Fiabe dal mondo - Ep 044a - Il cavaliere del cigno (Germania)

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00:00There was once, in the area of Outbergen, a brother and a sister who loved each other very much.
00:13The brother named Gottfried inherited the feud from his father.
00:17Gottfried and his sister Elsa were much loved by the people,
00:21but there were people who were waiting for the right time to take possession of the feud.
00:28Teuramonto, I will take Outbergen from Gottfried and Elsa to give them to you,
00:32who are my son and to make you lord of the feud.
00:37But here they are, they are coming right now on horseback, let's hide right away.
00:49Oh, how nice!
00:50How nice!
00:56I had a strange dream last night.
00:59I dreamed of the Lion King.
01:02I am the Lion King.
01:05When you need my help, you can ring the bell.
01:08I can come to you at any time.
01:13Lion King, what a strange dream I had.
01:16I would like to tell my brother right now.
01:18Look what I got for you.
01:26Oh, it's you.
01:27Father and son.
01:29That bird you wanted to make fly, it's me.
01:31And this time it's me who takes you two.
01:33I am a wizard and now I will turn you into a beautiful bird.
01:59Gottfried, where are you?
02:08In that period, the King Henry ruled Germany.
02:13The sovereign had come to inspect the feuds of his kingdom
02:16and to check if they were well governed.
02:21And he wanted to meet Gottfried in the feud of Outwergen.
02:27Your Highness, we are the nobles of Outwergen.
02:30My name is Oltoruto and this is my son, Teuramont, my great king.
02:36I called the feudal lord Gottfried.
02:38Yes, Your Highness, but Mr. Gottfried is really dead.
02:41Indeed, he was murdered.
02:43And I would also have a suspicion.
02:48By whom?
02:49It was a girl we know.
02:51A confidante, my kind sovereign.
02:54Oltoruto only told lies to the King, who believed everything.
02:58How? It was Elsa?
03:01So, Elsa, you are suspected of murdering your brother,
03:04so I will have to interrogate you.
03:06Proceed! Proceed!
03:09I did not kill my brother, I swear in the name of God.
03:13But there is a man who swears to have seen you murder your brother, Oltoruto.
03:18Yes, in fact, I saw with my own eyes this kind young lady
03:21murder her brother.
03:23It's not true, my brother disappeared suddenly in the woods.
03:26Don't believe this man.
03:27You did this to have the feud only for you.
03:29What a horror, to kill your own brother.
03:31Your Highness, I do not tell lies, swearing in the name of God Almighty.
03:34But you still insist on pretending not to know anything.
03:37This girl must be the devil or a witch.
03:39I sent soldiers into the woods to check.
03:41If we do not find anything, then it means that this girl is guilty.
03:44In the name of God.
03:46Your Highness!
03:48The soldier who had gone into the woods had told the King
03:52that there was neither the corpse nor other signs of blood.
03:57Your Highness, Elsa did not seem like a person capable of killing.
04:01But there was also the absence of Gottfried.
04:04Then make a duel.
04:06The one who wins can not be the one who killed.
04:09And I'll let him go.
04:10Make a duel.
04:13But Elsa is a woman.
04:15Another can duel in his place.
04:17Who offers himself then?
04:18I accept anyone who wants to duel in the place of the young lady.
04:21Go ahead.
04:23Naturally, no one wanted to fight Teuramonto
04:26because he was the best duelist in Outbergen.
04:29So Elsa was forced to fight against the strong Teuramonto.
04:35The duel had to take place two hours after noon.
04:39The girl, waiting for the fight,
04:41went to sit near the spring in the woods.
04:45She could not die before finding her sweet little brother.
04:49My good God, it is the Knight of the Hedgehog.
04:53When you need my help, play the trumpet.
05:02Elsa had prayed to the King to play the trumpet.
05:05Then she knelt down and humbly recommended herself to God.
05:10But the Knight of the Hedgehog could not be seen.
05:13The time has come.
05:15Let Elsa take the sword.
05:17This is the moment.
05:18Take the sword, Elsa,
05:19or you have to admit that it was you who killed your brother.
05:23I have no choice.
05:24I have to fight.
05:25I prefer to die rather than dishonor my name.
05:30Teuramonto, come on, let's finish this story.
05:42I'll pierce your heart with one blow.
05:53Who are you?
05:54I am the Knight of the Hedgehog.
05:58The Knight of the Hedgehog.
06:00So the dream was true.
06:03Your Highness King Henrik,
06:05I beg you to let me fight instead of Elsa.
06:08So be it.
06:09Thank you, my sovereign.
06:11Elsa, if I win this duel, you will be my sweet wife.
06:15Do you promise me?
06:17But you will never ask me my name or where I come from,
06:21otherwise I will be forced to disappear forever.
06:26Yes, I promise you.
06:27Teuramonto, kill this man, now!
06:38Wait a minute, please.
06:40Do not kill him.
06:41Save his life, please.
06:44Elsa was kind-hearted.
06:46And so she begged the King and the Knight of the Hedgehog
06:49not to condemn Teuramonto.
06:51The sovereign, moved by Elsa's kindness,
06:54respected her wish.
07:01The engagement ring that my beautiful knight gave me.
07:05Oh, it's you.
07:14What a stupid son you are.
07:16We don't have to end this story here.
07:18Somehow we have to get rid of that Knight of the Hedgehog.
07:21Maybe I have a way.
07:23Why don't we still use magic?
07:46But what happened, Don Juan?
07:50Olteruto, to make him ask for the Knight's name,
07:53had given her a magic filter.
07:56Elsa, under the influence of the filter,
07:59had asked the beautiful knight his name and where he came from.
08:11I had already warned you, Elsa, not to ask me what my name was.
08:14You did not keep faith with the word given.
08:16However, if you want to know, my name is Lohengrin.
08:19When the Knight's hand gently touched his shoulder,
08:22the magic disappeared.
08:24Lohengrin is your name.
08:26The Prince of the Land of God.
08:28I came to save Outvergen,
08:31because two evil men with their magic are destroying her.
08:34But now that I have revealed my name,
08:36I am forced, despite myself, to leave here.
08:39Forgive me, please.
08:41I was a fool and I was speechless.
08:44Dear Lohengrin, forgive me.
08:46Forgive me.
08:47Elsa, this decision is in the hands of God.
08:53Goodbye, my sweet Elsa.
08:55My beautiful knight, I will never forget you.
08:58Finally, we have Outvergen in our hands.
09:01Lohengrin is about to leave and will not return here.
09:04I'm sure of it.
09:06My good sir, always protect my Elsa, whom I have loved so much.
09:10Right at that moment from heaven,
09:12the voice of God was heard.
09:16remove the golden chain from the bow
09:18and you will free Elsa's brother from the spell.
09:29Elsa, look at me.
09:34My sister.
09:36Now the magician is gone.
09:38Take this and keep it with you.
09:44Goodbye, Elsa.
09:46Goodbye, Gatville.
09:48Goodbye, Elsa.
09:50Goodbye, Gatville.
09:52Goodbye, Elsa.
09:54Goodbye, Gatville.
09:56Goodbye, Elsa.
09:58Goodbye, Lohengrin.
10:00Goodbye, Lohengrin.
10:02Goodbye, my sweet Lohengrin.
10:04We will never forget you.
10:06Goodbye, goodbye.
10:08Thus, in that ancient city, peace has returned.
10:12But in Elsa's heart,
10:14the young Lohengrin will remain forever.
