The Billionaire's Masquerade Part 2

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The Billionaire's Masquerade Part 2
#Reel #Short #ReelShort #Romance #EnglishMovie #cdrama #shortfilm #drama #crimedrama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00Wilcox, the porta-potty billionaire looking for a new gigolo?
00:03That old cougar?
00:04Oh, Cece honey.
00:06When they're that age, they're not cougars, they're saber-toothed tigers.
00:16Then we just gotta make him an offer he can't refuse.
00:25You really should have iced these right away.
00:27I realize that now. I've only ever sparred with gloves on, never thrown a bare-knuckle punch before.
00:36What? Did I just hand in my man card?
00:40No, you knocked a guy out with one punch. Your man card is fully intact.
00:45You just sounded like a prep school rich boy for a second.
00:51Thank you. Not just for today, but for everything.
00:56It's been really lonely since my dad died, and it's nice having someone on my side.
01:01There's no need to thank me. I am your husband.
01:07Close your eyes.
01:18Okay. Fair is fair. I owe you one.
01:42Sorry. I know we're just pretending.
01:47Right. Pretending.
01:51I'm gonna... I'm gonna go for a run.
01:57Okay, I'll come with...
02:04What if it's just me? Wouldn't that be ironic? The first woman I'm into for so long is not into me. Fuck!
02:20Griffin kissed me, and it felt just like that night three years ago.
02:29What's wrong with me? How can I feel the exact same way for two different men?
02:45I don't know. He looks like a wet street dog.
02:48I'll shower and a haircut, and he'll be marginally presentable.
02:52Hey! You!
02:58We got a proposition for you.
03:00How'd you like to be richer than you ever imagined?
03:03Well, that'd be a dream, ma'am.
03:05Get in.
03:19Are you sure he's not homeless? Eats like a dirty pig.
03:23So you want me to divorce Shelby and marry Victoria Wilcox, the shithouse billionaire?
03:35You will refer to them as porta-potties, young man.
03:39We know you're after Shelby's inheritance, but she's never gonna see it.
03:45Well, he'll do.
03:52Oh, he'll do just nicely.
03:56Wait a minute. Have we met before? Because you look real familiar.
04:01Oh, no.
04:03Nope, I don't think I run in your kinds of circles, Miss Wilcox.
04:08The first document are official divorce papers.
04:12The first document are official divorce papers.
04:15And you will also be paid $20,000 a month to provide intimate services of a sexual nature.
04:24Oh, you don't need to worry, boy.
04:26Because I have the libido of a 26-year-old.
04:30I have the libido of a 26-year-old.
04:46I don't understand. This says...
04:48You're under arrest for pandering.
04:51Detective McSwain, this woman has tried to recruit me as a sex worker.
04:58That's a class C felony.
05:00He's lying.
05:04And you will also be paid $20,000 a month to provide intimate services of a sexual nature.
05:13Detective, detective. There must be some misunderstanding.
05:17There's no nonsense going on here.
05:20No, you can't arrest me on the word of that bum. He set me up.
05:23Detective McSwain, it's getting late.
05:26I'd like to go. I'll miss you, my wife.
05:36You have made a big mistake rejecting me.
05:39I'm a woman of wealth and power that you cannot fathom.
05:44I will make you pay very dearly for this.
05:47I don't think anyone mentioned my last name.
05:50It's Roy.
05:57Well, I knew you looked familiar, you see.
06:00I'm just an old woman. You could forgive me.
06:04Get out of my face.
06:08Pardon me.
06:12All right, we got her in the car.
06:14How far do you want this to go?
06:16Put the fear of God in there.
06:18Mug shot, fingerprints, the works.
06:21Then in the morning, drop the charges before the press gets wind.
06:25Pierce would have your hide.
06:27You got it, Griff.
06:39Where have you been?
06:41I was worried you were gone so long.
06:47Are you hungry? I can heat up some leftovers.
06:50Yeah, I'd like that.
06:53Did that just happen?
06:55Maybe I have a shot with her after all.
07:08My poor baby, my little girl.
07:11I will never forget the humiliation that man has caused us.
07:16Don't you worry, Mama. I have a plan.
07:19Man, I had all night to think about it in that cold, hard cell.
07:24If he doesn't want to divorce Shelby, fine.
07:27We'll just force Shelby to divorce him.
07:31And I know just where to hit it where it hurts.
07:36He's amazing.
07:50I think we shaved 30 seconds off that time.
07:54I thought I was competitive. You even compete with yourself.
08:07You're not growing.
08:09You're dying.
08:11I, um, I'm going to go shower.
08:15Me too.
08:20Get a grip, Shelby.
08:22So he's hot.
08:24You've been around dozens of smoking hot men in the service.
08:27What makes him any different?
08:29He just is.
08:34Hey, Zara.
08:36Shelby, you have to get here right away.
08:38Buford's kicking us out the gym.
08:45I'm sorry, my hands are tied.
08:48He says we have to leave.
08:50Okay, I got this.
08:51Mr. Buford, what are you doing? This is my place of business.
08:54You're done here. I sold the building. The new owners want you out.
08:58That's illegal. I have a lease.
09:00They've got a break clause for new management, and they've decided to activate it.
09:05Who the hell is they?
09:11That would be us.
09:14Cliff, we can take it from here.
09:16Sure thing. Pleasure doing business with you, ladies.
09:19I know you used all your Army money for this gym, but you can get it back.
09:24All you have to do is sign this divorce petition.
09:28Get a divorce, give up your inheritance, and then you can keep your dinky, smelly gym.
09:36I bet you want to hit me so bad.
09:39Not so tough now, are you, Shelby?
09:41Screw you. I'll just pack up and find a new location.
09:45Sorry, the building is now closed for...
09:50And everything inside now belongs to me.
09:53Of course, you could sue, but that would take months.
09:58Well, what would happen to your gym now, Shelby?
10:01That's blackmail.
10:02We like to call it capitalism.
10:04You don't sign, we close the gym, and then you lose everything.
10:10Think about what you're doing.
10:12This gym is a lifeline for so many women.
10:15I won't let you take it from them.
10:17You can beg, but I won't budge.
10:20I'm not going to let you take it from me.
10:23I won't let you take it from them.
10:25You can beg, but I won't budge.
10:29Be a smart girl and sign the papers by tomorrow,
10:32or you can kiss your Valkyrie Fight Club goodbye.
10:37And watch us turn it into Valkyrie Strip Club.
10:42Isn't that a good idea?
10:44There's poles and everything.
10:45Oh my.
10:46Plenty of girls.
10:47They're cute.
10:48They are cute.
10:49Cute enough.
10:54I'm not here because I give a damn if you win.
10:58I'm here to make sure that Griffin Roy doesn't.
11:01Well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
11:05The fuck you say?
11:07What exactly did Roy do to earn your loathing?
11:11He partnered up against me with a She-Warrior.
11:15I want to see them both destroyed.
11:18Well, with your connections,
11:20and my political might,
11:22I think that might be able to be arranged.
11:33LaRose got Andre.
11:35What are we going to do about this?
11:38We do not want these two pairing up, all right?
11:40This is political suicide.
11:42Just talk to Shelby.
11:43Maybe if you both apologize...
11:45Um, hell no.
11:46Let them go.
11:49Um, hell no.
11:50Let them do their best.
11:52Mark my words,
11:53this is going to come back to bite you in the ass.
12:01Hello, Shelby.
12:03Griffin, we need to talk.
12:12Shelby, what's going on?
12:14You sounded tense on the phone.
12:18So many missed moments.
12:20Things I should have said or done.
12:22Chances that were lost that might have been pivotal to my life.
12:26I don't want you to be another moment that I miss.
12:41You first.
12:48You first.
13:18You first.
13:49That was...
13:50Fucking amazing.
14:03Griffin, where are you going?
14:10Explain yourself.
14:18This is Jacques.
14:21You're my wife.
14:23I sleep with you now.
14:24We probably should have talked this through.
14:28You said you had missed moments.
14:31I've had them too.
14:33You will not be one of them.
14:36I know we said we were pretending, but...
14:39I want to give us a chance.
14:41A real one.
14:48I love you.
15:19I love you.
15:31I now pronounce ye man and wife.
15:36Guess they're bonding last, why don't ya?
15:48I love you.
15:54Cece, meet me at the gym in one hour.
15:56We can go over the divorce papers.
16:03Goodbye, my husband.
16:13I knew something must have happened.
16:23I need you to use all your connections to find out what Cece and Margot Trudeau did to Shelby yesterday.
16:29Because of them, my wife is divorcing me.
16:33It's five in the morning.
16:35You have an hour.
16:42How did Cece get the money to buy the entire Rampart Drive building?
16:46She and Margot Trudeau are using the Trudeau mansion as collateral.
16:50Good for us, bad for them.
16:52And the property title?
16:54Still in escrow.
16:55The title hasn't been transferred yet.
16:57Make sure it is.
16:59In your name.
17:00You're about to be the proud owner of a mid-rise building on Rampart Drive.
17:04Oh, goody, goody.
17:10Talk to me, McSwain.
17:12I showed the fake guards in lockup Cece Trudeau's mugshot.
17:15You're right.
17:16She's the one who hired them to rough up your wife.
17:18How'd you know?
17:19Had her M.O. written all over it.
17:21I take it the kid gloves are off this time?
17:23Oh, yeah.
17:24Cece Trudeau thinks she's untouchable.
17:26Let's show her just how wrong she is.
17:36I'm glad you finally came to your senses, Shelby.
17:39I definitely have.
17:44I'm your campaign manager, not some hired muscle.
17:47Here's what I think about your agreement.
17:53Did you see that?
17:54Did you see that?
17:55She chose me, man.
17:56She chose me.
17:57Well, hell.
17:58Looks like she did.
18:00You fucking bitch!
18:03That's her cue.
18:08Say goodbye to your gym, Shelby.
18:10You're gonna lose everything.
18:12You know, at least I still have my self-respect,
18:14which is more than I can say for you.
18:16Don't be hasty, Cece.
18:18She's basically a man.
18:19You'll get hurt.
18:20I will find a way to reclaim what is rightfully mine,
18:23but I will never agree to your demands.
18:27Reclaim what's yours?
18:28You're never gonna step foot in your precious gym ever again.
18:34That will be difficult to enforce since I now own the building.
18:39Who the hell are you?
18:41Here's Durand, the new owner of 222 Rampart Drive.
18:48Your deal fell out of escrow.
18:51I swooped in and bought it.
18:53That's impossible. I own it.
18:56Let me spell this out in a way that even an imbecile will understand.
19:00I outbid you.
19:02The building is mine.
19:04Now scram.
19:05I'm Emma.
19:07Miss Trudeau, I want to ensure you that your lease is secure.
19:11The only change will be a 40% rent reduction.
19:15That's unbelievable. Are you sure you can afford that?
19:19Oh, yeah.
19:21Thank you, Mr. Durand.
19:24The gym means a lot to the women in this community.
19:32Cece Trudeau, you're under arrest for extortion.
19:35The fake guards identified you as the one who paid them to attack Shelby Trudeau.
19:40Okay, well, but that was last week. You can't arrest me now.
19:43We most certainly can, and this time the charges won't be dropped.
19:47No, no, no!
19:49You can't take my girl!
19:51I'm coming after you. I'm never going to forget this when I get out.
19:54You're mine!
19:59Call everyone.
20:01Valkyrie Fight Club is back in business.
20:09Well, aren't you going to go over there?
20:12You're the one that orchestrated this whole thing.
20:15No, it's her victory.
20:18I merely did what a husband should do.
20:21I'm not going to go over there.
20:23It's her victory.
20:25I merely did what a husband should do to ensure her happiness.
20:28That's my reward.
20:30That is some wild shit you just spouted.
20:33This girl is seriously causing you to lose it, Griff.
20:35You worry too much.
20:37And you don't worry enough.
20:39We have a campaign to win, and you're ten points behind LaRoche in all the latest polls.
20:43What are you driving at?
20:45Tell Shelby who you are.
20:47The voters need to know who your wife is, and we need to be able to shape the narrative.
20:51It's been way too long, and Neville LaRoche is going to find out and beat us to it.
20:57I'll tell her.
20:59I just... I need a few more days of just me with her.
21:04Then I'll confess everything.
21:15That's Shelby Trudeau, owner of the Valkyrie Fight Club.
21:19Pretty girl.
21:21So is she screwing?
21:23Durand or Roy?
21:24I don't know, sir.
21:26That luncheon was so boring, Neville.
21:29Those stuck-up twats kept going on and on about their precious lineages dating back to the Mayflower.
21:40Not everyone's white trash like you, Isabel.
21:42Does it wonder how you overcame your low-class origins and gained my interest?
21:52That wasn't your interest, darling.
21:54That was your cock.
21:56Touche, my dear.
21:58Why are you looking at a picture of her?
22:00Do you know Shelby Trudeau?
22:02Well, she went by Michelle in high school.
22:05But yeah, that's her.
22:07She was a star athlete with an annoying habit of defending every loser in school.
22:12From bullies like you, per se.
22:16Oh, that is unfortunate.
22:20You'll have to work that much harder for when you two reconnect.
22:24Neville, no.
22:25You mean your new bestie, Isabel?
22:27Baby, no.
22:35It's cooling off.
22:37We should go inside.
22:39Just a few more minutes.
22:41I can't remember the last time I let myself just be.
22:48I think it was when my parents were still together.
22:51Before the divorce, the cheating, Mom getting sick.
22:56I was carefree then.
22:58I joined the army after, but that was just another roller coaster.
23:03It's kind of hard to chill when you're deep in hostile territory cutting off weapons supply routes.
23:09Well, I'm glad you feel safe here.
23:13It's not the place, it's the person.
23:16I feel like I've known you forever.
23:24Shelby, I have to tell you something.
23:33I guess I can wait one more day.
23:41Our most sought-after place at Valkyrie is our women's self-defense kickboxing.
23:48Sign me up.
23:51Oh, shit. Isabel.
23:53The girl who made my life and everyone else's a living hell in high school.
23:57What sneaky BS is she up to?
24:00Oh, my gosh. Michelle, is it you?
24:03I go by Shelby now.
24:05You look amazing.
24:07Michelle, Shelby, and I go way back.
24:11Gosh, what a small world.
24:14Well, for membership, we offer weekly and monthly subscriptions.
24:18How about I pay up front for three years?
24:21And I'll be sure to tell all my friends to join.
24:24You know, if you're really serious about this, you'll have to lose the bling before class.
24:31I was a mean girl in high school, and I'm really ashamed of it.
24:35What you've built here is so empowering.
24:39If I had had something like this growing up, then maybe I would have found the courage to
24:44stop my pa from all the horrible things he did to me and Ma.
24:49Shelby, can we start over?
24:52Would you let me try to make it right?