• last year
Sunday Night Heat 8-15-1999
(Taped August 10, 1999 before RAW)
Milwaukee, WI
Bradley Center

Chyna goes HAM on a chauvinist pig.

If you want to know a little bit of Chyna history you can do so by going on Twitter.com/TDIChynaHistory

Also check out the original Chyna Channel at Youtube.com/TheChynaChannel


00:00And here's the person who in one week's time could become WWF Champion, the 9th winner of the world, China, all being with some help from Stone Cold Steve Austin this past week, she got into that championship match, and I think it's pretty apparent who Stone Cold blamed for that attack.
00:17Not just Stone Cold, but Commissioner Shawn Michaels as well, and keep in mind if Triple H hadn't been such a hothead towards Jesse the Body Ventura, he would still be the number one contender.
00:27But China has completely changed the complexion of SummerSlam, and Michael, I wonder if the complexion of her relationship, her partnership with Triple H has completely changed as well.
00:37Well she's come down to the ring for this interview with Jim Ross solo, hopefully we'll have the answer to that question here momentarily, but nonetheless China has a shot at the WWF title in a week on pay-per-view.
00:49China, I've been in the game a long time, and I never thought I'd be standing here with a woman that is the number one contender for the WWF title, obviously you are an amazing athlete and are to be congratulated on your accomplishment.
01:07Did you say congratulations? Why don't you take your congratulations JR and stick it where the sun don't shine.
01:17A woman, number one contender, of course you never thought you'd see the day, you know why? Cause you're a pig. You're a male chauvinist pig JR.
01:31Oh no, you never thought that a woman could be on an even playing field did ya? Well it was always even for me JR. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror so that you can see that you're the only one with a handicap around here.
01:51Wait a minute, all I needed was an opportunity and Shawn Michaels gave me just that. He certainly did and obviously that has not made Triple H very happy.
02:07I don't really care if it's made Triple H happy or not. You see for me, this is business. It's a doggy dog world out there. Last Monday night on Raw, I beat him. I am the number one contender.
02:21Yes, I would say you had Triple H for lunch. However, in one week at SummerSlam, the meal you'll attempt to digest is the rattlesnake. Stone Cold Steve Austin at SummerSlam won't be very easy.
02:41I never said it was going to be easy JR, but let me ask you this. Last Monday night on Raw when I wrestled both The Undertaker and Triple H, whose hand was raised JR? Yours. That's right, mine was.
02:54You see, I think I figured it out with all of you guys. You like to think with your little head instead of your big head. I like to make it so that you can't think at all. You see, I aim for the soft spot and Stone Cold Steve Austin, he's no different from the rest of them.
03:13Obviously, you're referring to your low blow. Yeah, I'm referring to the low blow, JR. You see, I got a little message for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin, at SummerSlam, I am going to rip him off and stomp on him if I have to.
03:37Whoa! If opportunity knocks for Chyna, she's not going to open the door. I think she's going to tear it off his hinges. I don't think that's the only thing she plans on ripping off. But for Chyna, Michael, it's not about being a man or a woman. It's about being an opportunist. Chyna, to me, will do anything it takes to walk away from SummerSlam, the WWF Champion, next Sunday.
03:57Strong words from an eye-spotter of the world, Chyna. She's definitely focused on SummerSlam one week from tonight on pay-per-view.
