Cat Hates Her Uncle — But He's Not Giving Up

  • last month
Cat cannot stand it when this one guy comes over...Our producer Monica talked to Attica’s parents and least-favorite uncle, Andrew, about how they’ve managed (or tried) to win her over


00:00Okay. She has always been pretty feisty. She definitely lulls people into a sense
00:10of calmness. I literally would do nothing and she would get mad. We thought honestly
00:25that she might have an underlying health issue that was causing her to act like
00:29this. She's gone to the vet multiple times. But it turns out she's just
00:35perfectly healthy and just a little chunky. So we're just focusing on getting
00:38the weight down. Attica's definitely daddy's little girl.
00:46She's definitely loving with me for sure. But other people have tried. We always
00:54have friends over. She will give off the vibe that she wants to be pet or get
00:59attention. And then as soon as they don't pet her the correct way, she immediately
01:04snaps. If we have guests over, we'll let her go wherever she wants and even like
01:10prop spots for her just in case she wants a safe spot to go to. But she
01:14always chooses to be where people are. Attica definitely dislikes Andrew more
01:20than anybody else. Andrew is one of our best friends and is at our apartment
01:29constantly. So it's very important for us to help build her trust and confidence
01:35around him because of how much he plays a big role in our lives. You get false
01:46belief that you've gained her trust. In a split second, you've gone from, oh my
01:52god, she like actually likes me, to you might have a little bit of scratch on
01:56your hand.
02:02Some of the ways that I've tried to get Attica on my good side is I'll get
02:07some of the toys that Trevor and Nicole have bought for her. Sometimes I give her
02:11a treat. Just letting her come to me as well. If she doesn't want to see me, I'll back
02:19off and then try again. Overall, I've made progress. Attica has had several
02:27milestones with me. She's let me pet her. She's even come to sit next to me on the
02:34couch. My favorite part about Attica is just being able to interact with Attica
02:46who I've grown to love and try to win her over. It has been so much fun. She
02:52definitely keeps things interesting, that's for sure.
