Emmerdale 5th August 2024

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Emmerdale 5th August 2024
00:01Oh, yeah. Ta.
00:02Lunch won't be long. Don't get too excited. It's only leftovers of whatever it was you
00:17served up last night.
00:18Er, I'll have you know they're one of my finest creations.
00:24You were up early. I popped my head into your room this morning and, er, you were gone.
00:30Oh, missing me next to you in bed, were you? You know, you only have to say.
00:35Easy tiger. Run first, walk after.
00:38All I'm saying is the bed in the spare room is not the most comfortable.
00:42And here was I thinking you just wanted to be back by my side.
00:47So, er, where were you?
00:51That's the second time you've checked on me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're
00:55spying on me.
00:57It's only spying if you've got something to hide. Have you?
01:00I was cleaning the estate cars.
01:02At the crack of dawn?
01:03Perfectly legal last time I checked. It'll just take a weight off Billy when he comes
01:07back from coast.
01:08You haven't helped out on the estate for ages. Why now?
01:11I didn't hurt Rose. And what's got you up at crack of dawn wandering round house, eh?
01:16Guilty conscience, maybe?
01:20Hey. Try calling Mum again. Straight to voicemail.
01:24Oh, let her go, Dawn. She's not worth it.
01:27Your father's right. This is who she is. She's never going to change. Not for anyone.
01:32Well, I'm just lucky I've got you two. You'd never let us down like this.
01:38Right. Ready to order?
01:40No, I've just got here.
01:43I always order the same thing.
01:45Are you trying to rush me?
01:48No. Not at all. Take all the time you need.
01:56Don't call her over, please.
01:59You alright?
02:00Er, I think better.
02:02Kind of have a favour to ask.
02:06Have you got any jobs going?
02:08Are you kidding?
02:09No. I'm really struggling.
02:11Er, I don't think we have. I mean, I could speak to Chas, but I really...
02:15Are you sure?
02:16I wish I had better newspaper, but we're still not hiring.
02:18It doesn't have to be full-time. Just a few shifts, please, Charity.
02:22I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate.
02:23No, I know, and I'm sorry, but, you know, between Marlon and Mary, the kitchen's covered.
02:29What about going back to The Hide? Don't think they've replaced Sonny yet?
02:32I can't think of anything worse than grovelling to Jay.
02:34And besides, he wouldn't have me back, not after Pizzagate.
02:39There was a shard of glass in a pizza that I cooked for Laurel.
02:42I don't know how, because I cleared up the jar that I smashed,
02:45but my head was crumbled over. Jay Kerban...
02:48Well, yeah, it could have been. Jay wouldn't have caught it.
02:51Maybe it's his debt, so I need to take it. Do you mind?
02:53No, it's fine. I'll go.
02:57Glass in a pizza. That's a pretty big oversight.
03:01I wonder if Jay had a hand in this.
03:03Now, why on earth would he do that?
03:08Why don't you go with the special and I'll have the club sandwich?
03:12That way, we'll have the best of both worlds.
03:15Um, this doesn't have anything to do with you blackmailing Jay, does it?
03:21Eric, look at me and tell me I'm wrong.
03:25I wanted her to pay for what she'd done to Jacob.
03:29So I forced Jay to get rid of her.
03:33But the glass in a pizza, that was all done to him.
03:36How could you?
03:39That job was our only source of income.
03:42You've got to put this right.
03:46I don't know, but what I do know is I can't be with you
03:49if you can sit there and watch Victoria, a single mother,
03:53struggling, but knowing full well that it was all your fault.
03:57You've got to fix this.
04:01Hey, it's me again.
04:03Look, I don't know if you're getting my messages,
04:07but I'm worried about you.
04:09And whatever it is, we can sort it out.
04:12Will you just please come home? Please.
04:17I'm leaving Rose another message.
04:20What if something's happened to her?
04:22Nothing's happened to her, I told you.
04:24I caught her trying to steal from us, after all we've done for her.
04:28She was too embarrassed to face you,
04:31so she took the easy way out and she ran.
04:33It doesn't make any sense.
04:35I mean, she was fitting in, she loved the kids,
04:38the kids loved her, I mean, you were getting on,
04:40it was the closest I've ever seen you.
04:42Why would she risk all that for some cash?
04:44Dawn, she...
04:45And when we were making plans for the future.
04:47Why would she do that if she wasn't going to stick around?
04:50Well, that's Rose, isn't it? It's what she does.
04:52You said she wanted to deliberately drive a wedge
04:55between you and Kim.
04:57Well, why would she stop there?
04:58Why wouldn't she stay here
05:00and stop you ever getting back together?
05:02Dawn, just drop it, will you?
05:06Look, I'm sorry.
05:07I just hate to see what this is doing to you.
05:10No, it's OK.
05:13I'm sorry, I've been awful to you and to Kim,
05:16and you were just trying to protect me.
05:18But look, Dad, I know I have no right to ask him for anything,
05:22but please can you talk to her
05:24about one of her private investigators to look for Mum?
05:28I just need to find her, I need to look in her eyes
05:30and I need to ask her why.
05:33I need to.
05:37I'll talk to Kim about it, I'll be out.
05:39Come here.
05:44There you go.
05:46Ah, perfect timing.
05:49Marlon was just about to call you,
05:51see if you were still going to come through today.
05:53Oh, sorry, someone had a late start.
05:55Yeah, we just had to figure a few things out
05:57and now I know that Matty's working with me.
06:00That's not like anyone else is willing to help, is it?
06:03I'll just pop these in the back.
06:10Do I have to worry about you?
06:12Depends how long I have to look at his face.
06:15I can't believe you're still protecting Josh,
06:17even after I told him how I felt about it.
06:20Eva just doesn't get it.
06:22Who doesn't care?
06:23He's a coward.
06:25Completely and utterly spineless.
06:27Why don't you finish off with charity
06:29and I'll go and drop the next order off at the Hyde.
06:32Are you sure?
06:34The more I put some distance between me and him,
06:36the better for everyone.
06:40Come in.
06:46I hope I'm not intruding.
06:50But why are you here?
06:52Because you and I, we're not exactly friends now, are we, Eric?
06:55You've made that abundantly clear many times.
06:59Then this will come as a surprise.
07:04Victoria, I like you.
07:07I always have.
07:10I like your ethics, I like your energies.
07:14And we've been going through some tough times.
07:18And it absolutely breaks my heart
07:21to see a young, single mother
07:24not able to make ends meet.
07:26And so I am offering you a job
07:30in my shop.
07:32You are?
07:34Nothing fancy.
07:35Do the stock, man the till.
07:38Bring your experiences from when you were helping
07:41David when he had the shop.
07:43I'm grateful.
07:44I am.
07:45But I have to ask
07:48Why not?
07:50Past is in the past.
07:52Was I angry with you?
07:54Out of line?
07:57My grandson was hurting and I blamed you.
07:59That's why I lashed out.
08:02I was wrong.
08:03I guess you don't know.
08:05If you were unhappy with your relationship with Jacob
08:08you had every right to walk away.
08:12When do you want me to start?
08:17I know it's six o'clock somewhere, but really?
08:21Dawn's still trying to find Rose.
08:23Why can't she just let it go?
08:25With some other.
08:26It's not that cut and dry.
08:27Look, she wants you to hire a private investigator
08:30to find her.
08:31Well, I hope you nip that in the bud.
08:33Well, that'd make her suspicious.
08:35We need to look like we're trying.
08:37Like we actually care.
08:38And what are you so afraid of?
08:40What's a private investigator going to uncover
08:42once he starts digging?
08:43Well, I don't know.
08:45Whatever happened to choosing to trust each other?
08:49I didn't touch Rose.
08:51Well, neither did I.
08:55We need to get Dawn to stop looking
08:57and stop asking questions.
09:00I don't know yet.
09:01But no private investigators.
09:03Got it?
09:11Hey, here he is.
09:13About time.
09:14I was just wrapping some stuff up at the pub.
09:16I don't care about any of that.
09:17Where's your boot?
09:19I haven't brought any.
09:21You got no boot?
09:22What kind of send-off is this?
09:24There isn't one.
09:25I only told you that to get you here
09:27because you need to confess to the police.
09:29Oh, mate, it's not happening.
09:30We ruined Matt's life.
09:31He's had to quit his job because he can't go back there
09:33without thinking about what we did to him.
09:36Is this the part where you expect me to say sorry?
09:38Look, I'm going to pay for what I did.
09:39But you?
09:40You just get to walk around like nothing's happened.
09:43Matt, he's constantly looking over his shoulder.
09:45Worried that you're going to get him again.
09:47How is that fair?
09:48You need to confess.
09:49It's the right thing to do.
09:50Do you think I care?
09:52Do you think I care?
09:53That freak was mouthing off at me.
09:55Disrespecting me.
09:57He was asking to be robbed.
09:58And when I pulled out that bottle,
10:00I wanted him to be scared.
10:01And you?
10:02All you had to do was keep your big mouth shut.
10:05And all this would have just gone away like that.
10:08But no.
10:09No, you had to open it, didn't you?
10:11You had to confess.
10:12You had to confess.
10:13Hey, I'm taking my story to the grave,
10:15whether you like it or not.
10:16And you?
10:17You're going to prison.
10:18And I'm not.
10:19And the sooner you realise that,
10:21the easier things will be for you.
10:22And next time, bring some booze.
10:24Hey, what do you think you're doing?
10:26What do you think you're doing?
10:27I'll let you go when you say you're going to confess.
10:28No chance, mate.
10:29See you, all right?
10:31You're not going to get away with it.
10:33Not this time.
10:34Ah, so this is what you get up to
10:36when you and Rose aren't sticking your noses
10:39where they don't belong.
10:40Kim, always so nice to see you.
10:42The feeling is definitely not mutual.
10:44How is Rose?
10:45I haven't seen her for a couple of days.
10:47I'm not her keeper.
10:48Well, she was living under your roof.
10:50Where she could happily come and go as she pleased.
10:53That's strange.
10:54I thought she was really reconnecting with her family.
10:57Especially Will.
10:58I thought she was.
10:59I thought she was.
11:00I thought she was.
11:01I thought she was.
11:02I thought she was.
11:03Especially Will.
11:05And now she's vanished into thin air.
11:09Very strange how things seem to have a tendency
11:12of not going so well for people who try and take me on.
11:16What's going on here?
11:18Oh, we were just chatting about her business partner, Rose.
11:21Business partner?
11:23What's she on about?
11:25You don't know what your wife's been up to, do you?
11:29She's been paying Rose to ruin my marriage.
11:47What were you thinking?
11:48It's not anything you haven't done before.
11:50I just wanted to put her in her place.
11:52Do you know, this all makes sense now.
11:54All those comments she was making, she thought I was behind it, didn't she?
11:57I wanted to hit her where it hurt, and Will is the only thing she cares about.
12:00And now Rose has gone missing.
12:02Well, God knows what's happened to her.
12:03What if Kim's going to go as far as offing her?
12:05I'm telling you, I wouldn't put it past her.
12:08Hang on.
12:12Did Kim burn down the car firm?
12:18You are coming with me.
12:30Where have you been?
12:32I thought you were supposed to be sorting out what's happening with Dawn.
12:38Is that Rose's phone?
12:40Snuck it out of her bag when we dumped her at the lay-by.
12:44Well, isn't that obvious?
12:46I didn't want to risk her getting in touch with anyone.
12:49Look, if Dawn gets another message from Rose
12:52making it crystal clear she meant what she said the other day,
12:55then Dawn's not going to ask any more questions
12:58and she's going to stop looking.
13:00Well, do you want to do this or not?
13:14What is this place? What are we doing here?
13:25You bring me all the way here, wherever this is,
13:28just to give me the silent treatment?
13:36Evan's finally down.
13:38I could do with a walk. Claim a head.
13:40Yeah, you get yourself off. I'll keep an ear out for him.
13:47Everything OK?
13:49It's Mum.
13:51Is she all right?
13:53Where is she?
13:54I don't know.
13:56She says, stop looking for me.
13:59There's no nice way to say it.
14:01Leave me alone.
14:03The whole family thing with you and the kids is just not for me.
14:07I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.
14:09So let it go.
14:10Let me go.
14:13She doesn't care.
14:15She never cared.
14:17Are you OK?
14:18If she doesn't want me looking for her, then fine.
14:20I won't. She's dead to me.
14:23She needs some space.
14:29Earlier, when I told you I got Rose's phone when we were at the lay-by,
14:35did you believe me?
14:36It doesn't matter.
14:38Now she's got that text, she'll stop looking for it.
14:41We can draw a line under everything and start afresh.
14:45So that's a no, then?
14:48We can't start afresh.
14:50If you still have questions.
14:53Ask me.
14:56Ask you what?
14:57You know what.
14:59Go on.
15:02Did you kill her?
15:03Did you go back and kill her?
15:06And there it is.
15:08When all's said and done, you don't trust me.
15:12Maybe you never have.
15:15Makes me wonder what we're still doing together.
15:18There you go, guitar.
15:20Fancy a refill?
15:22Er, no.
15:23No, I'll work for Moira.
15:25Oh, wow.
15:26That is so thoughtful.
15:28Well done, you.
15:31Well, what are you doing?
15:32Shouldn't you be getting ready for court tomorrow?
15:35Well, they've already decided what they're doing,
15:37so nothing's going to change that.
15:40What's happened here?
15:42I met up with Josh earlier.
15:44Tried to get him to talk to me.
15:46Josh earlier.
15:47Tried to get him to do the right thing and speak to the police.
15:50Don't look like you were using words.
15:52Put them fighting lessons to good use.
15:54And taught him a lesson.
15:57Anyway, I said I'd meet Lydia and my dad for a drink,
15:59so I'll see you in a bit.
16:06What have you done to your hands?
16:07Oh, it's just from them lessons with Cain.
16:09It's nothing serious.
16:11Samson Dingle.
16:12I'm arresting you on suspicion of aggravated assault.
16:15You do not have to say anything.
16:16I'm not.
16:18Dad, it's OK.
16:19But it may harm your defence
16:20if you do not mention when questioned
16:22something which you later rely on in court.
16:24Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
16:26There must be some kind of mistake.
16:28What assault?
16:29What's going on?
16:30Dad, please.
16:31The assault was on Josh Colt.
16:32Someone saw it and called it in.
16:33It was also picked up on a doorbell camera.
16:39Nice, this, isn't it?
16:41It wasn't raining.
16:45It'd be even nicer
16:46if you told me why the hell you brought me up here.
16:49Patience never was one of your strong points, was it?
16:55The insurance people called.
16:57The fire investigation's complete.
17:00That was quick.
17:03They'd decided that it was accidental.
17:06But they suspected us, then.
17:07How did you...?
17:09I gave them a few thousand reasons.
17:13Do you see this place here?
17:16I've bought it.
17:19And when the insurance pays out,
17:20I'm going to use that cash
17:22and I'm going to buy all this land up
17:25and I'm going to expand.
17:28I'm going all out.
17:31Where do you keep all this from me?
17:33Port Kettle.
17:35And I'm going to sell it.
17:37Port Kettle?
17:39It's so annoying.
17:41And that's why you love me.
17:45You know, you made one mistake when you went after Kim.
17:48I was thinking that Will was the most important thing to her.
17:50I mean, you know, don't get me wrong,
17:52she loves him and all that,
17:53but not as much as she loves being the big I am.
17:56Being lady of the manor,
17:57riding round up here on a horse.
18:01But not for much longer.
18:03I'm going to build an empire right here,
18:05on her doorstep.
18:07And that's all thanks to you.
18:16Can I just have a minute, please?
18:21I wasn't looking for trouble, I promise.
18:23I just wanted Josh to admit what he did to Matty.
18:27I just tried to get things right, Dad.
18:29We'll get you a lawyer.
18:30They'll sort this.
18:33Are you on in there?
18:34Do you hear me?
18:37Come on.
18:39We have to go.
18:50See you again. Bye-bye.
18:54There's a right commotion going on over there.
18:57Samson has beaten up some lad.
18:59And the police are there, at the pub,
19:01arresting him right now.
19:03I know.
19:04Police came by the house earlier,
19:06asked to see our doorbell footage.
19:10I didn't want to give it to them because of Sam,
19:12but they got the beginning, middle and end.
19:17Maybe prison will do him some good.
19:25I got some good news.
19:27Victoria is no longer unemployed.
19:30I offered her some shifts here and she graciously accepted
19:33and I said I'd fix things.
19:36Yeah, well, that's great,
19:38but I'm surprised she forgave you so easily
19:42and then agreed to work for you.
19:44Well, she has a job now.
19:46Not the greatest, I know,
19:47but in a better position to look after her and her son.
19:52You didn't tell her, did you?
19:55I asked you to make it right.
19:56Well, I did.
19:57You lied to her.
19:59And now she thinks you're a knight in shining armour
20:02when in fact it was you
20:03that made Jay sack her in the first place.
20:05Shame on you.
20:06I did the right thing.
20:07What more do you want from me?
20:08Tell her the truth.
20:10The full truth.
20:11Or I will.
20:28Still upset about Samson?
20:30He was always going to go to prison.
20:33It's just a matter of time.
20:37Was it you who called the police on him?
20:40You are joking, right?
20:41You had a delivery at the heart.
20:43No secret that you ate Samson.
20:45Well, you're the one who taught him how to fight.
20:48What did you think was going to happen?
20:50I was teaching him to protect himself.
20:52The same way that you protected Matty?
20:54How many times did I ask you,
20:56beg you to step in and get Samson to do the right thing?
20:59But oh no,
21:00Matty was left to rot in prison because Samson is family.
21:03You couldn't get heavy handed.
21:05And yet you didn't think twice about teaching him how to be violent.
21:08Do you know,
21:09if anyone's to blame for any of this,
21:11it's you, Cain.
21:19The whole family would be better off without you.