Venezuela, reelected president Maduro recognized and congratuled the work of the National Guard

  • 2 months ago
*Reelected president denounced plans of the ultra-right dismantle National Armed Force
*Nicolas Maduro repudiates EU’s whitewashing of violence in Venezuela
*Maduro: social networks are being used to instigate hatred
*15 staff members injured during the riots were honored


00:00In Venezuela, the re-elected president Nicolás Maduro, in the framework of the 87th anniversary
00:04of the Bolivarian National Guard, denounced that the country is facing a coup d'état
00:09that he described as cyber-fascist, while urged the cohesion of the civic-military union
00:14against the coup attempts of the far-right.
00:16Let's see the details.
00:20During the ceremony in the vicinity of the Bolivarian Military Academy, the president
00:25emphasized that despite the coup actions of the global ultra-right, the National Guard
00:30has been an example of loyalty and honor to his oath in defense of peace.
00:40We are precisely at the moment when we are facing in the city of Venezuela a cyber-fascist
00:45criminal coup d'état.
00:46I have no doubts, Mr. General, in describing it as such, Generals, admirals, professional
00:59personnels present at this magnificent event, family members of the personnel who today
01:10are promoted to the next high rank, an imperialist coup d'état, an imperialist ambush that has
01:16fascist characteristics full of hate, revenge, persecution against institutions.
01:22How much hatred has been poured against the Bolivarian National Guard, and what an exemplary
01:27conduct the Guard has shown to go out to protect and defend these people and their right to
01:33I congratulate you with my heart as Commander-in-Chief.
01:37I congratulate our Bolivarian National Guard for the example it's showing.
01:52The Venezuelan head of state also denounced the plans of the Venezuelan ultra-right wing
01:57to dismantle and weaken the national armed forces in order to hand them over to the United
02:11The fascist right wing of their surnames has a central plan with imperialism to disarticulate,
02:16demobilize, divide and finish the Bolivarian armed forces.
02:20They only dare to talk about the elimination of the Bolivarian National Militia.
02:24If we come to power, they say, the first decree is to eliminate the Bolivarian National Militia
02:29that is the people in arms, a constitutional obligation to the defense of the homeland
02:40by all the people, and also contained in the Organic Constituent Law of the Bolivarian
02:52National Armed Forces, approved by the very Sovereign Constituent National Assembly of
02:562017, was what they announced in English in a program made by the fascists and published
03:02in New York, that the eminent Venezuelan intellectual thinker Luis Brito Garcia denounced and immediately
03:08the accounts of Facebook, Instagram and other social networks that published the interview
03:12censored it.
03:23In this context, the re-elected president, Nicolas Maduro, expressed his repudiation
03:47of the recent declarations of the European Union, which whitewashed the violence of the
03:52extreme right against the Venezuelan people.
04:01These testimonies have not been known and continue to be repeated, and the European
04:05Union once again pulls out his chant.
04:08The same European Union that recognized Guaidó, shame of the European Union.
04:12Mr. Borrelli is a disgrace.
04:14He is a disgrace.
04:16He is a disgrace who led Ukraine to war and now washes his hands of it, who is silent
04:21before the massacre in Gaza and the genocide, who recognized Guaidó in a shameful way and
04:27pretends to be crazy.
04:29Then now he says that in Venezuela there is a repression of peaceful demonstrations, says
04:34Ms. Borrelli, pacific, when they attack the population, when they attack hospitals, schools,
04:39bus units, subway stations, peaceful, when they capture a policewoman in her place of
04:45work, assault her, try to kill her.
04:57On the other hand, the national executive also condemned the plan of the United States
05:01to establish hatred and division among the Venezuelan people through the social network
05:06TikTok and Instagram.
05:16We are facing, defeating, stopping and pulverizing coup d'etat in Venezuela, which is the first
05:21criminal cyber-fascist coup d'etat that is being rehearsed precisely against Venezuela.
05:26Nobody should be fooled in this world.
05:28We are already grown up.
05:30We are already quite grown up.
05:32Nobody in the world should be fooled.
05:34It is a coup d'etat.
05:35They used the electoral process to mount the groups to instill hatred through TikTok and
05:47I accuse TikTok and Instagram of their responsibility in the installation of hatred to divide Venezuelans,
05:54to seek a massacre and a division of Venezuela, to bring fascism to Venezuela, a cyber-fascist
06:00and criminal coup d'etat.
06:11In this regard, the Venezuelan president highlighted the Venezuelan struggle as a battle for Latin
06:17America, the Caribbean and the world.
06:25In Venezuela, we are fighting a battle for Latin America, the Caribbean and the world.
06:31Or Venezuela falls into the hands of criminal fascism, an Elon Musk of the Millet, or Venezuela
06:37triumphs by the paths of the Constitution, humanism, Christianity, Bolivarism, socialism
06:43of the 21st century, Chavismo.
06:47Let each one define himself, fascism or Bolivarism, slaves or free, criminal violence or constitutional
06:55Let each one define himself.
07:01Finally, the Venezuelan head of state decorated 15 soldiers injured during the recent riots
07:15and called on the people to exalt peace in the face of attempts by the global ultra-right
07:19to generate violence in Venezuelan territory.
