Yahan 16 Nashistain Rakhni Wali Jamaat Ko Hukoomat Day Di Gayi," Salman Akram Raja Ka Ahem Tajzia

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Yahan 16 Nashistain Rakhni Wali Jamaat Ko Hukoomat Day Di Gayi," Salman Akram Raja Ka Ahem Tajzia
00:00Bangladesh's Yom-e-Nijat is today's big story.
00:03So, do you see any similarity between Pakistan and Sargi?
00:08This is our land for these things.
00:11Elections have come.
00:12Opponents are in jails.
00:14And then someone has to run away and goes into self-exile.
00:17Then they will come back.
00:18Thank you very much for inviting me to your show.
00:22Look, it certainly comes under the umbrella of today's international political development,
00:26which has happened in Bangladesh today.
00:28Every country has its own dynamics, its own things.
00:32So, there has certainly been a development today.
00:34But it has its own completely local context.
00:36We have our own political history here.
00:39We have nothing to do with it.
00:42The circumstances are different.
00:44Look, there are a lot of examples of Sheikh Mujib in this country.
00:47Your leader used to give, Mr. Imran Khan also gives.
00:50Because we discuss so much of Bangladesh in our...
00:55No, we discuss it.
00:56Yes, it is often said that they have increased their exports.
00:59And there is an economic lesson in this.
01:02Do you remember how much debate there was about the Bangladesh model in Pakistan?
01:08Bangladesh model.
01:10No, no, I have never been in such a debate.
01:12The Pakistani model is fine for you, isn't it?
01:14No, look, we need to improve a lot of things here.
01:17And it will get better with time.
01:18But it will be better continuously.
01:20And we will strengthen the institutions together.
01:24Things will get better if you keep up with the times.
01:27Mistakes do not get better if you repeat them over and over again.
01:30The day we learn this, our country will also move towards improvement.
01:34Our problem is that we repeat mistakes.
01:37Mr. Salman, what is your take away from here?
01:40Look, whatever happened in Bangladesh,
01:44obviously, the people won, the republic won.
01:47It would have been better if it had not been won on the streets.
01:50It would have been as a result of a transparent election.
01:52But since the system of force has been in place for 15 years,
01:56the voice of the people was being suppressed,
01:58that is why the people came to the streets.
02:00There were martyrs.
02:02Hundreds of people were killed in the last 24 hours.
02:06So this is a sad incident.
02:08But we should not think that this is a specific incident only in Bangladesh.
02:13We have seen in the last few years,
02:15the Arab Spring, as we call it,
02:17in the city of Tunis, a fruit seller sets himself on fire
02:21and the whole area is engulfed in flames.
02:23So the lava that is boiling under the surface,
02:27we should keep an eye on it.
02:29The sadness and anger can burst at any time.
02:33It can become a spark.
02:35This is possible anywhere.
02:37This happened continuously in the world.
02:39Ayub Khan's era was called the decade of development.
02:42Sartaj Aziz has written in his book that
02:44when people came to the streets and there were riots,
02:48we were shocked.
02:50We thought they were in the planning commission,
02:52that we have done a great job,
02:54we have put Pakistan on the path of development.
02:56But what was the anger in the hearts of the people,
02:58what was the division, what was the difference in society,
03:00because of which people were unhappy.
03:03We were not aware of it, sitting in Islamabad.
03:06So many times it has happened in our history
03:08that the people sitting in Islamabad do not realize the reality.
03:12Islamabad is a city far from Pakistan.
03:16So we should be very careful about what people are thinking.
03:19And anything can happen at any time.
03:21The system that is established in Pakistan today
03:24on the basis of lies and deception,
03:26you have given the government to the party that won 16 seats.
03:28Now you say that you will get them to amend the constitution.
03:30You will give them special sessions for which they do not deserve.
03:33There is a fundamental principle of the constitution
03:35that the entire constitutional system is based on democracy.
03:38And the fundamental element of democracy is that
03:40no one will get more seats than they deserve.
03:43The general seats won by the people are based on that.
03:48Sir, you do not know what the people's decision is.
03:50Let's be honest.
03:51No one knows, but he is telling you.
03:53Look, we are the people.
03:55First, you have to stop the way.
03:57Mr. Bilal is making a law for that.
03:59He has brought a law.
04:00What is your law?
04:01Yes, let me tell you.
04:02I have also read that bill.
04:03It is a very interesting bill that he has presented.
04:05He is our friend, Mr. Bilal.
04:07But since I am talking on the legal and legal level,
04:10he tried to implement it in the past.
04:13The people have given an opinion.
04:15The election has been held.
04:17He tried to change his decision.
04:19Look, with all due respect,
04:20I will say that the two judges who wrote the decision
04:22were absolutely right.
04:23They disagree.
04:24Although I understand that their interpretation of the constitution
04:27is completely wrong.
04:29It is also against the text of the constitution.
04:31It is also against the spirit of the constitution.
04:33But all this was right.
04:34They would have written their decision.
04:36It is their saying that the majority decision should not be accepted by any institution.
04:40In my opinion, this is completely against the spirit of the constitution.
04:44Even the worst dictator against the constitution of Pakistan
04:47did not say that the decision of the Supreme Court should not be accepted.
04:51Look, this does not happen.
04:52When Mr. Durab Patel, when Mr. Bhutto's decision was made,
04:55he was in the minority.
04:57He thought that Mr. Bhutto should be released.
04:59But when the review came, he said
05:01that now I am bound by the majority decision.
05:03Although I disagree with the majority decision,
05:05but I will support the majority decision in the review
05:08because the grounds of the review are not in front of us.
05:14Therefore, the review was dismissed with complete agreement.
05:17This is the adherence of the constitution.
05:20The Supreme Court is the last institution for the interpretation and interpretation of the constitution.
05:24It is possible that you disagree with that interpretation.
05:26But when that interpretation is done, then we have to accept it.
05:29We can amend the constitution later.
05:32But we cannot reject the decision of the Supreme Court
05:35through a law that is below the constitution.
05:39The purpose of the bill they have presented is to
05:43stop the constitution through a simple law.
05:46You want to stop the constitution through a simple law.
05:49By the way, who told you to make this law?
05:51Because what we are talking about now,
05:54this law is coming,
05:55this is all a larger game in which a two-thirds majority should be there.
05:59It should be a judicial package.
06:00Now it has come to the point that politics is also going in that direction.
06:03After seeing a lot of things, people say that judgments are also going in that direction
06:06either to stop it or to fulfill it.
06:09So, this is the argument, the political argument right now.
06:12Whether it is the assembly or the Supreme Court,
06:16there is a political consensus behind both the political and legal arguments of two-thirds majority.
06:21So, you have to stop them.
06:22After that, you have to get these seats and get a package.
06:24No, no.
06:25Look, this is not the case.
06:26Suleman Akhund Raja sahab has the right to his view.
06:29He is joking.
06:30I laughed at his joke.
06:32The thing is that Suleman Akhund Raja sahab is like a brother to me.
06:37He was in the court.
06:38He should tell me where PTI was in that court.
06:41He was not representing PTI.
06:42PTI had no prayer.
06:44And look, the second thing is,
06:46and I will quote from this judgment.
06:47Look, this is serious.
06:49Two judges are saying that you will have to suspend three articles of the constitution.
06:55And this is effectively inserting new articles into the constitution.
06:58Sir, two judges are saying this.
07:01This is the problem of this government.
07:02Sir, listen to me.
07:03Sir, you are interrupting me.
07:06I am arguing with him.
07:08Two judges out of 30.
07:10Eleven judges are saying that PTI has a right.
07:13Sir, I am telling you.
07:14How much right does it have?
07:16Some say 39.
07:17Sir, one case is not in the court.
07:19One case is not in the party.
07:20Didn't the 11 judges know?
07:21Sir, the biggest injustice is...
07:22Didn't the judge know?
07:23Sir, no.
07:24But there is a reason.
07:25Tell me a logic.
07:26Where was there a party to it?
07:27Okay, let's go.
07:28During the proceedings, PTI was called.
07:29Do you know what is the reason?
07:30I will tell you the reason of the judge.
07:32It is Mando Khail's decision.
07:33Sir, listen to me.
07:34Mando Khail's decision.
07:35I don't want to listen to you.
07:36Listen to me.
07:37Sir, you have asked me 300 questions.
07:38I know.
07:39Answer me.
07:40Mando Khail's argument is that because this election process is continuous,
07:44we can see all the processes and all the actions.
07:47Let's go, sir.
07:48PTI was made a party in the case.
07:50This is the biggest injustice you have done with the Sunni Hand Council.
07:53You have said this.
07:54You have said this.
07:55You have said this.
07:56Sir, you have willingly joined the Sunni Hand Council.
07:59That party then came and prayed that these people have joined.
08:03We think that we have a court of reserve seats.
08:05PTI did not come to court.
08:06They said that the Sunni Hand Council is above us in prayer.
08:08And they gave them seats.
08:10This is our issue.
08:11This is what the judgment is saying.
08:12Judgments can be wrong.
08:13And we have a right to opine on this.
