Il mio amico Huck - Ep 12 - Huck e il battello a vapore

  • 2 months ago
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00:00I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like,
00:30and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like,
00:37and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like,
00:44and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like,
00:51and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like, and I'm going to sing you a song that I really like,
00:59Sei davvero un monello e per ogni straccello sappiamo già che arrivi tu sul più bello
01:06Hai molti amici che con te si cacciano sempre nei pasticci
01:13Chi ti conosce già lo sa che tu vivi sempre in piena libertà
01:20Huckleberry T, Huckleberry T
01:26Hai una sola parola ma non vai mai a scuola ti diverti a pescare e non vuoi mai studiare
01:33Huckleberry T, Huckleberry T
01:40Sei davvero un monello e per ogni straccello sappiamo già che arrivi tu sul più bello
01:47Huckleberry T
02:17Sei davvero un monello e per ogni straccello sappiamo già che arrivi tu sul più bello
02:24Huckleberry T
02:26Sei davvero un monello e per ogni straccello sappiamo già che arrivi tu sul più bello
02:33Huckleberry T
02:35Sei davvero un monello e per ogni straccello sappiamo già che arrivi tu sul più bello
02:43Ecco qui la cena
02:45Grazie mille Jim
02:47Ho una fame
02:49Tieni amico, cena è anche per te lo sai
02:52Ma chi è che suona in questa maniera?
02:55Voi della zattera spostatevi, toglietevi da lì
02:58Forse è meglio se ci spostiamo
03:00Spostarci? Non siamo sulla sua rotta
03:02Voglio proprio vedere cosa intende fare quel bestione
03:04Finiamo la nostra cena, se vuole può benissimo passare
03:09Finiamo la nostra cena, se vuole può benissimo passare
03:12Andate via, spostate la zattera
03:14Siete sulla rotta del battello, muovetevi prima che sia tardi
03:20Eccomi serviti
03:27Ve la farò pagare
03:32Quella è davvero gentile, guarda come si stanno divertendo
03:35Se ne pentiranno
03:36Con tutta la fame che avevo
03:38Non la mangio più questa roba adesso
03:47Ho i crampi allo stomaco, sto morendo di fame
03:50Ehi Huck, guarda, c'è di nuovo quel bastello
03:55Adesso mi sembra che stia esagerando
03:57Prima ha rovinato la nostra cena, ma adesso ce la pagherà
04:00Si, hai ragione
04:01Perché non saliamo a bordo a prenderci la mangiare?
04:03E come?
04:04Ascoltami bene, d'ora in poi saremo i terribili pirati del Mississippi
04:07E abbiamo il diritto di assaltare il battello e di derubarlo
04:10Si, certo Huck, però...
04:12Non ti hanno forse fatto arrabbiare?
04:14Tantissimo, sono furioso
04:16E allora facciamo il giuramento
04:18La parola d'ordine è...
04:19Piatto ricco, amici fico
04:38Siete attenti, non dobbiamo fare rumore
04:40L'ho fatta apposta
04:46A me pare che non mangia sufficiente
04:49Sia tranquillo, riprenderà a mangiare non appena si sarà ambientato, glielo garantisco
04:53Quello deve essere il deposito vivere, andiamo a vedere
05:02Questo posto non ha affatto l'aria di un deposito vivere
05:04E non solo, l'aria
05:07Jim, credo proprio che tu abbia ragione
05:09Che ti dicevo?
05:10Che fame!
05:16Un orso! Un orso!
05:19Via, via, via!
05:31Buonasera, signora
05:34Buonasera a voi, ragazzi
05:38Senti, Hack, forse meglio se lasciamo perdere
05:42Ti sei già dimenticato il giuramento che hai fatto?
05:46Che cosa stai annusando?
05:48Lì arriva un profumino delizioso
05:58Che meraviglia
06:01Cosa dici, ce lo facciamo un assaggino?
06:03Certo che si
06:15Chi è stato? Vieni subito fuori
06:20Ci deve scusare, signore
06:21Altro che scusa io vi faccio il rosto
06:24Quei due morellacci sono più veloci delle lepre
06:37Stasera un grande appetito
06:39Non vedo l'ora di andare a mangiare
06:44Ehi Jim, diamo un'occhiata la sua cabina
06:54Ma dove andremo a finire?
06:57Che spitalina, questo è il punto di comando, Jim
06:59Il timone, che meraviglia
07:01Tutta manca, signore
07:02Tutta dritta, signore
07:04Lo sai che il mio più grande sogno è sempre stato quello di governare un battello come questo
07:08Hack, forse meglio che andiamo via prima di combinare qualche guaio
07:11Sono il capitano Hack e non ho paura di nulla, nostro uomo
07:14Ehi, guarda cosa servirà quella
07:16Ti prego, lascia perdere, non fare pasticci
07:27Non sapevo che fosse la sirena
07:29Cosa diavolo sta succedendo?
07:34Da questa parte
07:35Da questa parte, forza
07:36Sono due ragazzini, prendiamoli
07:38Si devono essere imbarcati di nascosto
07:40Si, ma dove?
07:41Si, da questa parte
07:42Eccoli, eccoli, ho visti l'anima
07:50Guarda dove siamo
07:52Ma come, non riconosci la dispensa?
07:54Ah, si
07:56L'assaltiamo, nostro uomo
07:58Ci rifacciamo del pasto che ci hanno rovinato
08:03Lo sai, quasi quasi questo battello inizia a piacere
08:06Con lo stomaco pieno ti piacerà anche di più
08:08Non si trovano
08:09Proviamo a guardare nella cambusa
08:12Trovato niente?
08:13No, niente
08:14Dove saranno andati i percorsi?
08:16Ma chi lo sa
08:17Proviamo sui distanzi
08:20Pirato ricco, mi ci fico
08:23Ehi, ma perchè non rispondi alla parola d'ordine?
08:27E tu chi sei?
08:28Chi sei tu invece?
08:29Case zitti
08:31Stanno venendo da questa parte
08:33Non possiamo stare qui dopo di dispensa
08:35Vuoi venire anche tu con noi?
08:36Si, certo
08:37Mollate subito la cima
09:01Li avete trovati?
09:02No, non ancora signore
09:03Sono scomparsi
09:04Lo sai, non ci sono
09:05No, not yet, sir.
09:06They're gone!
09:07You have to find them, you have to catch them!
09:09Keep looking!
09:10Come on, search the whole boat!
09:14Finally, we're safe!
09:15Hey, buddy, did you go on that boat in search of food too?
09:18How dare you!
09:19I'm not a thief!
09:20I was just looking for Mickey!
09:21Who's Mickey?
09:22He's my little bear.
09:24I couldn't free him just because of you.
09:26You ruined everything!
09:27What are you talking about, buddy?
09:29We couldn't have our dinner either
09:31because you disturbed us!
09:32Your dinner?
09:33The sailors of that boat must be fed on a meal they ruined for us!
09:37I don't understand.
09:40Can you explain to me better what happened to you?
09:44While we were eating peacefully on the raft,
09:46they threw their waste on our heads!
09:48And so you took revenge on us!
09:50Well done, guys!
09:51Well, my name is Huck,
09:53and he...
09:54He's Jim, and the puppy is Huck.
09:55Nice to meet you.
09:57I'm Johnny, instead.
09:59I live in a big farm not far from here,
10:01with my parents.
10:02Are you serious?
10:03You must know that my dad sold my little bear Mickey
10:06without even telling me.
10:07Now what am I going to do without him?
10:30Where are you taking him?
10:31You can't let him go!
10:37He's my friend Mickey!
10:38You can't take him away from me!
10:42Did you hurt yourself?
10:44No, you shouldn't have, Dad.
10:46You can't take my only friend away from me!
10:55What a sad story.
10:56You were very fond of him, weren't you?
10:58And the bear we found on the raft?
11:00It was him.
11:01I was going to free him once everyone was asleep.
11:04I was about to get out when you arrived.
11:06Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
11:08But I'll come back on that raft.
11:10I absolutely have to take Mickey away before tomorrow morning,
11:12when the ship sails.
11:13We agree.
11:14We'll come with you, too.
11:16I don't want to have a poor boy and his little bear on my conscience.
11:20Thank goodness.
11:21Now the bear is better.
11:23We must treat him with care.
11:25It costs us a fortune.
11:26What if he gets sick?
11:27You're right, boss.
11:28If we sell him to a circus,
11:29he'll give us three or four times the money we paid.
11:34First of all, we have to get the key to the cage,
11:36which will certainly have that fat guy.
11:38I've already found out where his cabin is.
11:41Listen to me, Jim.
11:42John and I will try to get to the raft,
11:44while you and Lachy will stay ready on the raft for the escape.
11:46At your orders.
11:47The plan seems perfect.
11:49Lachy agrees, too.
11:50Then let's start the adventure!
11:58Oh, no!
12:03Watch out!
12:04Hold on!
12:05We're almost there!
12:19So, where's that fat guy's cabin?
12:21Upstairs, at the door with the number five.
12:29Nice trick.
12:30The key's locked.
12:31Let's try from this window.
12:36Here are the keys.
12:39But they're too far away.
12:40How do we get to them?
12:42It won't be difficult.
12:43The magic water will show you how good you are at fishing.
12:49Too far away.
12:55I did it!
13:03Here they are.
13:06You were great.
13:07Now let's go.
13:08Your Mickey wants to get out of the cage.
13:16Hi, my friend.
13:17I'm here to free you.
13:18Are you sure Mickey will do the right thing,
13:20or not?
13:21I don't know.
13:22But I'm sure he'll do the right thing.
13:24Let's go.
13:28I wouldn't want him to open the cage and want to eat me.
13:31Don't be afraid of him.
13:32He's a very sweet bear.
13:36Come on, come here, Mickey.
13:37Be brave.
13:38You can get out now.
13:39Finally, you're free again.
13:41Let's hope he has a full stomach.
13:46My friend, these people didn't treat you badly, did they?
13:53My teddy bear.
13:54From now on, no one will separate us.
13:56Hey, it's true.
13:57He's as sweet as a lamb.
13:59Listen, John.
14:00Do you think I can trust you to get out of here now?
14:02Of course you can get out.
14:04I told you he's good.
14:05And you'll be friends.
14:06You'll see.
14:07Then I'll get closer.
14:08Dear Mickey, this is Huck.
14:10He's a nice guy, you know.
14:12Say hello.
14:14Hey, he's so good.
14:22It's done.
14:27The bear!
14:28The bear has escaped!
14:29Mickey, where are you going?
14:30No, stop!
14:31You can't go up there.
14:32Look for a rope!
14:34Oh, no!
14:35The bear has escaped!
14:43What's all this noise?
14:46What's my bear doing?
14:48Hurry up!
14:52Don't you think this is fun too?
14:54There's no time to play.
14:56We have to get out of here or we'll all be in trouble.
14:58Catch him!
14:59He's dangerous!
15:00He's a very fast bear!
15:02We have to catch him!
15:04Let's hurry!
15:05Yes, hurry!
15:16My bear!
15:19Where are you going?
15:25They've all gone mad!
15:30That's my bear.
15:31Now you have to give it back to me.
15:33Right now!
15:34No, never!
15:35Don't be silly, kid.
15:36Just give the bear back to me.
15:38Do as I say.
15:39No, sir.
15:40This is Mickey.
15:41He's my bear.
15:42Got it?
15:43Don't be silly.
15:44Catch him!
15:50Come here.
15:51I'll show you!
15:53What are you waiting for?
15:54Catch him!
15:55How dare you!
15:56Come and catch him if you're so brave.
15:58Come on!
16:00He's really scary.
16:01He's a giant bear!
16:02I'll take him down now.
16:06Put the gun down, Captain.
16:08I went to great lengths to buy this animal.
16:11If you kill him now, I'm ruined.
16:13Do you understand?
16:14As you wish.
16:15Hey, kid.
16:16Listen to me.
16:17I bought that bear from your father.
16:18It's mine!
16:19This bear isn't my father's.
16:21It's mine!
16:22That's enough!
16:23Stop, John!
16:24Thank goodness you're here.
16:25You're in charge of the business.
16:27Well done, kid.
16:28You scared me.
16:29Luckily, you're safe and sound.
16:31Dad, I wanted to...
16:32Yes, sir.
16:33It's him.
16:34This is a real shame.
16:35You sell me a bear,
16:36and right after that,
16:37your son takes it away from me.
16:38Tell him to give it back to me immediately.
16:40John, give Mickey back to the sir.
16:42I don't want to.
16:43I'll never do that.
16:44Do as I say.
16:45I didn't expect this from you.
16:46I hate you for what you've done.
16:47But why?
16:48Why did you sell Mickey to this man?
16:50Tell me!
16:51Why did you do it?
16:52I thought there was no need to explain it to you.
16:55Mickey has grown too big.
16:56It would be more and more difficult to keep him with us.
16:59Now he's dangerous.
17:00You know that too.
17:01Lately, he's opened the cage door more than once
17:04and he's gone out,
17:05ruining the cultivated fields.
17:07That's why, kid,
17:08he can't stay with us.
17:09You'll see.
17:10He won't do it again.
17:11You can't give Mickey away just for this, Dad.
17:13John, I loved Mickey too.
17:15You have to believe me.
17:16But we can't keep him anymore.
17:17Try to understand.
17:18If that animal were to go extinct,
17:20we'd be ruined.
17:22Mickey was like a brother to me.
17:24You can't take my dearest friend away.
17:26I don't want to.
17:27You can't do it, Dad.
17:28If Mickey comes,
17:29I swear you'll regret it.
17:30You have to believe me.
17:31I have to do it.
17:32Come on, now.
17:33Let's get him out of here.
17:34He can't get away.
17:35Let's get out of here.
17:36Let's jump off the cage.
17:38Come on, Mickey.
17:44No, kid, where are you going?
17:45Stupid kid.
17:46She'll pay for this.
17:47Come back here.
17:48Give me that gun.
17:49Now I want to see who's the smartest
17:51between us.
17:52What do you want to do?
17:53Do justice to me.
17:54Don't shoot.
17:55I'll give you your money back,
17:56but don't touch my son.
17:57Very well.
17:58After all, it's the best thing.
17:59As for you,
18:00you'll have your cats to peel
18:01with your son and that bear.
18:02Don't be jealous.
18:08Come on, guys.
18:09I'm here.
18:10We did it, Jim.
18:11We managed to free Mickey.
18:13We're coming.
18:14We're coming.
18:15We're on our feet, guys.
18:16None of them is following us.
18:18Hey, Mickey.
18:19Do you like our tent?
18:20Do you like it?
18:22I'm stuck.
18:24It's fatter than a mountain,
18:25the big bear.
18:26Courage, Luck.
18:27Give the welcome to the new friend.
18:32Are you afraid, Fiff?
18:33Anyway, you're not wrong.
18:35Mickey managed to scare us too.
18:37Right, guys?
18:39My poor little bear
18:40has grown a little too much.
18:41That's the truth.
18:42I'll have to lock him up
18:43in a cage
18:44where he can't escape
18:45and cause more trouble.
18:46That means
18:47you won't be able
18:48to set him free anymore.
18:49That's right.
18:50Poor Mickey,
18:51what a shame.
18:52Now that he's with you again.
18:53I'm sorry too,
18:54but if I don't lock him up,
18:55all the harvest
18:56that took months of hard work
18:57will be ruined again.
18:58I'll find a way to save him.
19:00Well, I can't imagine
19:01what a bear thinks.
19:02But if I were him,
19:03I couldn't stand
19:04being locked up
19:05in a cage all day
19:06doing nothing.
19:07I love freedom too much
19:08and it would be impossible
19:09for me to live
19:10without running around
19:11in the open air.
19:29this is the place
19:30where Mickey was born.
19:31Don't you think
19:32he'll be happy again
19:33like he was before?
19:34If you say so.
19:35My Mickey is just like you.
19:37He loves freedom too much.
19:43Son, it's me.
19:44Dad, go away.
19:46Don't try to get close
19:47to Mickey,
19:48do you understand?
19:49Don't worry, John.
19:50Mickey is still yours.
19:51You can keep him.
19:53I'm serious.
19:54I gave that man
19:55his money back.
19:56That's good news.
19:58But now,
19:59come on,
20:00let's go home.
20:01Wait, Dad.
20:02I thought
20:03that Mickey would be happier
20:04in the middle of nature.
20:05What do you mean?
20:06That I leave him alone.
20:07I learned a lot
20:08from these friends.
20:09Now I'm convinced
20:10that Mickey will be happier
20:11in the middle of nature.
20:13So, can I leave him, Dad?
20:14Of course.
20:20My dear Mickey,
20:21from now on,
20:22you can go wherever
20:23you want.
20:24Be brave,
20:25you're free now.
20:28Goodbye, my friend.
20:31Good luck, Mickey.
20:37You can't go back.
20:38I told you
20:39you're free now.
20:41Do you understand?
20:48do you want to go
20:49your own way?
20:50Come on, go away
20:51or I'll...
21:01Run away now
21:02or I'll shoot you.
21:04Do you understand?
21:05You have to go.
21:07what do you want to do?
21:08Mickey, run away.
21:10Run away
21:11or I'll shoot you.
21:17That's enough, John.
21:18Stop it.
21:20disappear immediately.
21:21I told you.
21:36My dear Mickey,
21:37goodbye forever.
21:55My son,
21:56be brave.
21:57You'll always have a friend.
21:58I'm sorry, daddy.
21:59I didn't mean to tell you
22:00those terrible things.
22:02I know, John.
22:03Don't worry.
22:04I've already forgiven you.
22:08After saying goodbye
22:09to his father,
22:12and I
22:13jumped with our raft
22:14free like Mickey the bear.
22:16A light breeze
22:17caressed the sail
22:19as we set out
22:20to resume our journey
22:22along the Mississippi.
22:39Una ne pensi
22:41e cento ne fai
22:43Cerchi inconsensi
22:44ma sei sempre nei guai
22:46Ci regali
22:47dei sorrisi immensi
22:49con i quali
22:50ci conquisterai
22:53Sei spensierato
22:54con la tua larità
22:56Ma ponderato
22:58quando guardi più in là
23:00Sei un ragazzo
23:01proprio fortunato
23:03Vivi tutto il giorno
23:04in piena libertà
23:06Huckleberry Pink
23:09Huckleberry Pink
23:12Hai una sola parola
23:14ma non vai mai a scuola
23:16Ti diverti a fischiare
23:18e non puoi mai studiare
23:20Huckleberry Pink
23:23Huckleberry Pink
23:26Sei davvero un monello
23:28e per ogni straccello
23:30sappiamo già
23:31che arrivi tu sul più bello
23:32Hai molti amici
23:34che con te
23:36si cacciano sempre nei pasticci
23:39Chi ti conosce
23:41già lo sa
23:43che tu vivi sempre
23:45in piena libertà
23:47Huckleberry Pink
23:50Huckleberry Pink
23:53Hai una sola parola
23:55ma non vai mai a scuola
23:57Ti diverti a fischiare
23:59e non puoi mai studiare
24:01Huckleberry Pink
24:04Huckleberry Pink
24:07Sei davvero un monello
24:09e per ogni straccello
24:11sappiamo già
24:13che arrivi tu sul più bello
24:15Huckleberry Pink
