Wind damage and flooding left behind by Hurricane Debby

  • 2 months ago
Storm chaser Mike Scantlin reported from the scene of damage in Gainesville, Florida, in the aftermath of Hurricane Debby on Aug. 5.


00:00joining us now is storm chaser Mike Scantlin. He's alive in Gainesville, Florida, with the latest on the situation.
00:08Good afternoon. Now, you know, fortunately here in Gainesville, we are not seeing the type of impacts we were seeing further west as the core of the storm did miss the town here, but still a lot of trees down on power lines and a lot of trees down on the road.
00:25The trees down on the road have been cleared, but there are a lot of trees down on the power line still here and a lot less rain here in the Gainesville area than we had earlier with that flash flood emergency over near Live Oak.
00:35Now, there are multiple swift water recovery efforts there. I didn't see any of them in action, but a flash flood emergency was issued and a lot of that town seeing a lot of water coming through.
00:48U.S. 90 still closed in both directions as well as 129 south of town. So just a lot of rain. The core just seemed the core of the tropical storm kind of fell apart and just parked right there over town.
01:02Very, very bad situation there and near Live Oak, Florida. But fortunately, that has moved out and they are now in what I would consider to still be the eye of the storm, for lack of a better term, very disorganized.
01:15But the rain has moved out and they are in the clear now. So hopefully that water can recede and get things back to normal there in Live Oak.
01:23Thank you so much for checking back in with us, Storm Chaser Mike Scantlin. Of course, we're going to continue to check back in with you as we continue to follow this storm.
