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00:00Hi kids! Today we will learn where do we use capital letters and full stop. So let's start.
00:11Here are some sentences. Let's read them and see where capital letters and full stops are used.
00:20My name is Amelia. Here M of my is a capital letter because the first letter of the sentence is always a capital letter.
00:34A of Amelia is a capital letter because the exact name of a thing, animal, place or person begins with a capital letter.
00:48And Amelia is the exact name of a person or a special naming word.
00:55And in the end of the sentence, there is a period that marks the end of the sentence.
01:01My mother's name is Janelia. Here again M of my is a capital letter because the first letter of a sentence is always a capital letter.
01:18The J of Janelia is a capital letter because Janelia is the exact name of a person.
01:27And in the end of the sentence, there is a period that marks the end of the sentence.
01:35My father's name is Andrew. Here M of my is a capital letter because it's the first letter of the sentence and we always capitalize the first letter of the sentence.
01:52The A of Andrew is a capital letter because Andrew is the exact name of a person or proper noun or special naming word.
02:07And in the end of the sentence is a period that marks the end of the sentence.
02:13I live in California. I is a capital letter because I is the first letter of the sentence.
02:27And also whenever we use I, it's always capital.
02:33The C of California is a capital letter. Why? Because California is the exact name of a place or a special naming word.
02:47And in the end, there is a period that marks the end of the sentence.
02:53So kids, the rules that we learned are that the first letter of each sentence is capital and I, whenever written alone, is a capital letter.
03:08Any exact name of something or a proper noun starts with a capital letter.
03:16Like the name of a person, place, street, road, state, country, museum, mall, shop, days of the week, days of the month, languages, companies, organizations, brand names, festivals, planets, etc.
03:39So, a proper noun begins with a capital letter. And in the end of a sentence, there is a period that marks the end of the sentence.
03:51Not every sentence ends with a period.
03:57Some sentences end with a question mark and an exclamation sign.
04:03But we will learn about them in our next assignment.
04:08For now, we will learn about the use of period.
04:13Here are some sentences.
04:16Let's circle the letters that should be capitalized in these and also put a full stop sign.
04:24I am going there on Friday.
04:28Here, I should be capital as it is the first letter of the sentence.
04:35F should also be capital as it is the name of a day of the week or an exact name or a proper noun.
04:46Add period in the end that will mark the end of the sentence.
04:52Yesterday, I went to a party with my friends.
04:58Y will be a capital letter as it is the first letter of the sentence.
05:05I will also be capital as whenever I is used alone, it is a capital.
05:13We will put a period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
05:19We are going to Hawaii.
05:23Here, the W will be capital as it is the first letter of the sentence.
05:30And the H of Hawaii should be a capital as it is the exact name of a person or an exact name or a special naming word.
05:40Add period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
05:44Let's play with piano.
05:48Here, L will be capital as it is the first letter of the sentence.
05:55And no other word would begin with a capital letter as no exact word or special naming word is there.
06:05Add period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
06:10Alice is my best friend.
06:14Here, A of Alice should be capital as it is the first letter of the sentence.
06:21And also, it is an exact name or a proper noun as it is the name of a person.
06:30And no other word would begin with a capital letter as no exact word or special naming word is there.
06:39Here, special naming word is there.
06:43Add period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
06:49We are going to Ebony Mall.
06:53Here, W will be capital as it is the first letter of the sentence.
06:59E of Ebony and M of Mall will be capital as Ebony Mall is the exact name of a place or special naming word.
07:11Add period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
07:17We are going well with punctuation.
07:21Now we will know where to capitalize and where to put full stops.
07:27I am free on Sunday.
07:31Here, I will be capital for two reasons.
07:36First, because it is the first letter of the sentence.
07:40Second, because I is capitalized whenever it is used alone.
07:46So the S of Sunday will also be capital as a day of the week or an exact naming word.
07:54Add period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
08:00We live on the Earth.
08:04W will be capital as it is the first letter of the sentence.
08:10The E of Earth will be capital as it is an exact naming word, the name of a planet.
08:19So we have two capital letters, W and E.
08:25Add period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
08:31We all celebrate Christmas.
08:35W will be capital as it is the first letter of the sentence.
08:41C will be capital as it is the name of a festival and hence is an exact naming word.
08:50Add period in the end to mark the end of the sentence.
08:55So kids, today we have learned how to punctuate a simple sentence with capital letters and full stop.
09:05Now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more.