Hello everybody i'm here to have feelings and thoughts about barney World that Need to Be Addressed and Fix And Add In so Write This Down Mattel if ur watching this video and i'm going to let this video speak for it self?
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00:00Hi everyone welcome out to a topic video of my thoughts and feelings reaction to Barney's
00:23World. First things first, where is Riff, Mattel? Where is Riff? How come he's not part
00:38of the Barney's World? Why y'all ditch him like that? Why is he not part of it? He's
00:48Baby Bob and BJ's cousin and Riff is nowhere to be seen. It's not in the theme song,
01:01not in that first episode. Y'all just dropped him like y'all didn't recognize he was he wasn't even
01:09there. So where is Riff? Riff should be there because I know that he was there
01:22in Barney and Friends. That Barney's World should have took place after
01:29Barney and Friends. Not reset it over with just the three dinos. I'm a little bit upset
01:41that y'all didn't include Riff in the Barney's World. It just feels like it's missing him.
01:51And number two, how come Baby Bob and BJ, not Billy, he was never Billy, his name is BJ,
02:09don't have their bow or their or his hat cap on their head. It's missing.
02:22And they in in Barney and Friends, they always wear their bow and cap, the red cap
02:33on Baby Bob and BJ's head. And number three, don't get me wrong, it's a very cute cartoon
02:46animation. And I like the designs on everything in that show. Which because I am a cartoon and I
02:58love cartoons. I'm still 31. I still love watching cartoons. But I don't know, it just feels like
03:09there's something a lot of missing in Barney's World. And, and plus, there's no songs in the
03:18first episode. It's just felt like it's just an adventure base, adventure base, without no songs,
03:27where the kids or Barney or anything sing sings in the middle of it. It's just adventure base,
03:36what the name of the title is, which is a little bit different. Yeah, I admit is a little different.
03:41But there should have been songs. It doesn't even feel like it's a Barney World.
03:48It just feels totally different. And plus, there's no Barney, Barney doll appearing anywhere
03:58in that show. When the kids called him, he seemed like he's just peered out of the thin air.
04:07Without no Barney doll. That's just weird to me. And also, I'm not really honestly sure about the
04:17voice actor or actresses that's playing Barney, BJ, not Billy, BJ, and Baby Bop's
04:34voice. It just doesn't suit them. I think the three original Barney voice actor and actresses
04:47probably did a whole lot better job playing and voicing Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ, not Billy, BJ.
05:01So if I were y'all, before y'all release this out in fall, I would recommend getting the three
05:11original voice actor and actresses that played Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop to play them in Barney's
05:20world. And the other three, I know y'all tried. Applause for you. Y'all did. Y'all did try to try
05:28to voice them. Don't kick them out of the show. That's not right. Let them play the other characters
05:37in that show. But just let the other original show them how they how to do it. Because they
05:47know how to put voice Barney, BJ, BJ, not Billy, BJ, and Baby Bop. And also, please justice for
06:03Riff. Bring Riff back. He deserves to be there. He deserves it. Okay, and now the kids,
06:15like Fefe, Mel, and David. I think the kids that voiced them, I think they did a good job.
06:26I had no nothing to say about them three voice actors or actresses that voicing them. I think
06:34they did a good job and I really like them. Even include Miss Lewis, David's mom. I think she did
06:42a good job voicing her character. So they are fine to me. They're fine. But for Barney, BJ,
06:53not Billy. I'm going to keep saying it because that's really what BJ's name is. Not Billy. I
07:00don't know why y'all changed it. And Baby Bop needs to be having the three original voice
07:12actor and actresses that play them. And the new voice actor and actresses that's playing them,
07:18they can play the other characters in the show. Just don't kick them out on my behalf,
07:26that's not right. Just let them, just let them play the other characters. And still,
07:34they can still be a part of Barney's world. And that is all of my thoughts and feelings.
07:45If I had to give what I've seen from the leak, I know this show is coming out in fall.
07:53And I know this is for today's generation, not the old timey generation that's been loving
08:00Barney ever since. I know this is for the new generation, for kids. And I hope they enjoyed
08:07the show. And I know I still will, even though there's a lot of things that's wrong with it
08:14that needs to be addressed and fixed that would make the show a whole lot better for
08:21the old timey generation of Barney fans and new generation of Barney fans will enjoy together.
08:30So for now, since I've seen the first episode that is leaked, I would give it maybe 4 out of 10.
08:404 out of 10 is probably what I gave on, like on that Puff book and the one that I did for
08:53who took the cookie from the cookie jar book. Same rating, 4 out of 10. It's not bad,
09:02but it could have been a whole lot better. And it could have been what Barney's world
09:10should have been. I mean, I don't mind it being in a park. That's fine. Which is, that's fine.
09:17Like from the original on Barney and Friends, that's fine. Y'all did a good job on that.
09:22But it's still missing a lot. And also y'all can add more kids in that episode,
09:29because I remember in Barney and Friends, there were supposed to be like 6 kids, 5 kids,
09:34and 4 kids, I think, in Barney and Friends. And even including Barney and the Backyard Gang.
09:47There was a lot of kids. Why is there only 30 kids? Y'all need to add more kids onto that show.
09:57I don't know, I don't know if y'all have to get on each of the episodes, like what they did for
10:03Barney and Friends, because they always switch out the kids. But for the Barney world, please
10:14add more kids. And also, let me talk about David's hair. The little kid David got his hair all puffed
10:21up. To be honest, that hairstyle, it didn't work for me. I think y'all need to fix his hairstyle,
10:28make it look a little bit more better. It just feels like his hair is so puffed up,
10:36like so up that he forgot to comb it. It looks like a bad hair day. That's kind of a little
10:42bit that needs to be addressed. Whoever was designing his hair needs to fix it a little bit
10:53so it'll be better. And to me, or to everyone else, make him look more easy on the eyes to look at
11:03on David. But the voice actor that plays him, y'all, you did a good job.
11:09Plus for you, y'all did a good job voicing him. You did an excellent job. But that was just the
11:16only problem that I'm seeing that needs to be fixed. Because his hair looks like it's all squished
11:23up. Not like a moloch, it's just like his hair is just standing up. If you go back and watch the
11:34Barney's World theme song, you'll see what I mean. I can't explain it. But anyway, that's
11:42the problem that I'm seeing and that needs to be addressed. And I know that Mattel, I know you
11:50worked really hard on it. And I applaud for you that you worked really, really hard on the show
11:57and getting the voice actor and actresses that play the characters. And I know that you did your
12:02best. But if you wanted to let us enjoy the show, we deserve to have a free speech
12:12and deserve for y'all not to bully y'all into fixing anything. That's not what I'm doing
12:18because I don't bully anyone. But y'all just need to like go back, fix the show up,
12:28add some songs, bring Riff in, and bring the original voice actor or actresses that playing
12:38Riff and Barney and friends to appear in the show. And put a bow and a cap on BJ and Baby Bop.
12:48I forgot to add that in. And please add some songs so make it easier listening on our ears
13:00for like a grown adult or a young kid can sing along together. And also fix the I Love You,
13:08bring back the old-timey I Love You. That new I Love You, it's fine. It's okay. But I missed the
13:17version of I Love You. It's supposed to go, I love you, you love me song. That is what the actual
13:28I Love You is. Not this new one that acts like it's I Love You, but it's not really it.
13:35And that's making a lot of people kind of iffy about that song. So we all deserve the original
13:42I Love You. Okay, that is everything that my thought, there's some pros, there's some cons
13:51about this show that needs to be addressed. And Mattel, if you're watching this,
14:00I hope you're taking note, like taking note and fix it. And please, justice for Riff. He
14:09deserves to be there. And just add him in, please, because I really like Riff, and he deserves to be
14:18there. And please change back BJ's name. He is BJ, not Billy. I'm going to keep saying that,
14:29because that's because everyone on Bonnie and Friends, including his sister, always call him
14:36BJ, not Billy. But I still think BJ is a perfect, iconic name for BJ. And don't be wrong, I love
14:50people named Billy. But for BJ, it doesn't suit him. So please change back to for him being BJ.
15:01Anyway, that is all my thoughts and feelings. If y'all, if y'all like, if y'all agree with me,
15:08or if not, I'm, I don't know what else to say. This is just my thoughts and feelings.
15:13I can't, I know I'm gonna wait until they release it. Unless someone else uploads on YouTube,
15:19because I don't think we have, I don't know if I have Max and Carlito or whatever you want to call
15:26that site. Or, or anything. If someone uploaded on YouTube, I will, I will still support you.
15:37And I will, I will watch them. And the songs that are portraying it, I don't think I'm going to do
15:44it because I'm afraid I'll get bashed and get bullied and by the dislikes. And I don't want
15:51to go through all of that because I know there are people out there in this world ain't gonna
15:56like it. But I still wouldn't mind doing the live action Barney lyrics. I just want to let you know.
16:04But if y'all want to do the lyrics to the Barney's world, I will support y'all for that.
16:12Okay. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I love y'all. God bless y'all. Be safe out there.
16:20And please give this a like, comment down below what y'all think and what y'all thoughts and
16:25feelings about Barney's world. But please leave it in a positive, no negativity. And,
16:33and, uh, and share with your friends. If you want to, if you want your friends to hear what I have
16:40to say, y'all are welcome to. And, and please be nice and kind when this show comes out,
16:48please don't get it too much hate. I just wanted to make my thoughts and feeling and ain't nothing
16:54bad. It's just, it's just something that Mattel needs to fix. And it needs to be addressed for,
17:01for old generation and a new generation can come together and watch it like, like a nostalgic
17:08feeling to get come together and watch it together type of thing. So anyway, bye, bye.