10 Real Backstage Wrestling Fights You Didn't Know About

  • 2 months ago
CM Punk did not invent the backstage brawl...
00:00Do you want to know how I know this?
00:04Because they're human beings.
00:05Given the news machine though, people love hearing about them, which I totally do understand.
00:08Hello my friends, I am Simon from WhatCulture, and just to give you what does tickle your
00:13taste buds, here's 10 that you may not know about.
00:17Eddie Guerrero vs. Hawk
00:18I wasn't sure before this if they ever shared a locker room together, but it shows what
00:22I know.
00:24It is important to note that throughout his career Eddie was basically considered by everyone
00:27to be a super humble human being, who even was down on his luck even when he was on top
00:31of the world.
00:32That was just the kind of guy he was.
00:34That's why it's kind of ironic that he got into a fight with one half of the road warriors
00:38on an occasion where he just showed a little bit of arrogance.
00:41Happening when Guerrero was teaming with Art Barr, he went up to Animal and Hawk and he
00:45was like, man, have you seen us out there?
00:47I do believe right now we are the best tag team in the world.
00:51Now of course the future Legion of Doom thought that they held such an accolade, so Hawk said
00:54to Ed, well listen man, if we're talking about junior heavyweights maybe, but tag team?
00:59Try again.
01:00And I think Guerrero may have taken a little bit of offence to this, so we doubled down
01:04on it.
01:05Apparently right after that, Hawk just smacked him in the face though, and if you think that
01:08sounds unnecessary, yes, you'd be right.
01:11Sounds like they made up pretty quickly after this, and again, just go through everything
01:14that Eddie Guerrero did, he's an absolute hero.
01:18Hawk vs. 2 Cold Scorpio
01:19Well it ain't looking too great for Hawk is it?
01:22We've gone two for two.
01:23For whatever reason though, he and 2 Cold Scorpio just didn't get on, and they decided,
01:27like Russell Crowe, to take their fighting around the world.
01:30The one we are going to talk about today apparently went down when WCW were doing those North
01:33Korea shows, which you should absolutely go and read about.
01:37Apparently Scorpio wasn't happy on any of this tour, and was actively walking around
01:41going, man, that Ric Flair, driving around in his limousine and wearing the bus?
01:45He is not a locker room leader at all.
01:472 Cold also felt like the Nature Boy was holding him back in his career, and when Hawk heard
01:51about this, I guess he felt there was a hierarchy, so once again, he punched 2 Cold Scorpio in
01:56the face.
01:57The first blow was thrown outside of a hotel when the rest of the roster broke it up, and
02:01because they were in North Korea, I think cooler heads prevailed, with Hawk and Scorpio
02:06deciding, well, let's just get back to America, and we can continue this on.
02:10They somehow still got into this when they were on the bus, but thankfully then, when
02:14we did return to America, I think everybody realised it's not worth it, and they did what
02:18anybody should do, they just stopped talking to each other.
02:238 CM Punk vs. Teddy Hart
02:24This one has to come with a pinch of salt, because it does come from the mouth of Teddy
02:27Hart, although Paul London did back him up, but yeah, Ted has told many a tale over his
02:32time, and a lot of them are baloney.
02:35Kicking off when they were both in NWA TNA, however, apparently they had a disagreement
02:39in a restaurant, when they went outside, they threw some fisticuffs, with maybe, apparently
02:44allegedly, Teddy Hart getting the better of it, but again, who was telling the story?
02:48It is Teddy Hart, so you're going to have to make your own mind up.
02:51London has also been very vocal about his feelings towards CM Punk, and look, I'm sure
02:55there was some kind of a scuffle, but if the result was as cut and dry as it was made out,
02:59well, I don't know.
03:017 William Regal vs. Van Hammer
03:03So I don't think you want to mess with William Regal, he's one tough mother hubbard.
03:07Now if you need proof of that, just go and watch him and Finlay fight each other in WCW.
03:12They just punch each other right in the face, it's the stiffest thing you'll ever see in
03:15your life.
03:16I don't think Van Hammer knew any of this though, because apparently during a Christmas
03:19party hosted by DDP, the Ham Man was walking around going, oh man, I'm getting pushed so
03:24hard and I ain't doing anything, and Regal took such great offence to this, he went and
03:28punched him.
03:29He also followed it up with a headbutt that knocked Van Hammer out, and there's also other
03:33reports that apparently Van was saying, oh man, the European style absolutely sucks,
03:39so a small part of me was like, what did you think was going to happen?
03:41It's also not true, because when it comes to wrestling you need all these different
03:44styles, but once again, even though he's in his fifties now, if you want to go mess
03:48with Regal, just don't.
03:51The Big Show vs. Chavo Guerrero
03:52Well, you gotta give it to ooh, Chavo, he decided to try it on with the Big Show, which
03:57is a really stupid idea.
03:59Jim Ross talked about this on his podcast and took us back to 2004, and when the pair
04:03were on a long, gruelling tour, I suppose Big Show decided he needed to take the mick
04:07out of someone, so he picked Chavo.
04:09Now this was really childlike, because the real life Paul Wight was all, ha ha Chavo,
04:13all really small, so Guerrero fired back with, well yeah, you're fat and lazy.
04:18This is when the Big Show pushed Chavo, and thankfully, that's when it was broken up,
04:23because I imagine even though it was just one shove, Guerrero ended up in the other
04:27And apparently this was true as well, because everybody realised, oh my gosh, this is going
04:29to go bad so quickly, much like when Chris Jericho tried to take on Brock Lesnar.
04:35Now look, fair play to Jericho, that takes some cojones, but as he has said too, he would
04:40have died.
04:42Paul Orndorff vs. Tony Alice
04:43So I suppose in many ways this would be big men slapping men, neat.
04:47It's also flubbing ridiculous.
04:49Because even though it was Paul Orndorff and Tony Alice who are basically legends when
04:52it comes to pro wrestling, they had a falling out over Leg Room.
04:57Oh dear.
04:58Brian Blair who was also in this vehicle managed to recount all of this, and said that Alice
05:02was in a bad mood anyway, as he sat around going, oh man, apart from Andre the Giant,
05:07nobody could beat me up for real.
05:09So he's ten.
05:10But Paul, as I suppose he saw himself as somewhat of a tough guy, and tensions got so high,
05:15Orndorff also decided, well Mr. Atlas, I don't appreciate how much your seat is reclined.
05:22That is silly.
05:24This was the tipping point though, because the car was pulled over and they did get into
05:27a fight with Tony Atlas being suplexed on the ground, and it got so out of control,
05:32the flipping police turned up.
05:33They were able to break this up and calm everybody down, and I suppose from a kayfabe point of
05:37view, at least they were protecting the business.
05:39So all of this feels totally unnecessary, but I do get it.
05:41Remember when you're in a plane, and the person in front of you puts their seat back?
05:45Like they're allowed to do it, but deep down you think, what a dick.
05:49Bill Goldberg vs. Evan Courageous
05:51Or Cara Gruis, as I like to call him, mostly because it winds everybody up.
05:55As ever though, this was sparked from nothing and happened before a Nitro taping in 2000,
05:59when Evan walked up to Goldberg and went to shake his hand, which is the way in wrestling,
06:04and when Goldberg went, no I don't want to shake it, Courageous went absolutely nuts
06:09and hit him.
06:10What a stupid idea.
06:11Billy was so wound up by this, he grabbed Courageous and just threw him all around the
06:15I think this escalated because Bill was trying to apologise to him, and Evan said no, it's
06:19not good enough.
06:20The Insane Clown Posse have added more to this because apparently they witnessed it,
06:24and they were like no, actually what happened is that Bill Goldberg and Evan Courageous
06:28were going to shake hands, but before they did this, Bill took his hand and rubbed it
06:33on his crotch.
06:35Apparently the Doug Dillinger who was the head of WCW security saw all of this but decided
06:39to do nothing.
06:40So next time you're wondering why World Championship Wrestling died, Exhibit 9.
06:46Rob Van Dam vs. Taz
06:47So as the story goes, Taz was on such a roll in ECW as he played the role of the tough
06:51guy, he started to believe his own hype.
06:53Now look, don't get me wrong, the man could kick many people's asses, but in terms of
06:57the backstage atmosphere...
06:58RVD was one of these guys, so when Taz apparently got upset with the November 2 Remember 1998
07:05main event, which was RVD vs. Sabu vs. Bigler vs. Candido, he went up to RVD and told him.
07:13Now look, if you have seen that match, no it didn't go to plan.
07:16But allegedly, Taz said to Rob, which one of my hands do you want me to smack you with?
07:21When Van Dam decided, I've had enough of this, and he clocked him one instead.
07:24It didn't get much further than a couple of blows because it was broken up, but how many
07:28times do I have to say this?
07:29Use your words, my friends.
07:30Your words.
07:31Not a huge surprise this happened backstage at ECW because apparently these things were
07:35rife there, but maybe that's why it was kind of good they were under the radar.
07:39Nobody really heard about it.
07:41Vince McMahon vs. Harley Race
07:42So as we know and have seen, Vince McMahon isn't scared of anybody.
07:47He probably should be, so if he's got a problem with you, he'll just tell you.
07:50It's likely why he was able to control a wrestling company for so long.
07:53When we go back to 1983 and he was trying to kill Jim Crockett Promotions, he went to
07:57Harley Race, who was a huge star over there, and was like, hey King, why don't you no-show
08:04It was all Vince's way to try and prove that the WWF was the best promotion in the world.
08:08But I don't think he thought this through because 1.
08:11Harley was knee deep in the NWA and 2.
08:14He had money invested in the company.
08:15As the story goes though, McMahon was so livid he was turned down, he tried to double leg
08:20Harley Race, who basically sidestepped him, picked him up and told him to calm down.
08:25That was that.
08:26I assume McMahon just stormed off after that because he must have been absolutely livid,
08:29whereas Harley Race probably sat down and just smoked a cigar.
08:33The man was pretty damn cool.
08:36The Other Backstage AEW Fight
08:37So I never want to talk about all the AEW CM Punk stuff again because I think it has
08:41been done to death, and also he seems to be flourishing in his career, AEW is really good,
08:46let's keep the positivity going.
08:47There was a massive plus though, because if you weren't him, you could just get into
08:51as many scraps as you wanted and nobody would report about it because everyone was talking
08:55about CM Punk.
08:56Now to be fair, the one we're going to talk about today happened way before he ever
08:59debuted with the company, and actually was going down on AEW's 4th ever show.
09:04It all stemmed from some bad beef between Bea Priestley and Sadie Gibbs, with the former
09:08saying the latter left the Japanese tour earlier, with the latter saying to the former that's
09:12not true at all, leave me alone.
09:13It all apparently led to some stiff shots being thrown in the Casino Battle Royale at
09:17All Out 2019, and then continued when we got backstage.
09:21The story went that Sadie went for Bea after this to try and teach her a lesson, but when
09:25you dive into it, there's not too much smoke, so I wouldn't totally believe the fire.
09:30Do not get me wrong though, the bad blood was absolutely real, and you can see it play
09:34out live on social media.
09:36But otherwise, let's remember that being friends is better than being enemies, so let's just
09:41spread love all over the place.
09:44That sounds terrible.
09:45Now make sure you click the video on the screen, which is the 10 most random WWE appearances
09:50You won't believe some of them.
09:51Like the video, share the video and subscribe.
09:53Have a lovely day, my friends, and I'll see you soon.
