The Best Day of My Life (2024) Ep 14 Eng sub

  • last month


00:00Thank you very much.
01:01My dad is calling me. I'm hanging up.
01:05Let me see.
01:08What's this?
01:10When we have a baby,
01:11I must get the money back.
01:23This is from the landlady.
01:26Happy Valentine's Day.
01:28Thank you, boss. Thank you, landlady.
01:30Okay, get back to work.
01:41Why didn't you reply to my message?
01:43Did you send me a message?
01:51I was just chatting in the family group.
01:53I didn't see it. I'm sorry.
01:55Is it Xie?
01:57Xie is not in the family group, right?
01:59We're a family.
02:00Hurry up and get him in.
02:03Did you hear my mom?
02:04Let you into the family group.
02:06Can you?
02:08Yes, no problem.
02:12But we have a lot of family members.
02:13It's more noisy.
02:16It's okay.
02:19Okay, I'll hang up first.
02:29What do I want to say?
02:31You can say anything.
02:32You don't have to say it.
02:40Your uncle-in-law is here.
02:42Happy New Year, son-in-law.
02:45Happy New Year, cousin-in-law.
02:47Mu Mu.
02:48Let me introduce you formally.
02:53Happy New Year.
02:54I'm Xu Mu's husband, Mu Mu.
02:56Happy New Year.
02:57I'm Xu Mu's husband, Xie Shi.
03:09I like Xie more and more.
03:12He has a good temper.
03:18Change your WeChat username.
03:20Identity plus name.
03:26You're in a hurry.
03:28Xie just came in.
03:29You have to slow down.
03:31I can't.
03:32I can't wait until tomorrow to be a father.
03:40The name has been changed.
03:43Yeah, look.
03:44It's comfortable to see now.
03:50Here's the red envelope.
03:54I'm lucky.
03:55Mom, how much do you have?
03:58Two hundred.
04:00How much did you get?
04:03See for yourself.
04:11Come on.
04:13Name plus name.
04:15You got the advantage.
04:17You should be ashamed of me.
04:19What to be ashamed of?
04:21You're angry.
04:22It's called the baby's username.
04:23It should be changed.
04:25I got the red envelope.
04:26That means I'm lucky.
04:29The best person in the first period continues to send.
04:31Yeah, the best person in the first period.
04:33It means he should get more red envelopes from others.
04:36You're so sweet.
04:37You're so sweet.
04:40Why do you send so much money?
04:42We usually send hundreds of dollars.
04:44Just for fun.
04:45This is the only time of the year.
04:47Happiness is the most important.
04:49I used to get more than one hundred.
04:51I thought this year's good luck was on me.
04:53I didn't expect it to be my dad.
04:56It's on you.
05:07Happy New Year.
05:15Happy New Year.
05:25Happy New Year.
05:44Mumu, open the door for me.
05:46Mom is busy.
05:50It's only seven o'clock.
05:51Who comes so early?
05:59What's up?
06:00Don't you recognize me?
06:02Why are you here?
06:08Here comes the soup.
06:11Didn't you say you'd come?
06:13It's New Year's Eve.
06:14Can you leave your aunt alone at home?
06:16By the way, where is your aunt?
06:18Aunt has a new boyfriend.
06:20She's busy dating.
06:22That's good.
06:24If someone takes care of her,
06:25you can rest assured.
06:27That's right.
06:29By the way,
06:30don't we take family photos every year?
06:32Xiaoxin is here.
06:33Let's take a new one.
06:35I'll get the camera.
06:36No, no, no.
06:37We'll take it after dinner.
06:40Let's eat first.
06:41We'll take it after dinner.
06:43Come on, Xiaoxin.
06:44Have a leg.
06:45Come on, come on.
06:46Try the shrimp your mom cooked.
06:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:51You have one, too.
07:06Three, two, one.
07:23Carlos, stop it.
07:26Look at that.
07:30Is it here?
07:32This is a street interview.
07:33Isn't this my street interview?
07:36Keep looking.
07:41I'm in a hurry.
07:42I'll go first.
07:48This is a street interview.
07:49Oh, my God.
07:50You were there that day.
07:51There will be a small gift.
07:53No problem.
07:54What's your favorite color?
07:57What's your favorite fruit?
07:58I didn't know you were there until I saw the video.
08:02The space-time traveler of Richard Curtis.
08:05In a corner we don't know,
08:08the world records our one-to-one encounters.
08:12I think he...
08:13I don't think he remembers me.
08:15It's inevitable that two people are together
08:20for countless coincidences.
08:24My origin is you.
08:27The point is you.
08:44Xu Mo.
08:51Marry me again.
08:53Marry me.
08:54Marry me.
08:55Marry me.
08:56Marry me.
08:57Marry me.
08:58Marry me.
08:59Marry me.
09:00Marry me.
09:01Marry me.
09:02Marry me.
09:03Marry me.
09:04Marry me.
09:05Marry me.
09:06Marry me.
09:07Marry me.
09:08Marry me.
09:09Marry me.
09:10Marry me.
09:11Marry me.
09:12Marry me.
09:13Marry me.
09:14Marry me.
09:15Marry me.
09:16Marry me.
09:17Marry me.
09:18Marry me.
09:19Marry me.
09:20Marry me.
09:21Marry me.
09:23Marry me.
09:24如果未来身边是你 If you were by my side in the future
09:28比我们不思起更替 We'd be closer to each other than we are now
09:31发生了不完和一切忧虑 We'd feel uneasy and worry
09:36陪你等日落潮汐 I'd be with you waiting for the sun to rise
09:39如果拒绝我的心意 If you reject my love
09:43能不能带我回头 When I was washing the dishes
09:46你是不是故意让我把戒指剪下来的 Did you let me take off the ring on purpose?
09:50是啊 Yes
09:51早知道我就穿好看一点 If I had known, I would have dressed better
09:53投影你爱情 To reflect your love
10:01那我再求一次 Then I'll beg you one more time
10:03把戒指还给我 Give me back the ring
10:04不要 No
10:05现在是我的了 It's mine now
10:07不用我的了 No, it's mine
10:09我爱你 I love you
10:40如果你和暗恋已久的人见面 If you meet someone who has been in love for a long time
10:43第一句话会说什么 What would you say first?
10:45我会说 耐心等 I'd say, be patient
10:48我们终有一天会相爱 One day, we'll fall in love
10:55许诺 Xu Mo
10:58我们会在错过的街角相遇 We'll meet at the corner of the street we missed
11:00手牵手走向温暖的家 Hand in hand, walking to a warm home
11:04给你买了礼物 I bought you a gift
11:07我也给你买了礼物 I bought you a gift, too
11:09我们不知不觉为了相想 We thought about each other out of the blue
11:12在奇怪的默契上五十字头 In a strange tacit understanding, fifty words
11:16我们在天冷的时候拥抱 We hugged each other in the cold
11:18冬天也变得不再难熬 Winter is no longer difficult
11:21好酸 尝尝 It's so sour. Try it
11:27这么酸 It's so sour
11:30怎么说什么你都信啊 What did you say?
11:32我们一起消磨时光 We spent time together
11:34那还不是你说的 That's not what you said
11:36做很多无聊又有意思的小事 Doing a lot of boring and interesting things
11:39现实 It's true
11:47我们一起度过很多个冬天 We spent a lot of winters together
11:50直到下一个春天来临 Until the next spring
12:05宝贝 见你谢谢爸爸不用买东西了 Honey, thank you for not buying anything for me
12:08上次你睦睦妈妈不是跟你说了吗 Didn't your mom tell you last time?
12:11不行 敬长辈就是要带东西 No, I have to bring something for my長辈
12:21儿子 吃零食了 爸给你买 Son, have some snacks. I'll buy it for you
12:23爸爸 是您想吃吧 Dad, you want to eat
12:25但是垃圾食品对身体不好 But junk food is bad for your health
12:28你要为孩子做好榜样 You have to set a good example for your child
12:32说得对 说得对 You're right
12:34快去吧 Let's go
12:43来了 出去玩吧 Come, let's go out
12:46谢谢爸爸 Thank you, daddy
12:49书看得怎么样啊 How's the book?
12:50看到三角函数了 I've seen the triangle function
12:52还可以买了你喜欢的东西 I can also buy the stuff you like
12:56谢谢宽宏了 Thank you, Kuan Huang
12:59谢爸爸 我有几个问题我想问问你 Dad, I have a few questions I want to ask you
13:04Let's celebrate Shen Lin's birthday later.
13:07Huang Huang is really a good uncle.
13:11Shen Lin and I have already forgotten all the questions he asked.
13:14Thank you for answering them.
13:17Happy birthday to you.
13:31Huang Huang is one year older.
13:33What wish did you make just now?
13:36I hope my mom will always be beautiful.
13:38I hope my dad will be happy every day.
13:40I hope my dad will always say yes.
13:43I hope my mom won't have any troubles.
13:46I hope my fat brother will always have snacks that I can't finish.
13:53How about you, Huang Huang?
13:54What wish did you make?
13:56I didn't make any.
13:58I didn't make any.
14:00Why didn't you make any?
14:02Because Huang Huang is already very happy.
14:05I don't need any wishes.
14:08My good son.
14:28Mumu, when are you going to find a new boss for Huang Huang?
14:44Don't worry.
14:45Xie's company is very busy now.
14:47We are used to being alone.
14:49We are not used to having more people.
14:51How about you?
14:55It's okay for a sensible kid like Huang Huang.
14:58But if she has a fierce child, it will be a loss.
15:01How can you two genes be the same?
15:05Let me tell you.
15:06Human beings are like this.
15:08You will fall in love with them.
15:11I didn't say I didn't love them.
15:13That's it.
15:14Hurry up.
15:16Oh, right.
15:17I forgot to tell you.
15:19I'm going on a trip with Shen Yi in a few days.
15:21Huang Huang will leave it to you.
15:24Leave it to us?
15:43Huang Huang.
15:44What do you do when you don't study?
15:47Read books.
15:49Do homework.
15:51Play the piano.
15:52Don't you have any other activities?
15:54Play toys.
15:55Watch TV.
15:58That's what kids do.
16:00Huang Huang is already an adult.
16:02She can't play those anymore.
16:09Then do something that adults and children can do.
16:43What should I do?
16:45What's wrong?
16:47I think I failed.
16:53Don't eat it.
16:57The caramel cookies are good.
17:01I made a normal cookie.
17:04What you should eat is baked.
17:08It doesn't matter.
17:09You love it.
17:22What's wrong?
17:23Why are you all laughing?
17:25I'm fine.
17:28Why didn't you remind me?
17:30Let me help you.
17:35Thank you, dad and mom.
17:37Two big flowers.
17:45What's wrong, Huang Huang?
17:47Thank you, dad.
17:48I'm sleepy.
17:49I want to go up and rest.
17:51Let me help you.
17:53No, I can do it myself.
18:01Is Huang Huang okay alone?
18:04We are downstairs.
18:05You can hear anything.
18:07It's okay.
18:10Can I not coax her to sleep?
18:13Can I not coax her to sleep?
18:29She really sleeps well.
18:36Do you think Huang Huang is cute?
18:41I think so.
18:45In fact,
18:47It's not so scary to have a child at home.
18:55What do you want to say?
19:01I know.
19:02Because of your father's relationship,
19:04I don't want a child.
19:05But we can think in another way.
19:07We can...
19:08Wait a minute.
19:10Who told you I didn't want a child?
19:14I heard it with my own ears.
19:16Which time?
19:21Actually, I'm already a mother.
19:23When will you and Xu Mu make progress?
19:29Don't worry.
19:30It's good to be a couple.
19:34That's right.
19:40What are you doing?
19:43It's okay.
19:44I'll give them a little bit more.
19:53I said it's good to be a couple.
19:55I just don't want a child.
19:58It doesn't seem to be clear.
20:02In fact, half of what you said is right.
20:05I'm not in such a hurry.
20:07But the reason I'm not in a hurry
20:09It's not from my own family.
20:13I know.
20:14Having a child is a big change for a girl.
20:20To experience the pain of birth.
20:22The responsibility of parents.
20:24The pressure of social work.
20:26And all kinds of sacrifices.
20:30Having a child.
20:33Having a child.
20:35It's never up to me alone.
20:40So I have to know that you have such an idea.
20:44Then I can take action.
20:49So that's what you're worried about.
21:01Before I protect the child.
21:03I have to protect you first.
21:13Let's have a baby.
21:29It's been a long time.
21:31Are you hungry?
21:33A little cake should be fine.
21:40Two strawberry cakes.
21:42Today is the 20th anniversary of our stall.
21:45You two are old customers.
21:47These two boxes are for you.
21:49It's been 20 years.
21:51That's right.
21:52Think about when you were in high school.
21:54You see, this is more than ten years ago.
21:57Time flies.
22:11The anniversary is coming.
22:13What gift do you want?
22:16I almost forgot.
22:18What's wrong?
22:22You may have to buy one more next year.
22:37When did it happen?
22:40I just went to the hospital this afternoon.
22:42The doctor said the baby was very healthy.
22:46But the first few months are more critical.
22:48I need my dad to follow me when I have a check-up.
22:51I don't know if you can make it.
23:07What's wrong?
23:08Why are you saying thank you?
23:12I just think that
23:15the next few months will be hard for you.
23:19I know.
23:22How can it be hard only for mom?
23:24It will be hard for dad, too.
23:25You have to cook, do housework,
23:27take care of me, take care of the baby.
23:29It's going to be hard.
23:30I guess you won't be able to sleep well.
23:35It's not a big deal.
23:37You still have a chance for me.
23:43It's your first time as a mother.
23:45You have no experience at all.
23:47It's okay.
23:48Take your time.
23:50Let's start with the name.
23:53But I don't know if it's a boy or a girl.
23:56Hello, everyone.
23:57I'm Ma Ma.
23:59No, I'm Jiang Yile.
24:01Xiaoming's mom.
24:03I'm going to record my day today.
24:08I'll show you secretly.
24:10My dad.
24:13Jiang Yile, put down the camera.
24:16Dad always calls me Jiang Yile.
24:19Mom will call me Ma Ma.
24:21Ma Ma.
24:23Come here.
24:24Mom is here.
24:31Mom, drink.
24:33I miss dad.
24:35Mom doesn't miss dad at all.
24:38Because dad was not happy in childhood.
24:43What is love?
24:46It should be like this for mom and dad.
24:51Yes, I want to show you something.
24:59This is mom and dad's car.
25:03Mom, look at it secretly.
25:06This is mom and dad's first photo.
25:09Don't just look at it.
25:10This kind of thing should be recorded.
25:12Come on, take a picture.
25:15I heard that dad was so nervous that he couldn't even play with his hands.
25:20Still taught by mom.
25:22Smile and take a picture.
25:25When dad is finished, smile and take a picture.
25:30This is mom and dad's first photo.
25:38Dad said mom and the car are cute.
25:42This is mom and dad's first photo.
25:48Dad said he was embarrassed and didn't take a picture with mom.
25:54We are taking a couple photo, not a class photo.
25:57Come here.
25:58Later, mom took the initiative to hold his arm.
26:02He was so nervous that he could only rely on mom.
26:09This is mom and dad's wedding photo.
26:13They secretly printed a copy.
26:17Dad said he didn't sleep that night.
26:22Oh, this is a beautiful dream.
26:25This is mom and dad's first photo.
26:42Three, two, one.
26:46Without mom, the garden is full.
26:51And mom and dad have the most important thing.
26:55Let's go, mom.
26:57They are going to take a wedding photo.
27:01I heard that taking a wedding photo is a very busy time.
27:06There are a lot of couples in the world.
27:11Only lovers can do it.
27:15Dad and mom can do it.
27:17Mom can do it, too.
27:19Mom has to love them for a long time.
27:36Mom, dad, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom
