Judy Justice Latest Episode 2024 | Car Thief Hit and Run

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Judy Justice Latest Episode 2024 Car Thief Hit and Run Full HD
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00:00Your daughter was involved in a hit-and-run.
00:03I believe my daughter.
00:04Your daughter ran away.
00:06She's 14 years old.
00:07She could have killed people.
00:09When did you call the police?
00:11The answer is you did not, but this is the example that you're setting.
00:14That's a great lesson.
00:16This is Judy Justice.
00:20Tonya Atkins is suing vehicle owner Kelly DePanger
00:25for damages and lost wages from a car accident.
00:29Court, come to order.
00:30All rise.
00:32Have a seat, please.
00:34Hello, Judge.
00:36Case 21-65, Atkins v. DePanger.
00:39Thank you very much.
00:40You're welcome.
00:42Tell me your first name.
00:45How old are you, Destiny?
00:46I'm 14.
00:47And you don't have a driver's license.
00:49No, ma'am.
00:50So you know you're not allowed to drive a car.
00:52Yes, I do.
00:53You took your mother's car without permission.
00:55I did.
00:56You were with a girlfriend.
00:57Yes, ma'am.
00:58Who also is your age.
01:01Uh-huh is not an answer.
01:02Yes, ma'am.
01:03And you stole your mother's car from her.
01:06Yes, ma'am.
01:07You stole her car.
01:08Yes, ma'am.
01:09And you stole your mother's car on what date?
01:12October 7th or 8th.
01:15Where was your mother?
01:18What time did you steal your mother's car?
01:20Around 4, 3.
01:25Around that time.
01:27Like, I say about 3.30.
01:29I'm sorry.
01:30The morning, afternoon, or evening?
01:32In the morning, a.m.
01:343.30 in the morning?
01:35Yes, ma'am.
01:36And you had an accident?
01:37Yes, ma'am.
01:38You had an accident with this lady's car.
01:40Yes, ma'am.
01:41And instead of stopping, you took off, right?
01:45Yes, ma'am.
01:46And it was a bad accident.
01:47Yes, ma'am.
01:48And was the damage to the side of your car?
01:52No, ma'am.
01:54Was the damage to the side of your car?
01:56No, ma'am.
01:57Passenger side?
01:58No, ma'am.
01:59Don't play.
02:00Passenger side, no.
02:01Driver side, no.
02:03Where was the damage to your car?
02:05The front.
02:07Okay, so now that I've got the clear picture, you stole your mother's car.
02:13You have no driver's license.
02:15Whatever insurance your mother had on the car would certainly not cover this accident
02:20because you're an unauthorized driver.
02:22You have no driver's license.
02:24Your mother certainly wasn't going to report you to the police for stealing her car.
02:28I don't think you did that, right?
02:29No, ma'am.
02:30And the damage to your car was in the front.
02:36You're going to tell me, but just so that I know.
02:39The damage to your car was on the side.
02:42Yes, ma'am.
02:43Of course.
02:44You see, cars don't slide together.
02:47Do you know what I mean?
02:48One car hits another.
02:50Do you understand?
02:51Uh-huh is not an answer.
02:52Yes, ma'am.
02:54Okay, so now we're going to go to October 8th.
02:57Yes, ma'am.
02:58You were on your way to work?
02:59Yes, ma'am.
03:00And Ms. Atkins, tell me what happened.
03:03I was going to work.
03:04It was 530 in the morning.
03:05I was going up Franklin Road.
03:07I got to Brookville Road.
03:09You were driving straight?
03:11I'm going up Franklin Road.
03:13I get to a light at Brookville Road.
03:15I make a stop because the light is red.
03:18I'm sitting at the red light.
03:19The light changes green.
03:21I proceed to go through the light at the green light.
03:24The defendant is coming the opposite way from me.
03:28She's not in the turning lane.
03:30She's in the regular straight lane.
03:32So I see her coming at a rapid speed.
03:34But I'm thinking she's going straight.
03:36So I proceed to go through the light.
03:38By the time I get mid-light, I don't know what happened,
03:40but she decides to turn.
03:42And when she turns, she turns right into me, like, and hits me.
03:48And then what happened?
03:50And then I hear her and her friends are hollering.
03:54Her friend is hollering, run, Destiny, we have to go.
03:56Run, Destiny, we have to go.
03:58I'm still trying to get myself together.
04:01And I'm looking, and all I could do was grab my phone
04:04and dial 911 to call the police.
04:07And by that time they were gone.
04:09And by that time they were gone.
04:10Ms. Hopkins, how did you find her?
04:12We called to the insurance company.
04:15No, no, wait a second.
04:16How did you find her?
04:17They took off.
04:18Oh, they took off.
04:19They took off.
04:20Her car was still at the accident.
04:22So they ran and left the car.
04:24Yes, ma'am.
04:27So my husband came.
04:28I had called my husband as well.
04:30He came to the accident scene.
04:32He took pictures of the cars and the plates,
04:35and we contacted our insurance.
04:37Our insurance gave us the name, and I went on Facebook,
04:43and I looked her up, and I seen Destiny,
04:47who I had seen run from the accident.
04:49And we found out she was hiring for a job.
04:52So inboxed her, found out where she worked,
04:56and we went to her job.
04:58You mean her mother?
04:59Her mother.
05:00Her mother.
05:01My daughter inboxed you and asked you what?
05:03Don't speak to her.
05:04Okay, I'm sorry.
05:05Don't speak to her.
05:07Listen to me.
05:08Whatever you say is no good.
05:10Just understand that.
05:11Your daughter stole your car.
05:13She's 14 years old.
05:15She could have killed people.
05:17She could have killed people.
05:18There's no excuse for that.
05:20There's no excuse for stealing your car.
05:22Has she ever done it before?
05:24But she did.
05:25Yes, ma'am.
05:27And she did, and she had an accident
05:29because she didn't have a driver's license.
05:31She lacked state permission
05:33to be behind the wheel of a car.
05:38Tonya Atkins claims vehicle owner Kelly DePanger
05:42owes for damages
05:44after Kelly's 14-year-old daughter
05:46crashed into her car.
05:48So she didn't have a driver's license.
05:50She lacked state permission
05:53to be behind the wheel of a car.
05:55But she still harassed me, though.
05:58At my job.
05:59She harassed me at my job.
06:01Just a second.
06:02Did she contact you first?
06:04As far as...
06:05Just anything.
06:09I don't know who her daughter was.
06:12I didn't know who her daughter was
06:13trying to contact me on Facebook.
06:17Did you know your daughter had been in an accident?
06:20Let's go.
06:21Did you know your daughter had been in an accident?
06:22Of course you did because she left the car there.
06:26So you knew she had been in an accident.
06:29Did you contact the police?
06:32Why not?
06:33She came to the house
06:35freaking out and, you know,
06:36in panic of her getting in an accident.
06:38And my daughter is telling me...
06:39So what did you...
06:40Just a second.
06:41So what did you do?
06:42What did you do?
06:43Your daughter stole your car.
06:44I see the picture of the accident.
06:45The picture of the accident
06:46clearly shows that your daughter hit her car.
06:49Your daughter's car is the gray one.
06:50This is the very first time I've seen this.
06:51Just a second.
06:52Well, I'm telling you.
06:53When you have front-end damage,
06:54that means you hit somebody.
06:56She's wrong from the get-go.
06:58So I'm asking you.
06:59She came home.
07:00You told somebody.
07:01Did you call the police and say,
07:02Listen, my 14-year-old daughter
07:03took my car without permission.
07:05There was a bad accident.
07:06I hope nobody was hurt.
07:08Did you do that?
07:09No, I did not.
07:11Of course not.
07:12You waited for somebody to find you.
07:13No, not necessarily.
07:14Well, what do you mean not necessarily?
07:15Unless you contacted somebody.
07:17Did you go back to...
07:18I mean, I was under the impression
07:19that they called the police.
07:22Just a second.
07:23What would give you that impression?
07:24Your daughter ran away.
07:25She said that cops were called.
07:27How did she know the cops were called?
07:28She ran away.
07:30The cops were there.
07:32A cop had spoke to me that night.
07:35I was...
07:36After the accident?
07:37No, before.
07:38I mean, yeah, after the accident.
07:40Well, the accident happened 3.30 in the morning.
07:42The officer spoke to you at night.
07:44That's after the accident.
07:45Yes, ma'am.
07:46But there's a fire department right by
07:48where we got into an accident at.
07:51And there was a police car parked
07:54while I was fleeing the scene.
07:56And he had asked me what I was doing.
07:59And I told him that I was fine
08:02and that there had just been a car accident.
08:05And he went.
08:06And the policeman told you to leave?
08:09He stopped and spoke to a policeman
08:11that there had been this kind of car accident
08:13that you were driving.
08:14You were driving with that.
08:15And the policeman told you to leave?
08:20Did you notify your insurance company?
08:23Shut up!
08:24That's either a yes or a no.
08:25No, because I don't have insurance at last.
08:28Double whammy.
08:30So your daughter follows in her mother's foot.
08:32This is the example that you're setting.
08:34She's driving your car without a license.
08:37And you have a car that has no insurance.
08:40That's a great lesson.
08:42And so what happens is a perfect storm.
08:45Your car without insurance,
08:48driven by your unlicensed minor child,
08:51causes a stupendous accident
08:55where someone could have been killed.
08:57You don't call the police.
08:59Did you go and look at the scene of the accident?
09:01It's either a yes or a no.
09:03Not the scene.
09:05The scene.
09:06I'm talking about the scene of the accident.
09:08Your daughter came home.
09:09Did she tell you right away what happened?
09:11What time did your daughter get home?
09:13About 7 or 8 in the morning.
09:15Well, where did she go after the accident?
09:17Did you ask her?
09:18She was waiting for a ride.
09:20She woke me up in my sleep and told me about the accident.
09:23So the accident that happened 3.30 in the morning,
09:27according to her, or 5.30,
09:29so she was driving around for a couple of hours
09:32before the accident happened,
09:34happened 5.30.
09:35An hour and a half later, she woke you up?
09:38Is that what you're telling me?
09:39Yes, ma'am.
09:40And did she tell you where the accident happened?
09:43And what did you do?
09:44At 7.30 in the morning, she had a terrible accident.
09:47She told you where it happened.
09:49Did she tell you that she ran away from the accident?
09:53What did you do?
09:55Well, she does have severe asthma.
09:57Justice, I don't care whether she has severe asthma or not.
10:00It's irrelevant to me.
10:02I'm asking you what you did.
10:06What you did.
10:07Your daughter calls you, not from the house.
10:09She comes in the house.
10:11Oh, I thought you said she called you.
10:13Not important.
10:14She came into the house at 7.30.
10:16She told you that she stole the car,
10:19went for a joyride with her friend,
10:21whatever language she used,
10:22and she had a very bad accident.
10:24The car was demolished.
10:27Yes, ma'am.
10:28What did you do?
10:297.30 in the morning.
10:30I want to know what you did.
10:317.30, 8 o'clock, 8.30, 9 o'clock.
10:33What did you do?
10:34She wakes me up.
10:35I'm freaking out.
10:36She's freaking out.
10:37I don't care freaking out.
10:39It's not relevant to don't speak to your mother.
10:42I'm asking your mother a question.
10:45What did you do?
10:48As soon as she told me that,
10:50I was freaking out about it,
10:52and I went into mommy mode
10:54because she was outside in hours,
10:56cold, waiting for a ride,
10:59and she was having asthma problems.
11:01She was in a panic.
11:02So I immediately, you know,
11:03I was trying to figure out what's going on,
11:05but I also wanted to make sure that my daughter was okay.
11:07Oh, that takes a half hour.
11:08That takes a half hour.
11:10What did you do at 8 o'clock?
11:11And I gave her a breathing treatment.
11:13After you gave her the breathing treatment,
11:15that's 8 o'clock.
11:16Now it's 8.15.
11:17As we're giving her a treatment,
11:19we are looking through the internet
11:22and looking to see what tow companies,
11:24what place would have our car.
11:27And we finally figured out where our car was,
11:29and I got a ride to go look at my car.
11:31What time?
11:32I would say maybe about 9, 10 o'clock.
11:35When was the call to the police?
11:37Now you took care of your daughter.
11:39You gave her a breathing treatment.
11:40You looked through the internet.
11:42When did you call the police?
11:43Your daughter was involved in a hit-and-run.
11:45I was under the assumption that the police were called.
11:48Who told you that?
11:49That the police was at the scene.
11:51Just a second.
11:52Who told you that?
11:53She ran away.
11:54Well, I do know that the car got sent to a police,
11:57like, impound, like, towing company.
12:00You didn't know that until you looked it up.
12:03I'm asking you when you called the police.
12:05So I did that.
12:06The answer is you did not.
12:07No, I did not.
12:09So I don't have to go look any further.
12:12No insurance.
12:13No driver's license.
12:15Fled the scene.
12:16Her fault.
12:20Tonya Atkins is accusing vehicle owner Kelly Depanger
12:24of refusing to pay for damages
12:27after Kelly's 14-year-old daughter
12:29crashed into Tonya's car.
12:31So now you have insurance.
12:33Yes, ma'am.
12:34And there was a note on the car.
12:36Yes, ma'am.
12:37The car is totaled.
12:38It looks like it's a total car to me.
12:40Yes, ma'am.
12:41How much was left on the note for the car?
12:45Was left on the note?
12:46Yes, ma'am.
12:47Okay, I'll take a look at those papers in a second.
12:49And what was the check from insurance?
12:51They paid $30,000.
12:52Can I see, please?
12:56I don't have my glasses, and they're in my purse.
12:59I'm sorry.
13:00Maybe your husband can help you.
13:01Yes, ma'am.
13:10Yes, ma'am.
13:15So, am I correct if they paid you $35,749?
13:19Is that what they paid you?
13:20That's what they paid the dealership.
13:22Yes, ma'am.
13:25And the amount financed was $39,800?
13:27That is correct.
13:28And you hadn't made any payments?
13:30Yes, ma'am.
13:31We've made payments.
13:32This is $39,826.
13:36But you made payments, so that would reduce the amount of the loan.
13:40This is the original copy of when we purchased the vehicle.
13:43And then I have a list of the payments that we made right here.
13:47What I want to know is you're suing for the difference between what was paid...
13:53Yes, ma'am.
13:54...to the loan company and what you still owed that you had to make good on, correct?
14:01How much money did you have to make good on to the loan company?
14:05It's not $5,000.
14:08How much money did you have to pay the loan company to clear the debt?
14:14What we had was called a gap insurance.
14:17So you had gap.
14:18Yes, ma'am.
14:19So all you had was a deductible.
14:20So all you had to pay was if you had gap...
14:22Which was a $500 deductible.
14:24Just a second.
14:26That's all.
14:27That's what I want to know.
14:28So the gap covered whatever the difference...
14:29The gap didn't cover the complete loss of the vehicle because they said we didn't have uninsured motors,
14:35so we had to come out of pocket.
14:37So now I want you to show me...
14:39Yes, ma'am.
14:40...what your out-of-pocket was.
14:49Yes, ma'am.
14:53I'm not understanding this.
14:55You want to tell me what the out-of-pocket is?
14:58How much?
15:03Yes, ma'am.
15:04That's what we owe out-of-pocket.
15:06Not $5,000.
15:07No, ma'am.
15:09Yes, ma'am.
15:11Well, that certainly has to make you whole.
15:12I knew it wasn't $5,000, but it says you had gap insurance.
15:14Yes, ma'am.
15:17Now, you were taken from that accident scene to the hospital?
15:20Yes, ma'am.
15:21Which hospital?
15:22It's a Community East.
15:23Were you taken by ambulance?
15:25Yes, ma'am.
15:26Did you stay in the hospital?
15:27No, ma'am.
15:29Did you have any uncovered medical bills?
15:31No, ma'am.
15:32Were they all covered?
15:33Yes, ma'am.
15:35So, your out-of-pocket expense was $1,756?
15:39Yes, ma'am.
15:40And the discomfort that brought you to the hospital?
15:43Yes, ma'am.
15:44And I have a lost wage paper from my employer as well.
15:48I'd like to see it.
15:49Also, if I may say, ma'am, we had to rent a car, obviously,
15:53because her car was totaled, and the bill was in there as well.
16:02Well, your out-of-pocket expenses, including your lost wages
16:05because you didn't work a full shift or an hourly employee,
16:09those expenses, your car expenses, the $1,756,
16:14all amount to about $3,000.
16:16You're suing the defendant for $8,000, right?
16:19Yes, ma'am.
16:20I'm awarding you the $8,000.
16:22How dare you have a car on the road without insurance,
16:25and how dare you place other people at risk by getting behind the wheel of a car
16:30when you're 14 years old and have no business doing that.
16:33Do you own or rent your own home?
16:36We rent.
16:37You rent.
16:38Do you work?
16:39At the moment, no.
16:41Were you working then?
16:44What happened to your job?
16:45That's what you're going to tell me.
16:46You're going to tell me she came and she harassed you at your job.
16:50Tell me how.
16:51They both did.
16:52No, not both.
16:55Her, the plaintiff.
16:58Well, her husband is the one that did the talking.
17:00And he said?
17:01And he told me, I have never seen the accident until now,
17:05so I have no idea.
17:06I believe my daughter.
17:07Well, you shouldn't.
17:08Why would you believe a thief and a liar?
17:10No, I believe what happened.
17:12But why would you believe a thief and a liar?
17:15She may be a thief and a liar, but she's not stupid.
17:20If the plaintiff hit her, she would have stayed at the scene because she got hit.
17:27Doesn't that make sense to you?
17:30That if she was the one who was in the right and got hit by the plaintiff,
17:36she would have remained.
17:37She said she saw a police car there, and she spoke to a policeman.
17:41So if she was in the right in the accident, what did she leave for?
17:45Okay, you don't know.
17:47Judgment for the plaintiff, $8,000.
17:50This court is adjourned.
17:52It was very frightening.
17:53I've never been in an accident before, and so that time of morning, I'm on my way to work,
17:59so I'm not expecting that, of course.
18:01I mean, my daughter took my car.
18:03I'm glad that justice was served.
18:05When I tried to come out to make the turn, I seen her, and we crashed.
18:12I really don't think she gets the concept of what she done.
18:16I don't have a car.
18:17And her mother doesn't either, obviously.
18:21Single mom without a car.
18:23I think she was trying to get out of paying the money.
18:26I mean, I immediately went into mommy mode because of her asthma issues.
18:30And I think she also was only concerned about her daughter, which is another big issue to me too.
18:36I was frantic.
18:37I didn't know what to do.
18:38You never once mentioned, well, I wanted to check and see if the plaintiff was okay.
18:43I mean, my daughter could have been way worse.
18:45I'm just happy she's still here with me.
18:47Make sure you watch your kids.
18:48I've been a single parent as well.
18:50I raised three kids, and I've not had to deal with this situation.
18:53Don't lay your keys around.
18:56I will never understand parents like the defendant who cover for their children,
19:01who have done outrageous things.
19:03If I came home and told my father and my mother that I stole their car,
19:08was 14, driving a car, and fled the scene of any type of accident,
19:13I would need a breathing treatment after they were done with me.
19:16That is how it should be, because that is how you raise responsible, accountable children,
19:20to raise them into adults.
