosteronism
04:47because you have hypertension
04:49and you have sleep apnea.
04:51Those are warranted to be screened
04:53for Primary Aldosteronism.
04:55Doc, you mentioned that
04:57this is one of the causes of high BP.
04:59Can this lead to other heart diseases
05:01or affect our heart?
05:07Yes, of course.
05:09That's why screening is important
05:11just like normal hypertension.
05:13This is an endocrine cause of hypertension
05:15meaning you have too many hormones
05:17that's why you become hypertensive.
05:19But it's also like hypertension,
05:21it can lead to stroke,
05:23it can lead to enlargement of the heart,
05:25it can lead to
05:29cerebrovascular accidents
05:31or myocardial infarction,
05:33it can lead to problems
05:35in the kidneys.
05:37All the effects of hypertension
05:39or complications ascribed to hypertension
05:41can also be treated
05:43The manifestation of Primary Aldosteronism
05:45is uncontrolled blood pressure.
05:49Doc, is it true that
05:51women who are pregnant
05:53and during giving birth
05:55often experience
05:57this condition?
05:59What can they do
06:01to prevent
06:03their BP from rising?
06:11Actually, anyone can experience
06:13Primary Aldosteronism.
06:15But there are cases where it happens to pregnant women.
06:17The treatment here,
06:19number one,
06:21we need screening
06:23because the medicine here
06:25for Primary Aldosteronism
06:27is to remove the tumor
06:29that produces too much aldosterone.
06:31Now, we know
06:33that for a pregnant woman,
06:35our priority is the health of the mother
06:37and the health of the baby.
06:39So, if you have
06:41unnecessary surgery
06:43that can delay
06:45up until the end
06:47of the pregnancy,
06:49we can delay it
06:51as long as we can control
06:53her BP while she is pregnant.
06:55Because if her BP is not controlled
06:57while she is pregnant,
06:59it can lead to eclipses,
07:01early termination of pregnancy,
07:03complications in the heart,
07:05complications in the eyes.
07:07There are also untoward incidents
07:09while the patient is pregnant.
07:11What's important is to control their BP.
07:13Now, the medicine for Primary Aldosteronism,
07:15even if
07:17the patient cannot
07:19undergo surgery
07:21involves a medication
07:23we call Spirinolactone.
07:25If you have Primary Aldosteronism
07:27because your BP is high and potassium
07:29drops, sodium rises
07:31and potassium drops.
07:33That's Primary Aldosteronism.
07:35We call it Potassium Sparing Diuretic.
07:37It is used for urination
07:39but we spare potassium so that it won't drop.
07:41Potassium is not given
07:43to pregnant women.
07:45In a way, it is hard for pregnant women
07:47because we balance the medicines
07:49that can be given to them.
07:51So, if she is detected
07:53in a patient and the patient
07:55is pregnant, it is really the team of doctors.
07:57OB, Cardio,
07:59and we, endocrinologists,
08:01help make sure that
08:03the BP is optimal
08:05and does not rise too much.
08:07Alright. Doc,
08:09what is your last advice
08:11or message to our RSPs?
08:15So, in general,
08:17again, Conn's Syndrome is not that rare.
08:19Actually, it is advised
08:21that at least once in hypertensive patients,
08:23to check or screen
08:25for Primary Aldosteronism.
08:27We take the aldosterone
08:29and the renin and we compute
08:31the ratio of those two to screen
08:33for Primary Aldosteronism.
08:35Now, especially that
08:37we will increase the risk
08:39to develop it and we should be watchful.
08:41Again, if you have
08:43a family or relative
08:45who is diagnosed with Primary
08:47Aldosteronism, if your BP
08:49is at 4 in hypertension
08:51before it is controlled
08:53or 3 in hypertension,
08:55your BP is still not controlled,
08:57meaning it goes over and beyond 140
08:59because it should be less than 140
09:01for your BP to be controlled
09:03and hypertensive.
09:05Or if you have sleep apnea
09:07or other comorbidities,
09:09it is important to consult
09:11your doctor because
09:13these are the tests that we can do
09:15because we can offer
09:17medication and treatment for you.
09:19And again, regular BP monitoring
09:21is very important. When you ask
09:23other patients if they are hypertensive,
09:25they would say no
09:27because they are not checking their BP.
09:29So, regular BP monitoring
09:31in your health centers, at least every other day
09:33or it is better to have your BP checked every day.
09:35We can also see on our screen
09:37Doc's social media
09:39for more details.
09:41Please follow him.
09:43Follow him, KRSP. Thank you very much
09:45Dr. Antonio for
09:47giving us information
09:49about Kohn's Syndrome.
09:51KRSP, always practice
09:53a healthy lifestyle and
09:55take care of your body.
